The bio-forge heresy seems like the type of event that becomes a touchy subject that would be usefull to know beforehand.
Chances are QM wouldn't reveal any really important detail and events that get buried usually have people who bury them and they will try their hardest to make sure they stat buried. The Pilgrims are very likely to not even encounter them unless there was a Really Bad event roll, and if it is well know, we would probably be informed by the people who buried that event needing our help more than keeping it secret.
Chances are QM wouldn't reveal any really important detail and events that get buried usually have people who bury them and they will try their hardest to make sure they stat buried. The Pilgrims are very likely to not even encounter them unless there was a Really Bad event roll, and if it is well know, we would probably be informed by the people who buried that event needing our help more than keeping it secret.
it would be useful to know if for say all homegrown genetic tech is broken at start so we don't bother trying to research that path. That is the main reason I want that lore file revealed just in case an entire tech tree is either banned/corrupted in this world.
Chances are QM wouldn't reveal any really important detail and events that get buried usually have people who bury them and they will try their hardest to make sure they stat buried. The Pilgrims are very likely to not even encounter them unless there was a Really Bad event roll, and if it is well know, we would probably be informed by the people who buried that event needing our help more than keeping it secret.
Just to be clear, that Lore reward for Omakes are either things the people in the world know, is something that I cannot show you with the Pilgrims being in only one region, or an relevant event.

I won't give you the answer to how you can get into space within 23 turns, but i'll show you snippets of history or a peek behind the curtain.

Just choose what you think is fun!

Edit: they can also be treated as out-of-character information.
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it would be useful to know if for say all homegrown genetic tech is broken at start so we don't bother trying to research that path. That is the main reason I want that lore file revealed just in case an entire tech tree is either banned/corrupted in this world.
We currently don't have the tools or know how to even start genetic research that is much more advanced than selective breeding. And when we do get to the point of being able to study DNA we could just as if genetic research is illegal. Stuff like illegal research is the sort of thing a lot of people know to avoid as asking if it is illegal should be the first step. @HeroCooky is genetic research illegal?
We currently don't have the tools or know how to even start genetic research that is much more advanced than selective breeding. And when we do get to the point of being able to study DNA we could just as if genetic research is illegal. Stuff like illegal research is the sort of thing a lot of people know to avoid as asking if it is illegal should be the first step. @HeroCooky is genetic research illegal?
No, only the manipulation of them. You can look into what does what, but not in how to re-arrange them.

Medicinial applications are okay, but are rigourosly reviewed, and there have only been two projects, both dealing with genetic disabilities.
Say, would we need a specific tech to get a steel foundry? We have an iron mine so upgrading it to produce steel would increase our income substancially, also probably reduce upkeep and DCs for a bunch of other stuff.

Also is Jewel refined in any way before being used? Though I imagine getting any form of refinery for that is well beyond our means for the forseeable future.
Say, would we need a specific tech to get a steel foundry? We have an iron mine so upgrading it to produce steel would increase our income substancially, also probably reduce upkeep and DCs for a bunch of other stuff.

Also is Jewel refined in any way before being used? Though I imagine getting any form of refinery for that is well beyond our means for the forseeable future.
A steel foundry would cost you 135 materials, but would tripple the income of the mine.
2. Yup. And no airquotes required, they actually volunteered when you asked.
But they are a bit too experienced to be called simply volunteers now!:V

We currently use the VC-16 as the standard-issue Crossbow for the Empire; it is much simpler and cheaper to maintain and produce with its wooden frame and less powerful motor, allowing only 16 bolts and shooting a bolt every 2 seconds.
Huh, that makes it pretty clear why we would get a bonus on researching crossbows if we get a military-grade crossbow from the Military. I wonder if they even look like traditional crossbows or more like torsion limb crossbows.

I'm surprised there aren't any traditional siege engines like trebuchets. All they would need to do is replace the normal ammunition with something grenade-based after all. Maybe stuff like that is more the Empire's military thing?
[Canon] - Eversun And Technology
The Disciples Of The Evertorch are not a tolerant religion. If you go against their views, you either recant your beliefs and suffer to cleanse your soul, or you die in torture and for public amusement. It is little wonder that such a nation is not a fertile ground for invention and change, as even the suspicion of deviating from a single issue could result in a visit by an Inquisitor. Yet, the nation requires people with the skills and knowledge necessary to maintain their habitats and produce the Knights, weapons, and machines needed to survive by any government above the city-state level.

Schools where the nation's orphans are indoctrinated into their belief serve the dual-purpose of weeding out those with lacking and needed zeal. Those lacking disappear, while those with the required zeal are tested and, should they succeed, are trusted with higher education under a handlers' watchful eyes, ensuring their souls are not corrupted. They learn what is necessary to keep the nation's machine-shops running and productive. The same shops that count a good day as one where only less than three people die, and great ones when only one death happens, as lives are cheap, the quotas are brutal, and the equipment needed immediately.

They learn how the Landcrawlers can be maintained, exchanging lives and material for more time in which they can be inhabited. Even as the corpses have to be removed from those sections that have boiled them in steam, crushed their bodies to paste, and let the screams of the "volunteers" echo for minutes in agony.

Under their direction, Forges churn out Knights by the dozen a month, each operated by the faithful marching to war for a better world, without the Monster, the Heretic, and the Empire. Masses scream their throats out as the machines of war trundle by, their crews waving to the people, driving out of the gates with victory in their hearts. Maybe a third will have their first kill in actual war, against real soldiers, and not a terrified villager, begging them to at least spare their children.

They figure out new ways to shape ships' hulls, squeezing that much more speed out of the hulls, while crews are directed to create potent screws to power ever-greater ships and expeditions, bringing light into those godless regions, shining a beacon of hope to new lands. Great vessels, whose bellies are filled with those unfortunate enough to be required to operate them, under the gaze of callous captains.

Experimental submersibles ply the ocean's deep darks, proving the superiority of the Eversun and fulfilling the demands of the priesthood for prestige in the sea. Ignored are their crews' screams, weeping and begging for help as the hulls are crushed by monsters beyond man's darkest dreams, while weapons fail or are outright missing.

And above all.

The Great Sun is kept glowing.

Glory to the Sun.
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oof, 2-3 turns of income if we didn't spend any of it. But it could be worth it.
Hmm, that would push the output of the iron mine to the same level as the Jewel mine. If that's worth it or not depends on how much upkeep a steel foundry would take though.

I'm also not sure if we can afford it, given the upkeep we will have to pay for the school.
How about rushing steam tech? That should open some lucrative options, including selling the tech to the empire. We can finish it within 3 turns, assuming we don't extremely unlucky.
I'm surprised there aren't any traditional siege engines like trebuchets. All they would need to do is replace the normal ammunition with something grenade-based after all. Maybe stuff like that is more the Empire's military thing?
In sieges, the Sappers can make one easily enough, but in army battles a Trebuchet is a terrible artillery piece since it takes an hour to assemble them and then you need a method to allow it to be aimed, which is made difficult since it weights a whole lot more than the more high tech artillery pieces. Plus the Vanar aren't going to go invading other nations, that is the Empire's job so their army is meant to support the Empire's much larger army, thus have little need for Siege equipment since the Empire have that handled. There are also Knights that could break open walls for us that the Vanar could commission thus making traditional Siege equipment kind of redundant in the Vanar army. I'll probably add a Coilgun Mortar to the roster, but Grenadier Outriders and the Shredder fill the same role of Infantry Squad wipers so I'll need to do some research first.
Also is Jewel refined in any way before being used? Though I imagine getting any form of refinery for that is well beyond our means for the forseeable future.
Overlooked that, my bad. Yes, Jewel is refined for the use in Knights as artificial muscles, power-storage, electronics, and a multitude of other applications. You are, however, right in that the Pilgrims have no way to refine Jewel into any more advanced form, and you have nowhere near enough money to even attempt so anyway. A refinery would cost you about 2.350 Materials.

If you want to figure out how to refine Jewel, you would use up the income from the mine to do experiments, needing a grand total of 90 successes for the prototype stage of refining.

On that note: I need a 1d100.

And you may now cast your vote.
The school will cost 13 in upkeep, the foundry will give us a minimun 18 increase in income. So long as the foundry's upkeep isn't over 5 that would leave us entirely solvent.
I meant more in the sense of gathering the 135 Materials to build the foundry. If we built one or two more projects from the Tree category we could easily get something like 20-25 extra upkeep once the school is finished.

I guess we could try to save 135 Materials before the school finishes and try to cut back on the Tree of Knowledge projects. Neither my nor Profectus plan would push up upkeeps costs too much and both plans would lock the Tree actions for 3 to 4 turns.

[X] Plan Scouting, Spying, and Finishing Buildings
-[X][Faith] Establish A Poor-House - (Mirn) - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[X][Faith] Build A School - (Big) - (Mirn) - (1/6 Turns Complete) - (3FF)
--[X] +3FF
-[X][Diplomacy] Exfiltrate - (COE) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[X][Martial] Scout Out. - (The Unbroken) - (TOP-03) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[X][Learning] Catalog Everything - (Advanced Electronics/Hydraulics/Mechanics, Electronics/Hydraulics/Mechanics) - (3/8 Successes)
--[X] +6FF, + (Turbine Coolant System +20 to Hydraulics)
-[X][Learning] Lock and Key, Part 2 - (Mechanics) - (-2 Materials) - (0/1 Successes)
-[X][Archeology] Send Out The Scavengers - (TW-01) - (Tech-Scouts)
-[X][Tree of Knowledge] Storerooms - Grand - (-8 Materials) - (0/3 Turns Complete)
-[X][Tree of Knowledge] Beautification - (-10 Materials) - (0/3 Turns Complete)
-[X][Personal action] Too Much To Do - (The Crystalgarden - (1/2 Turns remaining))
-[X][Personal action] Too Much To Do - (Kick 'Em While They're Down! - (4 Turns Remaining)) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[X] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Administration Center - Grand)
--[X] Payback loan: -11.70 Materials
-[X] The Adventurer Guild - (1 Free Action)
--[X] Investigate - (Forge-Clan Vanar-Feer) - (-4 Materials)
-[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Free Action)
--[X] Suffer Their Arrogance - (-6 Materials) - (1/4 Turns Complete)

Nothing really changed. I'm still willing to change Martial, Diplomacy, and the Mech action as a Personal action if people argue for it.
My plan is the same as karmoa's but with more artifacts assigned.

[X] Plan Scouting, Spying, and Finishing Buildings V2
-[X][Faith] Establish A Poor-House - (Mirn) - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[X][Faith] Build A School - (Big) - (Mirn) - (1/6 Turns Complete) - (3FF)
--[X] +3FF
-[X][Diplomacy] Exfiltrate - (COE) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[X][Martial] Scout Out. - (The Unbroken) - (TOP-03) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[X][Learning] Catalog Everything - (Advanced Electronics/Hydraulics/Mechanics, Electronics/Hydraulics/Mechanics) - (3/8 Successes)
--[X] +6FF, + (Turbine Coolant System +20 to Hydraulics, Industrial Electric Foundry +20 to Advanced Electronics, Actuator +20 to Hydraulics)
-[X][Learning] Lock and Key, Part 2 - (Mechanics) - (-2 Materials) - (0/1 Successes)
--[X] (Clockwork Pieces +5 to Mechanics, Pulley System +5 to Mechanics)
-[X][Archeology] Send Out The Scavengers - (TW-01) - (Tech-Scouts)
-[X][Tree of Knowledge] Storerooms - Grand - (-8 Materials) - (0/3 Turns Complete)
-[X][Tree of Knowledge] Beautification - (-10 Materials) - (0/3 Turns Complete)
-[X][Personal action] Too Much To Do - (The Crystalgarden - (1/2 Turns remaining))
-[X][Personal action] Too Much To Do - (Kick 'Em While They're Down! - (4 Turns Remaining)) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[X] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Administration Center - Grand)
--[X] Payback loan: -11.70 Materials
-[X] The Adventurer Guild - (1 Free Action)
--[X] Investigate - (Forge-Clan Vanar-Feer) - (-4 Materials)
-[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Free Action)
--[X] Suffer Their Arrogance - (-6 Materials) - (1/4 Turns Complete)
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-[X][Learning] Catalog Everything - (Advanced Electronics/Hydraulics/Mechanics, Electronics/Hydraulics/Mechanics) - (3/8 Successes)
--[X] +6FF, + (Turbine Coolant System +20 to Hydraulics, Industrial Electric Foundry +20 to Advanced Electronics, Modular Bridge +20 to Advanced Machinery)
Mechanics is not Machinery, there is a difference.