Clan Vanar Arsenal Report
Classified - Emperor's Eyes Only
This report is made with the expressed purpose of informing His Highness of the capabilities of the Empire's Largest and most influential Forge Clan. This report breaks down the Clan Vanar's arsenal into three categories, Infantry, Cavalry, and Artillery. This report breaks down each unit into its main Armament, its Armor, Miscellaneous Items, the Description of what they are, what they are armed and armored with, and how they are used along with any additional information.
Vanar Guardsmen
Armament: Vanadium Spear and Kite Shield
Armor: Brigandine Chest Piece and Gambeson Jacket with Vanar Guard Helmet
Misc: Sidearm and Utility belt (Rations, water filter, Blood Bark Gauze, etc.)
Description: Clan Vanar's basic Line Infantry, the Guardsmen are armed with an Vanadium Steel Spear and Kite Shield; they provide the majority of Clan Vanar's Self-Defense Force. Equipped with Vanar Brigandine Armor and a Gambeson Jacket, it is easily mass-producible yet offering a high degree of protection for its cost. The helmet is the most complicated piece of Armor. It provides full head protection with a steel body, a wide transparent metal visor, and a one-way receiver radio for the Guardsman to hear incoming orders even in the heat of battle.
The Guardsmen are trained to use their spear and shield in a Shield wall formation and usually have their own choice of Sidearm when their spear is ill-suited for the situation. The most common Sidearm is usually arming swords; however, maces, war hammers, and hand ax side arms exist when they are more likely to face opponents wearing Armor. Finally, a utility belt containing a variety of items, from rations to Blood Bark Gauze, depends on the user's preference.
The Guardsmen are the most common type of infantry under the Clan's employ, and their roles are usually as a garrison force to the various Forts and Villages owned or under the protection of Clan Vanar, their spears are typically left in their barracks, and they usually patrol with their Sidearm if they are in an urban environment. During Campaign, they are the equivalent to Levy Spearmen and are used as such.
Vanar Halberdiers
Armament: Electric Halberd and Vanar Flash Shield
Armor: Brigandine Chest Piece and Gambeson Jacket with Vanar Guard Helmet
Misc: Sidearm and Vanar Battery Belt
Description: Clan Vanar's more specialized Line Infantry, the Halberdiers are armed with an Electric Halberd and a Flash Shield that can blind enemies in front of the Halberdier. Equipped with Vanar Brigandine Chest Piece, Gambeson Jacket, and a Vanar Guard Helmet similar to the one used by Guardsmen. They do operate on a separate radio frequency however, so that they won't receive orders meant for the Guardsmen. Unlike the Guardsmen, however, the Halberdiers have a Vanar Battery Pack to run their Electric Halberd and their Flash Shield, which gives out a very bright flash to the area in front of them and blinding everyone in its area. The Flash shield can be magnetized to the Halberdier's forearm, allowing for the use of 2 hands for their halberd while having an extra layer of passive protection.
The primary role of the Halberdiers in peacetime is as Monster Hunters or convoy escorts. They are much better trained than the Guardsman and, when equipped with the Vanar's supply of Vanadium steel weapons and Armor, are usually a match to the average adventurer or mutant. However, a majority of their training is spent fighting as a team to defeat larger opponents. This teamwork training translates well to fighting in a large unit formation as they can quickly follow their commander's orders and respond like an efficient machine. During Campaigns, they supplement the Spearmen units supplied from Levies and guard the flanks or frontline from Cavalry and Mutant charges.
Vanar Champions
Armament: Laser Forged Greatsword
Armor: Vanar Juggernaut Plate Armor
Misc: Dagger Sidearm and Utility Belt
Description: Clan Vanar's Elite Guard, their primary role as Bodyguards to the prominent Vanar Clan members, resulting in them being given the best equipment that can be readily mass-produced. Chosen from talented individuals that have a long history of service and loyalty to the Clan, Champions are trained in numerous weapons and tools at the Vanar's disposal along with various tactics to defend their charge from assassination or infiltration.
Armed with a Laser Forged Greatsword that can keep its edge even after a hundred cuts, able to cut through chainmail and soft iron armor, and can withstand blows for hours with negligible damage. When a Greatsword retires or is killed in action throughout the years, the sword itself is passed down to their replacement. Over time, these swords have gained mythic status as unbreakable as they are still in good condition even after passing hands over the generations.
However, what makes the Champions a deadly force on the battlefield is the Armor they wore. Clad in high-quality Vanar Plate, they are impervious to even high-powered Crossbow bolts, able to absorb blows from war hammers and maces without issue due to an internal foam lining, and administer stimulants and painkillers to allow the Champion to keep fighting when a normal man would have collapsed from exhaustion hours ago. The Armor also includes a very sophisticated helmet containing a high-grade gas filtration system, a multi-frequency radio to better coordinate patrols, and a thick transparent aluminium visor provide a wide field of view. A secondary visor can be attached to the helmet to offer a Darkvision mode, allowing Champions to see in the dark with only very light.
That is usually the general equipment for the majority of Clan Vanar's Champions. However, there are several notable regiments of Champions that have additional upgrades supplied to them by their specific patrons. From Flash Gauntlets that can blind enemies to Howler Helmets that can deafen and disorient any enemy the Champion is facing, Shock Gauntlets can electrocute enemies on contact or shoot barbs that attach themselves to the target to electrocute them. During campaigns, they can help bolster and inspire the frontline or protect their Clan Vanar charges if they enter the battlefield.
Vanar Crossbowmen
Armament: Vanar VRC Model 20 Repeating Crossbow
Armor: Brigandine Chest Piece with Gambeson coat and Vanar Guard Helmet
Misc: Ammo Vest, Utility Belt, and Sidearm
Description: Clan Vanar's Basic Ranged Infantry is the Vanar Crossbowmen. Armed with the standard VC-20 Crossbow, which can hold 20 bolts before needing to reload, with a rate of fire of a bolt every second, and an effective range of 320 meters with a maximum range of 680 meters. The Imperial Army currently use the VC-16 as the standard-issue Crossbow for the Empire; it is much simpler and cheaper to maintain and produce with its wooden frame and less powerful motor, allowing only 16 bolts and shooting a bolt every 2 seconds.
However, to join the ranks of Crossbowmen, the recruits must go through an Imperial Military Academy to understand how to wield the venerable weapon. Every year, families send many of their bright sons and daughters in the hopes of them graduating the Crossbowmen course and be hired as Military Crossbowmen. Who get much higher wages for their technical skills than an average Militia or Guardsman. Vanar Crossbowmen are recruited from the best-performing graduates, where they will be given a month of additional training at their new posting.
Those that managed to get selected by the Vanar will receive similar equipment as the Vanar Guardsmen; however, they have an Ammo Vest to store extra bolts and batteries for the Crossbow's motor. Their role in peacetime is to supplement the Town Guard with ranged options and use their engineering knowledge to help around their town. During Campaign, they are kept at the backline where they can rain volleys of bolts into enemy formations.
Vanar Grenadiers Crossbowmen
Armament: Vanar VGC Model 8 Grenade Launching Crossbow
Armor: Brigandine Chest Piece with Gambeson coat and Vanar Guard Helmet
Misc: Sidearm, Grenade Backpack, and Utility Belt
Description: Clan Vanar's solution to a situation where they are severely outnumbered is the Vanar Grenadiers. Armed with the VG-8 Grenade Launcher Crossbow, these crossbows can deliver explosive grenades up to 400 meters every 3 seconds. Only the strongest and most fit Crossbowmen are considered to be recruited to the Grenadiers as they are required to march with a pack full of heavy grenades into battle. They proved their worth against the Flood as their explosives reaped untold numbers of enemy combatants; however, eventually, they too run out of explosives ammunition.
There are many different varieties of Grenades that the Grenadiers have access to with Clan Vanar's arsenal. The most common are Fragmentation Grenades that explode into a shower of metal fragments that perforate targets that could have survived the explosion's concussive force. The 2nd type of Grenade is the Anti-Armor Grenade that first activates a powerful electromagnet on its nose to attach itself onto the Armor of enemies once launched. Inside of it is a cone of copper that, when the Grenade explodes, melts that cone and, with the force of the explosion, pushes it into a jet of molten metal and penetrate several feet of steel with ease.
However, Clan Vanar has developed several Exotic Grenades that are only available to their Elite Grenadier Regiments. The most common Vanar Grenade is the Shock grenade, which can electrocute an area with a strong electric current causing any enemy caught by the blast to be severely paralyzed as their nerves are overloaded by foreign electricity. The Shockwave Grenade emits an explosion of sound that ruptures the organs of any living being within its lethal radius while deafening and disorientating everyone in a much wider radius. After these grenades have dealt their damage, a thermite charge inside them activates and melts all of its internal components into slag to not be captured and reverse engineered by foreign nations and clans.
Positioned behind the frontline, they can launch Grenades over the heads of the frontline and shred the back of the enemy's frontline. Grenadiers have been known to be high-value targets for enemies of the Empire due to their effectiveness; thus, protecting them so they can do their jobs is a priority in any battle.
Vanar Longbolt Launcher Teams
Armament: Vanar VLB Model 8 Longbolt Launcher, Vanar VRC Model 16 Repeating Crossbow, and Pavise Shield
Armor: Camouflage cloak and Gambeson Coat
Misc: Utility Backpack, 2-way Radio, Darkvision Goggles, and Sidearms
Description: Vanar Bolt Launcher Teams are a team of two that operates a VLB-8 Longbolt Launcher, capable of launching a Heavy Crossbow Bolt the size of an adult arm every 5 seconds and an effective range of 600 meters and a maximum range of 800 meters. They are operated by a Shooter that looses the Bolt Launcher and a Spotter who serves as his Assistant to carry the ammo and shield along with providing perimeter defense. Due to the weight of the equipment that they must carry, they are only lightly armored with a gambeson coat. Both the Longbolt Launcher and the Repeating Crossbow have a magnified scope.
To be chosen as a Longbolt Operator, the recruits must have two years of prior service as a Crossbowman under their belt along with having a letter of recommendation from their patron or officer. Those that met the requirements are put through a two-month-long training course where they are taught advanced concealment techniques, concealed movement, target detection, range estimation, relevant reporting procedures, advanced marksmanship, known and unknown distance firing, at stationary and moving targets during daylight, and limited visibility in varying weather conditions, and many more.
To operate the Longbolt, the Pavise shield must be firmly set up, driving its bottom into the ground so that it can stay upright to both provide a stable platform to rest the Bolt Launcher upon and to protect the operators from possible retaliatory attacks. The Shooter will rest the stock on his shoulder and use a scope to better aim the Launcher. Once a bolt is loosed, the motor will redraw the bow to be ready for another shot, and the Assistant will quickly reload the next Bolt to be fired. The Spotter's job is to provide perimeter defense and conceal the team from being detected by enemies.
A team can be used in 2 ways, grouped with a dozen other Longbolt Teams and deliver a volley of Bolts against a single high-value target or a mass of heavily armored Cavalry or Mutated or be sent out into enemy territory to stealthily gather information about the terrain and enemy movements, be an early warning system in case an army is approaching the forward base, and if the opportunity presents itself assassinate high-value targets and escape. Non-Vanar does purchase a commercial version of the Bolt Launcher that is very easy to maintain and operate and does not require much training to use effectively. These are used on their Town Walls to attack incoming invaders.
Vanar Flame Troopers
Armament: Vanar VF Model 7 Inferno Flamethrower and Kite Shield
Armor: Vanar Dragon Scale Armor (Neuionum Scale Armor with an inner Fire Feline Leather Backing)
Misc: Vanar Self Contained Independent Breathing Apparatus, Ammo Belt, and Sidearm
Description: Clan Vanar's general Close Quarters Anti-Infantry unit. When Grenadiers are not an option, Flame Troopers are used in an urban or tunnel environment—armed with the VF-7 Inferno Flamethrower that can shoot flames up to 30 meters with a Kite Shield for added protection. The Inferno is fueled by compressed flammable gas distilled from oil harvested from algae farm. The Inferno can produce a high-temperature stream of fire that will cause severe burns against targets without sufficient fire protection. Should the need arise, Clan Vanar developed the VF-7T model that uses a Thermite Filament, which turns the stream from the usual red to a bright blue flame laced with metal powder that can melt through steel or most forms of fire protection and continue to burn inside its target. To reload the Inferno, its fuel tank can be easily detached from the weapon's bottom and be replaced by a fresh tank stored on the Trooper's belt in under 3 seconds.
The Dragon Scale armor is made from Neuionum Scales with an inner Fire Feline Leather Backing to provide excellent heat insulation to keep the user safe from his weapon. The Scales offer sufficient protection against Crossbow bolts while light enough for the Flame Trooper to be maneuverable in close quarters. The Armor also comes equipped with an Independent Breathing Apparatus, so the Flame Trooper would not inhale any poisonous fumes from his weapon by storing up to 1 hour of breathable air. When not in combat, the Breathing Apparatus can be sealed, and the Trooper can open the seals in his helmet to allow outside air to enter.
Vanar Flame Troopers are normally used in urban battles or part of an army group regiment. In urban or tunnel combat, a Flame Trooper is assigned to Frontline squads whose role is to provide anti-infantry support by burning out enemies in defensive positions. Due to the Inferno's fuel being flammable gas instead of oil, once the trigger is loosened and the fuel is cut off, the fire will quickly extinguish itself if there are no other flammable material, allowing for troops to proceed through moderately safely. Squads that are attached with Flame Troopers are usually supplied with disposable filters in their Utility Belt to be inserted into their helmet to filter out harmful fumes that may linger in the air. However, in massive field battles, Flame troopers are generally grouped and put in the frontline and deliver a withering wall of fire at a charging enemy frontline before retreating behind friendlies to change their tanks. Once they are ready for another go, there will be a signal for the frontline to pull back behind the Flame Troopers, who douse the enemy frontline in flames a second time. These are just their most common uses, as there are many different strategies developed for their help in various scenarios.
Vanar Shockwave Troopers
Armament: Vanar VS Model 9 Disruptor
Armor: Vanar Enforcer Plate Armor (Vanadium Steel Plate Armor)
Misc: Sidearm, Battery Pack, and Utility Belt
Description: Clan Vanar's Elite Close Quarters Anti-Infantry unit when Flame Troopers are too dangerous to be used, like inside friendly cities. Armed with the VS-9 Disruptor, it delivers high-frequency sound waves that can rupture vital organs through Armor within 40 meters. The Disruptor can be adjusted to lethal or disorientating settings and is powered by a portable battery pack attached to the wearer's back capable of allowing the Shockwave Trooper to fire continuously for 4 minutes before needing to be recharged. Because Shockwave Troopers are rarely deployed to the frontline, it isn't a disadvantage as most engagements rarely require 4 minutes of continuous activation.
Armored in Enforcer Plate Armor, the Shockwave Troopers are relatively well protected against most forms of ranged attacks. Anti-Armor weapons like Maces and Warhammers will damage the Armor if they hit hard enough. However, any enemy that enters the range of the Disruptor is in extreme danger. The Enforcer comes with a Darkvision visor to see in the dark along with a built-in radio and helmet speaker to communicate.
They are mainly present in Wealthy Town Guards, who can invest in purchasing the equipment and the services of a Vanar Engineer to maintain them. Their primary purpose is to support the Town Guards with a very effective close-quarters weapon safely used inside populated areas without causing massive amounts of property damage. They can aid in riots with their non-lethal attack that can quickly disorient someone into compliance or against Mutated under the employ of organized criminals.
Vanar Longbolt Vanguards
Armament: Vanar VLB Model 8 Longbolt Launcher and Tower Shield
Armor: Vanar Vanguard Heavy Plate Armor
Misc: Mutated Medical Module, Ammo Pack, and Sidearm
Description: Clan Vanar is not a clan known for ignoring a possible resource due to cultural bias and does employ various Mutated into their service. A relatively common position is to be Longbolt Vanguards. Training a Longbolt Team is a lengthy and expensive investment, thus Longbolt Vanguards are a much cheaper alternative to provide Longbolt support in army formations at the cost of Stealth and Long Range. Using the VLB-8 Longbolt Launcher that was meant to be used by two people, a Strength Enhanced Mutated could carry the weapon by themselves and reload them with one hand. Unlike the Longbolt Teams, Vanguards are fairly maneuverable; the Vanguards don't need to set up the Bolt Launcher as they can just aim and shoot from their shoulder. While this does impact their long ranged precision with the weapon, the ability to quickly aim the Longbolt at medium ranged targets more than makes up for it as it is recommended they focus on much closer targets and leave the long-distance marks to the highly trained Longbolt Teams.
The Vanguard armor fully encases the Mutated user in thick layers of armor-grade steel that can stop military crossbow bolts from long range. If there is a penetration, onboard medical systems can inject a cocktail of painkillers, antibiotics, and blood clotting agents to keep the user alive for as long as possible. An Ammo Pack allows the Vanguard to carry 65 Bolts for battle, and the Sidearm is for situations where they are engaged in a melee, which is usually a blunt force weapon in case of fighting other armored units.
Longbolt Vanguards are incredibly effective against Cavalry as their Bolts can penetrate the Mount and the person riding it. Thus they are usually stationed on the Flanks but occasionally see Frontline action in the event the frontline was broken or to rain Bolts on the enemies' backline. They are also useful when assaulting Towns as any breach in their defenses can be quickly secured by the Vanguards and be very hard to close with the Bolt Launcher able to penetrate through multiple soldiers due to its power. Nobles that employ Mutated into their army and have the money to buy a commercial Bolt Launcher will usually create counterfeit Longbolt Vanguards but are generally not as heavily protected or as well trained as those under the Vanar's direct employ.
Vanar Flame Vanguard
Armament: Dual Vanar VF Model 11 Incinerator Flamethrower
Armor: Vanar Vanguard Model F Plate Armor (Vanadium Steel Foam Plates)
Misc: Vanar Self Contained Independent Breathing Apparatus, Mutated Medical Module, and Cooling Underlay
Description: Clan Vanar's more specialized Mutated Soldier specifically created for Tunnel and Urban warfare. Armed with Dual VF-11 Incinerator Flamethrowers attached to the user's forearms allows the Flame Vanguard to maneuver in cramped urban and tunnel environments quickly. The Incinerator is fueled with the same flammable gas used by regular Flame Troopers; however, they are stored in a large tank attached to the Armor's back. This allows the Incinerator to release fire continuously for 6 minutes from both nozzles or 12 minutes using one nozzle before it runs out of fuel. It is recommended for the Vanguards to fire in brief bursts to maximize their time on the field.
The Flame Vanguard's Armor is unique compared to other Vanguard model armor. It uses Metallic Foam technology, which injects air inside a cooling block of metal to create air bubbles inside the metal. These air bubbles act as additional layers of insulation and allow the Armor to endure much higher temperatures before the heat reaches the Armor's interior. In addition to this added insulation, the Armor is also fitted with the same Vanar Self Contained Independent Breathing Apparatus used on the Flame Trooper, a Medical Module, and a Cooling Underlay that circulates cold water around the user's skin in a network of veins before returning to a Cooling unit where the water is cooled down before it is pumped back into a network of arteries.
Flame Vanguards are incredibly specialized in their jobs and thus only utilized in war or taming hazardous Mutant Plants. There are very few Flame Vanguards as their role isn't common enough to necessitate a large number of them. The high cost of manufacturing and maintaining it is another detriment to its widespread use. However, in the times they were used, they are unmatched in their effectiveness. The benefit of being the best tool for the right job.
Vanar Lightning Vanguard
Armament: Vanar VLG Model 5 Storm Lightning Gauntlet and Kite Shield
Armor: Vanar Vanguard Model L Plate Armor (Conductive Mesh Lining)
Misc: Graphene Battery Pack, Insulating Underlay, and Mutated Medical Module
Description: Clan Vanar's Elite specializing in Mutant Hunting. They are armed with the VE-5 Storm Lighting Gauntlet, capable of frying a man to a crisp in a single bolt or melt the Armor on a person's body. The Storm is powered by a Graphene battery pack that can hold 50-100 electric bolts on a full charge and be recharged with any Vanar made power source. The Storm uses a high-frequency laser to direct the electricity by creating a path of ionized gas that is highly conducive for a split second. That split second is all the time the Storm needed to discharge a lethal bolt through the ionized air and into its target. If the enemies are close together, there is a chance the electric discharge can bounce into a nearby enemy if they are close enough. However, this is usually not enough to prevent Lightning Vanguards from being overrun by large numbers of enemies.
Armored in Vanguard L Plate Armor contains a Conductive Mesh Lining that absorbs incoming electric attacks and harmlessly directs them to the ground. A layer of insulation helps ensure that the incoming electric charge follows the Conductive Lining to the ground. This protective lining is effortless to implement. Thus, there is a very high chance other nations can negate the effectiveness of the Lightning Vanguard by making their Elite units immune to the Lightning Vanguard's attacks.
The combination of having very limited ammunition and a high possibility of enemy nations developing Electric proof armor makes them very unsuitable for battlefields against large armies. What they are excellent at, however, is in Mutant and Machine Hunting. As most Mutants don't have special immunity against electric attacks and Rouge Machines are especially vulnerable to electric attacks, this makes the Lightning Vanguard ideal Mutant and Machine Hunters. While hiring their services comes at a steep price, they are guaranteed to kill whatever Mutant or Machine is causing problems to your lands that don't require a Knight deployment.
Vanar Siege Sappers
Armament: Tool Belt, Sapper Pack, and Explosives
Armor: Hardened Fire Feline Leather Armor and Sapper Helmet
Misc: Vanar Rebreather Apparatus, Sapper Wagon, and Sidearm
Description: Clan Vanar Sappers are the Empire's premier Anti-Siege specialists with a wide variety of roles in campaigning armies. Using explosives and tunnels to bring walls down, set up the artillery positions, fortify trenches, reinforce walls, act as counter tunnelers, and create the equipment needed for storming opposing walls or gates.
They are armed with their Tools and a Sapper Pack that contain all of the tools they will need to construct tunnels. From picks and hammers to small demolition charges and a dozen glow-sticks. They also use special Sapper Wagons to carry heavier equipment that they could not move by themselves. Mostly building material for defensive emplacements or equipment to create Siege Engines.
Sappers also regularly work together with Flame Troopers in counter tunneling operations as their Flame Throwers are devastating in a tunnels' cramped environment. Both have independent air supplies that mean that they will not asphyxiate once the Flame consumes all of the tunnel's oxygen. While the Hardened Fire Feline Armor is lightweight and very heat resistant, it is recommended that Sappers stay behind their Flame Trooper guards when in combat.
During Sieges, however, Sappers are taught a wide variety of methods to compromise defenses in the Vanar Engineering School's Sapper course. Before the Vanar started teaching Sapper Siege-craft, Imperial Sappers were mostly Support Sappers equipped with axes, hammers, various tools, and comprised of those with experience in woodworking, mining, and other skills about the clearing of marching routes and campsites. They mostly advance in the Vanguard to clear or fix roads. Those type of Sappers are still present and have been renamed to Support Sappers. Those that have been taught in Siege-craft are now called Siege Sappers and usually act as the Foreman with many apprentices who do most of the grunt work. Those apprentices that show promise get recommended to attend the Engineering School's Sapper course after passing several tests.
Vanar Drone Operator Teams
Armament: Terror Drones, Warhound Drones, and Chaos Drones
Armor: Gambeson Coat
Misc: Drone Control Wagon, Drone Workshop Wagon, and Drone Storage Wagon
Description: Drone Operators Teams are members of Clan Vanar who specialize in Robotic Engineering, Data-Smithing, and being skilled operators. The Engineer constructs the Drones, the Data-smith programs them, and the Operator controls them into battle. They can do each others roles just fine but not as effective as they would their chosen specialization. Drone Operator Teams usually have three models of Drones in their arsenal; however, custom drones with unknown abilities are typically present in many Teams.
The most common Drone is the Terror Drone. This quadrupedal Drone is the size of an Alpha Blightdog and just as lethal. However, instead of poison, it uses its mechanical muscles and Vanadium Allow Pincers, which can punch through a steel breastplate and tear the person inside to shreds. These Pincers also gives the Terror Drone the ability to dig itself a hole and hide in it while its sensors stay above ground still capable of detecting approaching enemies. Their powerful limbs also give them excellent climbing ability while also being very quiet, allowing them to launch ambushed from trees or climb over enemy walls, gather intelligence, or assassinate an enemy leader—a very versatile and deadly Drone in Clan Vanar's arsenal.
The next Drone is the Warhound Drone; it is again the size of a Blightdog; however, its primary Armament is a back-mounted Military Crossbow. Instead of a 20 bolt magazine, the Crossbow is belt-fed, and the Warhound has an internal ammo capacity of 100 bolts. They operate in packs and can act as automated sentry guns. Whenever an enemy is detected on its motion sensors, the Drone operator on duty will be notified to coordinate an ambush better or just observe with the high powered camera. Then the operator can decide to attack or retreat.
The last Drone is the Chaos Drone. It is a remote-controlled wheel that is filled with high explosives. Because it is the size of a wagon wheel, it is tiny and can hide in many places. It is a very effective trench clearing weapon as they can enter trenches and explode with the force of a demolition charge. However, their preferred targets are large clumps of infantry in urban environments where many enemy combatants are much closer together than on an open battlefield.
The Drone Operators only wear light armor as they are usually at the backline inside of a Drone Control Wagon, where all of their command and control interface equipment is housed. There is also a Drone Workshop Wagon, where all of the repairs and modifications are done, and a Drone Storage Wagon, where replacement parts and tools are stored. These wagons and the operators themselves are guarded by trusted retainers of Clan Vanar, who will ensure their safety above all else.
Vanar Heavy Cavalry
Armament: Electric Halberd and Kite Shield
Armor: Vanar Enforcer Plate Armor (Vanadium Steel Plate Armor)
Misc: Vanar VHC Model 4 Hand Crossbow, Utility Belt, Barded War Lizard, and Sidearm
Description: Clan Vanar's Lizard Cavalry is similar to regular Imperial Cavalry with slight Vanar upgrades. Armed with Vanadium Steel Lances, the Riders use their mounts' speed to flank and charge into infantry ranks and crushes them under their claws. Those who are desired to become part of Vanar's Cavalry must go through a Cavalry Course in the Imperial Academy. The training to become a Lizard Rider is very strict as the War Lizards require special care not to eat its future Rider.
Halfway to their training's completion, the class travel to a reputable Lizard Breeder to find their Mount. Once the Lizard and Rider pair has formed, the Lizard is bought, and further training is done for the team to get used to each other and work together smoothly. After the Rider and their Mount completed training, they are trained in group tactics and coordinating with other riders. Those who graduated can choose various positions, from the Imperial Army to one of the different Noble Houses and Clans.
Those accepted into the Vanar are clad in Enforcer Armor and given additional pieces of equipment that they must learn how to operate. The Enforcer's internal radio and Darkvision Visor helping them see in the dark are invaluable assets in any battle. To better coordinate with troops that don't have radio access, Handcrossbows are also given to each Rider. These Handcrossbows can hold four standard Bolts or Flare Bolts that can be shot into the air as a form of signaling the other elements of an army that does not have a radio, which is the majority of them.
The Mount is also armored in thick Vanadium Alloy Plate armor, making them impervious to military crossbows above 100 meters in areas that don't have its natural plating. Its Armor also contains a cooling unit to prevent the War Lizard from overheating, allowing them to stay active for much longer. Due to a War Lizard's large size, it can carry additional equipment like replacement Halberds, Shields, and Sidearms along with some medical supplies in case of an injury during the battle that can be applied once the Rider disengaged.
In Campaign, their main targets are usually dependent on the main threat to the main army; if the enemy Cavalry is the main threat, then the Cavalry will be the main target and vice versa for the Ranged units. Cavalry is best used in the Hammer and Anvil strategy, where the Rider charges at the backs of the enemy frontline engaged with the main army and surrounds them. Once the enemy is sufficiently culled, the Riders disengage and move on to the next.
Vanar Crossbow Outriders
Armament: Vanar VRC Model 20 Repeating Crossbow
Armor: Brigandine Chest Piece with Gambeson coat and Vanar Guard Helmet
Misc: War Lizard, Ammo Pouch, Utility Belt, and Sidearm
Description: Clan Vanar's main Skirmisher Cavalry, armed with Vanar VC-20 Repeating Crossbow, although they are excellent for delivering a barrage of bolts before quickly retreating before the enemy can retaliate. To become an Outrider, the individual must first pass the Crossbowman course in the Imperial Military Academy before applying to the Cavalry Course. They follow the same process as what the Lizard Cavalry has to go through, with the main difference being that they are to use Crossbows instead of engaging in melee.
During peacetime, the Outriders patrol the roads and escort caravans around their assigned territory against Mutants and Highwaymen. During a campaign, they have two roles, the first is to whittle down enemy units to help out the main army, and the second role is to distract the enemy army and give them something to worry about or send a company away from the main army to deal with them. They must avoid getting into ranged duels with ranged infantry because the infantry will outnumber the Outriders and be able to send more bolts along with the fact that Outriders are lightly armored. It is usually recommended to charge into melee and let the War Lizard do the damage when dealing with ranged infantry. When dealing with enemy Cavalry, so long as the Outriders can outrun them, the Outriders are welcome to whittle the enemy Cavalry down with ranged attacks. The danger is when the Outriders couldn't outrun the enemy, in which case the procedure is to retreat behind the protection of friendly Spearmen units.
Vanar Grenadier Outriders
Armament: Vanar VG Model 8 Grenade Launching Crossbow
Armor: Brigandine Chest Piece with Gambeson coat and Vanar Guard Helmet
Misc: Ammo Pouch, Scout Lizard, Utility Belt, and Sidearm
Description: Grenadier Outriders are Veteran Crossbow Outriders that are allowed the use of the Model-8 Grenade Launcher. Armed with the Model-8, a unit of Grenadiers Outriders can devastate a line of infantry before retreating. In a single battle, a hundred casualties could be attributed to a volley of Grenades from these Outriders. For Grenadier Outrider, the only difference between how they are used in comparison with Crossbow Outriders is that they have the firepower to go on Ranged duels with ranged infantry units due to the firepower of their Grenades. They can get close to the enemy frontline and launch their Grenades into the middle of their ranks and heavily disrupt their march. Grenade Outriders and Lizard Cavalry will usually work together by having the Grenadiers launch grenades into a spear wall, which will disturb their formation enough for the Cavalry to charge in relatively safely.
To be promoted to Grenadier Outriders, they must first have four years of service as Crossbow Outrider before they are recommended into the Grenadier Outriders. Due to the Mount being the one who is carrying the weight of the Grenades, the Rider doesn't need to be as strong as the Grenadier Crossbowmen; however, a strict training regimen is required for them to stay in shape in case they ever get dismounted.
Vanar Coilgun Outriders
Armament: Vanar VCC Model-7 Coilgun Custom and Vanar VHC Model 4 Hand Coilgun
Armor: Vanar Enforcer Plate Armor (Vanadium Steel Plate Armor)
Misc: Capacitor Banks, Scout Lizard, Ammunition Pouch, and Utility Pouch
Description: Members of Clan Vanar that find the experience of being on the battlefield to be an energizing and engaging experience are usually sent to be Coilgun Outriders. To be a Coilgun Outrider, they must be member of Clan Vanar by blood and be at least a Journeyman Engineer, able to create their own Coilgun. A Coilgun is a ranged weapon that launches a metal slug at tremendous speeds using magnetism's power. The ammunition used by Coilgun Outriders are dense Fin-Stabilized Vanadium Alloy Dart capable of penetrating an Imperial Steel Breastplate from 800 meters every 2 seconds. Each Coilgun has a Select-Fire setting, which can trade the Coilgun's power and range for a higher fire rate and penetrate a Breastplate reliably at 400 meters twice every second. A balanced setting is being able to penetrate a Breastplate at 600 meters every second.
A Hand Coilgun is also carried by the Outriders. These Coilguns can be operated with one hand and sacrificing range for rate of fire, it can shoot one of its 16 darts that can penetrate plate armor at 200 meters every second. Usually stored in a thigh holster, these Hand Coilguns are used as sidearms and for dealing with multiple close ranged targets. Because it can be shot with one hand, Veteran Outriders usually use these to attack pursuers or quickly draw them to defend themselves when they are on foot.
Each Coilgun is custom made by its user. However, before construction can begin, the design must first be approved by a Vanar Master Engineer. The Master Engineer will point out mistakes and let the user figure out a solution on their own. Once the Master deemed that the design can work safely, the user will start the crafting process. Once a working prototype is made, the Master Engineer who approved its plan will run mandatory stress tests that all Coilguns must go through. Those whose Coilguns survived the tests are given pointers on how to improve the design. On the other hand, those whose systems failed are told to find the problem themselves and fix it themselves. This is a learning experience and a test of the Engineer's knowledge and skills to see if the Engineer can find the problem and fix it.
Once they have their Coilguns finished, the next step is to go through Outrider training at the military academy. Those that pass are then placed into the Vanar Coilgun Outrider and become an apprentice under a Veteran Outrider. Their role is very similar to the Crossbow Outriders, except that they have superior equipment. Each Coilgun Outrider has its own varied set of equipment; however, there several pieces of equipment that all have, which are Enforcer Armor, Capacitor Banks mounted on their Lizards to keep their Coilguns powered, an Ammo Pouch to store their ammunition, and a Utility Pouch to store necessary supplies and maintenance tools for their weapon.
Coilgun Outriders are a deadly force on the battlefield, their weapons are devastating, and their mounts allow them to escape unscathed from slower-moving enemies. Their preferred targets are heavily armored enemies such as Heavy Infantry, Mutants, Machines, and Heavy Cavalry. However, due to their limited number, they are only available as Mercenaries and are very expensive to hire their services.
Vanar Slingshot Heavy Coilgun
Armament: Vanar VHC Model 9 Slingshot Heavy Coilgun
Armor: Gambeson Coats and Chainmail with Guard Helmets
Misc: Range Finding Tools, Supply Wagon, and Work Lizard
Description: Clan Vanar's most common piece of Artillery, the Heavy Coilgun, is a larger-scale version of the hand-held Coilgun used by Coilgun Outriders. Capable of launching a Steel Ball Shot the size of a fist with an effective range of 6-20 kilometers depending on sightline, crew-veterancy, and modifications at more or less every 3 seconds. Alternate power settings exist; however, it is encouraged to keep the fire rate similar to prevent overheating.
The creation of a Heavy Coilgun requires a team of Master Engineers and the Vanar's most advanced Workshop several months to create. These Coilguns are usually used as defensive fortifications in Castles and Forts around the Empire for those who could afford the electricity to power it. Even then, the price to buy one is very steep. Coilgun crews are trained for several months and taught how the mechanics of a Heavy Coilgun work before practicing on a fake Coilgun under the instructors' watch.
In Campaign, a Heavy Coilgun is brought to battle towed to a wagon that carries all of the necessary tools to work effectively in the field. In the Wagon pulled by a Work Lizard, the Wagon contains Capacitor-Banks that stores electricity generated from Dynamos connected to the Wagon's wheels. These Dynamos use the wheels' rotation to generate electricity, and in a week-long march, that charge will add up. In case of emergencies, the Engineers can create treadmills with which the other Work Lizards of the army can generate extra power at a much faster pace. Other than that, each crew has a set of Range Finding equipment to help with their accuracy.
The Heavy Coilgun uses a Breach loading method to ready rounds without having to load the shot from the muzzle, speeding up the rate of fire. The Heavy Coilgun uses a variety of different ammunition, each with their roles, the most common is the Solid Shot, whose preferred targets are large units like Cavalry and fortifications; however, they are still reasonably effective against infantry as the Steel Ball will penetrate through ranks of infantry and will bounce when it hits the ground and cause more injuries to those in the Ball's path. The 2nd most common type of ammunition is the Canister Shot, named because it is a canister filled with smaller shots. Usually, the shot used by Coilgun Outriders, which are just several dozen small steel balls, used to devastating effect against approaching enemy infantry as the Heavy Coilgun can send the equivalent of 30 Hand-held Coilguns worth of shot at an approaching army and shred them to pieces at the cost of severely reducing its range to 1km max effective range as the Canister releases its shot in a spread-out pattern. The last and rarely used type is a Vanadium Steel Dart meant to be used against heavily armored Knights or Machines.
Vanar Shredder Organ Coilgun
Armament: Vanar VOC Model 7 Shredder Organ Coilgun
Armor: Gambeson Coats and Chainmail with Guard Helmets
Misc: Range Finding Tools, Supply Wagon, and Work Lizard
Description: A relatively recent design created by a team of Vanar Engineers, an array of 5 Coilguns set up in parallel on wooden mounts. The benefit of this design is that it is much simpler to make, as all it is are five hand-held Coilguns strapped together; it doesn't need the advanced Machinery of a high-level Vanar Workshop. However, it sacrifices the Heavy Coilgun's terrifying firepower in exchange for an unsurpassed fire rate. At the back of each Coilgun is a slot where a magazine can be inserted to feed the Coilgun with 15 rounds of solid shot for each barrel. The Organ Coilgun will fire its Coilgun in sequence with a half-second delay between each Coilgun. Once the Magazine is empty, all the crew need to do is replace the spent Magazine and reinsert a full-on on each Coilgun that can be done in more or less 4 seconds. Those who have seen the Organ Coilgun in action call it a different name, the Organ Shredder.
Due to using hand-held Coilguns, the Organ Coilgun has a significantly reduced effective range of 700 meters, and heavily armored opponents like Knights or Machines will require Vanadium Alloy Darts for piercing Heavy Armor. The crew undergoes the same training program as the Heavy Coilgun crew, with a few minor changes to account for the equipment differences.
The Supply Wagon contains the same Battery Bank used by the Heavy Coilgun along with a range-finding tool to help calculate a range quickly. This weapon is frighteningly effective against approaching Cavalry and Infantry; however, it will not win Artillery duels due to its limited range and will be ineffective against heavily armored units like Knights, restricted by range and its limited power. However, this is a niche weapon; it is very good at its role as a force multiplier against enemy infantry and Cavalry.
Vanar Helldart Rocket Battery
Armament: Vanar VR Model 8 Helldart Rocket Battery
Armor: Gambeson Coats and Brigandine Breastplate with Guard Helmets
Misc: Range Finding Tools, Armored Ammo Wagon, and Work Lizard
Description: Clan Vanar's most recent addition in Artillery, the Helldart, uses a powder that is ignited to propel a payload of explosive that explodes on impact. It has an effective range of 4.5 kilometers and can be made to shoot further with improvements to the Rocket design are implemented. The Battery itself is relatively cheap to create and maintain; the Rockets themselves take up the majority of the costs. Clan Vanar is currently researching various ways to improve the design, from improving the fuel formula to the Rocket's aerodynamic design.
The Rocket Battery can hold up to 9 Rockets for launch, and each Rocket can be launched one at a time or in a burst of 2 or 3. It is highly discouraged to ignite all nine missiles simultaneously for safety concerns. The accuracy of the Rocket Battery leaves much to be desired; however, its ability to deliver widespread explosive death to its enemies from a significant distance must not be underestimated. For this reason, it is only used in fighting against enemy armies as create a single Rocket is moderately expensive to make it terms of materials, chemical expertise, and the volatile nature of handling high explosives when compared to the other forms of Artillery in the Vanar's arsenal which only requires electricity and small spheres of metal.
Inside the Armored Ammo Wagon are Wet Stowage Racks designed to hold the Rockets for storage. The Wagon is armored to protect the valuable Rockets inside from getting damaged. If the racks are damaged, the shelves' liquid will douse potential sparks that might ignite the explosive munitions. The crews that operate the Battery are given extensive training on how safely use the Battery itself along with range estimation calculations to help the crew make relatively accurate shots.
Due to the cost of constructing the Rockets, these Rocket Batteries are mostly stationed in Vanar territory as a defensive emplacement; however, when the circumstances deem that spending the Rockets be worth the cost, the Helldart Rocket Batteries will be deployed to the field of battle
Vanar Spectrum Las-Cannon
Armament: Vanar VLC Model 8 Spectrum Las-Cannon
Armor: Gambeson Coats and Chainmail with Guard Helmets
Misc: Supply Wagon and Work Lizard
Description: Clan Vanar's most advanced artillery piece is the VLC-3 Las-Cannon; it utilizes intense beams of light that can instantly superheat its target, causing it to explode. The Las-Cannon can fire for 20 minutes when fully charged due to is Hydrogen Microcell Batteries; however, the internal components are in danger of overheating if the Las-Cannon is activated for too long. As a safety precaution, a ratio of activation time and cool down time of 1:10 is installed into all Laser weaponry. Meaning that 1 second of activation requires 10 seconds of cool down time; this safety precaution can be overwritten in emergencies. Still, it is expected that the Las-Cannon would destroy itself in the process.
The Las-Cannon contains three firing modes, the 1 second, 3 second, and 6-second burst. The Short mode can be used for dealing with high-value targets like enemy artillery or Cavalry. The Longer modes can be used to sweep across infantry lines using the Las-Cannon's swivel mount or to focus on a heavily armored target like a fortification and melt a hole through it. Its primary use is as defenses for Clan Vanar castles and installations with 2-8 depending on its importance.
There are mobile versions that can be brought to Campaign; however, there are less than 40 of them. To crew, these Las-Cannons require each member to be of Clan Vanar; 1 family has volunteered to dedicate their line to these powerful weapons' maintenance and operation. To operate these weapons is as simple as pointing the Cannon to your target and pulling the trigger. Repairing and maintaining is much more complicated and requires the tools of an Advanced Workshop.
The Supply Wagon contains a Bank of Batteries and is equipped with the same Dynamo system used by the Heavy Coilgun along with a variety of replacement parts in case something needs to be replaced. However, it should be noted that it is very unlikely for the Las-Cannons to be fully charged during a long campaign due to the amount of charge that could be replenished out on the field. Those that are fixed defenses in Clan Vanar Compounds are much more powerful and energy-hungry; however, they can rapidly generate large amounts of electricity from their main Generators and thus are not in any danger of running low on power. The Mobile Las-Cannons are much more energy-efficient, robust, and more straightforward to maintain and repair at the cost of power and having an enormous production cost for the Microcell Batteries.
At the moment, they are only available to the Vanar and are only deployed when the Vanar goes to war.
This concludes the summary on what is the composition of Clan Vanar's arsenal. A more detailed description with illustrations is available on the next page.
AN: Oh my God this took forever to make. A lot of units here inspired by various games from different franchises and weeks worth of research. Yes, you can fight using a 2-handed weapon and a shield at the same time by using the sling like shown
here by Shadiversity. Neuionum is the name of metal that is used by Ancient vehicles and QM said that there is a good stockpile of them. If you have any questions feel free to @ me.
Edit: Change the Bolt Launchers to Longbolts, added a Hand Coilgun to the Coilgun Outriders, and fixed a few grammar errors.