Just why would a Forge Clan member suffer an aneurism if exposed to the Core and they know about Core science? Is it really that mind meltingly insane for it to function without promptly exploding in your face.

Also how are Fractal cats seen in the empire
You have to understand that people don't understand how Cores work. Sure, they can look at the components, but with Cores 1+1 does not equal 2. They equal Doom-Soundtrack, or the coordinates of a silverfish. Nobody knows why and you would have to look inside the machines which produce Cores, but no-one is capable of replicating the machines which make the Cores, so if they break, you can't operate a lot of important shit, and your nation will most likely torture those who let the machines break to death.


So research is glacial at best, with most going absolutely insane after a few months/years. The genius was the only one who made any significant headway, and those documents were sealed by the Theta-Contingency.

Now look at a Core which has been modified to hell and back, realize that no nation on Calynth is capable of even attempting that, and Core-Engineers start to have a nervous, and slight theological, meltdown. They would likely classify your Core as "Unique" Technology and call it a day, before getting drunk to purge the memories.

Fractal Cats are seen as a pure status-symbol. Akin to how we would see someone with an expensive car/watch/house or rare collector item.

Bling, in a word.
God, my poor impulse control. I really, REALLY want to start showing the Core to all the Forge Clan people we know. Just the thought of their reactions, hoh boy.
That is a great picture. Buuuut that skirt looks pretty risky with those slits.

I agree with most of Profectus plan but I'm curious about something.
@HeroCooky could we hire a few adventurers to keep an eye on the prisoner if we give him to the guards? I fully expect someone to either break him out, bribe the judge into letting him go, or to kill him in his cell. In either case, I would like to have a few people keep an eye on him so we can get more information.
1. That is a great picture. Buuuut that skirt looks pretty risky with those slits.

2. I agree with most of Profectus plan but I'm curious about something.
@HeroCooky could we hire a few adventurers to keep an eye on the prisoner if we give him to the guards? I fully expect someone to either break him out, bribe the judge into letting him go, or to kill him in his cell. In either case, I would like to have a few people keep an eye on him so we can get more information.
You can do that.


1. Selene, while grinning: "I know. A great feature, don't you think?" Shortly before dragging Martyris away for a third 'break' that day.

2. Yes, i'll allow it. Use Guardians For Hire and attach a - (Prisoner) at the end of it.
Last edited:
-[X][Learning] Catalog Everything - (Advanced Electronics/Hydraulics/Mechanics, Electronics/Hydraulics/Mechanics) - (6/8 Successes)
-[X][Learning] Building up Steam - (Advanced Metallurgy/Advanced Alloys/Advanced Mechanics/Mechanics/Advanced Hydraulics/Hydraulics/Advanced Machinery/Machinery) - (3/8 Successes)
--[] SC, Rusted Block With Missin Circles, Fuel Distributor, Actuator, 1FF
Can you explain why you have placed four tier 2 artifacts on the Steam research and none on the Knight? I feel that at least one could be moved to the Knight just to ensure that we finish it this turn. This would be the best turn to try to force an overflow on the Knight as well in fact.

-[ ][Personal] Too Much To Do - (Dig For Information)
--[] 6FF
-[ ][Diplomacy] Kick 'Em While They're Down! - (3 Turns Remaining)
--[] 6FF
I feel that we should wait to do Dig for Information when we have the ability to use the Leading By Example personal action, as that provides a +20 to the roll and the DC is 95 after all. Furthermore we have no innate bonuses to this roll and probably won't ever unless we do something to get a massive favor from the police so to speak.

I would personally rather not kick Eden this turn to gain the +20 to the roll.
Last edited:
1. Selene, while grinning: "I know. A great feature, don't you think?" Shortly before dragging Martyris away for a third 'break' that day.
I mean, it very much looks like she isn't wearing any underwear in that pic, but that would explain it.:V

2. Yes, i'll allow it. Use Guardians For Hire and attach a - (Prisoner) at the end of it.
Now the only question is if we have enough Materials for that.

[] Plan Research and Political Plots
-[] You Growl.
-[][Faith] Healing For All! - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-7 Materials)
-[][Faith] Build A School - (Big) - (Mirn) - (2/6 Turns Complete) - (3FF)
-[][Diplomacy] Kick 'Em While They're Down! - (3 Turns Remaining) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[][Martial] Make A Man Out Of You! - (The Unbroken) - (Tech-Scouts) - (0/3 Turns Complete)
-[][Learning] Catalog Everything - (Advanced Electronics/Hydraulics/Mechanics, Electronics/Hydraulics/Mechanics) - (6/8 Successes)
--[] +1SC, +(Fuel Distributor +20 to Hydraulics,Actuator +20 to Hydraulics)
-[][Learning] Building up Steam - (Advanced Metallurgy/Advanced Alloys/Advanced Mechanics/Mechanics/Advanced Hydraulics/Hydraulics/Advanced Machinery/Machinery) - (3/8 Successes)
--[]+(Rusted Block With Missin Circles +20 to Advanced Metallurgy)
-[][Archeology] Prepare an Expedition - (SO-01) - (2 Turns) - (House Mirn support: Y)
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Light It Up! - (1/4 Turns Complete)
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Salt Refinement - Deep Pumps - (1/3 Turns Complete)
-[][Holdings] Prepare Quarters - (-6.40 Materials)
-[][Personal action] Be With Selene
-[][Personal action] Too Much To Do - (Dig For Information) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-2.4 Materials)
--[] +6FF
-[] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Poor-House - (Mirn))
--[] Payback loan: -11.70 Materials
-[] The Adventurer Guild - (1 Free Action)
--[] Guardians For Hire - (Prisoner) - (-1.5 Materials)
-[] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Free Action)
--[] Suffer Their Arrogance - (-6 Materials) - (1FF) - (2/4 Turns Complete)

43.76-35(11.7Loan+7Healing For All+6.40 Quarters+2.4Bribs+1.5Guardians+6Arrogance)=8.76 Materials

Faith has one action locked for the school and the second as "Healing For All!" to damage the COE further and boost the Healers into controlling the Herbalists.
Diplomacy has our standard damage COE action. The 3 Faithful should boost it to a 48% chance, not perfect but still a good chance.
Martial has training our scouts to get rid of the -5 they suffer from. It's also cheap.
Learning has both projects get Artefacts and the scientist on the Knight because we have a good chance for success overflow on that.
Archeology gets an expedition to a place with General Mundane grad Artefacts because we are more likely to sell those.
Tree of Knowledge has both actions locked without much to do there.
Holdings get the quarters because they give the most tax revenue and make Adventurer actions cheaper, important because of the guards on our mine.
Personal has Selene and "Dig For Informations", the +35 from that and the +6 from the Faithful should help. A 46% success chance isn't that bad.

I also hire a few adventurers to keep an eye on the prisoner. Mainly because I suspect he either gets rescued or killed by his employer. Probably killed, because it was an attack on a noble, but that gives us only more information about who ordered the attack.

I feel that we should wait to do Dig for Information when we have the ability to use the Leading By Example personal action, as that provides a +20 to the roll and the DC is 95 after all. Furthermore we have no innate bonuses to this roll and probably won't ever unless we do something to get a massive favor from the police so to speak.
We get a bonus of +35 on actions we do as a Personal action.
Piety: 89% (+35 to personal rolls)
So it would be a 5% chance with a bonus of +35 on the dice roll. My plan adds 6 Faithful on top of that to get a bonus of +41 on that roll.

And now for something I'm curious about:
@HeroCooky Is there a reason why none of the Gutted Core bonuses(Physics/Engineering/Psychology) apply to "Catalog Everything"? It seems strange that a destroyed core doesn't share a single field of research with a Knight.

Oh, and does the scientist count as one of the 13 Faithful we have? So if we assign him/her to a project we can only assign 12 other Faithful to other actions?
1. And now for something I'm curious about:
@HeroCooky Is there a reason why none of the Gutted Core bonuses(Physics/Engineering/Psychology) apply to "Catalog Everything"? It seems strange that a destroyed core doesn't share a single field of research with a Knight.

2. Oh, and does the scientist count as one of the 13 Faithful we have? So if we assign him/her to a project we can only assign 12 other Faithful to other actions?
1. Because you are not touching the Core. You are clearing out the destroyed and non-functional parts of the Knight, so you can re-assemble it later with fresh parts.

2. You scientist was a Faithful, but got upgraded into a specialist. They are one of the non-available Faithful.
[Canon] - Excerpt Of An Early Radio-Play Script For "The Capital's Voice"
+A page is shown, where the writer, creator, and voice of The Capital's Voice wrote down ideas for a future episode. The page is heavily edited but still readable.+​

Hello, dear listeners and faithful subscribers to our fantastic service!(Too thick.)
Good morning to you, Dear Listeners! (Let's stay with the classic, okay?)

It is a beautiful day today, with (We are underground, the days are the same????)
As another day dawns awaits us, we once again bring you the #1 choice of radio-entertainment: "The Capital's Voice!" (Play jingle here.)

As always, I hope you found the news brought to you by my talented colleague Isella to your liking! (Maybe rewrite later. Isella made a snide remark yesterday.)
For first-time listeners, (Unlikely with how much it costs to own a radio, but a girl can dream.) in this show (still need a better name or description!), we answer questions burning in the people's minds! How things function, why our laws are as they are, and whatever else is requested of me by popular vote!

This day, I am honored to shine some light on a truly fascinating subject: Machine-Minds! (Why has it be so bulky? Why couldn't they have called them Machine-Spirits or something equally silly?)

With over forty an overwhelming majority you choose to be enlightened by, you asked me to delve deep into a mystery of the Forge-Clans, risking my very life to bring you this information! (I went to a library and pestered an acolyte, but they don't need to know that.)

And, oh my, what a topic this is! So much history, theological drama, broken hopes, and destroyed careers are packed into these two words; you wouldn't believe it! (Insert pause here.) But we don't have time for all that jazz, so let's get down to business unraveling this mystery!

Firstly, we have to define what a Machine-Mind is. Is it an actual sapient being, manufactured and slaved to a task by the Forge-Claners, making their existence the greatest crime in our nation? Hah, that is, of course, not something you need to worry about; Forge-Clans within the Empire have a pretty good record when dealing with those that use slavery. The Bio-Forge Heresy comes to mind here.

'But what is a Machine-Mind now?' You may ask, and with good right, so let's get to explaining! A Machine-Mind is, in essence, nothing more and nothing less than the sum of a machine's life made manifest. (Insert Pause.) 'That doesn't mean anything to me.' You no doubt, think, but wait!

Forge-Clans say that Machine-Minds come in three categories;
Asleep. (Beat.)
Waking. (Beat.)
Awake. (With a triumphant voice.)

And it is within these description that the whole thing makes a whole lot more sense. You see, most machines are incapable of holding a Machine-Mind, not enough 'brain' inside, you know? And it's not like they go around worshipping every single piece of technology they find! Can you imagine how funny it would be if they went all 'Hommana-hommana' and started praying to a radio? (Leave that out, unless that's not going to get me fired.) No, those machines that have one are those which Data-Smiths are capable of interfacing with and capable of manipulating. They are things like the Butchers, Guardians, their Drones, the Knights, and Walkers.

So we now know that only highly sophisticated Machines have minds of their own, but what are the categories, and what do they mean?

Asleep is self-explanatory. Those Machine-Minds have not had enough 'life' to wake them, not enough experience in the world to start coming into their own, like babies shortly after birth spend most of their time sleeping, and not walking around solving math!.

Waking is where things get interesting. Those Machines have lived enough to start developing quirks, like a Knight performing worse if a specific ritual is not followed, a Bright-Lance refusing to charge when charged by War-Lizards instead of Work-Lizards, or a Drone looking three times before continuing its patrol because it had been ambushed when it only looked twice. These Machines have had experiences that altered their behavior but are not in the territory that many Data-Smiths claim to be essential for becoming a Desuexmax. (How do you even write that shit? Eh, I'll wing it.)

Awake is where things go from intriguing to creepy. Awake Machine-Minds are classified as Pre-Sapient. You all heard right; those machines classified as Awake are one step removed from good ol' human-smarts. But we are not talking about that again, so move along now! (God's, that show was a shitshow!) Awake machines are those who have as many smarts as a 4-to-6 year old, capable of showing rough emotions, and with full-on characters!

Famous examples are the Grove's Guardian, who inters the members of a Family in his grove since it's founder defended and died in the grove's defense. The Walkers of the Imperial Family are another example. Like Big Sister, refuses to work with any women inside her (Phrasing! Or not?), or GEAR, who will go out of his way to scrub of any paint not evocative of gears. Further along, the crew of the 'Italica' of the Feathers Unbound Tribe vows that swearing and hitting malfunctioning equipment works, when done by senior engineers, since the Machine-Mind believes that her crew thinks she can do better, and as such, does. The inhabitants of Castle Grey have to be careful when commenting about the architecture and often warn visitors to do the same since the Machine-Mind of the Castle is very vain and can be incredibly petty when scorned. Some other Awake Machine-Minds are even capable of expressing wants, suggestions and show humor. (Quite wordy, rewrite.)

+The rest of the page is blank, several dots where a pencil hit the paper scattered about. The sentence, "Fuck the rest, I'll wing that shit," is written and underlined in red three times.+​
[Non-Canon] - (Spoiler) - Arc 1: "A Crows Feast" Report Card
The unofficial official report for your actions, your inactions, what mistakes you made, what I think you pursued too aggressively, and what you ignored too much. So let's start with the first category:


Turn 1-10
Not much to say; you mostly expanded and created the bedrock for the Pilgrims.

Turn 11-20
You build an Inn, then spent over a year healing the sick, the injured, and those affected by the Plague-Engine. Then you got some books and recruited some people. You ignored an option so much that I deleted it. Too bad, since I had a storyline waiting for its completion, and the direction of "Pleasure Is Human" would have been interesting to explore. :(
A nitpick of mine was that you ignored a rumor before working on getting the Mutated's trust. Only your 'Humanism' tenet prevented me from getting you an auto-fail, as ignoring their plight was a step away from including them into the Pilgrims definition of humanity.

Turn: 21-30
Here you got to build things! Soup-Kitchen, Poor-House, School, and not being an asshole to people who got displaced by a disaster for everyone!

You also made your second effort in recruiting people.


Turn 1-10
Mostly spent the first ten turns, creating the needed expertise and teams required for interacting on a higher level.

Turn 11-20
You trained your first spies, then did nothing with them. Seriously, you are in Slatnan, the nation whose spy-games are so strong; they got a trait out of it! You are fortunate that no-one had anything against you and all rolled on the 'make us of them' side of the chart, or you would have been in for a rude awakening—also, no rumor-mill extras via infiltration, which could have led to better-informed decisions. You also trained your diplomats, and later on, your spies again.

It would help if you were more aggressive in getting information. Allies will only help you if your relationship is high enough to ask, 'What do I get out of it?' as an afterthought.

Turn: 21-30
Here you got your first information-networks by accident! Yay! Then you got to work on raising the opinion of the Common People about the Mutated while infiltrating the Church of Eden. You also cemented your commitment with the Healers, learned the single greatest secret within the COE leadership, and kicked Eden in the nuts for the rest of the Arc.


Turn 1-10
Didn't exist.

Turn 11-20
Got created, searched, and found the Plague-Engine, prepared your volunteers, built a training-field, and then the fundamental security was made reluctantly. After prompting.

Seriously, just because no threat attacked you directly does not mean that they do not exist!

Turn: 21-30
You heroically (and not motivated by the money) killed some Blightdogs for a few months, then build an armory and hangar for your Knight before helping out Bolt in killing the Butcher, and started an effort to recruit Mutated into your Military to have better units.

Not much to say here; you made an effort to defend the Tree better, so there's that.


Turn 1-10
Mostly set up for the region and got some cloaks.

Turn 11-20
You created your first custom-made military equipment: Camo-Cloaks! Then you searched for some good dirt for plants, found the backbone of the Pilgrims money, and scrambled to get your volunteers equipped.

What was slightly disappointing was that only one or two people had suggestions for this category, even though it offered the most versatility and chance to contribute to the Quest. On the other side, the ones who did make contributions made good ones, unlocking paths I would not have opened otherwise.

Turn: 21-30
Things got interesting here as you finished some research and then got the big stuff started or done. Like electricity, which unlocked a whole swath of things to do, except you, missed realizing that infrastructure is needed to capitalize on those gains. But you are soon going to be able to work on your Knight! So there's that!


Turn 1-10
You scouted out multiple regions and started year-long caravans and operations—nothing to complain about here, but nothing outstanding.

Turn 11-20
You pretty much coasted on the success of the last ten turns and only scavenged, then made expeditions. Nothing much was done or suggested.

Turn: 21-30
Well, once your expeditions ran out, you made new ones, then refused to take risks with your scouts, intent on not losing anyone if you can avoid doing so.

My advice: You will lose people; there is no way around that. You will have a death count in the hundreds by the time Arc 4 is done (though that will probably take another RL year to reach), even if you take no risks. Especially if you take no risks. Go out, be bold, reap the explorer's rewards, the discoverer's bounty, make me crack out the lore!


Turn 1-10
Diggin in, and not settling out as you had made your choice for the mountain base.

Turn 11-20
Living-Quarters, Administration, Store-Rooms, two mines, and some Blood-Bark were built/prepared.

No write-ins as far as I can remember, which... was unexpected. But then again, most things I offered were things you needed, and creativity isn't needed as much as in other categories.

Turn: 21-30
Here you continued to build up/out your base, finished your medical building just for Turn 32, and expanded the Pilgrims' economy.

No complaints here.


Turn 1-10
You only unlocked one Support-Action, the Merchants, to be precise. Seeing as you were settling in, nothing for me to complain about.

Turn 11-20
You sold a lot of artifacts to the Merchants, took out a loan, paid it back, and didn't realize that you could have spammed Buying Goods In Bulk for every building the moment you unlocked it. That was slightly amusing, not going to lie.

You also massively expanded the number of contacts you had, going from one to six.

No suggestion or creative ways in which you could have used them, though.

Turn: 21-30
You continued to make light use of some factions services, and heavy use of the Merchants, along with training for two scientists and one doctor, just in time for Turn 32. You took out some loans and had your first experiments with the versatility that the factions' various actions had.

Buying Goods In Bulk was a favorite, as you had many buildings to which it applied.


Turn 1-10
Too Much To Do was used almost exclusively as soon as you unlocked it.

Turn 11-20
Too Much To Do continues being used for all its worth, as the additional action/s are too good to pass on. Lead By Example is also used for good effect.

Turn: 21-30
Too Much To Do is still the high-light, leaving all other actions in the dust. Be glad that Martyris doesn't need breaks, or he would have gone off to do something else for a few turns. Or he would have done his wife, as you finally got married! (Not that they need prompting. *Looks at dice* Dice: THEY HORNY! *Sighs while throwing away the Wholesome storyline.*)


Here you contributed 20 stories! Which are 20 more than I thought there would be! Which is somewhat humbling and makes me smile like a loon. I mean, someone took time out of their day to write something set in a world I created! How cool is that?

Leon12431 leads with 13 at the moment, with his Elemental Felines contributing a new aspect to the world, chief among them Fractal Nova! His works for the Knight you recovered will also have an impact...

Warmach1ne32 also surprised me with an 8.2k omake, even though I helped with some details. Like, damn! How he fleshed out the Forge-Clans with his rooster is something I doubt I could have done. And I created them! He also introduced two Knights, one of which will play a large part in what is to come...

But I am eager to see what others are going to write and how they see the world of Calynth I created.

To be honest, I never actually expected there to be anything under this tab. Way to prove me wrong! Not only have I enough fun writing and developing this story, but it also caused me to commission three art-pieces! One of which is up, that of Selene, while the other two are in production.

Doctor Elsewhere contributed the most here, with 15 pictures, while Leon12431 created one for the City of Nova's Vision. Impressive!

Now, I have to see how long it takes for fanart to appear...


A category that many a writer hope will be empty yet dreads when their hopes turn true. While comments about grammatic are appreciated (looking at you Profectus! Thanks, by the way.), few asked for clarification or had suggestions to help me improve my writing style and the story. While commentary about the story itself (Karmaoa may rise with pride now) were abundant and made me smile, especially those who said that this Quest is a 'Hidden Gem' and 'Incredibly Well Written Fiction,' few had suggestions on how to improve.

Are the characters believable, how they act and react? What about the world itself? Does the way in which I crafted the nations, guilds, organizations, and religions make sense? Have I put enough thought into the ecosystem and the foes the people on Calynth encounter? Are there elements about the story I underrepresented or handled without the care they deserve? Are there subjects where I went into too much detail while not enough for others? Are there things I neglect to write about because I think you do not care about, while you do?

These are things I have little to no input on. And while many would say that worrying about those things is silly, a large part of the enjoyment I receive from writing is when people read it and think: 'The time I spent reading this was well spent, as I enjoyed doing so.' Writing is good; entertaining is better.


Even with some hiccups along the way, I massively enjoyed writing about the Pilgrims, and hope that I will continue to do so!

To the next eight months!
Actually once we finished our current projects I wanted to start the psycology techs. Because we are going to need it after this shitfest.
You ignored an option so much that I deleted it. Too bad, since I had a storyline waiting for its completion, and the direction of "Pleasure Is Human" would have been interesting to explore.
You will lose people; there is no way around that. You will have a death count in the hundreds by the time Arc 4 is done (though that will probably take another RL year to reach), even if you take no risks. Especially if you take no risks. Go out, be bold, reap the explorer's rewards, the discoverer's bounty, make me crack out the lore!
No suggestion or creative ways in which you could have used them, though.

Don't think we've all forgotten about the brothel, @HeroCooky, it's just that we had a ton of stuff to do that had little controversial downside in the meantime. I at least still fully intend to open 'Consensual' when there's a good opportunity.

Aside from that, you want more creativity, initiative and risk-taking. Got it, can do.
Don't think we've all forgotten about the brothel, @HeroCooky, it's just that we had a ton of stuff to do that had little controversial downside in the meantime. I at least still fully intend to open 'Consensual' when there's a good opportunity.

Aside from that, you want more creativity, initiative and risk-taking. Got it, can do.
The Brothel (Damn good name, by the way) was not removed because you didn't take it, but because discussion about opening it was next to non-existent. If you want to open it in a future turn, ping me and i'll add the iption back up, updated of course.
I ignored the brothel option because it simply is bad optics for a cult to open one.

I get that. On the other hand, I feel that part of our philosophy is rejecting moral structures that have no rational basis, and puritanical anti-sex tenets seem to very much fit that bill.

Basically, if some of our members genuinely want to take up sex work, I think it's very much in line with our ideals to support them.