Two rolls with 1d2... my guess it that one of them is to decide if it's a boy or a girl. 1d6 for number of specialities? 6d1000 for stats? d20 and d25 for traits/mutations?
[Canon] - Internal Security Report On Fractal Nova And Her Cults
Internal Security Report on Fractal Nova

Fractal Nova was sighted near the borders of the Empire one decade ago, following the protocol that all towns within the borders understand they quickly removed any sign of any form of indentured servitude from sight until she had passed beyond the range of the towns.

The reports from this time indicate that no one had refused to follow the protocols and the death count was low in the extreme with only five people dying from trying to steal some of her fur with improper safety methods.

However, this report is to illustrate that the threat that Fractal Nova represents is not just in herself, but instead is a tenacious and insidious disaster waiting to happen. It is well known that she has some aura surrounding her that twists people into following her beliefs with fanatical devotion that is highly resistance to indoctrination on our end.

Even with this aura some of the many cults that we have discovered vary greatly in purpose and overall intelligence. Some retain use of their minds and these cults tend to slowly integrate themselves into the lower levels of society until they believe that they have enough people to ferment a true revolution, however for all the danger that these cults represent the true dangers come from the other two types of cults left in her path.

In general the three types listed below cover all of the cults that we know that deify Fractal Nova as their patron Goddess.

Type 1 cults are the most dangerous of all of them. These cults do NOT engage in large scale actions and instead focus on long term social alteration via influence in legal areas. Due to their legal covering it is difficult for nations and even us to discover and remove them from the lands with any degree of accuracy, as when they do meet it is all in secret with no one knowing the names of any one in the room, with a single exception in the High Priest of the given temple.

Type 2 cults are overall a larger threat than type 3 but, are not as much a threat as a type 1. These cults infiltrate the lower ranks of a population center and slowly indoctrinate the civilians into their religion, until around sixty percent of the people are in their thrall at which point they stage an uprising in the city. It Is worth noting that Type 1 cults seem to spawn type 2 cults periodically, as of the moment we do not know if this is intentional or accidental however it is better to err on the side of cation in this case.

Type 3 are the most directly threading and the least threateningly to the stability of the Empire and the world. These cults are action focused and almost seem to have contracted a neurological disease of some sort. They are universally enraged and wherever they go they leave behind bodies of those that they view as slavers behind them. They have no temples and instead view the bodies of the slain slavers as their temples and are always trying to kill more and more for their twisted beliefs. In an example of how far a cult can drift from its inception, we have recovered reports of Fractal Nova meeting one of these cults and slaying them all, before writing in their blood and stone that this was not her desire.

Known Cults that worship Fractal Nova

Cult of the Shattering Claw (Type 1)

This is one of if not the largest cult in existence. It has been confirmed to have tendrils in nearly every single major nation in some fashion, is incredibly patient for its goals and works nearly entirely in the legal space. The only time that we have been able to confirm that they do anything notably illegal is when they first enter an area and need to start up a new temple. From the little we have recovered they desire a world where no one is enslaved or bound to another through means not of their own accord. As such their overall threat level is lower than what their scale and reach should warrant.

The Shimmering Cloud (Type 1/3)

An anomaly in the ranks of the cults. The Shimmering Cloud works as a free range mercenary group that has somehow managed to acquire Fractal Felines and Celestial Felines to their side. We have not yet confirmed if Fractal Nova gave them the felines or if they somehow managed to find the nests on their own and tamed the felines. Either way, they have enough of the cats to be a threat and that does not count the fact that they are known for high quality weapons and armor, with their commanders usually having Lost Tech items in their possession.

The reason that they are classed as both a type 1 and 3 is due to their payment system. They take half the expected payment of a group of their quality in direct money or supplies and the other half in freed slaves or servants. However, if they know of a slavemaster that recently killed a slave they will instead offer to complete their mission for a massive discount if they get permission to kill him and any other such slavemaster. Due to this oddity they are considered a valuable group to hire for tough wars if a given nation is fine with their social cost inherent in their purpose.

The Blades of Light (Type 3)

This cult somehow survives the countless extermination attempt that are sent its way. They are considered almost another branch of the Evertourch in their fanatical devotion to their ideals and purpose. Entire towns have been butchered by them for allowing a single person to be enslaved or indentured to another person, and even Fractal Nova herself once sought to wipe this cult from the face of the world and left crushed bodies in her path of vengeance. Yet, nothing truly kills them and they always return.

Nova's Voice (Type 2)

One of the few type 2 cults to survive past their first attempt and as such Nova's voice has grown skilled in intrigue, military tactics and other such fields that make it an even larger threat. It originated in a nearly forgotten nation of the world some decades ago, in truth this nation was more a city state that was suffering under a massive class disparity, the poor and lower classes could barely have one meal per day while the upper classes had more food than they could eat in a week every day. This made the city a fertile place for the indoctrination of Nova's Voice to take hold and only a few years after the cult first arose, the first revolution struck and was promptly defeated, but not before dealing damage to the city as a whole. One decade latter another revolution sparked and this time it succeeded and now the city is ruled by Nova's Voice which has transformed the city into a paradise for those that hold to Fractal Nova's ideology, it is know that that Cult of the Shattering Claw holds this city to be the most holy place in the world and that the Shimmering Cloud is based from within its walls.

@HeroCooky another omake
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Fixed that small problem, also how powerful would you rank the three main cults in the above omake? (discount the Blades)

I would like to reveal what Fractal Nova's hybrid trait does.
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1. Fixed that small problem, also how powerful would you rank the three main cults in the above omake? (discount the Blades)

2. I would like to reveal what Fractal Nova's hybrid trait does.
1. Cult of the Shattering Claw, about 300.000 Influence around the world, except the Sacred Lands Of The Everliving Sun.

The Shimmering Cloud is about 1.500.

The Blades of Light, 800.

Nova's Voice, ~75.000.

2. I knew I forgot something.

This creature is the offspring of two different genus of a species. While it is almost incapable of procreating due to it's mismatched genes, it is occasionally possible. Creatures with this trait may choose 1(one) trait from their parents and upgrade it. Choosen Trait: Pre-Sapient upgraded to: Sapient.
so just how much influence does that mean that the Shattering claw has in the world and how does it compare to other world spanning cults?
so just how much influence does that mean that the Shattering claw has in the world and how does it compare to other world spanning cults?
It means that the Shattering Claw has at least some influence in every nation, to a degree. A handful (2/3 minor ones) are openly supportive, but the rest are varying degrees of suspicious and hostile.

Ironicaly, their ingrained secrecy has hampered them more in the Empire than if they had been open from the get-go. They would be classified as "Subversive, but benign," and would not have been placed on close watch.

Compared to other religions, Forge-Clans have 1.2 mil. while the Evertorch has 3.2 mil. Influence.
So what are the mechanics of Sapient as a trait? Mostly just curious as pre-sapient allows for them to be bodyguards.
So what are the mechanics of Sapient as a trait? Mostly just curious as pre-sapient allows for them to be bodyguards.
Sapient is mostly for Mutants, Machines, and Animals who have attained the capability to think/learn/act on a level comparable to humans.

They are able to corral armies of their lesser brethren for fights against humans/threats/prey.

Mostly, it is a trait which makes their threat-ranking shoot up by two levels and enables me to write an antagonist/ally with a wildly different perspective and moral grounding.
As a heads-up, the update may be delayed for a day, as a segment of the story has proven very fun to write, and I may sit on that for a day extra, instead of the last two segments.

Blame BelligerentGnu for that, should it be delayed.
[Canon] - Internal Security Report On The City Of Nova’s Vision
Internal Security Report on the City of Nova's Vision

Originally founded several centuries ago, the first settlers found a region bracketed with natural defenses and resources. From the records and geological surveys our agents have been able to complete in the current regime, the land has since been mined out with most of the finite resources such as metal no longer being found in plentiful amounts, within the near by mountains and ravines that provide the city with its natural defense.

However, deeper into the mountains and ravines there are still more than enough metals and other rare crystals to make the city a center of wealth, even with this wealth the city has always been a poorly managed nation, that in the words of our agents best described as a "hell hole born solely from human mismanagement."

Before the take over of the city by the forces of the Cult of Nova's Voice, the city was split into two castes with harsh laws regarding both equally. Almost all of these laws were enforced with either draconian sentences or outright death, and as such very few Enlighten (their nobles) were willingly to even risk looking kindly at a Sightless (their peasant). Due to these laws, even the nobles that remained somewhat empathic to the plight of the city as a whole, were unable to do anything but suffer in silence for fear of death.

Our agents were in fact able to confirm that it would be more accurate to say that there were three castes in the city prior to the take over by the cult. The peasant, the nobles and the ruler each with radically different laws and customs that they had to abide by. The ruler was in possession of nearly all of the wealth that the rich land provided and some estimates from our best agents place his income at roughly 80% of the total income of the city alone, with the nobles making up 18% of the remainder and only two percent for the entirety of the peasant caste.

As anyone with any understanding of economics would see, this would be unsustainable in the long run, as the peasants made up nearly 90% of the entire population and the ruler only had around a hundred people in his family, with the last ten percent being the nobles. We have yet to discover the reason behind this atrocious management of funds and resources, and probably never will.

Yet, the effects of this mismanagement are clear to see. The massive discontent that the peasants constantly suffered under made them easy prey for the ideological that the Shattering Claw endorsed. We believe that the general timeline for the conversion of the city, started with the Shattering Claw sending a tendril of their influence into the city some decades before the first revolution, as the cult drew the civilians into their fold their desire for freedom of this tyrannical government twisted the usually secretive and slow acting cult into a much more forward acting variant that renamed itself as Nova's Voice.

The reports from this time indicate that our agents expected the Cult to quickly die as they unleashed a revolution in the city, and their expectations were proven correct as the army, well trained and equipped as it was made solely from noble caste individuals quickly crushed the revolting peasants. However, this was not the end and in defiance of their forward nature the cult leaders withdrew for a decade that we now know was spent preparing for the next uprising.

Our agents have been able to confirm that during this decade of silence, the leaders sent envoys to Forge-Clans, sought out disgraced champion fighters and other such force multipliers. Thus, when the next uprising struck it was radically different from the first, with the cult leaders having trained themselves in various forms of warfare and with moderately technological assistance from a few select Forge-Clans. They slowly reduced the armies via indirect attacks, with poisons and gaseous vapors being a common vector of attack in their hands, beyond the direct they also made use of infiltration and usurpation of important government offices in order to maintain government continuity.

From their own records made free to the public, most districts of the city had their governors removed first by the cults forces as the slowly integrated their personal into the more mundane offices and from their spread slowly outward, by the time actual battles were being waged against them, almost of the city was being governed indirectly by the cult's people. This combined with their poison and other indirect fighting methods quickly destroyed the last of the noble armies with their supplies taken by the cult leaders.

Following this second revolution, the cult quickly moved against the laws that has sparked this entire situation. The evaluated their best direct fighters to serve as an intermittent guard force, while their lawyers and hired consultants from other nations reworked the law books. For a period of a decade the laws were technically unchanged, but in practice none of them were enforced and only due to the population being almost in a collective stupor of relief prevented things from collapsing. However, eventually the cult leaders unveiled a new law system to govern the entire city with and all of the old judges that had survived the revolution were forced to go for retraining before being able to serve once more.

With the rewritten laws in hand, they quickly moved to complete their take over, with the destruction of noble estates and the reclamation of the vaults that the nobles had built into their homes to hold their goods. This was only the first stage, soon thereafter every noble that had survived was placed on trial and given a scrupulously fair experience with some of the best lawyers in their employ being used for the defendants along with hiring people from nearby cities to form the juries, the weight of evidence for the crimes of the nobles was more than enough for almost all of them to be condemned to suffer the worst fate. They would be sent to work for the community, without direct pay but would have their supplies provided by the city as a whole. This replaced the death penalty in the city nearly as a whole, with the worst crimes being either sentenced to expulsion or the community work force. Only, certain crimes yet retain the death penalty, this list includes; treason (defined as meaningful assistance to an enemy in war), rape (high evidence bar), and anything regarding children in unsafe environments.

Now decades after the revolution the city is nearing the level that it should have been, wealth has started to flow around it as the cult manages the economy with a deft hand and the people support the cult in nearly every aspect of their actions. The city is now expected to become a center of wealth in a region that is overly struck with poverty in comparison to other more plentiful regions of the world.

Major Exports

Base Food-stock - the land around the city is massively fertile and produces great amounts of surplus food. Not enough to truly interest a larger nation, but sufficient to make it the breadbasket of its region.

High quality metals and ores - the ravines and mountains surrounding the city, provide access to very high quality metals and ores that are sold to at least two nearby Forge Clans and other cities to provide the city with extra income.

Labor - with the community work force as a thing, the city rents its use out to other nearby settlements to both to spread their beliefs and also to ensure that another city doesn't fall to the same extent that their city did.

Major Imports

Water - the fertile ground seems to consume all of the water in the region leaving precious little for the city to use directly, as such the vast majority of their water is bought from nearby cities and could possibly doom the city if it was ever cut off from this supply.

Medicine - there are several species of mutated insects and parasites in the city's region that require advanced medicines that only specialized Forge Cults can make, this constitutes another major import of the city

Skilled labor - due to its recent revolution the city is still suffering from a relative lack of truly skilled labor and higher profession. The cult as a whole is doing an admiral job of fixing this as fast as possible by hiring teachers from other nations even going beyond the borders of their region in order to get better teachers for their people.

Current Plans

The best we can tell is that the cult is still setting into their new found position of power in the city and most likely won't try to expand their influence for several more decades at least, however they have extended a hand to any other cult of Fractal Nova to use their city as a base/holy city if they so desire. So far we only know that the Shimmering Cloud and the Shattering Claw have taken up their offer.

Our agents report a rather strange event in the city in that the cult does not force people to believe in their religion beyond stamping out ideologies counter to their own, this makes them one of the few cults to gain true power that has not so far used it to become a state religion.

@HeroCooky another omake
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Fascinating, and well thought out! I like it.


One nitpick; if the report has been made by the Empire, it would be Forge-CLANS instead of Forge-CULTS.

(Note that I need an hour to get home before I can post the lore information) Choose your lore:

[ ] Eversun Evangelical Practices

[ ] The Imperial Proclamation Of Free Belief

[ ] Cult Of Blades, Serving A Goddess Who Wants You Dead - How?
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[Canon] - The Imperial Proclamation Of Free Belief
It is said that three things make the Empire of Slatnan great: the might of its armies, the Pax Slatnan, and the PFB. The first two are very straightforward in how they are applied and how they change the lives of those affected by it.

The Armies of the Empire kicks the shit out of anybody they are pointed at, with extreme prejudice and glee. Few nations could withstand the complete attention of the Empires might for long, as the Empire can field an army of 2.3 million souls should it be roused to War, though not without having to deal with a slacking economy due to the loss of bodies fueling it.

The Starlight Crusade is an example of the latter of the two, the Pax Slatnan. It is the simplistic idea of giving those that had been conquered citizenship, with all that that entails. It means that a city recently captured does not have to fear the looting and plundering of a winner of the war but has to bear the unpleasant task of bringing its laws and buildings, along with its institution, in line with all other Imperial Regions. A pain for those officials who have to figure out how to do so, but a blessing for the conquered, as the citizens of the Empire tend to enjoy a level of wealth and rights nearly unparalleled elsewhere.

But the PFB is a cornerstone of stability which has often found itself under attack yet has never been removed. The PFB is, at its core, the promise of sheltering a person from any harm due to their belief. All within the Empire have the unalienable right to pray, worship, and practice any religion they wish to practice.

As long as they follow a few rules, of course.

1. No permanent or excessive harm may result from practicing a religion.
2. No Anti-Imperial sentiments may be spread by the faith.
3. All religions have to pay taxes on any goods they receive or produce.

There are more rules to the PFB, but those are the kind of laws that govern the various minutia carried over by time and age since the PFB had been proclaimed 925 years ago. And in a world where you either worship the state religion or die, the promise of a safe-haven is a powerful incentive for many groups seeking a new home.

Even if they have to pay taxes.