-[X] Calm Tensions
Needed: 25 Rolled: 64
And the tensions between the locals and the refugees stay low. At least one thing that didn't descend into chaos.

-[X] Screw You; Eden!

Losses: 1d1000+500 = 903
Chaos: 1d2+4 = 6
Utter Success!
But the Church of Eden implodes. Now we just have to keep pushing.

-[X] Secret Of The Circuit Pt.1 - (Electronics) - (4/4 Successes)
--[X] Assorted Lightbulbs, Non-Functional Lightbulb, Drained Battery
--[X] +6FF

Needed: 45/70/90% for 1/2/3 Successes, Rolled: 79 + 48 = 127
+3 Successes!
Primitive Electronics Researched!
Unlocked Faith/Learning/Tree Of Knowledge Actions!
Success, which means +5% Piety. Too bad we used up all light bulbs, that will make researching them difficult. Maybe if we buy a few from the Merchants?

-[X] Translations For Beginners - (Linguistics) - (Untranslated Book On Chemicals)
--[X] Assorted Books In Multiple Languages, Translated Transcripts
--[X] +4FF

Needed: 40/45/50% for 1/2/3 Successes, Rolled: 71 + 56 = 127
+3 Successes!
Translated: Narcotics, Stimulants, And More!
-0.15 Upkeep to all medical facilities!
Unlocked Research: Combat Stimulants!
That is useful if we open more hospice or build the medical wing. The research could be useful for the fight with the machines we have to do to loot that other area.

Church Of Eden
: Reduce Pilgrim Standing = Needed: 81 Rolled: 98 - 20 = 78 Fail!
Church Of Eden: Inflame Anti-Mutated Sentiments = Needed: 87 Rolled: 16 - 20 = -4 Artificial Critical Fail!
Common People React = Needed: 25 Rolled: 38 Success! No Change!
The Mutated React = Needed: 05 Rolled: 65 Success!

Bolt VS Ancient Firewall = Needed: 130 Rolled 85 + 90 = 175 Success!
Hidden DC Uncovered: 230 For Shutting It Down Safely. Failed.
Butcher Explodes, No Damages.

Empire Knights Support 82 + 250 = 332 = Squishin'!
Not One Step Back 68 + 110 + 166 = 344 vs. 102 = 17 + 85 Droplets Where Sea Once Raged = One Horror Down. Many More To Fight.
Catching the Pilgrims: Needed: 75 Rolled: 87 Fail-Nothing to intercept them.
Looks like we got some good rolls and our scouts avoided any more casualties.

Eighty-three consecutive hours of combat. Eighty-three hours of sweat, blood, terror, bravery, and heroisms uncounted. Eighty-three hours of slaughtering the last of a horror that should have never been. That is how long it took to destroy the last of the Flood, as it broke upon the Walls, Spears, and Will of the Empire, defending those that have sworn themselves to our nation, and those that lay beyond. Some positions have been protected until the last laid slain, no mercy given to ours, as no mercy was granted in return. But many more resisted beyond all expectations, with even humble farmers rising to glory, as Knights gave the Last Mercy to the long-dead bodies assaulting our people. Forge-Clan Artillerists brought Honor and Accolades to their Clans as they pushed their machines to their breaking points, some even beyond, working for days to keep them firing hell and death. Reports suggest that more shots have been fired in those four days than in the entire war combined! And now that the Flood has been broken, the Empire marches, and it knows only one target.

The Chambers of the Starlight Council. Where the madness started, and will now end!
Let's hope they don't have any other ancient superweapons. Or that they sneak samples of the Flood to some other rival nation.

Within a single day, newspapers published a report that nearly pushed every city with a COE congregation into open anarchy. With undeniable evidence that their highest religious authority had not only engaged in sex but had married and produced three Mutated children with a female Mutated, many followers took to the streets. It came to the point that the guards had to hire Adventurers to keep the situation from deteriorating from "light rioting" to "open revolt." Given a blanket cheque to keep order, the merc's took to their task with glee, much to the pain of many which had been swept up in the violence. Luckily, the Pilgrims had been moving many medicinal goods through the region in preparation for another charity drive where they sponsored all medical treatments in agreement with the Union Of Herbalists. Without hesitation, the volunteers and attending Pilgrims gave aid to those who had been injured in the violence, whether they were, or were not, a COE follower. But while the Pilgrims and Guards were busy restoring order and helping people, the COE severed all ties with Ex-Bishop Jesica. Within a day, the man had been stripped of his rank, condemned for his sins, excommunicated, declared a heretic and cast out through the front gates of their Cathedral, into the masses which had laid siege to it. None can say if it was a miracle or a curse, but the man survived long enough for a squad of brave guards to rescue the man, who had since escaped the region. But despite this quick resolution of the damning evidence, the unrest continued, as allegations of the Bishop only being a scapegoat, that the higher-ups in the church had been complicit, of rumors of more priests having Mutated families and many more rumors started circulating. While the COE Priesthood tries to figure out what to do now, the Great Houses have made it very clear that they do not appreciate the massive disruption of daily life. They have arrested, tried, and hanged several priests that have attempted to use this turmoil to incite mobs to attack Mutated, which "have corrupted the Bishop, seeking to do the same to our immortal souls!" Unrests continue regardless, with many wondering how long it will take for the situation to return to normal.
Yes! Now, how to fan the flames...

Seven Hanged Men Found! No New Ritual Murders Reported!
The murders in Zulmni and Jokvi have stopped as suddenly as they have flared into existence. None knew whether this was because those responsible had merely wandered onwards or if they only waited for things to calm down-until now. Then, seven men, between the ages of 17 and 58, were found inside an abandoned warehouse, hanged by their dried entrails, cut open, ribs removed, and arranged into a profane idol, with their eyes sewn into their hands facing each other. Above them, a rose painted out of their blood prominently displayed its thorns, and the words: "Our Playground. Our Rules." were written around it. Analytics of the DNA has proven that the seven were the killers the guard had been searching. It seems that when two murder cults meet, one will destroy the other. Now they only have to add another case to the local Rose-Cult. And start a search again, though many doubt that they will find any evidence. They have seen none in twenty years of searching after all.
Ah, so that's what the Criminal Organisations did in Zulmni and Jokvi. Looks like the killers were an independent organization that got killed by the local syndicate.

Dreadnought Explodes.
Well, that was anticlimactic. Seems that the Forge-Clan Scriptors were able to make the thing go the way of the horse. Welp, back to work.
We still need to find out who modified and activated the Butcher. While all Butchers in the Workshop got secured, there could be other facilities that could be weaponized...

Pilgrim Leader Martyris Marries Mutated!
Marriage. A powerful word, capable of uniting two nations, families, and ending feuds that started centuries ago. And in our home, there is a distinction between marriage before the Emperor and Law, and a Religion. As no Human and Mutated marriage is recognized before the law as legal, many seek either dangerous bribery or a religious ceremony. Like the Followers Of Light, the Pilgrims have used their granted privileges to do just such a thing. The leader of the Pilgrims, Martyris, has married a Mutated, much to the jubilation of the Mutated, seeing the statements and actions of the Pilgrims once more reaffirmed as they flock to their banner. While many grumble about this public reaffirmation of their beliefs and doctrine, some whisper that a child may be on the way, and be why Martyris did such...
Yeah, I really want to see Selenes reaction to the realization that it wasn't the food.

The Church Of Eden is in chaos. They are either trying to calm their congregations, screaming at each other, or get beaten up by adventurers/guards when they try something "sketchy." The adventurers seem to have an extensive definition of "sketchy." Furthermore, important documents are missing, more with every day...

The Common People are shocked at the revelations of Bishop Jesica's sins, with many COE followers venting their aggression on the church's property. The most pressing matter is a lack of sanitation, though expanded sewers are currently being constructed. Estimates say they will be finished in three months.

The Mutated find the hypocrisy of the Bishop delightful. They are pleased about the Pilgrims throwing their political weight around and making Mutated/Human marriages official doctrine.
Not really any surprises. Except for the sewers; I'm surprised they kept the schedule despite the riots.
1. And the tensions between the locals and the refugees stay low. At least one thing that didn't descend into chaos.
2. Success, which means +5% Piety. Too bad we used up all light bulbs, that will make researching them difficult. Maybe if we buy a few from the Merchants?
3. Let's hope they don't have any other ancient superweapons. Or that they sneak samples of the Flood to some other rival nation.
4. Not really any surprises. Except for the sewers; I'm surprised they kept the schedule despite the riots.
1. And since the Butcher is dead, the refugees can return to their homes! Problem solved! Until the next crisis, that is.
2. Researching Electronics gives you the basics of everything; Light, production, storage, etc. And since you used two light Artifacts, your options to light up the Tree and your facilities are cheaper! Both in upkeep and initial costs.
3. The Flood was (as far as you can discern) a one-time use Artifact. Switch it on, and you get your slave-army, at the cost of burning it out. It is safe to tell you now that the Flood was Mass Effect Husk-Style, rather than 28 Days Later Zombie-Style. No biological contamination, aside from ~4 million corpses.
4. The Empire can do three things very good: Military, Infrastructure, Intriuge. It should shock you more when they don't complete a projekt on schedule under budget.
1. And since the Butcher is dead, the refugees can return to their homes! Problem solved! Until the next crisis, that is.
If we didn't already kill all those Blightdogs, I would expect some wildlife to show up because of all the meat that's lying around. But with all of them already dead, that should not attract anything new.

2. Researching Electronics gives you the basics of everything; Light, production, storage, etc. And since you used two light Artifacts, your options to light up the Tree and your facilities are cheaper! Both in upkeep and initial costs.
Useful. Not only for the office workers in the Tree but also for our miners and the people that work at the hospice. No more operations by candlelight!

3. The Flood was (as far as you can discern) a one-time use Artifact. Switch it on, and you get your slave-army, at the cost of burning it out. It is safe to tell you now that the Flood was Mass Effect Husk-Style, rather than 28 Days Later Zombie-Style. No biological contamination, aside from ~4 million corpses.
I'm not sure why anyone would design a one-shot Artefact like that. Wouldn't it have been easier to clone a slave army, back before the Fall? Anyway, let's hope that was the only Artefact of that kind they had.

4. The Empire can do three things very good: Military, Infrastructure, Intriuge. It should shock you more when they don't complete a projekt on schedule under budget.
... Does that mean our best bet for a victory is a Faith or Diplomatic victory?
I'm not sure why anyone would design a one-shot Artefact like that. Wouldn't it have been easier to clone a slave army, back before the Fall? Anyway, let's hope that was the only Artefact of that kind they had.
that assumes that Starlight actually managed to make use of the thing properly. Frankly, based on what we know of the world I am for one pretty sure that they basically just poked it in a random sequence of buttons and got the slave army out of it, but didn't really know how to control the thing.
I'm not sure why anyone would design a one-shot Artefact like that. Wouldn't it have been easier to clone a slave army, back before the Fall? Anyway, let's hope that was the only Artefact of that kind they had.
that assumes that Starlight actually managed to make use of the thing properly. Frankly, based on what we know of the world I am for one pretty sure that they basically just poked it in a random sequence of buttons and got the slave army out of it, but didn't really know how to control the thing.
Its like Leon12431 said, most artifacts of that caliber are barely understood even after decades of study.

And it is more a testament of their resilience that they still function even somewhat, since, you know. There was an apocalypse and at least a millenium of neglected maintenance between creation and use.
... Does that mean our best bet for a victory is a Faith or Diplomatic victory?
Depends on your definition of "Victory"

I am fully prepared to go Interstellar Space Travel with this quest. Shit, I am making a damn map of your stellar neighbourhood when I am bored!

On another note: I am thinking of commisioning art for this quest. One piece of Selene and Martyris each. Does anyone have a Character they want to see drawn? Or a particular location?
honestly i love this

great turn overall,i wasnt expecting such godamm good rol

I'm not sure why anyone would design a one-shot Artefact like that. Wouldn't it have been easier to clone a slave army, back before the Fall? Anyway, let's hope that was the only Artefact of that kind they had.

programmed obsolescence

a one shot artifact like doesn't make sense currently because the society lacks the tech to replicate the ''zombifying'' tech

but for a society that doe have the means,making it one use makes sense,to avoid ''apocalipse/infection cascading out of control or destroying target we don't want to harm'' thing
[Canon] - (Must Read) - A Union Of Clans
AN: Alright here is an omake showing the Main Vanar-Feer Family Branch. I'm guessing that a breeding contract is like a company merger so both of them are now Vanar-Feer or Vaneer Clan. This took weeks to make cause I had to make up a lot of interesting details to flesh a lot of this out. This one took a Lot of work and I even made Clan Vanar's emblem using the tools in MSWord which you see in the omake below. Hope you enjoy.
Rhys Vanar - Heir to clan Vanar & Talented Engineer| Maray Vanar - Sister | Lynn Feuer - Prodigy Heir Datasmith

To a Beautiful Future
After years of negotiations, Clan Vanar have gained a wonderful new addition. By marrying into the skilled Feuer Clan, in exchange for having access to their Data-smiths, they in turn will have access to the resources and Ancient Machines of the Vanar. Of course you can't marry into a clan without actual marriages, and so I along with several members of my clan were chosen for the arranged marriages between both clans to cement the agreement. Because not everyone can be wed with the other clan, those that will be wed are relegated to a secure compound while everyone else continue as they were but now under the Vanar-Feuer name.

And that is why I am here, in a secluded Vanar clan Fortress Compound that was donated to house those Vanar-Feuer clan. The compound is a large Star Fort the size of a small village containing several houses for the servants, a garden, a Forge, Barracks for the guards, Walls three feet thick, and a Castle for the main family would stay in. And that is just the castle itself, over the years in preparation for signing the merger, the Vanar spread the word that they will be financing a new village and a labor force of peasants are needed to work the land. The chance for work from a reputable source like a Forge clan, raised a lot of volunteers. After years of vetting and hard labor, several empty plots of land surrounding the compound for future expansions, the nearby copper mine is an essential material in making electronics and was the primary reason this compound in particular was chosen.

Of course to better reflect its new status as a compound that house a Main Family Branch, several security measures were added in. Guards armed and armored with the latest in Vanar technology, state of the art remote controlled Bright-Lances, Mortars and Drones, and even a Core has been installed at the heart of the Castle in command of the perimeter surveillance devices and automated defenses. Any threat approaching the base from 5 kilometers away can be detected, targeted, and killed in less than 10 seconds. Should the perimeter defenses be insufficient to eliminate the threat, a platoon of Crusaders and Paladin squad leaders controlled by the more martially inclined of the clan are stored in bunkers under the compound are available to lend their support through hidden tunnels. There has been talks about installing Rocket Batteries in the near future, once more urgent orders have been fulfilled.

"So can you tell me what your fiancée is like, brother?" I turn to my left to look at my younger sister Maray, who like me are currently standing on ceremony outside of the castle to greet the Feuer clan that is en-route to the compound. No one likes to stand outside on a hot day, but traditions must be followed and that includes waiting outside to greet them as equals as sending the servants to do it would be seen as an insult and they are not worth the host's time, which is not conducive to a healthy clan merger, or so my etiquette tutor tells me.

"Since I was busy with a large commission for the Maric's Wrath Chapter, I wasn't able to participate any of the meetings. So call me curious for wanting to know who my brother will be spending the rest of his life with." Maray is an capable engineer and blacksmith, as all Vanar are, however her passion is in making art and studying ancient art. Her metal sculptures are highly valued by the nobility for their detail earning her recognition with the various noble art enthusiasts. However, getting commissioned to design and oversee the decorating of an expansion to The Bloody Cog's Chapter house of more recent battles and decorating freshly delivered Knights to the new initiate's preferences. This meant that she was unavailable to be present at any of clan meetings for half a decade and she just recently finished her commission with a very satisfied Chapter in her wake.

"We have met before during those clan meetings to negotiate the merger. After we introduce ourselves, we were given time to get to know each other while the Elders iron out the details. Her name is Lynn Feuer, she is a very talented Data-smith, she likes Ash Tea and reading, dislikes large crowds and social gatherings, her hobbies are Data-smithing and tinkering, and her dreams for the future is to design her own Core Intelligence."

"Sounds like a a very stereotypical Data-smith, did you mention your dream of designing your own Knight?"

"It seemed relevant at the time so I did. We spent an hours talking about Knight Frame and how the Paladin came to be designed."

"No Clan secrets were mentioned before the contract was signed I hope?"

"Come now, Maray I am not that careless."

"Better safe than sorry, as they say."

Before we could continue the conversation a notification pop up on my arm-pad. "Master Rhys, the Feuer convoy has arrived at the outer gate of the Castle, they will arrive at the castle momentarily."

"Thank you EVA, let me know if anything else comes up." While relegating a Core for use outside of a Knight is very expensive, the Vanar have the resources to invest in putting a Core into important Clan compounds. The various ways that a Core help administrate the day-to-day task whilst automating most of the electronic equipment and defenses are worth the cost.

After a few seconds of idle waiting the convoy entered through the castle gate and stopped right at the entrance into the castle. As the leading carriage came to a stop, out steps a woman in very old yet well maintained and expensive uniform. The woman is most likely your bride's personal servant and once she stands on solid ground, held up her hand to assist her mistress out of the carriage. As Lynn steps out of the carriage a small metal Blightdog follows her out. While the guards briefly stiffen at the sight of the mechanical guardian they relax once they saw the Vanar clan symbol stenciled on it's side.

You recognize that machine anywhere, after all you and your fiancée made that together as an Engagement Project. It is a Forge Clan tradition for couples to build something together. The story goes that a couple decided to start a project together while their clans are busy writing all of the terms and conditions of the contract. By the time the contract was signed, the couple had completed their joint project and then use them as each other's engagement gifts and these gifts can range from trinkets to weapons It is said that the more impressive the gift the more prosperous the union will be. And making a fully autonomous mechanical Blightdog is certainly impressing the members from both clans. Of course it is not just a mechanical Blightdog as I do have plans to install new upgrades and maybe make more of them, but that is for future Rhys to worry about.

"Welcome to Vieve, Milady, how was your journey?"

"It was pleasant. Sparky was well behaved throughout the entire trek and I managed to refine its voice recognition system to now be able to follow verbal commands."

"Really? I have a few upgrades in mind for him as well. We can talk while I give you the tour of the Castle. But first some introductions are in order. This is my sister, Maray."

Maray gave a cheerful wave and a wink. "Nice to meet ya."

"She is a talented artist with a eye for detail. And the man in armor is Guard Captain Joseph Sol, he is in charge of the Compound's security and is also my personal bodyguard."

The man in Brigandine armor with Vanar colors gives a curt nod "Ma'am."

"His men will escort your family to their quarters and give them a general tour of the castle as well."

"You have my thanks, and this is my personal guard, Sofie DuGalle." The maid gives a curtsy and a nod.

"Now that we have introductions out of the way, lets start the tour shall we?"

The rest of the day was spent showing the different facilities and rooms of the castle. From the dining room to the personal forge, to the green house growing edible grains and vegetables before ending with Core room at the heart of the castle and where the Castle's EVA is housed. Maray separated from the group halfway through the tour after receiving a letter for a new commission. Apparently the Bloody Cog chapter have just promoted a new batch of squires into actual Knights and requests to have their Knights given proper iconography of their chapter. With letter in hand, she excused herself to prepare for her journey and to send messages to the Clan to deliver the materials for her new commission towards the Bloody Cog chapter in Sunken Hollow.

"So this is a Knight Core?" Lynn watch in fascination as the Core thrums with power. Surrounding the Core are various wires and machines that keep the Core connected to the Castle. A screen in front of the core activated itself and displays the Clan Vanar emblem and the feminine voice that is the template for all of clan Vanar's Cores replied.

"Correct, I am Electronic Vanar Assistant Core no. 74239 or EVA for short. I have been tasked with the protection of those inhabiting this castle and its surrounding settlement." The Vanar was very fortunate to found an Ancient Machine that is able to manufacture Knight Cores in relatively pristine condition.

"Like all Cores that are integrated into compounds, they have control over the various defense and surveillance systems surrounding the compound that will sound an alarm when a large threat is detected. There is a dedicated command bunker deep within the Castle where Guard Captain Sol's staff monitor the various defenses systems. However what makes EVA unique is combining all of that information and provide a real-time stage of the battlefield. This is made possible by having several server units that EVA has utilize to process all of the information and display it in real time in the Command Bunker. With that information, the "

"So that is source of how Clan Vanar can see into the future."

"My old war tutor told me that 'All warfare is based around Information.' and this is a powerful tool in Clan Vanar's arsenal to leverage the information we do have and react appropriately. We have shown this technology to the Emperor before, however it was mentioned that this technology was too cumbersome to be installed on a mobile platform campaign thus it is only installed on stationary forts inside the Empire at the moment."

"I could probably improve the code, once I have the time to look at it more closely."

"By all means, EVA is it okay for Clan Feuer Data-smiths to take a look at the Command and Control System?"

"The reputation of Clan Feuer being excellent Data-smiths are well known. It will be interesting to see how they can improve the C&C System."

"That settles that then. Once you are settled in, I'll have our Data-smith in charge of maintaining the Core guide you through how to use the program, for now I think it is time for dinner. If you would follow me to the dining room."

After leaving the Core room, the group heads toward the Great Hall where a feast is currently being prepared. Every member of Clan Vanar and their Clan Feuer spouses are in attendance along several long tables and are mostly conversing with each other. Before we enter however, we head over to a table outside the Hall where 2 servants are washing the hands of the clan members with flower water and dried with a towel. After our hands are washed, I escort Lynn to the head table while Sofie and Joseph stand by the walls and observed the feast. The Great Hall is filled with multiple tables that are filled with multiple families of new Vanar-Feuer, colorful murals decorate the walls, intricate chandeliers shine brightly, and a musician plucking away at her string instrument provide a light and celebratory atmosphere.

Maray is currently sitting at the head table with an attendant writing down a possible list of materials needed to be delivered. You took a seat with Maray to your left and Lynn to your right. Once you took a seat, the servants signal to start delivering food to the tables. First out are the beverages which are ale and cider brewed from the local brewery are poured into everyone's glass cups. Next come the Bread Plates, made of sand wheat, its job is to soak up all of the juices from meats and then be given to the peasants. Finally the actual food came and for a feast to celebrate the union between Vanar and Feuer, no expense was spared. Granted the official marriage ceremony wouldn't be held until next season from now to give time for important members of the clan and Empire to come and attend, so for now a feast is to celebrate the 2 clan's deciding to come together and welcome them to Vieve is enough reason to celebrate. Roast Goat, Salt Baked Fish, and Fried Poultry with various cooked or pickled vegetables along with fresh fruit harvested from the underground garden, there is a wide variety of food on display. Once the servants have placed all of the food on the table and made their exit, you stand and give your welcoming speech.

"Today we stand together, united. Vanar and Feuer, two Forge Clans with storied histories have finally come together. Five years ago, negotiations for the union of both clans began. It was about much more than just the trading of secrets or exchanging of dowries, this is the start of a future where both clans work together and become more than just sum of their parts. However, this future will not exist without effort. Which is why today, we celebrate the start of what I hope to be the start of a bright and beautiful future."

You raise your glass of ale for the closing toast, "To the Future." before drinking the ale along with everyone else. You take a seat and watch as the feast officially begins with smiles on everyone's faces. You hope you can uphold that future you envision.

AN: Finally done with this omake, fairly proud of how this turned out and special thanks to Shadiversity for his video on Medieval Feasts to give me details on how medieval feasts are usually held and I highly recommend you watch his videos on other interesting topics about the medieval times. I also took inspiration from Ozpin's Volume 2 speech from RWBY for the opening speech of the feast. And thanks to @HeroCooky for answering my questions and helping me bounce ideas through fact-checking with him.
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Fantastic Omake, loved every bit about it!

Small nitpick: the Autocannons should be replaced by Bright-Lances (Lasers), since gunpowder weaponry is squarely within "Artillery-Only" sophistication for much of the world.

Other than that: CANON!

Edit: Choose your lore:

[ ] MYRA: Day 14.995
[ ] The Theta Contingency
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Small nitpick: the Autocannons should be replaced by Bright-Lances (Lasers), since gunpowder weaponry is squarely within "Artillery-Only" sophistication for much of the world.

For the Lore I am leaning for Theta Contingency cause I feel like IT RUSTLES is gonna be a something terrifying. MYRA could have been anything and I checked with a calculator, 15k days is more or less 41 years so it can't be that long ago to be Ancient tech. So yeah, I'll pick Theta
[X] The Theta Contingency
[Canon] - The Theta Contingency
"Myra, forgive us for what we have wrought," -Last words of the Last Grandmaster, seconds before he overloaded all of his implants, killing himself in seconds.

"There is such a thing as asking too many questions, digging too deep, searching for what should remain buried. We ignored that. And now we pay the price." -Unknown.

"WHAT IS THAT? WHAT IS TH-" -scrambled transmission of the Forbidden Keep.

"It didn't die. It just... kept coming. We shot it, once, twice, a hundred times, but it just kept coming. I-i saw it enter Les, like, like he was only water. He, oh god, he screamed, he was aware, before he turned to me, still as a drop of water, smiling and began to sing. I can still hear it; WHY CAN I STILL HEAR IT? WHY WON'T IT STOP? MAKE IT STOP!" -Only Survivor of the Forbidden Keep, shortly before gouging out his eyeballs, ripping off his ears, and vomiting out his heart. He died three hours later, drowning in his blood, screaming about THE SONG the entire time. The body has been cremated, and the ashes have been stored in Installation #0.

"It broke the last containment within a minute. We have suffered 93% casualties within the next two. No living beings remain within the Keep, aside from me, Elean, and Kre. We are in accord. It cannot run free, and none of us can kill it. Forgive us." -The last transmission from the Forbidden Keep, before it was eradicated by a nuclear detonation.

"Report: Installation #19 suffered a critical containment breach. All countermeasures have failed. Contingency Theta has been activated. All staff is now declared KIA, with all survivors to be killed on sight. A security cordon is to be erected in a 60(sixty) kilometer radius around the installation for 100 years; all attempts to breach the cordon are to be met with deadly force." - Automated assessment of the Forbidden Keep breach.

"The Theta Contingency serves one purpose, and one purpose alone, ensuring that our efforts of understanding the mysteries of the past do not awaken that which should have slept. Pray that it will never happen to you. Pray that when it does, you die quick and painless." -Elder Pijin.

For the Lore I am leaning for Theta Contingency cause I feel like IT RUSTLES is gonna be a something terrifying. MYRA could have been anything and I checked with a calculator, 15k days is more or less 41 years so it can't be that long ago to be Ancient tech. So yeah, I'll pick Theta
[X] The Theta Contingency
Good choice. But I too do wonder who MYRA could have been. Or what her chosen are up to these days. :thonk:
Small nitpick: the Autocannons should be replaced by Bright-Lances (Lasers), since gunpowder weaponry is squarely within "Artillery-Only" sophistication for much of the world.
"Artillery-Only" as in, they have better tech for any other range of engagement? Or "Artillery-Only" as in, that is the most advanced form of artillery they have?

"It didn't die. It just... kept coming. We shot it, once, twice, a hundred times, but it just kept coming. I-i saw it enter Les, like, like he was only water. He, oh god, he screamed, he was aware, before he turned to me, still as a drop of water, smiling and began to sing. I can still hear it; WHY CAN I STILL HEAR IT? WHY WON'T IT STOP? MAKE IT STOP!" -Only Survivor of the Forbidden Keep, shortly before gouging out his eyeballs, ripping off his ears, and vomiting out his heart. He died three hours later, drowning in his blood, screaming about THE SONG the entire time. The body has been cremated, and the ashes have been stored in Installation #0.
I first thought this was some form of memetic weapon but it entering people implies some dimensional or at least nanomachine component. Is the Theta Contingency a Revival Initiative protocol?
"Artillery-Only" as in, they have better tech for any other range of engagement? Or "Artillery-Only" as in, that is the most advanced form of artillery they have?

I first thought this was some form of memetic weapon but it entering people implies some dimensional or at least nanomachine component. Is the Theta Contingency a Revival Initiative protocol?
"Artillery-Only" in that handheld guns are worse in everything than a modern military crossbow. Too slow, inaccurate, not powerful enough, and much too unwieldy. Gunpowder weaponry on Calynth is at the same stage as the Cannons used against constantinople (1453 to be precise). With the exception of rockets, which are between WHF Helstorm Rocket-Battery and WW2 Nebelwerfer. Exceptions may apply to special and rare examples.

The Theta Contingency is a secret multinational effort by Forge-Clans to prevent the truly horrendous shit being able to run free. Some nations entered that agreement, others reject it. The artifact that was used to create the Flood would have been subjected to the Contingency.
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"Artillery-Only" in that handheld guns are worse in everything than a modern military crossbow. Too slow, inaccurate, not powerful enough, and much too unwieldy. Gunpowder weaponry on Calynth is at the same stage as the Cannons used against constantinople (1453 to be precise).
... How did that happen? The limiting factor for guns is metallurgy, and going by what we have seen of Knights and Walkers, their knowledge of metallurgy should be good enough to create at least WW1 guns. Or maybe the local crossbows are just that ridiculous? If the local planetary population was into LARPing and used super-science to create ridiculous crossbows...

Huh, that would explain why Knights use "crossbows" as weapons. Only they probably have barely anything in common with what we think of as crossbows.

The Theta Contingency is a secret multinational effort by Forge-Clans to prevent the truly horrendous shit being able to run free. Some nations entered that agreement, others reject it. The artifact that was used to create the Flood would have been subjected to the Contingency.
In that case, I'm surprised the Empire didn't get more support from other Forge-Clans. It does sound like Starlight will be under a long-term quarantine though.
... How did that happen? The limiting factor for guns is metallurgy, and going by what we have seen of Knights and Walkers, their knowledge of metallurgy should be good enough to create at least WW1 guns. Or maybe the local crossbows are just that ridiculous? If the local planetary population was into LARPing and used super-science to create ridiculous crossbows...
I think its that they had to reinvent firearms and haven't figured out the self-contained cartridge. So they only have muzzle loaders until they can find a bullet and know what it is used for. It is possible that chemical propellant bullets were phased out entirely and only exist in museums before the Fall of the Ancients. Since the Ancients have mechs and lasers, it is possible that the Forge-Clans of doesn't have an example that they could study.
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... How did that happen? The limiting factor for guns is metallurgy, and going by what we have seen of Knights and Walkers, their knowledge of metallurgy should be good enough to create at least WW1 guns. Or maybe the local crossbows are just that ridiculous? If the local planetary population was into LARPing and used super-science to create ridiculous crossbows...

Huh, that would explain why Knights use "crossbows" as weapons. Only they probably have barely anything in common with what we think of as crossbows.
See below.
I think its that they had to reinvent firearms and haven't figured out the self-contained cartridge. So they only have muzzle loaders until they can find a bullet and know what it is used for. It is possible that chemical propellant bullets were phased out entirely and only exist in museums before the Fall of the Ancients. Since the Ancients have mechs and lasers, it is possible that the Forge-Clans of doesn't have an example that they could study.
Like Warmach1ne32 said. Most gunpowder weaponry was replaced in favor of laser and plasma. I mean, once you have something that has effectively infinite ammo and 99.999999% accuracy, why bother with guns?

In that case, I'm surprised the Empire didn't get more support from other Forge-Clans. It does sound like Starlight will be under a long-term quarantine though.
The Forge-Clans were already present with their warmachines to support the conquest of Starlight. Once The Flood hit, they panicked and sent more, until it was clear that The Flood could not propagate. A quarantine is not planned, as the Emperor has already confirmed that whatever created The Flood will be destroyed thouroughly.
... How did that happen? The limiting factor for guns is metallurgy, and going by what we have seen of Knights and Walkers, their knowledge of metallurgy should be good enough to create at least WW1 guns. Or maybe the local crossbows are just that ridiculous? If the local planetary population was into LARPing and used super-science to create ridiculous crossbows...

Huh, that would explain why Knights use "crossbows" as weapons. Only they probably have barely anything in common with what we think of as crossbows.

In that case, I'm surprised the Empire didn't get more support from other Forge-Clans. It does sound like Starlight will be under a long-term quarantine though.

gunpowder guns need advanced chemistry and metallurgy to work with

so unless you have fabrics of smokeless gunpowder,you are limited to musket tier weaponry
and laser and plasma is always better than muskets,hell even high quality crossbows are