[ ] Heavy Metal - (Choose Grade: Medium/Heavy/Super-Heavy) - (Metallurgy/Armor)
While the Armored Camo-Cloaks of the Pilgrims are excellent pieces of armor, it is a fact that they don't focus on being armor. Sooner or later, Pilgrims will get into a fight where stealth is not an option, and the basic leather armor won't be enough. Use some of the knowledge the Pilgrims found to develop armor that is better than the basic versions.
(Chance: 85/60/35% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 1/1/2
Reward: Armor.)
[ ] Heavy Metal - (Choose Grade: Medium/Heavy/Super-Heavy) - (Metallurgy/Armor)
While the Armored Camo-Cloaks of the Pilgrims are excellent pieces of armor, it is a fact that they don't focus on being armor. Sooner or later, Pilgrims will get into a fight where stealth is not an option, and the basic leather armor won't be enough. Use some of the knowledge the Pilgrims found to develop armor that is better than the basic versions.
(Chance: 95/75/45% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 2/2/4
Reward: Armor.)

Anyway how will our recruitment bonus with Mutated from marriage work mechanically? One-time boost? Passive recruitment? Bonus to recruitment actions?

We should do Sandcrete Mixer and Medical Wing next turn if we have money for it.

Anyway how will our recruitment bonus with Mutated from marriage work mechanically? One-time boost? Passive recruitment? Bonus to recruitment actions?

We should do Sandcrete Mixer and Medical Wing next turn if we have money for it.
Did, did I not mention that? Apparently I did not. I upped the successes needed since I realized that creating armor, especially good armor, takes more effort than saying "let's do it!" and then doing it. The armor you will create will be better for it though!

Passice recruitment +1, a military action to make use of those that have applicable mutations, and a learning action to see how you can take advantage of certain mutations.
We should do Sandcrete Mixer and Medical Wing next turn if we have money for it.
Well, we have an income of 72 Materials and need to pay somewhere around 40 Materials(upkeep+study sessions), so we should have around 30 Materials to work with. That's not enough for the Sandcrete Mixer but we could do the Medical Wing.

We do have to worry about repaying our loans though. Oh, and we have to keep the pressure on the COE up.
Interlude: Two Hearts, One Soul
There will be a lot of sexual innuendos in this interlude. The reason, for those of you who didn't catch it, is: Selene and Martyris rolled 2d12 for what they are doing on their dates. One rolled things like stargazing, dancing, festivals, etc. While the other rolled one thing and one thing only, every single time. And that is Sex, which has consequences. Which resulted in the thread having a bit of a panic/happiness reaction last update.

Now, the two would have had Sex regardless, they are a couple after all, but not to the degree in which the dice decided. Think two rabbits without a refractory period, and you get the general idea of what the two were doing when they got horny(which was always).

On the plus side: ~Baby Incoming!~

It was in the middle of high summer when the rains stopped falling, and the storms turned sandy, that outside one city, a truly vicious bout of haggling came to an end. One trade among many, as the caravaners had opened their bazaar days prior, attracting many customers looking for the exotic, strange, and curious. Scavengers sold metal, ancient art, electronics, and rare food, while merchants vied for the best price of spices, herbs, textiles, and much more. Two members of those two groups had met like they always did, and started trading, haggling, and lying to each other as old friends selling to each other ever did.

"A Crown? One whole Crown? Are you trying to ruin me? Is that is? Oh, look at poor old Marius over there, plying his trade, selling honest wares at honest prices, let me pull him over the table, and extort him! Do you have no heart? How do you think my family will afford food if I pay you what you demand? How will I stay in business if you force me to sell at such horrendous prices? 14 Kings, no more, I say! And even that is too much!" The man, broad in the shoulder and of a slight build, said, looking like he genuinely was outraged at the price his friend had demanded. Clothed in fine silk and cotton, dyed red and blue, the man cut an unusual figure, though his bodyguards convinced any would-be thieves that there were easier targets around.

The woman in front of him looked nothing like him. Age had bent her back, the eternal glare of the sun, the shifting sand, and the winds had cut her skin into leather and crinkles, making the impression of a frail old woman. A mistake, as the twin axes at her sides glinting deviously, could attend, as could her watchful eyes and sharp mind. Smiling, she made as if to remove the black slab lying between her and the merchant. "In that case, I may take my business elsewhere. There are plenty of buyers for my wares, are there not?" A quick look of panic rushed over Marius's face before he sighed in defeat and took out a golden coin, stamped with a depiction of a crown on one side and the words: "Strength, Justice, Perseverance." around the face of the Empress on the other.

"Okay, okay. Take a pound of my flesh like the others, won't you? Not like I have to re-sell this thing again," he said resigned, looking like he had taken a genuine hit in his finances, much to the woman's amusement. "Oh, cheer up, Marius! The Clanners will rip this thing out of your hands faster than you can set up an auction, not even mentioning the nobles trying to one-up each other for it! And don't act like you don't have a little Urish side-trade going on." "Silent woman! Do you want the guards to hear you?" Marius replied in a panic, looking around to see if anyone had noticed his friend's words. Seeing no-one turn or take interest, he relaxes. "And I stopped selling that. It turns out; my wife didn't like her husband selling an utterly harmless drug. But speaking of family, how's the boy? I didn't think I would ever be the one to ask you that, miss, "I will have children when I'm dead." "Hah, well. The world turns in unexpected ways; does it not? And he's fine, better than I ever thought he'd be, considering what he survived. Still denser than a sack of brick, though! Can you believe it, a girl asked him out for a dance, and he rejected her, in favor of going to some collapses library north of here! I swear, that boy needs someone to jump on him before he realizes they are interested."

Chuckling at her joke, she nods Marius goodbye, standing up and securing the coin in her robes. "Well, that reminds me that I need to look at what foolishness the boy is doing now, take care, and tell your wife I said hello, would you?" Grumbling in affirmative, Marius, on his part, begins to look over the slab, noting down its physical features as the woman walks away. It is not a long walk to where she had set up her tent, only interrupted by two purchases of fruit and a new waterskin. And once there, she sees a sight that has become depressingly common: the boy sitting in the sun, tools arrayed around him on a piece of fabric, while some ancient doodad was systematically cleaned, taken apart, and reassembled. And just on the edge of intrusion, a group of girls stood or sat, watching the boy with all the stealth teenagers were able to muster when looking at someone they had taken a liking to. The boy didn't notice the group of girls, though, and the woman was too old to give a shit anymore about proper behavior, directly walking trough the girls, and called out, "BOY!"

The young man startled, looking up from his work with a mixture of confusion, dread, and panic. "Yeh? What is it, Mrs.Drell?" "First off, don't look like you fucked up; you ain't in trouble. Second, I distinctly remember telling you to go off and enjoy yourself, not to stay here and tinker with some electric shit you had. Wait, I just sold the thing you restored; where did you get that thing anyway?" "Oh, I, eh, bought it? Okay, look, look, I can explain! After you told me to go away, I searched for something I could study and found this electronics piece. No idea what it does, but I'm sure that I can sell it for thrice what I paid!"

Mrs.Drell sighed in disappointment and sat down, shaking her head. "Damn boy, get your head out of your ass and start looking around! The girls over there are not interested in what you are doing!" She said, gesturing over to the gaggle of girls, which immediately dispersed at her words, and the attention was now on them. "How will you give someone a weapon at this rate? Or receive one?" At this, the boy paused, thought for a second, and looked at her confused. "Why would someone give me a weapon? I have my spear right here?" He said, lifting his spear. "And why would I need to give someone a weapon? Only some of the city-folk are stupid enough not to wear one everywhere they go."

Mrs. Drell looked at him with a mixture of confusion and disbelief and started opening her mouth to say something before recognition bloomed in her mind. "Of course no-one told him that. And of course, he never asked." She murmured, shaking her head. "Alright, listen up, boy! Explanation time! You see these axes?" she said, gesturing to the axes at her side. "Yes?" "Good. Now, tell me. How did I get those?" Thinking about it for a few seconds, he answered warily, "You bought them?" "Nope! You see this?" she responded, unhooking one of her axes and showing him the engraved blade of said ax. A picture of a proud deer, standing over a dead Stone-Dog, the lines inlaid with red paint, featured prominently on both sides.

"My late husband, Reia rest his bones, made them for me when he proposed—waxed some poetic shit about me being proud and strong, trying to get into my pants. Hey! Don't give me that look; you'll do it too one day! Anyway, he made the ax for me when he proposed, now why would he do that?" "Because he... wanted to impress you?" "No. Tell me, when you love someone, when you wish to live with them for the rest of your life, what do you give them to make sure that you will be able to do that?" "Oh! A weapon so that they can defend themselves! Now I get it! So he bought you a weapon with his proposal?" "Sometimes, I am wondering where your head is. The weapon is the proposal, one he made himself! You give it to them, hoping that they will stay safe even if they don't marry you. You present an ax for strength and pride, a spear for an unyielding spirit and honor, a dagger for intelligence and kindness. You built that thing out of materials you collected yourself to show your willingness to work for your relationship. You carve art into the item, a scene of much importance of your relationship. Its tradition, boy!" "Oh. But, what is so important about a Deer standing over a beaten Stone-Dog?" "That's when I beat the shit out of him twice!"


Okay, you can do this. I say to myself, looking nervously at the front door to the manor where Selene currently lived. You have checked everything. There is nothing to worry about; nothing will go wrong. I further think, trying to calm my nerves. It is not working. Somehow, there is a difference between thinking about doing something you wish to do and doing it. Of course, I knew that, but there is a difference between wanting to delve into ruins and proposing to the woman you love and wish to spend the rest of your life together. And yet, the latter feels more dangerous.

"Alright," I say out loud, chasing off the negative thought by starting to walk towards the front doors. This night is the night. The one in which I will propose, no matter what happens. Reaching the doors, I immediately knock to stop any impulse of running away, waiting with determination. Then the door opens, and one of the maids looks at me before disappointment and worry washes over her face. "Oh, just you, Marty. Sorry, but have you seen the Lady anywhere? We have not seen her or her bodyguards for the last four hours and are starting to be worried. She hasn't even left any notice about her whereabouts or when we should expect her back."

"Oh. No, sorry, Mar. I arrived only this morning, and haven't met Lady Maranica today," I reply. "Well, thanks. At least she has her bodyguard with her, so she should be fine."
+++Undisclosed Location+++
"But come in, Selen is in the parlor, obsessing about how her dress fits her. And if it is any indication, you ~horny dogs~ won't be getting any ~sleep tonight~," Mar replies with a wink and a chuckle, before swiftly walking away and turning one of the corners before I can respond. Leaving me standing in the hallway like a lost idiot, thinking about what Selene would be wearing to elicit that response. She only ever dressed modestly, even if her perfect butt tended to ruin that, not that I could complain. And why would she call us Horny Dogs? It's not like we did it every time we met! There was that, no wait, but the- no. ...did we seriously do it every time we met?

Before I can lose myself searching through memories and trying to find a date that did not end with us doing it, my feet carried me to the parlor, where one person (and her butt) greeted me. Or rather, only her butt, as Selene glared at a mirror, not noticing me, which left me to appreciate the beauty that stood in front of me.

It was elegance, mixed with temptation. Intricate suggestions, combined with brute demands. The dress she wore was breathtaking, screaming at me to admire the one wearing it. And I did. Everything about her was art made flesh, her fur immaculate and shining, her golden hair braided and falling onto her back in several braids, her figure stunning as always, her horns polished to a mirrors shine, her face held beauty beyond mortal words. Even if it was scrunched in displeasure, and her green eyes clouded by worry. Oh shit, am I too late?

"Forgive me, my Lady, for my tardiness," I said, smiling at her startled reaction, proving that she had indeed not seen me enter. Walking over to her, she tries to act as if she hadn't been just about ready to jump out of her skin. Pouting and crossing her arms, she tried to look haughty, and as if she had been expecting me all the time. "You are indeed late, Sir. I have been waiting for minutes for your arrival, and yet you think that a mere sentence will be enough for me to forgive you?" She asked, acting all proper and high, though a small smile and twinkle in her eyes told me all that I needed to know. "Then how about a kiss? One for my love, my star, and my mpfhf-" I tried to say while wrapping my arms around her and leaning in, only to be stopped by her hand over my mouth.

"Do you think me easy, mister? You shall have to earn your forgiveness tonight, not try to take advantage of my mercy," Selene purred into my ear, laughing while twisting out of my embrace and standing at the entrance with a grin. "The seats have been reserved, and dinner will be provided. The sights as enchanting as ever, and the entertainment after a ~delight~. Let us enjoy ourselves."

"As you command," I cannot help but say, taking her outstretched hand and walk out into the streets at her side, towards one of the most stressful, and hopefully the happiest nights of my life.

Towards my proposal to her, as the case hidden on me weighs as much as lead.


The forge's heat filled the entire area, oppressively smothering even the breeze flowing through the open room, though the two men inside the room ignored both the heat, as well as the sweat forming on their bodies, too focused on their work. The younger one lifted a piece of hot burning iron out of the forge onto the anvil with an only slightly clumsy motion. Immediately, he began to strike the weapon into shape, one heavy blow after the other, pounding it into the shape required of it. With the older man's motion, the younger put the piece back into the forge to heat it once more, before repeating the process. Despite the work put into the item, the two continued to work for another hour, until the older judged it ready, instructed the younger to cool it in the nearby water, and made ready for the next step.

Minutes later, after the weapon had been allowed to cool to the right temperature under the gaze of an expert, the younger began to clean the dagger he held, judging it for any imperfections he saw in the weapon. With a displeased snort, he shook his head, resulting in an eye-roll from the older man.

"You know, if you just told me to do it for you, you'd have the dagger by last month. Why do you insist on making it yourself, even if your perseverance is admirable, not like what my apprentices show," he remarked, casting a disapproving gaze towards a young boy and girl standing to the side, trying to look busy and not bored. "And you are even using your iron. Haven't heard of anyone going the full sprint when making a weapon for themselves as you do."

The younger man looked up from the weapon in his hands, shaking his head. "It is not for me," he said, looking at the pendant around his neck—a pendant shining a brilliant green, carved in the image of a ram's head.

A glint of recognition entered the blacksmith's eyes, before grunting at Martyris in disapproval. "Well, why didn't you say so sooner? Thought you were just another idiot thinking he can do better than a trained smith!" Then he turned to his apprentices. "EY! YOU TWO! GET THE FORGE BURNING, OR GET OUT OF THE SMITHY! And you, let me help you make something worth your beloved! Can't have people go about and say I let a youngster go out of my smithy and make a fool of himself, no can I? EY! I SAID, MOVE IT!"


It is a sight that the old tree has seen for over two hundred years, since it was nothing more than a mere acorn planted by an old man in honor of his dead wife, to the towering behemoth it was now. A young couple laid beneath its canopy, sheltered from the curious by its trunk and the hill it grew on, yet still able to look out into the sky, to see the myriad of stars shining down. A night of romance, of eternal promises, whispered in hushed tones and love, with no thoughts wasted on what may come tomorrow. Yet, the two under it had a very different date than usual, as one shoved her head repeatedly into the gaze of the other, in much less subtlety than a mere hour before, and the other adamantly refused to comment or make any indication that he saw what was shown to him.

"You genuinely do not see anything? I could swear there was something that I wanted to show you," Selene said, almost rubbing her horns against the face of Martyris. He studiously ignored that, hemming and hawing, before perking up much to Selene's hopeful face. "Oh, yes, now that you mention it, I do!" He said as Selenes face lit up in happiness and pride before turning grumpy at his next words. "The Lover is in the sky! A good catch Seli!" Selene, for her part, looked very unamused before gently headbutting Martyris and pushed his head and torso into the dirt.

"So, care to say that you aren't seeing anything now?" She said, glaring at Martyris, pointing at her horns after rolling on top of him. "You see nothing at all?" She asked again, now almost aggressively pointing at her horns. Martyris, for his part, only laughed, even if hed had some trouble with Selene sitting on top of him. "I have no idea what you are talking about, my love! Your horns are as lovely as ever! Oh, did you get a new haircu-umpfh," he managed to bring out before Selene collapsed on top of him, groaning in frustration. "My horns, you idiot! I had them engraved! How can you not see that? They are black, and the writing is in gold! Even a fool could see that!"

"Of course I saw it! Do you think me blind? The Hope Of Life, a poem made all the more beautiful as you wear it and masterfully done. You look even more stunning now, though I had never dreamed that could be possible!" He said, kissing her on the top of her head, much to her annoyance. "Do not try to flatter me now! You had your chance to be sweet; now your pants stay on! You are not having any fun tonight; let's see how you like that!" Selene declared with a pout after sitting up and crossing her arms.

Martyris, for his part, only smiled back, speaking at the moment as Selene noticed her mistake. "In public? Again? And then by ~sitting~ on me, how nostalgic, like the first time we met," he declared to Selenes reddening face before she managed to put her hands over his mouth in a panic. "Shut up! There are people in the park! And that was a one-time thing! I just... felt like it. Once! And why are you waggling your eyebrows like that?!" She said, slowly lifting her hands, but still being ready to shut him up once more.

"Because we are all ~alone~, my dear," he answered in a whisper, watching in satisfaction as her face reddened by the second, and her ears swiveled about unconsciously, seeking any noise that would prove him wrong. And with every second she failed to find anything, her breathing turned more and more ragged, and an emotion crept up her face he knew very well.

Then her eyes turned to him, lust and accusation in them as she leaned forwards, face red. "Not. One. Word."


"Imagine this: A nascent religion is led into your home-region, and elects to make their home, not at the base of a cliff, but inside it. In the following years, they burrow deeper and higher, seeking to unearth enough space for themselves to live and create the marvels they excavated in the Necropolis directly to the north of their new home. Taking great pains, they bring them back, shielding those artifacts from Raiders, Mutants, Machines, and worse. And once back home, those very same artifacts are safely secured inside the deepest bunker, the thickest doors, and the strongest guards they can find!" A woman says to a man opposite her. "Or not, as apparently no-one has heard of security around these parts!" She continues, throwing her hands up in frustration and anger.

"I mean, has no-one ever thought of the fact that someone could, quite literally, Walz into the Vault and rob us blind? We have, what? Two guards? Even if you disregard the Lost Tech we have, there are enough Artifacts that one haul could set someone for life! And don't you have anything to say to this, Aurel?" She continued, now pointing a finger at the man trying his best to ignore her. Holding up the finger for two minutes before she had to lower her aching arm, she thumped her head against the desk in front of her. "Come on! It's not nearly as much fun to complain if you don't engage me in it! Why do you have to be such a bore?"

For his part, Aurel finished writing his column in the book laying on his table, before looking up. "One, you complain every day about the same things. Two, the two guards could, even without training, kill an armored man in seconds due to their mutations. Three, we have high-quality crossbows that we are trained in to use against anyone foolish enough to attack. Four, We are over 70 meters over the earth, and anyone trying to steal anything would have to go through dozens of guards. Five, the artifacts we have are not moved out unless guarded by a caravan and are not worth enough to try fighting against the said caravan. Your complaints are unfounded, and something is already in the works to secure them more, Laurel. Now stop pestering me; I have to write up the receipts for the artifacts we will sell this quarter."

Aurel looked up from her table, puffed unhappily, before deciding that if she couldn't get a rise out of her brother, she would go to sleep. Unfortunately for her, the moment she laid her head into her arms, the door opened. Looking up, she immediately straightened as Martyris walked into the room. "Adjudicator. How can we help you?" Aurel asked, not even bothering to look up from his book.

"Yes," was all that Martyris said, procuring a slip of paper from a pouch and handing it over to Aurel, which took one look at it before taking out a register and crossing out a line on it. Laying the slip of paper inside another folder, he then gestured at Laurel. "Please hand the Artifact in K04/16/04 over to Martyris." Nodding, Laurel quickly stood up and retrieved the box from storage, returning with it a minute later, looking quite puzzled at the small label on top of the box. "Lingerie?" She whispered, confused, looking up at the very embarrassed face of Martyris.

"'Aight, not asking, boss." "Thanks."

+++3 Days Later+++
+++Lunch Break+++​

"Ugh, why did you have to send Michael? You know that he will waste time flirting with the baker!" Zenia complained, spread out over the bench near her post. "That's because, unlike you, he will get a discount on our orders, and not cause the price to rise due to your abysmal haggling," Selene remarked, pointing a fork at her friend, before returning to twirling it around. "And he will still be faster, even if he succeeds in his flirt!" Jumping up in mock indignation, Zenia began to gather steam before Michael slapped down the food he held in his hands on the table in front of her, along with a small parcel, much to everyone's surprise.

"Well, well, well. I am gone, not even fifteen minutes, and you two devolve into bickering and besmirching my good name! I have you know, I do not flirt for mere materials gain, I flirt for earthly pleasures! That the baker happens to give me a discount is a mere coincidence! Nothing less, nothing more!" Michael remarked while sitting down, grinning at the two women. "Oh, and you got another package from your boy-toy, Selene."

"Hey, he's not my 'boy-toy' Michael! He's my boyfriend! Unlike you, my relationship is founded on mutual love, respect, and-" Selene replied back before Zenia cut in with a laugh, "Sex. A shit-ton of Sex! Do you really think nobody heard you? Or how you try to sneak back in the morning? Seriously, you two lewd each other like there's no tomorrow!" "Amen to that, sister!" Micheal said with his hands in the air, as Selenes face reddened by the word, "But enough about her over-active love life. Open the package! I want to see what he sent you!" Huffing in annoyance, Selene flipped both her friends off, much to their amusement, but nonetheless started cutting open the parcel in front of her.

Once open, she looked at the contents in confusion, lifting them out into the light. "What is that? Looks like someone ripped apart a shirt," she asked out loud, looking at the clothing in front of her. Michael likewise had no idea and shrugged his shoulders, as Zenia spied something hidden inside the open box. "Hey, there's a card. Let's see.
'Dear Selene, and possible friend/s reading this.'
Oh, he's good.
'During an expedition into the Forest Of Rust, our scavengers found this piece of clothing. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy the thought of you wearing it.
Faithfully yours, -Martyris.'

Well, that's not cryptic at all. And who sends someone old ripped clothing as a present?" She read and pondered. That was until Michael leaned over and whispered into her ear, putting a devious smile on her face, much to Selenes concern. "Why are you two smiling like this? Did I miss something?"

Leaning forward, Zenia put on her best Cheshire-cat smile, while Michael tried to suppress a chuckle. "Say. Haven't you bought a dress recently? One scandalously suggestive? Because I think your man just spared you the task of choosing your undergarments." "Ah, yes?" Selene answered, offset by the change in tone in her friend's behavior. "But what does that have to do with a ruined piece of clothing?"

Now, Michael couldn't hold his laughter back in as Zenia's grin grew wider. "You should put it on! I think you will find that the holes are very much deliberately placed, you lewd deer."

"What do you-oh. OH, GOD!" Selene shouted, trying to stuff the lingerie back into the box as her face reddened like a tomato, to the laughter of her friends.


The night was perfect. Just at the edge of High Summer, going over into Late Summer, when the night's breeze was still warm enough to enjoy the outside, while no clouds obscured the stars, and the moons were in full. The location was, likewise, chosen expertly. The nearby Emerald Falls had given bloom no many flowers and plants alike, shining in the darkness of the night in their bioluminescence, vying for the attention of the local bees. Their lights shone in mesmerizing colors and patterns, as the gentle whispering of the falling water added to the ambiance. Even the food was exceptional, as several novice cooks had heard that the main attendant of Lady Maranica had placed an order for a meal and had competed with each other to be the one to make the food. It was a night where the nearby concert hall played, where the few birds singing, and the brooks' murmurs combined to a beautiful symphony of tone and music. A night born for lovers, for couples, for the declaration of love, the exaltation of life, and the silent contentment of the elderly looking back at a life worth living.

Yet, for Selene, it was intended to be a night of playful seduction, jest, and enjoyment, of holding and being held by the one she loved with all her heart. A night that should have ended with her settling a childish score, with not so innocent methods, a night to remember. Oh, it had been such a night, one she would treasure for months if it ended here and now, but not the night she tried to create. Because Selene had one problem she had no idea how to solve; Martyris was uncomfortable. It was odd, to say the least. Martyris had never been anything but happy in her presence, as was she in his. Sure, he could be exhausted, tired, angry, or restless, but never at the end of a date of theirs. He had either shared his worries or had forgotten all that plagued his mind after seeing her. There was always comfort and peace in his steps, when they danced, kissed, joked, talked, or played with each other, stemming from the knowledge that she would love him no matter what.

Now? Now he was nervous, looking here and there, but never long enough into her eyes to really mean anything. Fidgeting in his seat, stammering when answering her questions, looking that little bit thrown off his earlier confidence that made her worry. Even now, as they were walking through a park adjacent to the Emerald Falls, having eaten their meals long ago, his walk was that little bit off, with him not paying as much attention to her as he always had done. A circumstance she was not really sure how to solve before Martyris stopped her in the middle of a bridge, spanning over one of the larger brooks, a small river in its own right. It was here that he looked at her with conviction, with an intensity that seemed scarily at odds with his earlier demeanor. It was here that he took out a small case from behind him, taking a deep breath.

"Selene. We have been together for what feels like a lifetime. In reality, it has only been two years?" he asked, stumbling over his words, yet never wavering in his determination. "Yet, those years have been the best of my life, without question. Meeting you was worth every single hardship I have endured, and I would gladly walk a thousand kilometers just to meet you. I-i am not words I have to say to express my feelings for you, what would do justice to you. Instead," he said, unlocking the case with a quiet 'clack.' "I will ask this," Martyris continued, opening the box, allowing Selene to peer inside.

For a second, one whole second, she failed to realize what Martyris showed her. It was a dagger, along with a green sheath. The sheath had been expertly made, using valuable Jewel, carved with geometric patterns snaking up its whole length. And the dagger? Laying there above the sheath, unassuming, quiet, and only barely reflecting the moon's light? On it was a scene of two silhouettes sitting on a bench next to each other and under a massive tree, one's head adorned by horns, while a sun rose behind a vast cityscape. The engravings had been inlaid with gold, silver, obsidian, and blue, drawing the eyes to details hidden here and there.

When the second was over, Selene almost shouted, "No! Don't ask, don't you fucking dare ask! You, you can't!" Tears gathered in her eyes, her lip quivering as she understood what he wanted. But despite her outbreak, Martyris did.

"Will you marry me, Selene?"

Time stood still for her, as everything she ever thought would never be in her grasp; having a family, a husband, children, suddenly and violently became a reality, screaming at her to take the chance. Without thinking, she kissed him, only letting go of him to draw breath, and say, "Yes! Yes, I will!" with tears streaming down her cheeks and sobs wracking her frame. There was nothing else for long minutes, but her, him, and the overwhelming euphoria both felt—an euphoria which continued well after sunrise and into the day much to the delight both.


Marriage is a simplistic concept, yet it can differ from person to person, much more from cultures to ages to nations. It is a concept inherently understood, yet challenging to describe correctly, to indeed encompass everything it represents and what it means.

For the Church Of Eden, a marriage is a communal event, one where you invite your family, friends, and even as many people in your village, town, or city as you can. They have a grand ceremony, where the two lovers are clothed in white, as a choir sings, and a priest unifies them before the grace of God.

The Followers Of Light have no special ritual to signify marriage, explaining that being wed by a governmental official is akin to having your marriage be blessed and recognized by their God Slatnan, as the official wields Their power.

The Rassemblement Vivant hold a private gathering between only the two that will be wed and the shaman, at which point they will undergo rites to seek the blessing of the spirits for their union and strengthen their bonds.

The Order Of The Flaming Sword gives those seeking marriage, not a ritual, but a challenge. They are required to go out into the world together and slay a foe, either one they have been assigned by their rabbi, or one they feel is sufficient. "The couple that slays together stays together," as they like to say.

The Pilgrims, however, observe a ritual as ancient and as widespread as it comes. A tradition coined and created amid the Fall, surviving a millennium of society piecing itself together, rising from the ashes of what was. It is a custom which survived, not in spite, but because of its simplicity, practiced by those living at the edges of civilization, whether scavengers or colonists eeking out a life near the wastes.

And it is here, on the 33.07.1105, that Selene and Martyris undergo just that ritual, in front of many Pilgrims, their friends, and a grinning Lady Maranica. Martyris' long-time friend and confidant Nexa stood in front of them, holding a spear with three colored fabric pieces wrapped around its shaft, fluttering in the slight breeze.

Red, for the blood that had flown to allow the two to be together, whether it had been spilled by fighting or by running through the veins of loving hearts.

Green, for the hope of a better tomorrow, where their sacrifices of today would be worth it.

And White, symbolizing the innocence which will be born by their union.

Holding the spear aloft, Nexa grinning wildly, she began to shout into the crowd around the two, silencing even the last murmur of conversation. "By the powers invested in me by those that will marry, the state, and the Emperor through the Pilgrims. I now ask of you, Martyris and Selene, will you fight to keep your love alive?"

"Yes," they both answered back to her, barely holding back their emotions.

"Then there is nothing else to say except this: KISS!"

And kiss they did, to the cheering of the crowd, the cries of Lady Maranica, and the whistling of their friends. A state that Axel had been tasked with breaking, dumping the bucket of water over the both of them, much to everyone's laughter. Yet, they did not separate, even as the water splashed against them and soaked their clothes, not separating from their kiss, accompanied by a second cheer from the crowd as musicians began to play, food was distributed, and caskets of alcohol were opened.

And in the middle of the starting festivity, the two stood. Finally, they interrupt their kiss and look at each other, not as lovers, but as Husband and Wife.

And they kissed again, with an enthusiasm which caused Selene to sweep Martyris off his feet, causing both to tumble down, evoking the third cheer from all present.


"Mart? Do you really think they won't have any objection to me helping them?" Selene asked, looking at herself in the mirror with worry. Martyris, for his part, stopped admiring his wife to answer her. "Objections? They barely waited long enough for me to walk out of the door before they begged me to talk you into working with them. You will do fine, probably better than fine! Unlike you, our diplomats have had to learn on the job; you had the benefit of essentially growing up around nobles. They will pray to the ground you walk on," he continued, standing up and wrapping his arms around her, kissing her on top of her head. "Well, if you say so."

A minute of silence reigned as both enjoyed the close embrace of the other before Selene spoke up again, a bit insecure and unhappy. "Say, do you think I am fat? I put on some weight recently, didn't I?" Martyris only grinned at that, holding her tighter. "No. You are perfect, from head to toe. Your pregnancy has only added to your elegance; it could never take your beauty from you." At that, she laughed sarcastically but smiled nonetheless. "If you are trying to squeeze a quicky-wait." Selene looked up at Martyris, then at her belly, then at the mirror, as her eyes widened in realization.

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Early update is early.

Well, this was longer than I anticipated.

Anyways. Congratulations, Selene and Martyris, have married!

As is the custom in Slatnan, the only people allowed to have a family name are either a member of a House or a Noble, have done a great deed, or have married. As Selene and Martyris have just done the last, you will be able to vote just what name the two end up with!

As the custom dictates, the immediate family, their friends, or their community are the ones who decide what name they now carry, depending on the availability and status of aliveness. Which effectively means you will do just that!

(Obvious joke or demeaning names will be ignored. All names are subject to QM veto.)

As such:

Then you can vote for three days, as I will post the regular Turn-Update on the 16.10.2020 at 17:00 CET.
[ ] Dall

Really, it's no contest: They take the surname of the woman who saved a young Martyris and gave him his path in life, without which the two would never have met, and Martyris would not have been a man able to look past the surface. Who saved him for one simple, fundamental reason which has had the effect of setting all of this in motion.

"Because I am human."
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If you want to be really cheesy another surname could be [] Hope, for what this union might mean to the mutated and what Mart has given to many.


Well that was unexpected.
+++Undisclosed Location+++
Maranica is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters.
The Order Of The Flaming Sword gives those seeking marriage, not a ritual, but a challenge. They are required to go out into the world together and slay a foe, either one they have been assigned by their rabbi, or one they feel is sufficient. "The couple that slays together stays together," as they like to say.
The Order Of The Flaming Sword sound like a riot, and if we ever were to interact with their organization, I think we would find quite a bit of synergy between us. They clear out and fortify sites, we research and restore what is found inside them. As long as they can tell the difference between the dangerous wasteland mutants, and the all too human mutated, we shouldn't find much conflict between us.

Maranica is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters.
I like to think that it's a Noble only underground fighting ring, where all these posh nobles just beat the snot out of one another, and Lady Maranica's seven years of holding the title of champion means she is absolutely ripped beneath her fancy dresses.

It was a dagger, along with a green sheat. The sheat had been expertly made, using valuable Jewel, carved with geometric patterns snaking up its whole length. And the dagger? Laying there above the sheat, unassuming, quiet, and only barely reflecting the moon's light?
It's sheath not sheat, @HeroCooky. I think there were a few other mistakes, but this was the only one that brought me out of it.

For the last name vote, I agree with @Godwinson that it should be Dall, after the person who saved Martyris.

All in all, this was a great interlude to read when I woke up this morning.
I disagree with the name Dall because while she is important to Martyris the surname should be one that means something for both of them and their friends and community.
The Order Of The Flaming Sword sound like a riot, and if we ever were to interact with their organization, I think we would find quite a bit of synergy between us. They clear out and fortify sites, we research and restore what is found inside them. As long as they can tell the difference between the dangerous wasteland mutants, and the all too human mutated, we shouldn't find much conflict between us.
There would be a lot of synergy, now that I think about it.

And they view the Mutated as the descendants of Demon/Human relationships. However, as they cannot discern whether those unions were by force (can't blame the descendants if true), love (a bit iffy, since, you know, DEMON), lust (Bad Thing, since DEMON!), or pact (evil), they have a somewhat neutral take on them. The easiest way for a Mutated to be seen as an equal (especially among the Zealots of The Flaming Sword) is to help in their efforts of reclaiming lost holy sites.

I like to think that it's a Noble only underground fighting ring, where all these posh nobles just beat the snot out of one another, and Lady Maranica's seven years of holding the title of champion means she is absolutely ripped beneath her fancy dresses.
It is a Noble-Only Fight-Club. And Lady Maranica is not only ripped, but also a trained soldier.

It's sheath not sheat, @HeroCooky. I think there were a few other mistakes, but this was the only one that brought me out of it.
Thanks for spotting!
And they view the Mutated as the descendants of Demon/Human relationships. However, as they cannot discern whether those unions were by force (can't blame the descendants if true), love (a bit iffy, since, you know, DEMON), lust (Bad Thing, since DEMON!), or pact (evil), they have a somewhat neutral take on them. The easiest way for a Mutated to be seen as an equal (especially among the Zealots of The Flaming Sword) is to help in their efforts of reclamaiming lost holy sites.
Hey, if modern rabbis can decide whether blood for a Vampire is Kosher or not (I don't remember the reasoning but the answer was yes with conditions), I bet they would be able to find a way for Mutated to be seen as equal to non-mutated. I doubt that they would have a real "Sins of the Father are the Sins of the Child" part of their doctrine, even if they believed them to be the descendants of demons. And like you said, any bigots would be shouted down by everyone who has been helped in reclaiming holy sites by mutated. Especially if their mutations were essential to saving a life or killing a monster.
It is a Noble-Only Fight-Club. And Lady Maranica is not only ripped, but also a trained soldier.
Also, this is awesome. I suddenly have the image of Lady Maranica picking up Selene like she weighs nothing when she realized she was going on a date with Martyris.
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And they view the Mutated as the descendants of Demon/Human relationships. However, as they cannot discern whether those unions were by force (can't blame the descendants if true), love (a bit iffy, since, you know, DEMON), lust (Bad Thing, since DEMON!), or pact (evil), they have a somewhat neutral take on them. The easiest way for a Mutated to be seen as an equal (especially among the Zealots of The Flaming Sword) is to help in their efforts of reclaiming lost holy sites.
I'd think that they'd actually admire it if it was love, for does that not show that the echo of God's Love is present even in those who betrayed him/rebelled against him/are his greatest foes?

Of course, whilst they admire the love, the reasons for why the human loves the demon and the demon the human might (probably) be much less admirable. Well, unless you have the rare Demon redeemed through the love of a holy woman...

As for the reclaiming lost holy sites... Yeah, that's definitely something we can probably get behind. Because it means we have help securing and setting up supply routes, fall back positions and fortifications with which to support expeditions.
Also, this is awesome. I suddenly have the image of Lady Maranica picking up Selene like she weighs nothing when she realized she was going on a date with Martyris.
She wanted to, but there were people present when she realized that. But she did, when Selene told her that Martyris proposed to her!

I wonder if our cult can be turned into a kingdom if we wanted to
You could, but...
Not enough people or infrastructure to even start multiple villages and the Empire would have a lot to say about another independent empire growing in their territory.
This right here. The only religion that has a chance greater than 0% of breaking free and forming their own nation are the Forge-Clans. And their chances are 12%

I'd think that they'd actually admire it if it was love, for does that not show that the echo of God's Love is present even in those who betrayed him/rebelled against him/are his greatest foes?

Of course, whilst they admire the love, the reasons for why the human loves the demon and the demon the human might (probably) be much less admirable. Well, unless you have the rare Demon redeemed through the love of a holy woman...
That is one of the reasons with which they defend their neutrality on the matter of Mutated.

Also it could have been a holy man! Remember; The Fall forced most survivors to take on an equalist doctrine.
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[ ] Dall

Really, it's no contest: They take the surname of the woman who saved a young Martyris and gave him his path in life, without which the two would never have met, and Martyris would not have been a man able to look past the surface. Who saved him for one simple, fundamental reason which has had the effect of setting all of this in motion.

"Because I am human."

[X] Dall

Going with Dall since that's a better reason than most.