[X] Plan Giant Robots Are Cool
-[X] Accept
--[X] The Unbroken

-[X][Faith] Establish A Poor-House - (Mirn) (1/2 turns)
Needed: 15 Rolled: 71
Permanent Recruitment: 1d2+1 = 3
Goodwill: 1d4-1 = 1
COE Damage: 1d100 = 87

-[X][Faith] Establish A Soup-Kitchen - (Tessen)
Needed: 20 Rolled: 39
Recruitment: 1d6 = 3
COE Damage: 1d50 = 44

-[X][Diplomacy] Kick 'Em While They're Down! - (4 Turns Remaining)
Needed: 25 Rolled: 59+15 = 74
COE Damage: 2d100 = 200+115 = 315
Stunning Success!

-[X][Martial] Mutated Corps. - (2/2 Turns complete)
Needed: 35 Rolled: 54

-[X][Learning] Catalog Everything - (Advanced Electronics/Hydraulics/Mechanics, Electronics/Hydraulics/Mechanics) - (3/8 Successes)
Use: Black Rectangle
--[X] 6FF
Needed: 50/69/96% for 1/2/3 Successes, Rolled: 68+96 = 164
+3 Successes!

-[X][Learning] The Return of the Can Opener - (Weapons) - (3/1 Success)
Needed: 05/20/35% for 1/2/3 Successes, Rolled: 60+27 = 87
+3 Successes!
Great Success!

-[X][Archeology] Scout The Wall
--[X] 3 FF
Needed: 20 Rolled: 60+3 = 63

-[X] Medical Wing - (2/2 Turns Complete)

-[X] Salt Refinement - (2/2 Turns Complete)

-[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Free Action)
--[X] Suffer Their Arrogance (1/4 turns)
+1 Turn of progress

-[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[X] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Silver Mine)

-[X][Personal] Too Much To Do - (Build A School - (Big) - (Mirn) (1/6 turns)
Needed: 50 Rolled: 25+40 = 65
+1 Turn of Progress.

-[X][Personal] Too Much To Do - (The Crystalgarden) (1/2 turns)
Needed: 34 Rolled: 81+40 = 121
+1 Turn of Progress.

Further Rolls:


2d2 Rare++ [Electronics/Advanced Electronics/Advanced Machinery/Hydraulics] = 4

1d6-2 = 4-2 = 2% Piety reduction

Needed: 18 Rolled: 08

16d4+39 = 82 Materials!

The Update will be online on the 03.11.20 at 17:00 CET.
Last edited:
Rumor Mill Turn 31

Blood-Deer Sighted!
Early this season, a hunter following Sand-Deer tracks stumbled upon a sight none want to see; Blood-Deer. Not one, but a whole herd of these creatures seemingly made their nests at the edge of Tessen and have since wandered further inland, away from the Wastes. Many villages along their routes have already mobilized their militias and bought up as much food and water as possible, hoping that they will survive the disaster they herald. Some "learned" may scoff at such folk-lore, but even they are not immune to the aura of fear that has taken root in the people as the herd continues to wander. Lady Tessen has already proclaimed that anyone who harms the Blood-Deer will be shot on sight, calming those who do not wish to tempt fate further.

Broken Ax Tribe Buys Out Medicine And Weapons In Unexpected Rush-Sales
The Broken Ax Tribe has historically been one of the few tribes in the Wastes on terms above "Extremely Hostile." Usually, they drift in and out of Tessen on their Alpha-Blossom Stags, selling trade goods and bartering for those they cannot produce themselves, but this time they had other plans. Instead of tools, food, luxury goods, wood, technology, and the like, they exclusively bought medicine, crossbows, bolts, and other weapons. Why they need that much firepower and medication is unknown, as their traders remained tightlipped, but some attribute it to the Blood-Deer, which have wandered into the region.

Followers Of Light Uncover Tax-Theft By Church Of Eden
In a turn of events, the most shocking revelation for the COE is not another sinful priest, but a tax-dodging one! Investigators are tallying how much tax is owed and has to be paid to ensure that others do not repeat what the priest tried to do. He will, naturally, be hanged next week.

Pilgrims Lay Groundwork For A Big School
It seems that the Pilgrims have gotten into hard money lately, as not only have they purchased a relatively big building inside Mirn, but they also intend to renovate the whole thing into a school! While they are still in the planning phase of things, some details are clear from the get-go, as one of their Guides said: "All will be welcome to learn for free. Both books and writing utensils will be supplied at no cost, as well as a free meal for children. We hope to accommodate 400 students, though some ambitious plans are setting the final number to 650." Well, I, for one, would like to attend a class or two, when the school is built!

Priest Of The Church Of Eden Leaves The Faith Completely, Turning First Atheist, Then Pilgrim!
Whatever you may say about the Pilgrims, they are not vindictive. They are without approach true to their beliefs, even if they have to apply those to former enemies. However, they insist that the Church Of Eden is only opposed to their ideology and should not be viewed as enemies of theirs, as that implies that violence against them is the correct course of action. A stance that quickly ties into the news we received from a source within the Pilgrims, claiming that Alhas, a COE priest, has turned his back on the Church. Having already been dissatisfied with the Church's stance on the poor, he finally left after witnessing the sheer hypocrisy and callousness that the local Bishopry displayed when faced with anything other than submission. Mistreatment of children and workers, abusing their offices, coercing followers to perform unspecified actions, and the ever-present hate within was cited as reasons for his leaving.

Our contact quoted Alhas: "I am tired. Mostly I am tired of people being ugly to each other. Turning to hate, thinking it will help, when all it will do, is burn you out and leave a shell of what you once were. It was all I once had, that hate I mean, all that kept me going, all that let me feel as if I had any control. Now, there is nothing except the knowledge I pushed others into the pit I finally crawled out of, after all these years. [...] I read one of the pamphlets which were distributed, you know? After I left, searching for anything, anything that could tell me what I could do now.

"Forgiveness is not earned.
It is given.
Give it to yourself.
If penance is what you seek, then find it in your kindness to others.
But do not search for it in hate.
It is a place of horrors."

...I wonder who I would be had I found you earlier?"


Security Report:
I'm Gonna Steal 'Yo Shit!, DC 50, Rolled: 28... Run, Boy, Run!
Earlier this month, an unknown individual tried to access our Jewel mine, though a worker caught them before they could crack the locks on the fence. The person is still at large, and we have thus far not found anything to help in our search. Stationing or hiring some security would ensure that no thieves or saboteurs can steal ore or destroy our mines.



The Church Of Eden is in turmoil. They try to calm their congregations and occasionally get beaten up by adventurers/guards when they try something "sketchy." The adventurers seem to have an extensive definition of "sketchy." They seem to do it without you needing to incentivize them.

The Common People are concerned about the continued unrests by the COE followers, but the guards have wrought control from their rioters back in most parts of the region.

The Mutated find the hypocrisy of the Bishop delightful. They are pleased about the Pilgrims, and ever more join your ranks since the marriage.
Blood-Deer Sighted!
Early this season, a hunter following Sand-Deer tracks stumbled upon a sight none want to see; Blood-Deer. Not one, but a whole herd of these creatures seemingly made their nests at the edge of Tessen and have since wandered further inland, away from the Wastes. Many villages along their routes have already mobilized their militias and bought up as much food and water as possible, hoping that they will survive the disaster they herald. Some "learned" may scoff at such folk-lore, but even they are not immune to the aura of fear that has taken root in the people as the herd continues to wander. Lady Tessen has already proclaimed that anyone who harms the Blood-Deer will be shot on sight, calming those who do not wish to tempt fate further.
What is a Blood-Deer? Simply a red deer or are they constantly bleeding?

Broken Ax Tribe Buys Out Medicine And Weapons In Unexpected Rush-Sales
The Broken Ax Tribe has historically been one of the few tribes in the Wastes on terms above "Extremely Hostile." Usually, they drift in and out of Tessen on their Alpha-Blossom Stags, selling trade goods and bartering for those they cannot produce themselves, but this time they had other plans. Instead of tools, food, luxury goods, wood, technology, and the like, they exclusively bought medicine, crossbows, bolts, and other weapons. Why they need that much firepower and medication is unknown, as their traders remained tightlipped, but some attribute it to the Blood-Deer, which have wandered into the region.
It sounds like something dangerous is walking around in the Waste and pushes everyone else out. With how they bought weapons, it's probably not a single dangerous enemy but several groups they could fight against.

Followers Of Light Uncover Tax-Theft By Church Of Eden
In a turn of events, the most shocking revelation for the COE is not another sinful priest, but a tax-dodging one! Investigators are tallying how much tax is owed and has to be paid to ensure that others do not repeat what the priest tried to do. He will, naturally, be hanged next week.
Just have to keep kicking them.:V

Pilgrims Lay Groundwork For A Big School
It seems that the Pilgrims have gotten into hard money lately, as not only have they purchased a relatively big building inside Mirn, but they also intend to renovate the whole thing into a school! While they are still in the planning phase of things, some details are clear from the get-go, as one of their Guides said: "All will be welcome to learn for free. Both books and writing utensils will be supplied at no cost, as well as a free meal for children. We hope to accommodate 400 students, though some ambitious plans are setting the final number to 650." Well, I, for one, would like to attend a class or two, when the school is built!
We might want to look into paper making or printing to reduce the upkeep of the new school. Or maybe we can extend the school with some kind of clubs?

Security Report:
I'm Gonna Steal 'Yo Shit!, DC 50, Rolled: 28... Run, Boy, Run!
Earlier this month, an unknown individual tried to access our Jewel mine, though a worker caught them before they could crack the locks on the fence. The person is still at large, and we have thus far not found anything to help in our search. Stationing or hiring some security would ensure that no thieves or saboteurs can steal ore or destroy our mines.
Hmm, we could either do the Learning action for better locks or hire some adventurers as guards for our mines, would mean extra 1.5 Upkeep per mine though.

Maybe we can develop some electronic security features like silent alarms, now that we have basic electronics? Or maybe we should get the local equivalent to guard dogs. Guard lizards?
Wow, horrifying image, but we should probably take some actions to prepare for a disaster, just in case. Maybe some food preservation ones like the spices and iceboxes? I remember that we had pumps installed into our mines along with the waterwheels, but I don't know if there was any mentions of using it to pump freshwater to drink.
Nope, Selene is using that one extensively, and is not willing to give it up for the weeks/months required to copy and iterate the design.

snerk. Glad she's enjoying it, at least. :V

Permanent Recruitment: 1d2+1 = 2
Goodwill: 1d4-1 = 2

I don't think the forum rolls include modifiers, Cooky - shouldn't this be 3 and 1?

Priest Of The Church Of Eden Leaves The Faith Completely, Turning First Atheist, Then Pilgrim!

I absolutely require this guy get some screen time. At a bare minimum I need to see his first approaching us to join, and meeting some of our mutated.

I'm Gonna Steal 'Yo Shit!, DC 50, Rolled: 28... Run, Boy, Run!

invisible text

I don't mind personally, but I feel like it defeats the purpose of invisitext if people immediately copypasta it into plain. Maybe we should just point out that there is invisitext, and where it is? I dunno.
-[X][Faith] Establish A Poor-House - (Mirn) (1/2 turns)
Needed: 15 Rolled: 71
Permanent Recruitment: 1d2+1 = 3
Goodwill: 1d4-1 = 1
COE Damage: 1d100 = 87
Thats a mistake.

The Permanent Recruitment, Goodwill, and COE Damage should have been rolled next turn, not this one, as you only completed one turn of the action, not both.

I'll just use the rewards for when you complete the action next turn, unless someone is against that?
Thats a mistake.

The Permanent Recruitment, Goodwill, and COE Damage should have been rolled next turn, not this one, as you only completed one turn of the action, not both.

I'll just use the rewards for when you complete the action next turn, unless someone is against that?

sounds fine to me,we got a 87 roll in damage to COE,good for me
I just did your child, and, honestly? It is bullshit.

On the other side, she will never be a martial Hero, so theres that.
Based on what we've seen I'm certain that those two already are putting work for a second child, maybe it will be a martial one.
Completely fine with using those rolls.
I would like to see the Child rolls if at all possible even if not the labels but just the rolls themselves in the order they were made.