Blood, Sweat, and Tears (WH40k Design Bureau)

Yeah, I meant to refit both carriers, was waffling on it for a bit. Math should be good now.
The reason I think we need at least one new warship right now, and no the torpedo ships don't count because we can't send them out without an escort, is that we, essentially, need to be in three places right now. First off, there's Bailafax. The fixed defenses will help, but they won't keep the planet free by themselves, no matter how good a support asset they are. A patrol squadron won't be enough, we need to put a naval squadron there. Secondly, there's the Homna String Defense League. They're still having orks and our competition is probably going to continue sending ships in themselves, which on one hand helps and the other hand if we want to get resources from the League we need to keep sending our own squadrons in. Thirdly, we're being told we need to send a formal military mission to Bagalog soon, and currently the only squadron that's impressive enough for that is the first squadron. Which is our strongest and best, which means it's not doing the other stuff we need doing. And even if we put that third one off, which honestly as much as we need to do it soon I think we have to this turn, our two other things are still demanding at least a proper squadron from us each and it'd be a lot better to send two squadrons on the league to maximize the ork suppression and our impressiveness value to get more stuff from them.

And of our non-first squadron proper squadrons, both have taken losses and are down to four effective ships and really need some reinforcements. 3rd Squadron is in the better shape of the two, as it's just lost an AMM, but the 2nd Squadron lost one of its Resolutes, so is down to one Resolute, 2 AMMs, and the carrier. IE, the only actual difference between it and a patrol squadron is the carrier.

Given we need to be somewhere around three places at once, and we only have two units that can be considered good mobile combat assets and the 3rd Squadron is still down an AMM to draw fire, I 100% think we need to reinforce either the 2nd or 3rd squadron with a ship and the 2nd needs it more.

So even if the extra build power would be really useful, I can't support a plan that doesn't build at least one ship and doesn't give us some defense support at Bailafax.

And this is all before we even consider any offensive operations. Like the one that'd be needed if we wanted to go to where we just got a load of refugees from. Of course, like most of our other potential deployments that'd need a major deployment that we can't afford right now...
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[X] Plan Heavy Industry

[X] Foundations
-[X] Repair all damaged vessels and reload ordinance. (49M and 9M) - 58M this item
-[X] Refit CVL-2 Due Excise and CVL-3 Fugax Cymba with 1x Starhawk Bomber Squadron (12M)
-[X] Begin construction of Industrial Platform with all remaining capacity - 61M
-[X] refit the Starstrider to a CVL using the Arvus Combat Lighters from the CVL-1 3M
-[X] Bulk Hauler Frame Langley 21M 2A for the 2nd naval squadron
-Hull: Rebuilt Bulk Hauler (3U,1W,1D,1E,1O)
- Utility: 1x Cargo Hangar w/ Starhawk Bomber Squadron (7M)
- Utility: 1x Cargo Hangar w/ Arvus Combat Lighters (1M)
- Utility: 1x Cargo Hangar w/ Arvus Combat Lighters (1M)
- Weapon: IN Macrocannons (Damage 3 with available shells, Medium Range)(4M,1A)
- Defense: Shield 1M
- Omni: Scaffold Armor (Armor 1.5) (2M)
- Engine: Merchant 1M
- Bridge: Merchant (1M)
- Sensors: Sensors: T-100 (2M)
- Life Support: Expansive
- Housing: Barracks
- Warp: Merchant
- Servitor Defense Stations 1M 1A

A focus on bombers and refiting the salvaged bulk hauler as we have the following fighter bonuses:
Should Have Stuck to Freight: +1 to next Strike Craft project, not spent
Lighter Feedback: +1 to next Fighter design, not spent
Imperial fighters (+2 to making your own)
So i want to build design and build or own next turn

The new escort carrier is added to the 2nd naval squadron as we often have 2 large problems to take out.
the AMM only does 1 damage and can be refitted to the CVL for 3M if we use strikecraft that where put into storage from adding fighters/bombers.

@DaLintyGuy The bonus list also has a Khornate Armed Merchant Hull what are its stats?
Utility: 1x Cargo Hangar w/ Arvus Combat Lighters (1M) are 1M as they will be filled with the lighters from the CVL-2 and CVL-3
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The process would take years, it was judged. Yet there was something poetic about it, as the Harvest watched over the next generation of Humanity's defenders taking shape even as she was slowly scrapped so her construction could inspire the ships that came after.

I really want to try and save her......I have been spending to much time with ship girls.
I really want to try and save her......I have been spending to much time with ship girls.
Take her name plate, and build it into one of the ships we build next turn which we will give her name, so the Harvest Day can be reborn again in a fresh hull, untouched by Ork 'Science'.

Honestly I kinda wish we'd just held her hulk for later instead of taking it apart, but we'll learn stuff, we'll get parts, and most importantly it's to late to change our minds now anyway.
Take her name plate, and build it into one of the ships we build next turn which we will give her name, so the Harvest Day can be reborn again in a fresh hull, untouched by Ork 'Science'.

Honestly I kinda wish we'd just held her hulk for later instead of taking it apart, but we'll learn stuff, we'll get parts, and most importantly it's to late to change our minds now anyway.

............We could expand on it and have other material from her also recycled in her new construction.
Given we need to be somewhere around three places at once, and we only have two units that can be considered good mobile combat assets and the 3rd Squadron is still down an AMM to draw fire, I 100% think we need to reinforce either the 2nd or 3rd squadron with a ship and the 2nd needs it more.
I agree on building 2 torpedo boats + a 3th ship but think the hawk can use another design action before we build one. We should refit the Bulk Hauler Frame first it has several parts locked to merchant but we do not have to pay for those parts and not for the hull as it is salvaged. And when we do build our first frigate i think we should add one of the salvaged weapons we have all three have a longer range and higher damage then the ones we can build.
I've made no secret that what I want to do to the bulk hauler is to turn it into a mobile repair and support ship, not a dedicated carrier. Though I do think it could be well worth it next design phase to spend an action on trying to reverse engineer the design so we can build more of them, and I wouldn't be opposed to switching over to using that hull as the primary carrier, given it does have a 50% increase of usable utility slots for that purpose over the current design.

Even beyond that, however, I'd still refuse to make that edit. The 2nd Squadron already has a carrier, if not one as good as the bulk hauler could be, but its gun line, the thing that the carriers must hide behind, is no more then a patrol squadron's worth of ships. Literally, not figuratively. It needs another ship of the battle line if we're going to reinforce it, not another carrier.

As for the War Hawk in specific, we can always make something better. But what we have to work with is what we have right now, and right now we have the War Hawk. And if it's not perfect, it still serves well enough to bring the squadron back up to two warships to go with the two armed merchants, a force with which we can actually expect to cover Bailafax should the Carmine Glory come back. The War Hawk might not be its match, 1v1, but it and the Resolute class will be far more able to check it then the Resolute Class backed by two carriers instead of one. Especially if they're fighting at Bailafax again, given I'm already giving it a second carriers worth of strike craft from ground bases.

I don't expect us to revise the War Hawk next turn or so anyway, it's good enough and we've got a lot of other things we need/want to be using design actions on, like the plasma shells, better warp drives, a lance, home grown strike craft like the admirality has bugged us for a few times, a better defense station that doesn't lock a slot to a hanger, more advanced torpedoes, better sensors, energy battery macrocannons, the whole 'ammo locker' utility part, whether for Macrocannon Rounds or torpedoes, and so on.
I've made no secret that what I want to do to the bulk hauler is to turn it into a mobile repair and support ship, not a dedicated carrier.
It might be easier to base one on the converted merchant men hull as that one has 3 universal slots.
Edit made one change to my plan removed the cannon base and upgraded the Lanley's cannon to: IN Macrocannons (Damage 3 with available shells, Medium Range)(4M,1A)
As the current frigate design is 39M so adding salvaged weapons to it will make it a 2 turn construction until our drydock is ready and i expect we have reversed engineered the IN Macrocannons by then.
The main advantage of these guns over the ones we can build is the Medium range and +50% damage allowing the Langley to provide supporting fire to its strike craft

Deployment wise i see 3 major groups this turn:
1st naval to meet the explorer
2nd naval + 1st torpedo
3th naval + 2nd torpedo
1st and 2nd patrol remain where they are
3th patrol will be available to reinforce one of these groups.

Edit2: A final option is adding the langley to the 3th patrol squadron and renaming it to the 4th naval squadron.
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Or make shrapnel/submunition Macrocannon shells and the Utility ammunition stowage to easily store and switch ammunition types, you have options.

Which one is better, well...
Let's just say that everyone else in existence standardized on one of the two and it wasn't trying to get their main weapons to pull double duty.
@DaLintyGuy The bonus list also has a Khornate Armed Merchant Hull what are its stats?
It'd be just the regular Converted Freighter one we have.
I was comparing our armed merchant men and escort carriers and they differ in only 2 parts so refitting one to another is cheap. With the number of corvettes on the rise we should refit some.
The cargo bay hangar is:
[Cargo Bay Hangar: A cavernous hold containing a small complement of small craft or void craft. Provides the Repair rule to its complement. Civilian hulls only. (1M)]
so adding two of those is 2M, and 1M more needs to be payed for the removal of old parts and with us adding fighters/bombers to the existing carriers we have the old strikecraft in storage.
The main drawbacks is that the ship is unavailable for one campaign season but the AMA only does 1 damage, while each of the cannons of the corvettes deal 2 damage each(torpedo craft have one of those cannons).
I added the refitting of the Starstrider to CVL in my plan, next turn when it is ready we can buy the fighters/bombers for it.
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The refit idea isn't new information, all our current carriers come from being refitted. It's just that the 'out of action for a campaign season' penalty is a pretty big one. Even if they're crappy ships we've still needed all the ships we could get. We're only just now hitting a point where that arguably isn't true any more and their low power levels are making them more meh on the front lines then loosing them for a turn would be. It's still kinda a tossup right now though, as meh as they are, the enemy converted merchants are also meh and it's been pretty good so far to have our own to duel and interfere with those while our good ships duel and fight the enemy good ships.

So while in all I think refitting is a good idea, I also think that it needs to wait until we can replace them with proper ships. Which hopefully we can get started on next turn.
Yeah, really does suck that the Frigate AND Lance turned out so abysmal. A good high damage sniper ship would've been just the thing we need in our current lineup.