Blood, Sweat, and Tears (WH40k Design Bureau)

Oof. Basically we only achieved the bare necessary minimum of success. If we had like 5 more turns we probably could have achieved a lot more. The fact that we could have saved Oprechna stings the most to me.
Yeah but without the well developed Orks that had ground themselves up on the varied targets in the near portions of the Subsector it would have come uncomfortably close to "numbers biggening" while farming undirected groups of Orks. Besides, such things were closer to giving special consideration rather than "I'm safe, time to see who survived to be saved". The former gets you liked while the latter ranges from expected to reviled.
I think we should take making Lexicalum a proper forgeworld and friendship with the Astartes.

Sure both are basically minimal short term gain but the long term gain will be worth it. Especially the Forgeworld.
Oprechna was not relieved
This is what I'm saddest about.

Edit : Especially because I remember wanting to make contact with them before they fell. I wish I'd argued more for that...

This is the second sad-thing for me.
[Of the dueling realms of Yttreum and Gehault, Calavar sided with Yttreum by repairing destroyed infrastructure and providing a measure of war material. Without Calavar's claims the deserters of Gehault faced Imperial justice and their ships returned to service outside the Subsector in disgrace.]
I found them annoying at times, but I didn't hope for this end for their efforts.
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Define forge world, but I think a subset would be better than friends, out strategic position is a bit weak
Our strategic position is still fairly poor but its somewhat stable now.

From what I can tell the friendship option opens the way for additional companies of the Solar Hawks to get involved in the Reclamation of the subsector while the subset option gets the Solar Hawk company already in the subsector to work more closely with us.

The first, if it happens, has the potential to flip the strategic table as just the single company of Solar Hawks (plus Eldar raiders doing who knows what) kept the Orks overruning the core of the subsector from flooding out to swarm us under. If additional Solar Hawks companies get involved, that means that we'll have a far easier time with the Orks for one, since the Astartes are the best bet for head hunting the Ork warbosses to keep the Ork Waaghs disorganized and easy prey for the Reclamation Crusade. But the negative of this one is that its not certain to happen as any Astartes chapter has a lot of places to worry about than just a single subsector.

The latter means that we won't have a strategic wild card that could go into play but in exchange we'll be able to coordinate with the Solar Hawks company better and through our own blood, sweat and tears improve the strategic calculus ourselves.

Basically its a difference between a modest improvement vs the chance to flip the table.

As for the Forgeworld, Lexicalum is currently a outpost, if it gets upgraded to a full fledged Forgeworld it means it'll be getting a heavy influx of manpower and technology to enable it to grow into such a role, eventually being able to field legions of Skitarii as well as AdMech grade fleet rather than the makeship converted ships and the Steel Soul frigates they've just started building. Plus with our bond of friendship and ideaology that's closer to us than the rest of the AdMech we could probably call upon their expertise for more tech and trying to develop homegrown alternatives.
[] The Sacred Legacy would be traded to increase the presence of the Mechanicus in the Crusade.
-[] Establish Lexicalum as a full Forge World rather than a vassal outpost. Such a thing would take a great deal of time to fully pay off and lack a great deal of the rewards but their leadership has already been befriended and their ideology influenced towards that of Calavar.

This seems like a choice of greater long term benefit over immediate shinies. Immediate shinies are nice, but in the long term a friendly forge world is a very good thing.

[] The Solar Hawks 3rd Company swore friendship with the Crusade, opening the way for others of their Chapter to deploy in the Reclamation campaigns. (Astartes may be encountered in the sequel)

In the same fashion, I'm more inclined for friendship and good will over trying to twist their arm for assured benefits. Debt runs out, but friendship is remembered. Especially when we're talking about Astartes.
In the same fashion, I'm more inclined for friendship and good will over trying to twist their arm for assured benefits. Debt runs out, but friendship is remembered. Especially when we're talking about Astartes.
I also doubt the IG would want to take advantage of the debt, cause they are dealing with Astartes, who they revere pretty highly. It would be like having a Christian pray for more money after getting a job. You just don't do that. That is like skirting Real close to Heresy.
[] The Sacred Legacy would be traded to increase the presence of the Mechanicus in the Crusade.
-[] Establish Lexicalum as a full Forge World rather than a vassal outpost. Such a thing would take a great deal of time to fully pay off and lack a great deal of the rewards but their leadership has already been befriended and their ideology influenced towards that of Calavar.

This seems like a choice of greater long term benefit over immediate shinies. Immediate shinies are nice, but in the long term a friendly forge world is a very good thing.

[] The Solar Hawks 3rd Company swore friendship with the Crusade, opening the way for others of their Chapter to deploy in the Reclamation campaigns. (Astartes may be encountered in the sequel)

In the same fashion, I'm more inclined for friendship and good will over trying to twist their arm for assured benefits. Debt runs out, but friendship is remembered. Especially when we're talking about Astartes.
Agreed on that. I think the long term benefits are worth it. It'll cost us more lives in the short term since Calavar will have to pick up more slack, but still.

One good thing about this Isolated Victory is when we liberate the subsector it'll be to Calavar's credit largely which could translate into Calavar managing to negotiate such things as increased defense forces and maintaining a outsized fleet so as to prevent a repeat of the subsector falling.
This seems like a choice of greater long term benefit over immediate shinies. Immediate shinies are nice, but in the long term a friendly forge world is a very good thing.
It's not quite immediate shinies but in the same area. Laskin can provide much better equipment when it's Enclave reaches full capacity and faster too. But they are more Orthodox than Lexicalum as well as having internal factions that could affect things.
It's not quite immediate shinies but in the same area. Laskin can provide much better equipment when it's Enclave reaches full capacity and faster too. But they are more Orthodox than Lexicalum as well as having internal factions that could affect things.
I could see a Lexicalum that's been turned into a Forgeworld playing off well with Calavar. Calavar's enginseers and lay people make low tech but workable solutions to problems and Lexicalum cribs notes and gets inspiration off of Calavar and refines the crude designs to proper AdMech quality gear, which Calavar can purchase to equip elites. And they keep the cycle going.

Unorthodox yet not treading on techheresy since its using purely human tech, just in inspired or unintended ways.

I mean Lexicalum, once its a Forgeworld, will definitely have Landship legions for example. Far more advanced than Calavar's own, but still definitely descended from Calavar's cruder landships.
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[] The Sacred Legacy would be traded to increase the presence of the Mechanicus in the Crusade.
-[] Establish Lexicalum as a full Forge World rather than a vassal outpost. Such a thing would take a great deal of time to fully pay off and lack a great deal of the rewards but their leadership has already been befriended and their ideology influenced towards that of Calavar.
[] The Solar Hawks 3rd Company swore friendship with the Crusade, opening the way for others of their Chapter to deploy in the Reclamation campaigns. (Astartes may be encountered in the sequel)

Missed that there hadn't been two hours yet.
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They are in a powerful position, and their contracted raid on Incleon will get it's own entry. Probably tonight. Incleon is well defended but the Lord Explorator elected to be personally involved...
Huh, was there a roll involved to see whether the Explorator joined in the punitive raid against the Dark Mechanicus bastards?

Hopefully the raid tore into Incleon.

Anyways, I'll be voting for the following:

[] The Sacred Legacy would be traded to increase the presence of the Mechanicus in the Crusade.
-[] Establish Lexicalum as a full Forge World rather than a vassal outpost. Such a thing would take a great deal of time to fully pay off and lack a great deal of the rewards but their leadership has already been befriended and their ideology influenced towards that of Calavar.
[] The Solar Hawks 3rd Company swore friendship with the Crusade, opening the way for others of their Chapter to deploy in the Reclamation campaigns. (Astartes may be encountered in the sequel)
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Huh, was there a roll involved to see whether the Explorator joined in the punitive raid against the Dark Mechanicus bastards?
No, it's just he "is" a Mechanicus true believer. It's just in a different way, hence him off on his own journey instead of working in a lab to handcraft high tier equipment on behalf of his Forge World. Denying the Dark Mechanicus resources and maybe technology along with preventing the loss of the Stuff he built for Bagalog is a good motive to have. Plus everyone thought he was kinda sketchy which would probably have been IC as well, in part.
Hindsight is 20/20 and all, but I'll admit it's hard not to look on the way we handled the strategic gameplay without a fair amount of dissatisfaction. Looking back on the situation, it seems that we botched a lot of opportunities and didn't really accomplish much besides the bare minimum. The only unabashed success we can claim is Bailifax - even Lativa's liberation ended up being soured.
No, it's just he "is" a Mechanicus true believer. It's just in a different way, hence him off on his own journey instead of working in a lab to handcraft high tier equipment on behalf of his Forge World. Denying the Dark Mechanicus resources and maybe technology along with preventing the loss of the Stuff he built for Bagalog is a good motive to have. Plus everyone thought he was kinda sketchy which would probably have been IC as well, in part.
Ah, so an eccentric (by AdMech standard) but not a heretic. Well, fine by me.

A reckoning will happen with Incleon sooner or later. We'll see their works ground down under the treads of our landships sooner or later.

Hindsight is 20/20 and all, but I'll admit it's hard not to look on the way we handled the strategic gameplay without a fair amount of dissatisfaction. Looking back on the situation, it seems that we botched a lot of opportunities and didn't really accomplish much besides the bare minimum. The only unabashed success we can claim is Bailifax - even Lativa's liberation ended up being soured.
Yeah. Unfortunately there was a lot of missed opportunities. I'd guess that had we sent a contact fleet plus a army or two we probably could have crushed the rising cult in Oprechna and would have had a additional source of income and maybe another NPC building their own defenders for example. And if we had spammed out more armies we could have put a lot of effort into garrisoning Lativa and Uniary and cleared the Orks and Chaos remnants from said worlds for another.

A big thing I think is we severely underestimated the utility of armies. We didn't start really building them until like, the latter half or quarter of the quest.

Bittersweet. But that's the state of most victories in WH40k anyways.
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Hindsight is 20/20 and all, but I'll admit it's hard not to look on the way we handled the strategic gameplay without a fair amount of dissatisfaction. Looking back on the situation, it seems that we botched a lot of opportunities and didn't really accomplish much besides the bare minimum. The only unabashed success we can claim is Bailifax - even Lativa's liberation ended up being soured.

In some ways....I think that makes our victory the more satisfying?

Sure, perfect play would have been nice, or even just better play. But through problems we let grow and mistakes that stabbed us in the back, we managed to accomplish something that was very, very hard to do; We manage to make bumfuck nowhere backwater planet reclaim most of a subsector after the Imperial forces in it had been soundly trounced.

I think that even what we accomplished, such as it is, is worthy of pride and some satisfaction.
Hindsight is 20/20 and all, but I'll admit it's hard not to look on the way we handled the strategic gameplay without a fair amount of dissatisfaction. Looking back on the situation, it seems that we botched a lot of opportunities and didn't really accomplish much besides the bare minimum. The only unabashed success we can claim is Bailifax - even Lativa's liberation ended up being soured.
What you did was run around squashing fires rather than coming together to set a Strategic Goal and follow through on it. Such as picking out a threat and ending it. Of course this is a problem in universe as well that Humanity has to deal with so...

We manage to make bumfuck nowhere backwater planet reclaim most of a subsector after the Imperial forces in it had been soundly trounced.
Not to denigrate your victory or anything but you did not fight the force that flowed over the region. You would have lost, immediately, if you had:

A Warboss attacks planets. A Warlord attacks Subsectors.
What you did was run around squashing fires rather than coming together to set a Strategic Goal and follow through on it. Such as picking out a threat and ending it. Of course this is a problem in universe as well that Humanity has to deal with so...

We really did play the Imperium in microcosm didn't we? There was probably targets we could have squashed early on had we accepted the potential loss of ships. Oh well. Hindsight is 20/20 and all that.

Edit: Looking back, we probably could have saved the Homna String Worlds by sending a squadron there either 1st or 2nd turn and given them the breathing room to build up defenses to hold better and reached out to Bagalog to get a alliance going.

Not to denigrate your victory or anything but you did not fight the force that flowed over the region. You would have lost, immediately, if you had:

A Warboss attacks planets. A Warlord attacks Subsectors.
Yup. Its basically remnant vs remnant in the subsector. But its still a amazing accomplishment for a backwater world to accomplish even that much.
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