Blood, Sweat, and Tears (WH40k Design Bureau)

Servitors are worse I feel

I think the Warriors will be fine without dedicated shelter bays or servitors. We can send the void armies with our squadrons, so that the void armies can help if a ship gets boarded.
True, but that runs into the problem that void army units will be vulnerable in transit to the ships needing support. We don't have dedicated boarding craft unfortunately.
@DaLintyGuy, according to the Gubbinz post we have two separate omake bonuses that could apply to the Interloper design (one for fighters, one for any strikecraft). Not sure if we can stack them or not.
Hm... in a couple of turns anyone else want to build another Strife class carrier? Put into 2nd squadron for even more hilarious amount of fighter strength for the 2nd squadron.
@DaLintyGuy, according to the Gubbinz post we have two separate omake bonuses that could apply to the Interloper design (one for fighters, one for any strikecraft). Not sure if we can stack them or not.
Omake doesn't stack with omake, but it does with a salvage. So as to prevent situations where you roll with a +6 modifier.
However, I will likely bump the Interloper to Fighter 3.

@DaLintyGuy I believe we have hammered out all the issues with the plan and seeing there's no other plans can we have a final review of the plan and lock the votes?
I'm at work, so it will likely be tomorrow when I have the time and focus for an in depth review.
Hm... in a couple of turns anyone else want to build another Strife class carrier? Put into 2nd squadron for even more hilarious amount of fighter strength for the 2nd squadron.

We would be better off putting it on a new Squadron or designing either the 3rd or the 4th as our second Beat Stick Squadron. We don't want to concentrate too many fleet assets in any given Squadron unless we want to start losing the flexibility that a Squadron gives us.
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Hm... in a couple of turns anyone else want to build another Strife class carrier? Put into 2nd squadron for even more hilarious amount of fighter strength for the 2nd squadron.
Yeah, I definitely think we should start either a second Strife or a second light cruiser once this one is done. Either-or, really. No sense putting two Strifes in the same squadron, though.
@DaLintyGuy I believe we have hammered out all the issues with the plan and seeing there's no other plans can we have a final review of the plan and lock the votes?
Hold on, the total resources spent is incorrect.
We are spending 386 M and only 8 A, not 398 M and 10 A.

I would add 2 thermo-cavitation shells to the build list, and devote the remaining 10 M to Yttreum repairs.

Edit: Actually instead of putting the spare A into thermo-cavitation the light cruiser could have 8 A instead of 6 A put into it

We would be better off putting it on a Squadron or designing either the 3rd or the 4th as our second Beat Stick Squadron. We don't want to concentrate too many fleet assets in any given Squadron unless we want to start losing the flexibility that a Squadron gives us.
Yeah, I definitely think we should start either a second Strife or a second light cruiser once this one is done. Either-or, really. No sense putting two Strifes in the same squadron, though.
I would say work on a second light cruiser once the first is done, but instead of Strife-class ships build Courante-class Light Carriers so we can phase-out our converted escort carriers. We could then offload those converted escort carriers to Yttreum to push them further towards us, or devote them to trade protection.
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I would say work on a second light cruiser once the first is done, but instead of Strife-class ships build Courante-class Light Carriers so we can phase-out our converted escort carriers. We could then offload those converted escort carriers to Yttreum to push them further towards us, or devote them to trade protection.

We need to phase out our Armed Merchants first. And for that, we need those Escort Carriers in the patrols.
Hold on, the total resources spent is incorrect.
We are spending 386 M and only 8 A, not 398 M and 10 A.

I would add 2 thermo-cavitation shells to the build list, and devote the remaining 10 M to Yttreum repairs.

Edit: Actually instead of putting the spare A into thermo-cavitation the light cruiser could have 8 A instead of 6 A put into it

I would say work on a second light cruiser once the first is done, but instead of Strife-class ships build Courante-class Light Carriers so we can phase-out our converted escort carriers. We could then offload those converted escort carriers to Yttreum to push them further towards us, or devote them to trade protection.
I think you're missing something. 6A on the cruiser plus 2 on the long arm, plus 2 on the watchtower, makes 10. The manufacturing also comes to 398 by my math; did you miss the 12M spent on armies at the bottom?
We would be better off putting it on a new Squadron or designing either the 3rd or the 4th as our second Beat Stick Squadron. We don't want to concentrate too many fleet assets in any given Squadron unless we want to start losing the flexibility that a Squadron gives us.
Yeah, I definitely think we should start either a second Strife or a second light cruiser once this one is done. Either-or, really. No sense putting two Strifes in the same squadron, though.
Turn 4th squadron into another beat stick is my preference. 1st Squadron can remain our hard hitting but mobile force. 2nd and 4th squadrons become our beat sticks that get stuck into hard fights.

I think 3rd squadron should remain our 2nd line squadron with outdated ships that have yet to be pushed into the patrol squadrons. 3rd squadron can act as our peace keepers among the 'loyalists'.

Hold on, the total resources spent is incorrect.
We are spending 386 M and only 8 A, not 398 M and 10 A.

I would add 2 thermo-cavitation shells to the build list, and devote the remaining 10 M to Yttreum repairs.

Edit: Actually instead of putting the spare A into thermo-cavitation the light cruiser could have 8 A instead of 6 A put into it

I would say work on a second light cruiser once the first is done, but instead of Strife-class ships build Courante-class Light Carriers so we can phase-out our converted escort carriers. We could then offload those converted escort carriers to Yttreum to push them further towards us, or devote them to trade protection.
I'll go check the math again.

Edit: your math is off. The plan stands at 398M and 10A (6 on cruiser, 2 on long arm, 2 on the defense station)
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I think you're missing something. 6A on the cruiser plus 2 on the long arm, plus 2 on the watchtower, makes 10. The manufacturing also comes to 398 by my math; did you miss the 12M spent on armies at the bottom?
Turn 4th squadron into another beat stick is my preference. 1st Squadron can remain our hard hitting but mobile force. 2nd and 4th squadrons become our beat sticks that get stuck into hard fights.

I think 3rd squadron should remain our 2nd line squadron with outdated ships that have yet to be pushed into the patrol squadrons. 3rd squadron can act as our peace keepers among the 'loyalists'.

I'll go check the math again.

Edit: your math is off. The plan stands at 398M and 10A (6 on cruiser, 2 on long arm, 2 on the defense station)
My bad.

Ugh, I double-checked and yet still managed to screw up.
@DaLintyGuy Do we need to spend M to upgrade our torpedo frigates with the new torpedoes?
If we do need to do that, it would be 72 M (4 torpedo corvettes, 6 torpedoes per ship, 3 M per torpedo) to fill our corvettes with Intolerant-model torpedoes.

That is a lot of M, so if it is necessary I think we should just give 2 Intolerant torpedoes to both corvettes in 1st Torpedo squadron, using the M that had been intended for Uniary ground defenses. The older torpedoes will still be very effective against ork escorts, while the Intolerant torpedoes can be saved for if we fight the light cruisers.
Anyway, looking at more ways to revamp things, I looked up at our Naval registry. And found this about Calavar:

Calavar Defenses said:
Old Defense Platform (In orbit above capital)
-Self Defense Battery (Damage 1, Short Range), Platform Plating (Armor 1), Navigational Shield (Shield 1)
6x Customs Monitors
-Self Defense Guns (Damage .5, Short Range), Navigational Shields (Shield 1), Plasteel Composite (Armor 1.5), Engine (Accel 1.5, Maneuver 1)

Calavar-V Dockyard
-Industrial Platform Upgrade: 240/300M, provides 150 base + 30M for every 60M invested.
-Build limit: 40+10 (omake reward)=50

A bit worrying, but did you see the opportunity there?

6x Customs Monitors
-Self Defense Guns (Damage .5, Short Range), Navigational Shields (Shield 1), Plasteel Composite (Armor 1.5), Engine (Accel 1.5, Maneuver 1)

With 30M we could outfit all to have 3 Warriors worth of MK.II Macrocannons there. With 36M we could have 6 Escorts worth of Shields. For a little under the cost of 2 Watchtower platforms, we could just about the same amount of killiness with three times the amount of shields and mobility. 66M in total.

That's of course without our normal sensors and other bell ends, but that's still an incredibly cheap investment to make.
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With 30M we could outfit all to have 3 Warriors worth of MK.II Macrocannons there. With 36M we could have 6 Escorts worth of Shields. For a little under the cost of 2 Watchtower platforms, we could just about the same amount of killiness with three times the amount of shields and mobility. 66M in total.
it would be 78 M, you are forgetting the 12 M needed to remove the old modules. Still, that is a great idea, although I would do it over 2 turns so we aren't practically defenseless over Calavar for a turn
Refitting the SDF is a good idea. We should also build defense stations at Calavar.

Bagalog is still very much suspect. I dont want to give them the opening needed to attack Calavar if we are busy fighting the Orks.

Edit: we also need to pump out defense armies to garrison our holdings so our other armies are freed up to act as response forces or offensive forces.

I'd like at least 2 or 3 more defense army groups so we have one for each of our holdings.
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Refitting the SDF is a good idea. We should also build defense stations at Calavar.

Bagalog is still very much suspect. I dont want to give them the opening needed to attack Calavar if we are busy fighting the Orks.

Edit: we also need to pump out defense armies to garrison our holdings so our other armies are freed up to act as response forces or offensive forces.

I'd like at least 2 or 3 more defense army groups so we have one for each of our holdings.

For the 78 that would cost to retrofit the whole SDF we could also retrofit half of the SDF AND build a Watchtower.
For the 78 that would cost to retrofit the whole SDF we could also retrofit half of the SDF AND build a Watchtower.
I'd say half the SDF and a Watchtower. We dont want all of the SDF boats taken offline at the same time. Outdated as they are they are still an important part of system patrol.

Once I get back home i think I'll put up a prospective turn 10 budget. We should have room to build a couple of Courantes. One each for 1st and 2nd squadrons. And build another frigate to start bulking out 4th squadron.