As a general statement where crossover VS debates are concerned, BAHHSCQ generally roflstomps CWMGQ, right up until it runs into a brick wall conceptual effect, and those aren't super common.
Remember, she can teleport into freaking lava and treat it the same as air. Further, its not like the heat would hurt her. She was fine inside a fusion chamber with temps in the millions of Kelvin. She could literally sit inside a volcano and beamspam at everyone around it in a 600+ kilometer radius.
There's effects that can protect/bypass that. Rarely all in one person or group, but the various factions are large and varied enough they'll eventually find a winning combo.

Speaking as a guy with a behind the scenes look, it would not, but it would definitely tip the balance of power strongly.
Out of interest, would that still hold up if Coroner gets buffed by the whole breadth of Samael's spells?
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So Coroner would be great for the higher level strategic logistics of the Eternal War, but not very effective on the same level of combat.
So Coroner would be great for the higher level strategic logistics of the Eternal War, but not very effective on the same level of combat.
Actually, she'd be very effective in combat. Would probably put billions of elven ssoldiers out a job (everyone who can't do magic, go home and learn).

It's just she's the herald of a second and third industrial revolution to the UL as a whole, where Earth has only barely managed the first.

(Second is when she sets up shop and starts churningout upgrade packages for extant factories. Third when she starts churning out new factories.)

And with that realization I'd revise my assessment upwards.

Coroner would be an OCP to the Eternal War.

Because of her massive Industrial Capacity.
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What Anna is good at is killing hordes of mooks, mid-tiers and giant monsters that rely on mundane defenses and stupid amounts of HP+regen to stay alive.
Yeah, i think if Coroner was present on Hope, there would be good odds of it not falling since the UD strategy for this battle was drown them in bodies of mooks.
So Coroner would be great for the higher level strategic logistics of the Eternal War, but not very effective on the same level of combat.
She would be a terror on the tactical and and a godsend logistical level, and a utter pain the strategical one since there are being that can hard counter her, which mean the UD would need to deploy them each time Coroner deploy, and Coroner can retreat and redeploy at tremendous speed, forcing the UD in the role of a scooby-doo villain.
Sidestepping the versus argument for the moment, I was rereading again, and noticed something.

Anna is familiar with real maple syrup. Anna's Arcology- such as it was- had all pre-impact architecture. Anna's backstory flashbacks all suggest a pre- or immediately post-impact childhood.

The only instructor mentioned as being pre-impact is in her 90s.

Anna has been "16" for a very, very long time.

No wonder there's no birth records for her.

edit: later on people corrected me on this, but I'm leaving it here so folks can tell what we were talking about
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Sidestepping the versus argument for the moment, I was rereading again, and noticed something.

Anna is familiar with real maple syrup. Anna's Arcology- such as it was- had all pre-impact architecture. Anna's backstory flashbacks all suggest a pre- or immediately post-impact childhood.

The only instructor mentioned as being pre-impact is in her 90s.

Anna has been "16" for a very, very long time.

No wonder there's no birth records for her.


She was born 3 years prior to the first incursion.

The reason her town had Pre-impact tech was because the rest of the world/UN had not been in a position to connect with North America since the Impact.

NA prior to the Antagonist's arrival, was filled with successor states fighting each other for resources. The rest of the world didn't want to deal with that kind of irradiated Mad Max shitshow (recall that NA was nuked by Russia's ICBM system also). Anna's town was isolated enough to not be caught up in it, but also didn't get any of the developing tech either.

That isolation in part is probably why the locals hated the refugees so much: They had been isolated for so long, they didn't trust anyone from outside the town.
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Sidestepping the versus argument for the moment, I was rereading again, and noticed something.

Anna is familiar with real maple syrup. Anna's Arcology- such as it was- had all pre-impact architecture. Anna's backstory flashbacks all suggest a pre- or immediately post-impact childhood.

The only instructor mentioned as being pre-impact is in her 90s.

Anna has been "16" for a very, very long time.

No wonder there's no birth records for her.
Interesting theory, but it doesn't hold up on two counts:
1) Impact was 58 years ago.
2) First Contact with the Antagonists was 13 years ago.

So the absolute oldest Anna could be, since she was ~8-9 when she started fighting, is 22.

Her town had pre-impact architecture because it was a pre-impact town that had survived in near-complete isolation from the rest of humanity for half a century.
I... That subject has come up frequently, but at no point do I recall myself or Crys saying the words you just said. :confused:
...Let me check something quick.

Crystalwatcher's Magical Girl Quest! Original

Crystalwatcher's Magical Girl Quest! ("Oh shit." - You all know you're thinking it...)...

That's your post, Lost. It's in informationals. Now, did you tell what I think you told?

Well, as Magical Girl Limitless Horizon from the post tells us:
Limitless Horizon said:
Now, physics and the laws of thermodynamics I'm pretty sure we're all aware of, so I'm going to mostly ignore them for now and move onto Magic. The first thing you need to realize is that Magic ignores the Conservation of Energy as well as the Conservation of Matter; meaning it ignores Entropy and Entropic Effects as a base rule. So instead of just being energy that gets moved around, it's constantly created spontaneously by the environment, and when used to cast a spell, simply vanishes. Akashic Pillar scientists are looking into using this fact to make some kind of infinite energy generator, but it's really difficult. You see, in order to do such, you have to bring the system called "Magic" into contact with the system we recognize as "Physics". When we do though, one of two things can happen: either the cross-over follows the Rules of Magic and the law of Entropy stops applying, or Physics takes over and Magic suddenly has to worry about Thermodynamics. The real problem though starts at the fact no one has a clue on what exactly governs the choice. So bringing them together the same way nine different times could have the combined system flip-flopping back and forth each time.
Actually... IIRC it's been said that Soul, Magic and Physics in CWMGQ are very finicky when used in the same project, to break the limitations of one through the other. It's been said that perpetual motion devices (and/or perpetual energy generators) can be built, however they are unreliable in that one and the same generator will need a dozen or two attempts to switch it on, to actually work as advertised. And if it's ever shut down, it may not work on the next two dozen activations before suddenly working again on its 25th consecutive reactivation attempt.
So comparing the two side by side:
1) Attempts to make infinite energy generators have been made in CWMGQ, which is roughly analogous to my claim that perpetual motion devices/perpetual energy generators can be built. On one hand, Limitless Horizon only spoke about experiments, but on the other hand her description of flip-flopping when brought together implies that there was actual partial success to observe this behavior.
2) I claimed that bringing together Magic, Physics and Soul is really finicky, and I think it also checks out - when Magic and Physics as systems are made to interact, they fall in line with one of those, but no one has a clue what exactly governs the choice.
3) My claim about one and the same generator switching on and off making it work and not work is not quite correct - Limitless Horizon spoke about how bringing Magic and Physics together the same way, nine different times, could flip-flop each time.

I don't think I said anything that was blatantly contrary to what Limitless Horizon said.
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...Let me check something quick.

Crystalwatcher's Magical Girl Quest! Original

Crystalwatcher's Magical Girl Quest! ("Oh shit." - You all know you're thinking it...)...

That's your post, Lost. It's in informationals. Now, did you tell what I think you told?

Well, as Magical Girl Limitless Horizon from the post tells us:

So comparing the two side by side:
1) Attempts to make infinite energy generators have been made in CWMGQ, which is roughly analogous to my claim that perpetual motion devices/perpetual energy generators can be built. On one hand, Limitless Horizon only spoke about experiments, but on the other hand her description of flip-flopping when brought together implies that there was actual partial success to observe this behavior.
2) I claimed that bringing together Magic, Physics and Soul is really finicky, and I think it also checks out - when Magic and Physics as systems are made to interact, they fall in line with one of those, but no one has a clue what exactly governs the choice.
3) My claim about one and the same generator switching on and off making it work and not work is not quite correct - Limitless Horizon spoke about how bringing Magic and Physics together the same way, nine different times, could flip-flop each time.

I don't think I said anything that was blatantly contrary to what Limitless Horizon said.
Blatantly contrary? No. Making claims and using examples that aren't actually what was said? Yes.

Point 3 is an example you basically pulled out of thin air. I can see why you would extrapolate to that now that you've explained it, but that's not what was actually said.

The claim made in point 1 is just flat wrong. Attempts have been made at infinite energy generators. There have been no successes, ever. So saying "they can be made but are really finicky" is incorrect. It would be accurate if you threw a "theoretically" in there, but as it stands it's just not a factual statement.
And that's why I used IIRC in my post. Also, I still believe that Limitless Horizon had some empirical data to work off of when she spoke about flip-flopping behavior when Magic and Physics were brought together multiple times in the same way.
And that's why I used IIRC in my post. Also, I still believe that Limitless Horizon had some empirical data to work off of when she spoke about flip-flopping behavior when Magic and Physics were brought together multiple times in the same way.
Oh definitely. Just remember that an infinite energy generator needs to be perfectly balanced, and flopping in any direction is inherently a failure state.
Interesting theory, but it doesn't hold up on two counts:
1) Impact was 58 years ago.
2) First Contact with the Antagonists was 13 years ago.

So the absolute oldest Anna could be, since she was ~8-9 when she started fighting, is 22.

Her town had pre-impact architecture because it was a pre-impact town that had survived in near-complete isolation from the rest of humanity for half a century.
Do we just have timelines not lining up, then? If this is the case, pre-impact adults shouldn't be especially worthy of note, and the instructor in her 90s would have had to be in late 30s/early 40s when she got the core- notable, I suppose, but for a different reason.
Do we just have timelines not lining up, then? If this is the case, pre-impact adults shouldn't be especially worthy of note, and the instructor in her 90s would have had to be in late 30s/early 40s when she got the core- notable, I suppose, but for a different reason.
I think you're just overthinking it personally. But honestly I have no idea where you're going with this.
Do we just have timelines not lining up, then? If this is the case, pre-impact adults shouldn't be especially worthy of note, and the instructor in her 90s would have had to be in late 30s/early 40s when she got the core- notable, I suppose, but for a different reason.
Why would people in their forties getting cores be notable after Impact? It would probably be notable now (the UN probably tests everyone they can find for core compatibility since they have more than twice as many cores as Valkyries right now), but there were no cores before Impact.
What do you mean about pre-impact adults being especially worthy of note?
Oh definitely. Just remember that an infinite energy generator needs to be perfectly balanced, and flopping in any direction is inherently a failure state.
...I thought the important part was making it not follow the primary paradigm of Physics, but falling into the direction of Magic (with its spontaneous creation of energy in environment) was the desired result. What part of Physics is so important that it needs to be specifically preserved when the apparent goal is for Thermodynamics is to be averted? Or what part of Magic is specifically undesirable (is it the spontaneous disappearance of energy once the spell is cast, or something else)?

EDIT: The answer as received from PM (to account for the request below this post)
LostDeviljho said:
Same reason magic in and of itself doesn't count as an infinite energy generator. If it falls in the direction of physics, it's just a normal generator. If it falls in the direction of magic, it's no longer operating in a paradigm that's useful for the physics-based output you're trying for. In other to exploit the properties of one system in the context of the other system, you need both systems in effect simultaneously.
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Oh definitely. Just remember that an infinite energy generator needs to be perfectly balanced, and flopping in any direction is inherently a failure state.
...I thought the important part was making it not follow the primary paradigm of Physics, but falling into the direction of Magic (with its spontaneous creation of energy in environment) was the desired result. What part of Physics is so important that it needs to be specifically preserved when the apparent goal is for Thermodynamics is to be averted? Or what part of Magic is specifically undesirable (is it the spontaneous disappearance of energy once the spell is cast, or something else)?
I'm sure this is a fascinating discussion but perhaps it can be moved to the thread it's relevant to?
Hoo boy. A bit late with some of these, but I'm all caught up now. Expect some omake within the week.
Don't forget the obligatory "Highschool of the Dead but all the characters have the names and appearance of characters from [insert series here]". Also the "Rational Fiction" and "This is what would really happen, totally not Edgelord Hard Men Making Hard Decisions". Also, the prerequisite My Little Pony Crossovers: one that has a Valkyrie Core character dropped into Equestria; one that has Equestria lend aid to VC!Earth; and the last where Equestria comes to help but it's actually the Conversion Bureau. Oh, and Mass effect crossover where the SA is replaced by post-war VC!Earth.
...Turned up alive and with reinforcements/charity aid/non-AH, non-Core technology?
This sounds like a job for +5 Coke Zero Nippon Banzai, HERO OF EARTH! And Comrade Squid, of course. And the rest of the Hong Kong Brisbane Cavaliers.
but I figured her home was roughly where the town of Banff, Alberta
Based on the range of maples and the mention of rivers, I had figured that Castlegar, British Colombia was most likely.
IIRC the thread had achieved a consensus on where it was. But I forget where.

Quick thread search to see if Avalanche said anything brings up this from 2016:
@Avalanche can you confirm that Anna was born in "Quesnel, Canada"?
*Google maps to the rescue*

Looks like a very good candidate. I've personally never locked down an exact IRL location for Anna's hometown, feel free to substitute as you like.
Though there's also this from January of this year:
Yeah well uh, after thinking hard about the subject for the Nth time and regretting not making Anna just come from like, Edmonton or something, I'm just going to wave the old alt timeline stick and say that the town she is from doesn't exit otl at all.
Regarding the talking about the crossover of the settings of Battle Action Harem High School side character quest and Crystalwatcher's Magical Girl Quest, has everyone forgot about the feat in Crystalwatcher's Magical Girl Quest of raising the dead back to life. And not just recently dead, but dead as far as several years ago?

Imagine lolnope-ing the results of the Battle of Sydney with one mass resurrection of the dead.