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I have now caught up on actual chapters and shall leave until something interesting happens again(update)
Bye everybody
Bye everybody
So you'll be back for the derails?I have now caught up on actual chapters and shall leave until something interesting happens again(update)
Bye everybody
If you're waiting for an update, I would bet there'll be one within only 43 days!
Of course not.... Avalanche wouldn't go a while year without updating, would he?
No, last update was in January.
Not as far as I see anyway though I may have just missed somethingSounds like a compromise that would have been proposed at the time and was probably shot down for IC narrative reasons. But I'd have to re read the thread to know.
Something that obvious wouldn't just be something we didn't consider.
It's close enough geographically speaking, the two overlap, but not too much of the old infrastructure remains in use.Is the Seosan town that Anna helps repair in Post 18 the same as the Seosan city that exists IRL?
Accounting for Impact and everything else that's happened to it in the interim, I mean.
Merry Xmas.It's close enough geographically speaking, the two overlap, but not too much of the old infrastructure remains in use.
I believe it is "Merry Xenomass" you mean kind sir.
I'm pretty sure Firaxite would be a better fit here
They do eat pieces of their fallen enemies though. Anna had to keep on operating and rebuilding her town somehow.I'm pretty sure Firaxite would be a better fit here. Valks are all about the supercomputers and hypertech, rather than alien bio-integration.
Sounds like something a filthy antagonist would say.
Enjoying it one page at a time is important.A friend pointed me at this thread. I'm reading through one page at a time, but I did have a small moment to write, this winter season.
As far as anyone's concerned, this is non-canon.
Eyes opened reflexively, though a command to turn on the lights was aborted before it was fully formed.
The softness of the blankets pressing against her was a balm to memories that slipped and slid to and fro, a query for the date revealing that she had requested this one day of the year as personal; no classes, no duties, nothing.
Slipping out of the blankets, the impeller field hazed back into place around her, another command ordering the bathtub to prepare itself. Something, unbidden, appended a request for bubbles. How long had it been?
A gnawing voice in the back of her mind reminded of all the times she had been forced to set the day aside, fighting, protecting, healing. How she could never afford to let her guard relax, even for only a few moments, because Too Late. toolatetoolatetoolate.
A blur at the corner of her sight. Durga's not warning her. Why not? Threat? Unknown. Possible threat. Act to stop threat.
Turning towards the blur, frame already manifesting, sparks and motes of light flaring around her, HV guns protruding from forearm vambrace, before the image resolved as a hologram on the wall.
Two adults. Man. Woman. Familiar. Memories unbidden as Durga made the image move, forgotten voices singing, off-key, but happy.
"Happy Birthday, Anna."
Slumping to the floor of her room cloaked in pre-dawn darkness, on the day of her Seventeenth Birthday, Anna dissolved into hot, helpless tears, grieving for the ones closest to her.
A friend pointed me at this thread. I'm reading through one page at a time, but I did have a small moment to write, this winter season.
As far as anyone's concerned, this is non-canon.
Eyes opened reflexively, though a command to turn on the lights was aborted before it was fully formed.
The softness of the blankets pressing against her was a balm to memories that slipped and slid to and fro, a query for the date revealing that she had requested this one day of the year as personal; no classes, no duties, nothing.
Slipping out of the blankets, the impeller field hazed back into place around her, another command ordering the bathtub to prepare itself. Something, unbidden, appended a request for bubbles. How long had it been?
A gnawing voice in the back of her mind reminded of all the times she had been forced to set the day aside, fighting, protecting, healing. How she could never afford to let her guard relax, even for only a few moments, because Too Late. toolatetoolatetoolate.
A blur at the corner of her sight. Durga's not warning her. Why not? Threat? Unknown. Possible threat. Act to stop threat.
Turning towards the blur, frame already manifesting, sparks and motes of light flaring around her, HV guns protruding from forearm vambrace, before the image resolved as a hologram on the wall.
Two adults. Man. Woman. Familiar. Memories unbidden as Durga made the image move, forgotten voices singing, off-key, but happy.
"Happy Birthday, Anna."
Slumping to the floor of her room cloaked in pre-dawn darkness, on the day of her Seventeenth Birthday, Anna dissolved into hot, helpless tears, grieving for the ones closest to her.