Recent readers

No SV, you are the WiFi. I'm pretty sure that this quest title started that rather awkward trend of No SV, you are x.


I'll fix this up later.
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skaianDestiny -
Gonna get started on the faux-chan posts. Simplifying the post numbers and giving the file names a bit more descriptions for ease of reading. A "---" means the two posts are consecutive, a "===" means there's been a skip.

Also, does/should Infinite Stratos and Muv Luv exist in this alternate reality?

Project Valkyrie Core Anonymous No.001No.002 No.003
File: ProjectValkyrieCorePromo1.jpg
Saw this on Crunchyroll the other night, is anyone else watching?
Anonymous No.002
Looks like shit
Anonymous No.003No.005
File: Mecha.jpg

Not so sure about this one, seems like typical harem anime-
>Mecha suits that don't look like fetish gear
I'm in.
Anonymous No.005No.006

>Mecha suits that don't look like fetish gear
skaianDestiny -
Alright added more. If I write more the old stuff will go in a spoiler.

Project Valkyrie Core Anonymous No.001No.002 No.003 No.004 No.007 No.008 No.009 No.011 No.015 No.019 No.021 No.022 No.83
File: ProjectValkyrieCorePromo1.jpg
Saw this on Crunchyroll the other night, is anyone else going to watch?
Anonymous No.002
>>001 (OP)
looks like shit
Anonymous No.003No.005
File: Mecha.jpg
>>001 (OP)

Not so sure about this one, seems like typical harem anime-
>Mecha suits that don't look like fetish gear
I'm in.
Anonymous No.004
>>001 (OP)
>Saw this on Crunchyroll the other night
OP confirmed for shit taste
Anonymous No.005No.006

>Mecha suits that don't look like fetish gear
Anonymous No.006
After the shit that was Cross Ange I don't care if this all SoL bullshit. I will watch this for the suits.
Anonymous No.007
File: laughing_ojous.jpg
>>001 (OP)

Anonymous No.012No.013 No.014
File: i_have_the_weirdest_boner_right_now.jpg
Watching the first episode stream
>MC crossdresses
>He's hot

Anonymous No.013No.017
File: trap.png

>trap MC
I want to do lewd things to him like hold his hand.
Anonymous No.014No.016 No.017 No.018
File: reiclone.jpg

>childhood tsundere does her thing
>tsunblocked by red-ponytail rei-clone
>tsundere hides her twintail ass behind MC's sister

10 minutes in and already best girl
Anonymous No.016
File: crossdressing_MC.jpg

>rei clone as best girl
>not Koujirouko-chan

Anonymous No.017
File: lewdbutiapprove.png

I want to take him home and stroke his hair_________________________________

>tsunblocked twice
Holy shit maybe this show isn't trash
qsurf -
[X] Well, it's not a plan, exactly; everything you've seen from Anna says that she'll probably take whatever plans you come up with and casually snap them over her knee. There are things you can keep in mind though.
-[X] No missiles, she'll just shoot them down.
-[X] Going by what you've seen of her so far; she not only doesn't have any blind spots, she can see through solid objects as well. Any attempts at setting up an ambush are futile.
-[X] You've seen that clip of her playing tag. She's fast, but a close-combat frame like yours can probably outpace her, and Yukari looks like she has the means to do the same.
[X] In short: Work together, box her in, and either you or Yukari will try to score a hit. You'll have to wing it for the most part.
-[X] And take this seriously. Anna's not going to be happy if she thinks you're not giving it everything you have.


Meanwhile on FAUXChan (not very good at this):

Project Valkyrie Core Ep2 Anonymous No.2311No.2312
File: breadchanhypespam.jpg
Anons? I'm in love.
Anonymous No.2312No.2313
>>2311 (OP)

>Anons? I have shit taste.
>in the 2015th year of our lord and you aren't in love Kojiroko
Anonymous No.2313
File: breadchannotamused.jpg

>not wanting walking armoury as waifu


Project Valkyrie Core Ep3
No.4011No.4012 No.4014 No.4015
File: You_goodsir_are_boned.jpg
Shit just got real.
Anonymous No.4012No.4013
File: ONE_JOB.jpg
>>4011 (OP)

D-did Setsu just skip The List?!
Anonymous No.4013
File: PANIC.jpg

>mfw List skipped
Anonymous No.4014No.4016
>>4011 (OP)

>Protag sparring match on Ep3
'bout time, Anna's over-hyped and everyone needs to see it.
Anonymous No.4015
Can't fucking wait.
Anonymous No.4016
File: breadchanhypespam.jpg

You misspelled 'under-hyped' m8
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skaianDestiny -
Okay, while I'm working on episode 2 here's an addendum to the first edition.

Project Valkyrie Core Anonymous No.001No.002 No.003 No.004 No.007 No.008 No.009 No.011 No.015 No.019 No.021 No.022 No.83
File: ProjectValkyrieCorePromo1.jpg
Saw this on Crunchyroll the other night, is anyone else going to watch?
Anonymous No.002
>>001 (OP)
looks like shit
Anonymous No.003No.005
File: Mecha.jpg
>>001 (OP)

Not so sure about this one, seems like typical harem anime-
>Mecha suits that don't look like fetish gear
I'm in.
Anonymous No.004
>>001 (OP)
>Saw this on Crunchyroll the other night
OP confirmed for shit taste
Anonymous No.005No.006

>Mecha suits that don't look like fetish gear
Anonymous No.006
After the shit that was Cross Ange I don't care if this all SoL bullshit. I will watch this for the suits.
Anonymous No.007
File: laughing_ojous.jpg
>>001 (OP)

Anonymous No.012No.013 No.014
File: i_have_the_weirdest_boner_right_now.jpg
Watching the first episode stream
>MC crossdresses
>He's hot

Anonymous No.013No.017
File: trap.png

>trap MC
I want to do lewd things to him like hold his hand.
Anonymous No.014No.016 No.017 No.018
File: reiclone.jpg

>childhood tsundere does her thing
>tsunblocked by red-ponytail rei-clone
>tsundere hides her twintail ass behind MC's sister

10 minutes in and already best girl
Anonymous No.016
File: crossdressing_MC.jpg

>rei clone as best girl
>not Koujirouko-chan

Anonymous No.017
File: lewdbutiapprove.png

I want to take him home and stroke his hair_________________________________
>tsunblocked twice
Holy shit maybe this show isn't trash
Anonymous No.018No.19 No.21 No.23
File: Koujirouko-chan.jpg
The episode isn't even over and we already have fanart of crossdresser MC. Christ these guys are fast.

>go to observation towers to look at the beautiful view
>Australia still looks like shit
>triple tsunblock combo

So decades in the future and Australia remains the same, good to know. Also best girl Anna must be setting a record for the number of times a tsundere's been shot down. Overall fairly formulaic except for a few glorious moments. I'll give it the three episode rule before I decide to drop it or not.
Anonymous No.019
Wow, that's actually not that bad
>best girl Anna
Eh I hope they don't overplay the tsunblocking
It was funny the first couple of times but if they overdo it it gets boring
I think this show has lots of potential

I'll try to have thread 2 of faux-chan up by tomorrow.
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Meanwhile on FAUXChan (not very good at this):
Nice. Mind if I use some of these? As a treat here's what I have for the second thread, no episode reactions yet.

Project Valkyrie Core Anonymous No.001No.002
File: ProjectValkyrieCorePromo5.jpg
since the previous thread got sage'd i made a new one
Anonymous No.002No.004
File: Anna01.jpg
>>001 (OP)

>OP picks the only piece of promo art without Anna
Shit OP is shit
Anonymous No.004No.005

fuck you i bet your one of those faggots who masturbates to the main character
Anonymous No.005
File: Koujirouko-chan.jpg

>not wanting a piece of the Kojiroko's sweet ass
You poor repressed fool. Don't worry, let Kojiroko show you the light.
Anonymous No.006No.007
When's the next episode airing?
Anonymous No.007No.008

in an hour
Anonymous No.009No.010 No.023 No.024 No.025 No.026 No.027 No.028 No.029 No.030 No.032 No.033
File: Koujiroko01.png
while we wait ill dump my koujiroko pics
Anonymous No.23

jesus fucking christ
Anonymous No.024

Oh my god what the fuck
Anonymous No.025
File: LetsKeepGoingAndSeeWhatHappens.jpg

I never knew I needed this
Anonymous No.026
File: returnofthewhyboner.gif

Anonymous No.026No.30

>tfw you are unironically gay for the MC of a harem anime
Anonymous No.053No.054 No.055 No.056
Okay the second episode is airing now
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Dark as Silver - Blood on the battlefied is thicker than water from the womb
I did a thing. First omake ever, I over use you and Avalanches notes seem to be so on top of it this will be non-cannon but I'd appreciate some criticism. Constructive or otherwise.

You made the mistake of looking at that picture.

The old saying, often mangled, goes 'Blood on the battlefield is thicker than water from the womb'. It was true; you missed them, all of them. But you missed your flight more than anything, even more than the rest combined. They were more than just friends, even more than family

Had it been worth it? The public seemed to think so, in a fit of morbid curiosity you'd checked your fan site a few months ago, the first time since you'd been teasing Rida about getting one before her. The followers had multiplied, as if everyone who we had saved joined twice over. The datapad had shattered against the wall, you needed pointless gossip on your life even less than the gratitude of people who didn't understand what you, what the world had lost. Worse yet where the condolences, as if people who'd never lost more than a hamster could empathise with loss as more than some nebulous concept. It was the UN's critics, the supporters of the now annexed Pakistan that where the only ones who seemed to understand. It was your duty, there wasn't another choice. Afnan would have said it was part of Gods plan, that she would have been happy to lay down her life for anyone, those younger deserved a chance to live, the elderly deserved respect, those in between would have family who'd weep if they died, not like her. Didn't she realise that she was so loved by everyone in the squadron? It had to have been worth it, why else did you do it?

And now you were meant to just move on? Get a new flight and squadron as if anyone could replace Nuzhas sense of humour. It'd nearly gotten the entire flight killed once; we'd been laughing so hard a type 5 had snuck up on us. It'd ended up with the flights second confirmed kill; we'd blamed a sensor malfunction for how it got close. In retrospect we must have had a friend in the Science department for the non-existent fault had been identified and 'repaired' within a day. It was anyones guess what you'd been joking about, what do twelve years old find funny? It'd been a long time since you where that young, and you'd grown more than your age suggested since then.

You tried to channel your inner Nimra, tried to think that things would always get better if you kept moving forward and that there was no mountain too high to climb if you kept working. But it felt hollow. You'd run away the last time you'd seen her, missing both legs and unable to synch to her core, it'd been too hard to face that. They'd called her the Bronze Pilot, it'd just been a joke but it resonated with her and she ended up getting you and Rida to promise to repaint your Valkyries when her combat rating was the highest in the flight, you'd been sure one day you would have. Now the one who enjoyed being a Valkyrie beyond everything and everyone would never fly again, injured when you'd been fighting the type 7. She must have been carried below you to be evacuated and you hadn't noticed.

Rida, Rida was the one you missed most though; you'd always been inseparable, cradle to grave, joined at the hip, eternal rivals, vitriolic, telepathic. There was no right term for your relationship, you'd always been fighting over first place in everything. You'd win the marathon, she'd win the hurdles. You'd beat her at art and then she'd respond by acing the physics test. She'd forced down her frustration when your combat rating hit the 5 digit mark before hers, and a month later she'd collapsed of exhaustion in the middle of her retake. When she'd restarted and finished the next day, there was no one in the base who didn't know her score was ten whole points higher than yours was. Your instructors had approved, now you see the ways they'd encouraged and egged you on, there's no substitute for hard work when getting better and the best way to do a lot was to make it not work. But you'd got gold in the sprint, and now, now she'd never come first again.

A hand touched your shoulder and you almost equipped Konark out of a long trained habit to things sneaking up on you. It was just Sandra though, who else could it be?

"You're not replacing them" Fuck, it was unfair how intuitive she was. "It's time for the opening ceremony" She didn't say anything, just turned to leave.

You rose to follow, not bothering to reiterate what a waste of time this was. Could the UN even afford a 300 pilot, gimped leg or not, to be benched like this? Let alone when you returned you'd be saddled with some wingmen that no matter how hard they trained or how talented they were, hadn't started by the age of 4. Yet for all that it was the obvious decision, you didn't want to return to active duty. You wouldn't find friends here that was almost a certainty, Sandra may be one in a billion but statistically speaking with your squadron dead there wouldn't be another. But maybe, hopefully there'd be some … solidarity with the instructors. You had to be an Ace to qualify after all.
qsurf -
Project Valkyrie Core Ep5 Anonymous No.5011No.5015
File: areyoualrightbreadchan.jpg
Anonymous No.5012No.5013
Hey, can anyone tell me what happened in that ep? I mean, I know Bread-chan's, well, Bread-chan, but...when did this turn into Attack on Titan?!
Anonymous No.5013
File: sads.gif

>my feels in general
I-I'll tell ya when I've processed this shit.
Anonymous No.5014
>'bout time, Anna's over-hyped and everyone needs to see it.
So, I'm just gonna sit here and laugh for just about ever, 'cause the alternative is crawling to the nearest corner and crying like a little girl.
Anonymous No.5015
File: shhnomorefeels.jpg
>>5011 (OP)

It's okay OP, it's alright man...
Anonymous No.5016
Soooo, I take it I'm not the only one creeped out by the fact that after the whole thing, Anna's simply standing there? I mean, guys, the older sister, the ELITE Valk just about shut down and the junior Valk FAINTED!

Where the FUCK is Anna from?!
Anonymous No.5017
File: itsokayIwantedtofeelallthefeelstoday.jpg
>Tense up all in this piece, Bread-chan's chilling tho, ain't no thang really
>Huh, Koji's got common sense, but ideas
>...Yuka-nee, y u so fair play?
>...Koji, how are you here again?
>Oh snap! We all know where the season budget went to, this shit be craycray!
>Bread-chan as Valk is now Muda-chan.
>MC's resolve is admirable, Muda-chan responds with 10% of her dodge missile skills.
>Muda-chan, return those missiles to their owners now, you're not being a good girl!
>Koji's pretty badass actually, Muda-chan's still Muda-chan tho.
>...Yuka-nee curled up
>...Se-Tsun's out like a light
>...Mu-Bread-chan's just standing there
>mfw end of episode.

pic related.


[X]Breakfast: Visit Koujirou, see if he is okay.
[X]Breakfast: See about acquiring a medical module
[X]Morning: Go to class and study Transcendent Offense
[X]Lunch: Hang around with friends
-[X] Discuss the match and pick out where they did right and wrong.

==========================================================, did she lose her eyes, or was it a matter of having cybernetics in the place of her eyes?

Edit: Liked Veekie's stuff better.
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trooperist -
Apologies to skaianDestiny, I stole his formatting.

Meanwhile on Fauxchan:

Project Valkyrie Core Waifus Anonymous
No.001No.002 No.004 No.020 No.022 No. 64 No.83
File: Bread-chan Devours All.jpg
Such a long wait for episode 5. Who's your favorite? I know what mine is.
Anonymous No.002No.004
>>001 (OP)

>Posting best girl
This thread is off to a good start. Good job OP.
Anonymous No.003No.005
File: Shuri.jpg

The Golden Ace shall conquer all!
Anonymous No.004No.006
>>001 (OP)

Oh great. Another Anna wank thread.
Anonymous No.005
File: Shuri Valkyrie Form.jpg

Shuri's art on pixiv is always so nice.
Anonymous No.006No.010

Hey anon don't hate just because she's best girl.
Anonymous No.007No.008
File: Trap is best.jpg
>This many posts in and no one posted Koujirouko-chan
Fucking plebs.
Anonymous No.008
File: MC is best girl.jpg
Goddamn a man should not have such attractive legs. The thigh highs just drive me over the edge.
Anonymous No.009
File: Tsun Blocked.wav
It was love at first sight.
Anonymous No.010No.012

No she is shit and I am tired of everyone playing her up. All she's got going for her is that mysterious past they keep hinting about and her being a social retard. She is shit anon. None of the things she does is cute. It's been done before by better characters. Get over it.
Anonymous No.011
File: Yukari sensei.jpg
Onee-chan is love!
Anonymous No.012
>lol I hate things other people like
Careful not to cut yourself on the edge there.
0/10 I didn't even feel mad.
Anonymous No.013No.014 No.015 No.016
File: Setsu #1.jpg
So anyone out there like Setsuna?
Anonymous No.014No.017
File: You gonna get blankly stared at.jpg
>Liking the tsundere
Anonymous No.015No.017
File: Laughing Valkyries.jpg

>Liking Setsu
Laugh at this man.
Anonymous No.016No.017
File: Poor Taste.jpg

Of all the great girls in this series you have to pick the worst one.
Anonymous No.017
File: Sad Setsuna.jpg

...But I like Setsuna.
Anonymous No.018No.019
File: Queen Sandra.jpg
Oujo over all filthy peasants.
Anonymous No.019
File: Sandra Hair Calculations.jpg

I want to run my fingers through her hair.
Anonymous No.020
File: Anna Approves.jpg
>>001 OP

And Anna is the first post. Perfect thread OP.
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skaianDestiny - boards.fauxchan/a/insert thread here
Apologies to skaianDestiny, I stole his formatting.
No problem! I'll go ahead and make a template for anyone who wants to join in on the fun.

Title Anonymous No.001No.002 No.004
File: Sample_Image.jpg
This is an OP.
Anonymous No.002No.004
File: randomimage.gif
>>001 (OP)

A reply
Anonymous No.004
>>001 (OP)
A reply.
I am a spoiler
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Highwind - Career ending injury? Nah.
While the MC is cradling our still cooling corpse crying. We'll tell him hi from Durga that's sitting next to it.

You. This is your fault. You just had to put this image in my head, didn't you?

It was over. The breach was closed, the campaign had been a success. They had achieved victory, when all simulations said their chances had been a flat Zero. Their mad dash to destroy the Breach, the suicide mission they volunteered to take had succeeded beyond all expectations and gave Humanity the breathing room it needs to prepare to turn the tide against the Antagonists.

They would go down in history. A single flight had destroyed an army of Antagonists, a single squadron had managed to defeat a Class A Type-0 and turned the tide of the entire campaign.
They had been victorious... But if it really was victory, then why didn't it feel like it?

As Koujirou Cradled Anna's body in his arms and saw his tear fall on her face, he couldn't help but remember how she was the one who kept them all alive, how she killed more Antagonists than any of them, how she protected them from strikes that would have killed them with her own body, how she held the Type-0 in place long enough for him to prepare his strike to finish it off...

Anna Sanchez had saved their lives, and bought them this victory at the cost of her own life.

He wasn't the only one crying. Yukari was hugging Setsuna, who was still in shock, Unable to believe the blunt, weird and somewhat air headed girl who had been with them since they formed their squadron, the girl who was an absolute Monster in combat who had trained them until they became Aces, the girl who had become her friend, had passed away.
Sandra did her best to hold back her own tears and comfort a crying and raging Shuri, who couldn't believe she had lost her rival, lost yet another comrade, and was screaming denials and profanities at the heavens.

Now, all that was left of their friend was this corpse and her Valkyrie's actual Core, that desynchronized from her for the first time in years the moment she died.

Ignoring yet another request to open a Comm channel, he gently lowered Anna's body and reached with one trembling hand to grab the Core. He put it in the hands of it's now departed owner and crossed them over her chest and moved to stand up, only to stop when he noticed a strange glow coming from where he put the Core.

Suddenly, there was a bright flash, followed by his Valkyrie's warning that it was being hacked and the Comm channel he had been ignoring opening itself.

"I have spent the last five minutes attempting to speak with you Koujirou."
It was a voice Koujirou thought he would never hear again.
"It's unwise to ignore Communication attempts coming from your squadronmates, Koujirou. It could have been very dangerous if you did so during combat."

"Anna!?" His scream was loud enough to startle the others "How, but you're... You're alive!?" and that was enough to get even Shuri's attention.
"What the hell are you talking about, Koujirou!?" Setsuna shouted. His sister came closer and gently put a hand on Anna's neck.

"There's no pulse, Koujirou... I'm sorry, but..." She trailed off, but Koujirou quickly spoke.
"Umm... Girls? You might want to accept that Comms channel now."

Sandra looked confused for a moment and answered. "But there's no request on my-" The blonde heiress interrupted herself before scrunching her face in puzzlement, followed by widening her eyes in surprise. "How..."
The others accepted the requests that appeared on their screens and were similarly surprised when they saw who was on the other side of the call.

Coroner (A. Sanchez)

Yukari was the first to react. With a scream, she jumped back and crawled away from Anna's body as if she feared it would suddenly come back to life demanding to eat her brains. "I- But your pulse, I-" She stuttered and looked around frantically, before pointing at Anna and yelling "G-G-GHOST!"

"...No?" Answered the voice of her deceased friend, which only served to make her flinch in fear again. "I'm still alive. sort of."

Shuri spoke next, anger clear in her voice "You bitch!" And also in her choice of words. "What is the meaning of this!? And what do you mean you're sort of alive, I can see the bullet holes in your fucking corpse!"

"Well, yes, my body is dead." Came the response. "However, Durga made a destructive upload of my brain before I lost too much blood and couldn't oxigenate it properly." She said, before adding "She says 'Sorry I didn't warn you guys, but I was kind of in a hurry.'"

There was a moment of stunned silence. No one seemed to know comprehend what happened nor understand how such a thing was possible, and Setsuna was the first to put this feeling into words.
"Wha- but, That's impossible!" Sadly, she wasn't very good with words right now. Thankfully, Sandra spoke up.
"That should be impossible, Anna. A Valkyrie Core shouldn't be able to contain an entire human's consciousness."

"Durga says she partitioned a part of her Storage capacity and Processing Power to store and run my consciousness, while using a few Computers I stored a couple years ago and which she improved over time to help supplement the computational power she needs." Anna explained. "Durga also says, and I quote 'I laugh at your puny human concept of Impossible, Ohohohoho'." She added, in perfect deadpan.

Koujirou couldn't help but facepalm at this. "All right, You've uploaded your mind into your Valk Core. Okay, I can accept that. But what do we do with your... Um..." he gestured vaguely at Anna's corpse.

"Oh. Yes, I think I can fix it, eventually." There was another moment of silence, broken this time by a very confused Shuri. "What the are you talking about, Anna? how are you supposed to fix Being Dead?"

"I will just absorb my body and have Durga fix it." She answers as if it were the simplest thing in the world. "The shrapnel, burns and ruptured organs should be the easiest part, Then I can just get a few blood bags to replenish what I lost."

No-one seems to know how to answer to that kind of outrageous statement. After a minute, Setsuna raises her hand like a child asking for the teacher's attention. "Question. Wasn't it a Destructive upload? What are you going to do about your brain?"

For a moment, Anna was silent, before she answered in a slightly more digitized, but far more expressive voice. "I'll just need research a bit while I rebuild the body. I'm sure I'll come up with something. Now, I'll need to expel some things to get the space I need to integrate the body and start fixing it. Do be careful with those Onium batteries, and if you see some weird grey goo anywhere nearby, Don't Touch It."

"Wait a minute, who's talking right now? Are you Dur-" but before he could continue all manner of things started to manifest around them, from stacks of missiles, weapons and strange devices to various electronic appliances, toys and books.

"Ah, It appears I still have some bread stored here." Anna spoke up again. "It should still taste good, you all should eat it while you wait. Integrating something complex like my body will take a while." and just as she finished speaking plates filled with all kinds of bread appeared atop the laps of each of them with a twist of Space-time.

Koujirou looked long and hard at the plate before him, then took a glance at his squadronmates. After a minute looking at each other, he finally spoke. "Yeah, I got nothing. Extraction will take hours to get here anyway, so we might as well eat and think on how we'll explain this shit to our superiors." He then took a bite out of one of the many kinds of bread Anna had given him.

Sweet merciful Lord, this grew out of control somewhere around the third paragraph and turned way longer than I expected. Sorry about this, really.
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