To be perfectly honest while taking out Sekhmet is impressive that was only made possible by "suddenly WFM 1 hit KO", and frankly conventional warefare against a Type Zero of C rank or isn't going to work in a 1v1 situation.

Whereas Anna penetrating the Saskatoon Minor Breach then destroying Saskatoon Hive solo was something which usually calls for all 300 level Frames, although Anna would need to upgrade 5 PC to HPC simply due have a big enough Impellar Field to do it again.

Not that I'd vote in favor of doing it since the last time Anna had to use five of them as shields, actually looking into the feasibility of taking along disposable shields in a Hive assult might be a good idea.
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X]Breakfast: Visit Koujirou, see if he is okay.
No. of votes: 4
Chargone, numina, Eisenstein80060, Dark as Silver
[X]Breakfast: Visit Koujirou, see if he is okay.
[X]Breakfast: See about acquiring a medical module
[X]Morning: Go to class and study Transcendent Offense
[X]Lunch: Hang around with friends
-[X] Discuss the match and pick out where they did right and wrong.
No. of votes: 9
veekie, qsurf, Gideon020, EmpirePlayer, sesbio, Nidhoggr, Guilop, King_Rule, Dragonloli123
[X]Breakfast: Visit Koujirou, see if he is okay.
-[X] If he is not awake, ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties.
[X]Breakfast: See about acquiring a medical module
-[X]While you are at it, put in a request for a fabricator, through official channels. Best to be prepared.
[X]Morning: Go to class and study Transcendent Offense
[X]Lunch: Hang around with friends
-[X] Discuss the match and pick out where they did right and wrong.
No. of votes: 6
Enjou, The Sylentnight, racnor, Koden, UberJJK, Iron Roby
[X]Breakfast: Visit Koujirou, see if he is okay.
[X]Breakfast: See about acquiring a medical module
[X]Morning: Go to class and study Transcendent Offense
[X]Lunch: Hang around with friends
No. of votes: 1
[X]Breakfast: Visit Koujirou, see if he is okay.
-[X] If he is not awake, ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties.
-[X]Evaluate the quality of care. If it meets your standards, reconsider your stance on the medical examinations you refused. You're trusting these people with your friends if they get hurt, after all.
[X]Breakfast: See about acquiring a medical module
-[X]While you are at it, put in a request for a fabricator, through official channels. Best to be prepared.
[X]Morning: Go to class and study Transcendent Offense
[X]Lunch: Hang around with friends
-[X] Discuss the match and pick out where they did right and wrong.
No. of votes: 7
Restalaan, Random Asian Person, wingstrike96, Bondo, Camellia, Bag of Bones, Mizu
[X]Breakfast: Visit Koujirou, see if he is okay.
-[X]If he's not awake, come back later.
[X]Breakfast: Have breakfast you silly person!
[X]Morning: Go to class and study Transcendent Offense
[X]Lunch: Hang around with friends
-[X] Discuss the match and pick out where they did right and wrong.
-[X] If Koujirou is still not awake, just sit and eat by his room.
No. of votes: 2
Inglorien, Takoe
[X]Breakfast: Visit Koujirou, see if he is okay.
-[X] If he is not awake, ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties.
-[X]Evaluate the quality of care. If it meets your standards, reconsider your stance on the medical examinations you refused. You're trusting these people with your friends if they get hurt, after all.
[X]Breakfast: See about acquiring a medical module
-[X]While you are at it, put in a request for a fabricator, through official channels. Best to be prepared.
[X]Morning: Go to class and study Transcendent Offense
[X]Lunch: Visit the Elite cafeteria. This is absolutely not hiding from Setsu and Yukari.
No. of votes: 7
PhantomFractions, marids, Hannz, SynchronizedWritersBlock, notgreat, defenestrator, TheFourthman
[X]Breakfast: Visit Koujirou, see if he is okay.
-[X]If he's not awake, come back later.
[X]Breakfast: Have breakfast you silly person!
[X]Morning: Go to class and study Transcendent Offense
[X]Lunch: Hang around with friends
-[X] Discuss the match and pick out where they did right and wrong.
No. of votes: 1
[X]Breakfast: Visit Koujirou, see if he is okay.
-[X]If he's not awake, pace.
[X]Morning: Go to class and study Transcendent Offense
[X]Lunch: Visit the Elite cafeteria. This is absolutely not hiding from Setsu and Yukari.
No. of votes: 1
[X]Breakfast: Visit Koujirou, see if he is okay.
-[X] Food empowered in a Valkyrie core is probably tastier and more nutritious than hospital food. Sneak into the infirmary and deposit food, check on Koji's status, leave quietly.
[X]Morning: Go to class and study. Too busy studying to think or interact with friends. Need to focus on all this studying, guys.
[X]Lunch: Visit the Elite cafeteria. This is absolutely not hiding from Setsu and Yukari.
No. of votes: 3
Delcer, Guile, Yun
[X]Breakfast: Visit Koujirou, see if he is okay.
-[X] If he is not awake, ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties.
[X]Breakfast: See about acquiring a medical module
[X]Morning: Skip class and study Transcendent Offense
[X]Lunch: Visit the Elite cafeteria. This is absolutely not hiding from Setsu and Yukari.
No. of votes: 1
[X]Breakfast: Visit Koujirou, see if he is okay.
-[X] tell Koujirou if he disregards the safeties outside of a life or death situation again we will break his arms and legs and leave him to Setsuna,s tender mercy.
No. of votes: 1
[X]Breakfast: Visit Koujirou, see if he is okay.
-[X] If he is not awake, ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties.
-[X] tell Koujirou if he disregards the safeties outside of a life or death situation again we will leave him to Setsuna's tender mercy.
[X]Breakfast: See about acquiring a medical module
[X]Morning: Go to class and study Transcendent Offense
[X]Lunch: Hang around with friends
-[X] Discuss the match and pick out where they did right and wrong.
No. of votes: 1
[X]Breakfast: Visit Koujirou, see if he is okay.
-[X] Tell Koujirou that disregarding the safeties outside of combat puts him at unnecessary risk.
[X]Breakfast: See about acquiring a medical module
-[X]While you are at it, put in a request for a fabricator, through official channels. Best to be prepared.
[X]Morning: Go to class and study Transcendent Offense
[X]Lunch: Hang around with friends
-[X] Discuss the match and pick out where they did right and wrong.
No. of votes: 1
[X]Breakfast: Visit Koujirou, see if he is okay.
-[X] If he is not awake, ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties.
[X]Breakfast: See about acquiring a medical module
[X]Morning: Go to class and study Transcendent Offense
[X]Lunch: Visit the Elite cafeteria. This is absolutely not hiding from Setsu and Yukari.
No. of votes: 1
[X]Breakfast: Visit Koujirou, see if he is okay.
-[X] If he is not awake, ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties.
[X]Breakfast: See about acquiring a medical module
[X]Morning: Go to class and study Transcendent Offense
[X]Lunch: Hang around with friends
-[X] Discuss the match and pick out where they did right and wrong.
No. of votes: 2
Fallenblades643, Hazard
[X]Breakfast: Visit Koujirou, see if he is okay.
-[X] Look up a list of things to do when dealing with someone sick.
[X]Breakfast: See about acquiring a medical module
-[X] Now.
[X]Morning: Go to class and study Transcendent Offense
[X]Lunch: Hang around with friends
-[X] Discuss the match and pick out where they did right and wrong.
No. of votes: 1
[X]Breakfast: Visit Koujirou, see if he is okay.
-[X]If he's not awake, come back later.
[X]Breakfast: See about acquiring a medical module
-[X]While you are at it, put in a request for a fabricator, through official channels. Best to be prepared.
[X]Morning: Go to class and study Transcendent Offense
[X]Lunch: Visit the Elite cafeteria. This is absolutely not hiding from Setsu and Yukari.
No. of votes: 2
Drasis, menosay
[x] SynchronizedWritersBlock
No. of votes: 1
[X]Breakfast: Visit Koujirou, see if he is okay.
-[X]Evaluate the quality of care. If it meets your standards, reconsider your stance on the medical examinations you refused. You're trusting these people with your friends if they get hurt, after all.
[X]Breakfast: See about acquiring a medical module
-[X]While you are at it, put in a request for a fabricator, through official channels. Best to be prepared.
[X]Morning: Go to class and study Transcendent Offense
[X]Lunch: Hang around with friends
-[X] Discuss the match and pick out where they did right and wrong.
No. of votes: 3
Nottheunmaker, Arvin_Larn, D King Hecht
[X]Breakfast: Visit Koujirou, see if he is okay.
-[X] Ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties.
[X]Breakfast: See about acquiring a medical module
-[X]While you are at it, put in a request for a fabricator, through official channels. Best to be prepared.
[X]Morning: Go to class and study. Too busy studying to think or interact with friends. Need to focus on all this studying, guys.
[X]Lunch: Visit the Elite cafeteria. This is absolutely not hiding from Setsu and Yukari.
No. of votes: 5
DarkLight140, timeForced, Seventeen, Bki, JENTHULHU
[X]Breakfast: Visit Koujirou, see if he is okay.
-[X] Ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties.
[X]Breakfast: See about acquiring a medical module, download first aid instructions.
-[X]While you are at it, put in a request for a fabricator, through official channels. Best to be prepared.
[X]Morning: Go to class and study. Too busy studying to think or interact with friends. Need to focus on all this studying, guys.
[X]Lunch: Visit the Elite cafeteria. This is absolutely not hiding from Setsu and Yukari.
No. of votes: 4
Redshirt Army, Nervos Belli, Vebyast, Excalibur
[X]Breakfast: Visit Koujirou, see if he is okay.
-[X] If he is not awake, ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties. Politely.
-[X]Evaluate the quality of care. If it meets your standards, reconsider your stance on the medical examinations you refused. You're trusting these people with your friends if they get hurt, after all.
[X]Breakfast: See about acquiring a medical module
-[X]While you are at it, put in a request for a fabricator, through official channels. Best to be prepared.
[X]Morning: Go to class and study Transcendent Offense
[X]Lunch: Hang around with friends
-[X] Discuss the match and pick out where they did right and wrong.
No. of votes: 1
[X]Breakfast: Visit Koujirou, see if he is okay.
-[X] If he is not awake, ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties.
-[X]Evaluate the quality of care. If it meets your standards, reconsider your stance on the medical examinations you refused. You're trusting these people with your friends if they get hurt, after all.
-[X] If he has not yet had anything to eat, leave your leftover bread samples for him. You barely touched them, and it's best that they not go to waste.
[X]Breakfast: See about acquiring a medical module
-[X]While you are at it, put in a request for a fabricator, through official channels. Best to be prepared.
[X]Morning: Go to class and study Transcendent Offense
[X]Lunch: Visit the Elite cafeteria. This is absolutely not hiding from Setsu and Yukari.
No. of votes: 1
[X]Lunch: Visit the Elite cafeteria. This is absolutely not hiding from Setsu and Yukari.
No. of votes: 2
Olivebirdy, Stormgear
[X]Breakfast: Visit Koujirou, see if he is okay.
-[X]If he's not awake, come back later.
[X]Breakfast: See about acquiring a medical module, download first aid instructions.
-[X]While you are at it, put in a request for a fabricator, through official channels. Best to be prepared.
[X]Morning: Go to class and study. Too busy studying to think or interact with friends. Need to focus on all this studying, guys.
[X]Lunch: Hang around with friends
No. of votes: 1
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X]Breakfast: Visit Koujirou, see if he is okay.
No. of votes: 66
Chargone, numina, veekie, Eisenstein80060, qsurf, Enjou, Gideon020, EmpirePlayer, Archanist, Dark as Silver, Restalaan, Inglorien, Takoe, PhantomFractions, sesbio, The Sylentnight, Vanguard_D, Nidhoggr, TopHattedZombie, Delcer, Guilop, Prent, hcvquizibo, Devran, marids, Random Asian Person, DeltaV11.2, Pipeman, Guile, Fallenblades643, Hazard, King_Rule, dpara, wingstrike96, Yun, Drasis, menosay, Bondo, Nottheunmaker, Arvin_Larn, D King Hecht, Camellia, DarkLight140, Bag of Bones, racnor, Redshirt Army, chocolote12, Hannz, Nervos Belli, Vebyast, timeForced, SynchronizedWritersBlock, ........, notgreat, Seventeen, defenestrator, TheFourthman, Koden, Mizu, Excalibur, UberJJK, Iron Roby, Bki, Salbazier, Dragonloli123, JENTHULHU
[X]Breakfast: See about acquiring a medical module
No. of votes: 49
veekie, qsurf, Enjou, Gideon020, EmpirePlayer, Archanist, Restalaan, PhantomFractions, sesbio, The Sylentnight, Nidhoggr, Guilop, Prent, Devran, marids, Random Asian Person, DeltaV11.2, Pipeman, Fallenblades643, Hazard, King_Rule, dpara, wingstrike96, Drasis, menosay, Bondo, Nottheunmaker, Arvin_Larn, D King Hecht, Camellia, DarkLight140, Bag of Bones, racnor, chocolote12, Hannz, timeForced, SynchronizedWritersBlock, ........, notgreat, Seventeen, defenestrator, TheFourthman, Koden, Mizu, UberJJK, Iron Roby, Bki, Dragonloli123, JENTHULHU
[X]Morning: Go to class and study Transcendent Offense
No. of votes: 47
veekie, qsurf, Enjou, Gideon020, EmpirePlayer, Archanist, Restalaan, Inglorien, Takoe, PhantomFractions, sesbio, The Sylentnight, Vanguard_D, Nidhoggr, TopHattedZombie, Guilop, Devran, marids, Random Asian Person, DeltaV11.2, Pipeman, Fallenblades643, Hazard, King_Rule, dpara, wingstrike96, Drasis, menosay, Bondo, Nottheunmaker, Arvin_Larn, D King Hecht, Camellia, Bag of Bones, racnor, chocolote12, Hannz, SynchronizedWritersBlock, ........, notgreat, defenestrator, TheFourthman, Koden, Mizu, UberJJK, Iron Roby, Dragonloli123
[X]Lunch: Hang around with friends
No. of votes: 36
veekie, qsurf, Enjou, Gideon020, EmpirePlayer, Archanist, Restalaan, Inglorien, Takoe, sesbio, The Sylentnight, Vanguard_D, Nidhoggr, Guilop, Devran, Random Asian Person, DeltaV11.2, Fallenblades643, Hazard, King_Rule, dpara, wingstrike96, Bondo, Nottheunmaker, Arvin_Larn, D King Hecht, Camellia, Bag of Bones, racnor, chocolote12, Koden, Mizu, UberJJK, Iron Roby, Salbazier, Dragonloli123
-[X] Discuss the match and pick out where they did right and wrong.
No. of votes: 34
veekie, qsurf, Enjou, Gideon020, EmpirePlayer, Restalaan, Inglorien, Takoe, sesbio, The Sylentnight, Vanguard_D, Nidhoggr, Guilop, Devran, Random Asian Person, DeltaV11.2, Fallenblades643, Hazard, King_Rule, dpara, wingstrike96, Bondo, Nottheunmaker, Arvin_Larn, D King Hecht, Camellia, Bag of Bones, racnor, chocolote12, Koden, Mizu, UberJJK, Iron Roby, Dragonloli123
-[X] If he is not awake, ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties.
No. of votes: 26
Enjou, Restalaan, PhantomFractions, The Sylentnight, Prent, Devran, marids, Random Asian Person, Pipeman, Fallenblades643, Hazard, wingstrike96, Bondo, Camellia, Bag of Bones, racnor, Hannz, SynchronizedWritersBlock, ........, notgreat, defenestrator, TheFourthman, Koden, Mizu, UberJJK, Iron Roby
-[X]While you are at it, put in a request for a fabricator, through official channels. Best to be prepared.
No. of votes: 38
Enjou, Restalaan, PhantomFractions, The Sylentnight, marids, Random Asian Person, DeltaV11.2, wingstrike96, Drasis, menosay, Bondo, Nottheunmaker, Arvin_Larn, D King Hecht, Camellia, DarkLight140, Bag of Bones, racnor, Redshirt Army, chocolote12, Hannz, Nervos Belli, Vebyast, timeForced, SynchronizedWritersBlock, ........, notgreat, Seventeen, defenestrator, TheFourthman, Koden, Mizu, Excalibur, UberJJK, Iron Roby, Bki, Salbazier, JENTHULHU
-[X]Evaluate the quality of care. If it meets your standards, reconsider your stance on the medical examinations you refused. You're trusting these people with your friends if they get hurt, after all.
No. of votes: 19
Restalaan, PhantomFractions, marids, Random Asian Person, wingstrike96, Bondo, Nottheunmaker, Arvin_Larn, D King Hecht, Camellia, Bag of Bones, chocolote12, Hannz, SynchronizedWritersBlock, ........, notgreat, defenestrator, TheFourthman, Mizu
-[X]If he's not awake, come back later.
No. of votes: 6
Inglorien, Takoe, Vanguard_D, Drasis, menosay, Salbazier
[X]Breakfast: Have breakfast you silly person!
No. of votes: 3
Inglorien, Takoe, Vanguard_D
-[X] If Koujirou is still not awake, just sit and eat by his room.
No. of votes: 2
Inglorien, Takoe
[X]Lunch: Visit the Elite cafeteria. This is absolutely not hiding from Setsu and Yukari.
No. of votes: 27
PhantomFractions, TopHattedZombie, Delcer, Prent, marids, Pipeman, Guile, Yun, Drasis, menosay, DarkLight140, Redshirt Army, Hannz, Nervos Belli, Vebyast, timeForced, SynchronizedWritersBlock, ........, notgreat, Seventeen, defenestrator, TheFourthman, Excalibur, Olivebirdy, Stormgear, Bki, JENTHULHU
-[X]If he's not awake, pace.
No. of votes: 1
-[X] Food empowered in a Valkyrie core is probably tastier and more nutritious than hospital food. Sneak into the infirmary and deposit food, check on Koji's status, leave quietly.
No. of votes: 3
Delcer, Guile, Yun
[X]Morning: Go to class and study. Too busy studying to think or interact with friends. Need to focus on all this studying, guys.
No. of votes: 13
Delcer, Guile, Yun, DarkLight140, Redshirt Army, Nervos Belli, Vebyast, timeForced, Seventeen, Excalibur, Bki, Salbazier, JENTHULHU
[X]Morning: Skip class and study Transcendent Offense
No. of votes: 1
-[X] tell Koujirou if he disregards the safeties outside of a life or death situation again we will break his arms and legs and leave him to Setsuna,s tender mercy.
No. of votes: 1
-[X] tell Koujirou if he disregards the safeties outside of a life or death situation again we will leave him to Setsuna's tender mercy.
No. of votes: 1
-[X] Tell Koujirou that disregarding the safeties outside of combat puts him at unnecessary risk.
No. of votes: 1
-[X] Look up a list of things to do when dealing with someone sick.
No. of votes: 1
-[X] Now.
No. of votes: 1
[x] SynchronizedWritersBlock
No. of votes: 1
-[X] Ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties.
No. of votes: 9
DarkLight140, Redshirt Army, Nervos Belli, Vebyast, timeForced, Seventeen, Excalibur, Bki, JENTHULHU
[X]Breakfast: See about acquiring a medical module, download first aid instructions.
No. of votes: 5
Redshirt Army, Nervos Belli, Vebyast, Excalibur, Salbazier
-[X] If he is not awake, ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties. Politely.
No. of votes: 1
-[X] If he has not yet had anything to eat, leave your leftover bread samples for him. You barely touched them, and it's best that they not go to waste.
No. of votes: 1
Number of Voters: 69

Currently winning:
[X]Breakfast: Visit Koujirou, see if he is okay.
No. of votes: 66

-[X] If he is not awake, ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties.
No. of votes: 26 + 9 + 1 = 36 (Pass)

[X]Breakfast: See about acquiring a medical module
No. of votes: 49 + 5

-[X]While you are at it, put in a request for a fabricator, through official channels. Best to be prepared.
No. of votes: 38

[X]Morning: Go to class and study Transcendent Offense
No. of votes: 47

[X]Lunch: Hang around with friends
No. of votes: 36

[X]Lunch: Hang around with friends
No. of votes: 36

-[X] Discuss the match and pick out where they did right and wrong.
No. of votes: 34 (meh close enough)


Other significant votes:

-[X]Evaluate the quality of care. If it meets your standards, reconsider your stance on the medical examinations you refused. You're trusting these people with your friends if they get hurt, after all.
No. of votes: 19

[X]Morning: Go to class and study. Too busy studying to think or interact with friends. Need to focus on all this studying, guys.
No. of votes: 13

[X]Lunch: Visit the Elite cafeteria. This is absolutely not hiding from Setsu and Yukari.
No. of votes: 27


Locking in maybe 15 hours.
also, just to raise a thing, I've tried linking this to people, and the title has chased them away.
...Hmmph! Baka sempais ignoring me again.

Honestly though, this could have ended at +5 and been way worse than whatever they were imagining so eh, I don't blame them. They just need to sufficiently morbidly curious like Guessmyname and bang, another day another dollar.
...Hmmph! Baka sempais ignoring me again.

Honestly though, this could have ended at +5 and been way worse than whatever they were imagining so eh, I don't blame them. They just need to sufficiently morbidly curious like Guessmyname and bang, another day another dollar.

It's okay man, I didn't realize it was this good either until someone posted about it in another thread.
[X]Breakfast: Visit Koujirou, see if he is okay.
-[X] Ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties.
[X]Breakfast: See about acquiring a medical module
-[X]While you are at it, put in a request for a fabricator, through official channels. Best to be prepared.
[X]Morning: Go to class and study. Too busy studying to think or interact with friends. Need to focus on all this studying, guys.
[X]Lunch: Visit the Elite cafeteria. This is absolutely not hiding from Setsu and Yukari.
[X]Breakfast: Visit Koujirou, see if he is okay.
-[X] Ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties.
[X]Breakfast: See about acquiring a medical module
-[X]While you are at it, put in a request for a fabricator, through official channels. Best to be prepared.
[X]Morning: Go to class and study. Too busy studying to think or interact with friends. Need to focus on all this studying, guys.
[X]Lunch: Visit the Elite cafeteria. This is absolutely not hiding from Setsu and Yukari.
[X]Breakfast: Visit Koujirou, see if he is okay.
-[X] Ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties.
[X]Breakfast: See about acquiring a medical module
-[X]While you are at it, put in a request for a fabricator, through official channels. Best to be prepared.
[X]Morning: Go to class and study. Too busy studying to think or interact with friends. Need to focus on all this studying, guys.
[X]Lunch: Visit the Elite cafeteria. This is absolutely not hiding from Setsu and Yukari.
Earlier I think the weapon only as flavor text, but it seem also influence frame impeller field.
Then how much of Anna dice pool (And Impeller field) come from Weapon/Pilot skills?
Anna extra dice pool is
4d6 (Weapon) +12 (Skill)? or something else?
Well, of course the Main Character is going to have a Super-Awesome-One-Of-A-Kind Valkyrie Core, cause fate loves him.
As for us, I'd attribute it to the fact that we are ALWAYS synced, and rely on it for just about everything. We rubbed off on it.

Hmm... I'm morbidly curious about how Anna would react if Durga was ever knocked out or disabled.

...Hmmph! Baka sempais ignoring me again.

Honestly though, this could have ended at +5 and been way worse than whatever they were imagining so eh, I don't blame them. They just need to sufficiently morbidly curious like Guessmyname and bang, another day another dollar.

Yeah... It took my brother a couple of months to convince me to give this a shot, and now it's easily my favorite quest on SV.
Hmm... I'm morbidly curious about how Anna would react if Durga was ever knocked out or disabled.

I imagine it would be something like feeling naked (no Impeller field), blind and deaf (no passive sensors), and so very lonely (Durga's always been with her even when everyone else left her).

At this point I doubt Anna could even function without Durga. Even ignoring the quite possible physiological dependency she might have on Durga Anna almost certainly has a pretty massive psychological dependance upon Durga.
...Hmmph! Baka sempais ignoring me again.

Honestly though, this could have ended at +5 and been way worse than whatever they were imagining so eh, I don't blame them. They just need to sufficiently morbidly curious like Guessmyname and bang, another day another dollar.
Many sympathies! I write a RWBY fic whose name, I was later informed, made much of the fanbase assume I was talking about futa when it was nothing of the sort. xD
trooperist -
Apologies to skaianDestiny, I stole his formatting.

Meanwhile on Fauxchan:

Project Valkyrie Core Waifus Anonymous
No.001No.002 No.004 No.020 No.022 No. 64 No.83
File: Bread-chan Devours All.jpg
Such a long wait for episode 5. Who's your favorite? I know what mine is.
Anonymous No.002No.004
>>001 (OP)

>Posting best girl
This thread is off to a good start. Good job OP.
Anonymous No.003No.005
File: Shuri.jpg

The Golden Ace shall conquer all!
Anonymous No.004No.006
>>001 (OP)

Oh great. Another Anna wank thread.
Anonymous No.005
File: Shuri Valkyrie Form.jpg

Shuri's art on pixiv is always so nice.
Anonymous No.006No.010

Hey anon don't hate just because she's best girl.
Anonymous No.007No.008
File: Trap is best.jpg
>This many posts in and no one posted Koujirouko-chan
Fucking plebs.
Anonymous No.008
File: MC is best girl.jpg
Goddamn a man should not have such attractive legs. The thigh highs just drive me over the edge.
Anonymous No.009
File: Tsun Blocked.wav
It was love at first sight.
Anonymous No.010No.012

No she is shit and I am tired of everyone playing her up. All she's got going for her is that mysterious past they keep hinting about and her being a social retard. She is shit anon. None of the things she does is cute. It's been done before by better characters. Get over it.
Anonymous No.011
File: Yukari sensei.jpg
Onee-chan is love!
Anonymous No.012
>lol I hate things other people like
Careful not to cut yourself on the edge there.
0/10 I didn't even feel mad.
Anonymous No.013No.014 No.015 No.016
File: Setsu #1.jpg
So anyone out there like Setsuna?
Anonymous No.014No.017
File: You gonna get blankly stared at.jpg
>Liking the tsundere
Anonymous No.015No.017
File: Laughing Valkyries.jpg

>Liking Setsu
Laugh at this man.
Anonymous No.016No.017
File: Poor Taste.jpg

Of all the great girls in this series you have to pick the worst one.
Anonymous No.017
File: Sad Setsuna.jpg

...But I like Setsuna.
Anonymous No.018No.019
File: Queen Sandra.jpg
Oujo over all filthy peasants.
Anonymous No.019
File: Sandra Hair Calculations.jpg

I want to run my fingers through her hair.
Anonymous No.020
File: Anna Approves.jpg
>>001 OP

And Anna is the first post. Perfect thread OP.
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I spent last night think what we could assimilate to enhance performance, these are my thoughts.

Six Plasma cannons. A somewhat obvious suggestion just so that we can get back to having ten plasma cannons, we would however need to wait before they were upgraded to heavy plasma cannons.

ECM and ECCM pods. Many people have commented on our sensors and since we have omni-radar I don't think we can really do any major improvements, however on the ECM and ECCM front we might benefit from having specialised modules.

A shield. Whether it is a thick bulwark made of an advanced composite alloy and equipped with a handle like some sci-fi riot shield or maybe just a number of plates plates we hold with our impeller field. ERA optional on both types. Funnily enough I thought of this several hours before The GM revealed that we used to have something similar, I thought of it because our title as Broken Aegis and our desire not to see our friends hurt."I will not let my friends get hurt, I will shield to from enemy fire, hmm it would be more efficient to shield my friends with an actual shield instead of using my own body."

A medical suite. We have noted just last post that we could not help Koujirou because we lacked one, there is a general agreement in the thread to get one. note however that to get the most use out of it I think we need a:

A Fabrication unit. Probably the most important, we used to have one of these but it was destroyed during our fight with Sehkmet/ the assault on the Breach. having one of these will not only allow us to resupply ammunition on the field and create simple objects it also increases the speed at which we repair damaged modules.

A CCC(Command Control Communication) unit. As stated previously we have amazing sensors, we are also so closely linked with our Valk that we have instinctive technopathy and we also instinctively use our sensors instead of our eyes. Things that can only help us with serving as the designated CCC person. One thing to thing about is that we do not have any officers training, formal or informal, we have spent all of our time fight a solo war. Nevertheless I think this could markedly help our squadron, though I would advise studying up on leading Valks and Valk tactics if we choose this. Has good interplay with the following suggestion.

A high performance computing unit. We are attempting to provide calculations shoving how we use Wave Force Manipulation, and as we saw with the 9.3 TB equations and later noted to ourselves English does not have high enough information density for us to realistically use it explain the Phenomena. Thus a suggest we assimilate high performance computer specialised for number crunching. Can also help us with other things, like the suggestion before this one.

Edit: I dislike writing, especially longer segments, This here took me about 55 minutes. I am simultaneously surprised and pleased that I got this done.
Ps. I seem to really like using the word however, I am not sure why.:confused:
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skaianDestiny - boards.fauxchan/a/insert thread here
Apologies to skaianDestiny, I stole his formatting.
No problem! I'll go ahead and make a template for anyone who wants to join in on the fun.

Title Anonymous No.001No.002 No.004
File: Sample_Image.jpg
This is an OP.
Anonymous No.002No.004
File: randomimage.gif
>>001 (OP)

A reply
Anonymous No.004
>>001 (OP)
A reply.
I am a spoiler
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No problem! I'll go ahead and make a template for anyone who wants to join in on the fun.

Title Anonymous No.001No.002 No.004
File: Sample_Image.jpg
This is an OP.
Anonymous No.002No.004
File: randomimage.gif
>>001 (OP)

A reply
Anonymous No.002
>>001 (OP)
A reply
I am a spoiler
This should be threadmark if possible. :V
I imagine it would be something like feeling naked (no Impeller field), blind and deaf (no passive sensors), and so very lonely (Durga's always been with her even when everyone else left her).

At this point I doubt Anna could even function without Durga. Even ignoring the quite possible physiological dependency she might have on Durga Anna almost certainly has a pretty massive psychological dependance upon Durga.

I feel much the same. It would be a good way to show Kojirou/the audience how messed up Anna's head is though.
How big stuff can durga absorb anyway?

Like, can we feed it e.g 155mm howitzer and have durga process it into more usable form?
Considering the First Generation Frames were literally absorbing whatever military vehicle happened to be nearby and making them somehow work well enough to hold the line, I'd say yes.

Though I imagine we've got way more powerful stuff than the 155 mm artillery.