UnnamedDude - Praise the- uh, tsun?
> Wrote last omake hungry and sleepy
> Wakes up even hungrier and still shaking off sleep
> Has new premise
The world around him was a hellish blur of pain and death. Horrible creatures that humanity could scarcely fathom or fight littered the landscape, and he knew that there were many stronger than him who had failed in terrifying ways.

Still, this was something that needed to be done, even if--


Through the darkness, light and heat. Koujirou rolled one way to avoid the attack's biting tang, trying to locate the assailant. This blasted darkness...

Another volley of death in fiery form washed towards him, leaving the ground charred and flaming. His eyes spun towards the enemy, locking on. He ran in, evading more explosions. Finally, reaching his foe, he drew a weapon and--

Fire. Fire engulfed him, a conflagration that would not be stopped. A scream erupted through the air. Knees hit the ground.

In bold red letters, the words YOU DIED flashed on the screen.

Silently, Koujirou cursed Setsuna's name as the Dark Spirit that she was walked over to his ashen corpse and made a taunting gesture.
I can stop any time I want you guys :V
Highwind - From Master to Student
We've all made 4chan references about Anna.

But with the thumbs up? Any place that has a thumbs up will have a gif or reaction image with her.

We'll turn Project Valkyrie Core into the next great Icon of Anime, like Gundam or Fist of the North Star.

Also, Omake Idea.

You are Rokusabe Koujirou, and this is your third match in the Inter-Academy Tournament.

You spent the last few weeks training non-stop under your Academy's instructors and sparring with Anna.

If you had to admit, you learned far more in your matches with Anna than with any other instructor. Every time you fought she would effortlessly counter you, every time you tried got even a little bit distracted she would punish you, every time you tought you would win she pulled out a new trick and forced you to adapt.

Not that all the advanced techniques and esoteric manipulations of Impeller fields and Higgs particles weren't useful, but while the instructors taught you new tricks and explained the details behind new techniques, Anna made you improve your reaction time, your perception and your basic techniques to their limits.

For example, you would never have noticed your opponent trying to sneak up on you from on high if Anna hadn't tried to do the same.

Unfortunately for your opponent, Anna had far better Stealth and tended to teleport everywhere to surprise you.

As such, you could see your opponent's surprise when you looked her in the eye before suddenly vanishing.
Chaining three teleports together, you were suddenly behind the enemy Valkyrie, Murakumo in hand and preparing an overhead strike.

The Valkyrie didn't have a chance to react before your blade made contact and sent her rocketing to the ground.

With another twist of reality, you were below your enemy, firing your Hypervelocity Cannons and scoring a few hits before she got her wits about her and teleported.

You prepared to activate your sensors, but a chill running down your spine made you stop and turn to block an attack with your sword.

With a sound of metal grinding upon metal, you locked blades with your opponent and saw the Valkyrie clearly for the first time.

It had angular armor painted grey and blue, with a number of thrusters mounted on her back and a few more on the Foulds, gauntlets and greaves.
The sword you blocked was European in design, long and somewhat on the thin side, obviously meant as a side-arm.

The helmet had a clear visor, and behind it you could see the crimson eyes of its user widened In surprise.
With a bit of effort and a flare of your thrusters, you pushed her back and sent a pair of missiles as a distraction.

A distraction she fell for, because instead of teleporting away she opted to shoot them down with what appeared to be a Minigun manifesting from her vembrace.

A minigun that was suddenly cut in half by your sword as you appeared beside it in a twist of space-time.
Surprised, the girl boosted away, dismissed the ruined gun and tried to shield herself with her sword.

In response, you sent another pair of missiles and set them to detonate halfway to your target and create a smokescreen.

The Valkyrie was looking around, frantically trying to discover from where you would appear. Unfortunately for her, you hadn't teleported anywhere.

You emerged from the smokescreen like a bullet and hit your enemy with another downward slash, making her fall straight downwards for the second time in this match, and this time she did hit the ground.

You slowly lowered yourself to ground level and waited for the dust cloud to settle down, revealing...

As expected, she had used the dust cloud to teleport away.

You rolled to the side and barely escaped having your head cut off by the girls sword.
Boosting back, you barely managed to escape a hail of bullets from another Minigun and and a pair of shoulder mounted machineguns.

You dodged around the hail of Depleted Uranium bullets, the G-forces of your constant changes in direction enough to kill an unaugmented human.

You were so concentrated on evading the rain of Death and lead that you almost didn't hear your opponent's frustrated scream.

"Motherfucker! Stay still so I can shoot, you asshole!" She screamed, and you had to suppress the urge to laugh. As if anyone would be stupid enough to let himself be hit by a hail of bullets.

"Now, now..." You couldn't hide the amusement in your voice. "That's no way for a young lady speak. It's rude, you know?"

At that, she screamed in anger and manifested another pair of machineguns and far more missile racks than you were comfortable with.

However, even in face of this amout of firepower you just couldn't resist the urge for a last taunt. "...Wow, very well said. I am in awe of your eloquence and mastery of the English language."

You could feel her trying to kill you with her eyes. Too bad for her you knew how to deal with deadly stares.

Anna had used Laser Eyes on you before.

She fired a barrage of missiles, and you were forced to devote every scrap of attention you could muster to dodging the rain of bullets and Heat-seeking death your opponent was firing.

You activated your ECM suite and let your Valk deal with the missiles, while you concentrated on not getting turned into swiss cheese. How many guns did that girl have on her, anyway?!

Still, you knew she wouldn't be able to keep this up forever. Hammerspace storage or not, she would eventually run out of munitions.

After five painful minutes where you thought your guts would liquefy from the sheer G-forces of your turns, the girl finally ran out of ammo. You let yourself fall to the ground, eyeing her warily and trying to catch your breath.

She seemed about as tired as you were, with her arms hanging tiredly still clutching her guns. For a moment, the only sound on the battlefield was your breathing.

"You..." She spoke. "Are one crazy motherfucker."
You couldn't help but chuckle at that. "Yeah, says the girl carrying an armory on her purse." You answered.

She snorted, but continued to speak. "You look about ready to pass out. You sure you want to continue?"
You couldn't help it. You laughed, genuinely amused by her question. "Seriously? You're actually asking that?" You asked back. "I should be the one asking that question. I'm not the one who ran out of ammo, am I?"

"Please, don't pretend you aren't on your last legs here." She retorted. "Your Impeller must be almost gone after so many teleports and so many hits."

And goddamn, she was right. You didn't manage to dodge all the bullets, and your Impeller is on its last legs.

Still, you weren't about to give up, and with some luck, you still have enough strength in the Field to...

Yeah, you can still make it.

"Don't joke with me." Using the Ame no Murakumo like a crutch, you slowly came to your feet. "No way in hell I'm giving up right after my opponent loses its fangs."

You held the Murakumo in your left hand and pointed it's tip towards the enemy in challenge. "Come at me, you crazy bitch." You snarled and started gathering plasma around your blade. "I'm gonna finish you off in one strike."

That seemed to rile her up. Perfect.
Her sword appeared in her hand and she prepared to charge you. You, on the other hand, braced yourself and took your stance.

Right foot forward, Murakumo charged in your left hand, while your right was clenched in a fist.

The other Valkyrie charged with the help of her thrusters. You waited until she got closer. Your timing had to be perfect.

Her sword was raised for an overhead slash. You stood still and steeled yourself. "From Master to student, huh?" You muttered to yourself, even as your right fist started to glow.

She was right on top of you, ready to cut you down.
You were raising your right hand to execute your final technique.

Her Blade met your fist, and your fist won, the blade broken in one swift movement.

The sheer force of your clash cancelled her momentum and stopped her dead In her tracks.
Your enemy stared, astonished, at the slightly luminescent thumbs up right in front of her face.

"Good match." You said, and slashed her with the Plasma covered blade of your Murakumo.

The blade met her midsection and cut straight through the Impeller Field, stopping just shy of breaching her armor, the impact sending her flying.

You didn't even try to hold back the smirk on your face as you dematerialized the Murakumo and gave her a second thumbs up.


Outside the Simulation area where the match was held, Anna and the rest of her Flight watched the surprising ending of Koujirou's match.

Anna herself had her eyes glued to the screen, watching the replay of the final moments of the battle with a happy smile and with a feeling of what she believed was pride in her heart. He had learned much from their matches, and she had surprised herself with how much she wished to see how far he could go the next time they fought.

"Anna..." Shuri's voice startled her out of her musings and she finally noticed her Flightmates weren't cheering because of Koujirou's victory like she expected. Instead, they were staring at her.

"You," she continued. "Are a horrible influence on him."

Anna didn't understand why she said that, nor why and Setsuna nodded in agreement or why Yukari started laughing so hard she fell on the floor.

I am never writing anything on my cellphone again. Ever.
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ArchRegis - NO BULLY
Crack omake. In another world...

A sudden impulse to sing strikes you out of nowhere, and you fail to resist it. You're quite sure Setsuna wouldn't appreciate the 'K-I-S-S-I-N-G' song, but for some reason you just don't seem to care.

You open your mouth, the words coming out unbidden in a strangely robotic tone. "Koujirou and Setsuna sitting in a tree."

Setsuna tenses from her spot on the ground, looking up at you with a face stricken with horror and betrayal.


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" She screams in agony as she curls up in fetal position. A part of you starts to pity her, and wants to stop. But still, you continue.



The ordinarily proud girl starts rolling on the floor in circles while covering her eyes in shame, and you jump in time with each rotation to prevent an unfortunate collision even as you continue the song. "First comes love, then comes marriage."

Thunk. Thunk. Thunk.

She's stopped her rolling, and has turned to pounding her head into the wall. It looks quite painful, and you almost want to stop. But you've come this far...

"Then comes mommy with a baby carriage!"

"Owaaaaaaaaa!" Setsuna kneels on the ground, hands clasped tightly over her ears, spasming.

Or was it 'baby in a baby carriage'? You feel as though your version is superior from a literary perspective - using the word baby twice in the same line seems lazy. But a quick check on the net confirms the second is the traditional version.

Regardless, by the time the song ends, her eyes are filled with tears. She grabs your shoulders - or attempts to anyway, but your impeller field rebuffs her. "A-Annnaaaaaaaa..."

Ah. She's crying.

Meanwhile, Durga-chan cackles madly in laughter. Success.

Setsuna reactions inspired by this:

qsurf - boards.fauxchan.org/a/7
HALP! I can't stop!
Project Valkyrie Core Ep5 Anonymous No.5071
File: TagTeam.jpg
A warning to all Harem Anime Protagonists out there:
Be afraid, be very afraid.

The Tsundere and Dandere are joining forces.
Anonymous No.5072No.5073
>Dere Sentai when?
Anonymous No.5073No.5074 No.5077
File: GlassesSandra.jpg

It's called 'Project Valkyrie' Anon.
Anonymous No.5074No.5075

You know, I was going to laugh, but then:
>Anna - Dan
>Setsuna - Tsun
>Yukari - Dere
>Shuri - Kuu
>Sandra - Hime(?)
>Kandakara - Yan

Anonymous No.5075No.5076
File: GoodShowSir.jpg

Relevant question.
>Giant transforming mecha when?
Anonymous No.5076No.5077
File: GlassesSandraPart2.jpg

They're called 'Valkyries' Anon.
Anonymous No.5077
File: YukaKEK.gif

Are you an Antagonist Anon? Because you have destroyed my sides.


-[X] If he is not awake, ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties.
-[X] Discuss the match and pick out where they did right and wrong.

Any specific pointers to Koujirou as to how he can git gud?
[X] "Synch more?"

What to study?
[X]Afternoon: Self study. Continue as is. (Target rich environment)

Make any plans for between dinner and elective classes?
[X]Dinner: Use the new cutlery when you can, it's nice. Study Transcendent Offense some more.

Any particular elective classes you want to see?
[X]Evening: Continue down the list.


Gorgeous update was gorgeous. Not much needs to said because others have said it, but there's one thing that caught my eye.
The door slides open and you step into a corridor, several meters long, with blank walls of cold, black metal lit by sterile white lights. In fact, they only emitted visible light and lower wavelengths.
Makes sense, she did ask Durga to repair her eyes, and if that's the case, what kind of upgrade did Koji go through? After all, I'm pretty certain that he impressed Kandakara and the frame doesn't want his interesting bearer to be surpassed by anyone again.

Maybe something to help him withstand plasma and radiation better?
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ArchRegis - *Offscreen*
I wonder what they say about our girl when we aren't around.

Setsuna drowns a glass of beer juice, slamming it down on the table in frustration. Her face is red, and she's clearly drunk very emotional.

"Damn that Anna, taking all the good scenes. Getting all popular just cause she's a freak and has a meme about bread!"

Koujirou laughs awkwardly, unsure of how to respond. "There, there Setsu. You've gotten lots of good scenes! Like the time we accidently ki-"

"Don't say it."

"Yes, m'am."

Surprisingly, Shuri nods in agreement. "It is hard to compete with that. Even as an Ace, I feel as though I'm...unneeded."

"Right?! She's just an OP Mary-sue! And everyone keeps hating on me just because I'm the tsundere! It's not fair! I can't help being a stock character."

"Don't be so hard on her. I'm sure she has her own troubles..."

"Shut up, Koji! You're always defending her! Why? Do you like her? You like her, don't you?!"

Setsuna engages her Tsun mode.

"O-ow! Stop hitting me! Maybe that's why everyone likes Anna more! She actually stops you."

"...At least you guys get screen time," says Sandra.

"Riiight?" ?????? says.

"Ah. Unnamed Childhood Friend #2! Have you been here the whole time?"

"There's no where else for me to go..."
dontpressenter - Project Pygmalion
"Hahaha! Aww...I shouldn't be laughing. She's actually really nice!"

Shuri's scraps were not the most respected flight in the academy. The very fact they were called Shuri's scraps did not help. The fact that they spend most of their down time gossiping instead of training, did not help. The fact that, at a glance, their cores were below average in power rating to put it in the kindest terms, did not help.

This was a bit of a shame, because they had really nice....personalities. Despite the occasional amusement at Bread-chan memes.

At least, that was what Mirabel had surmised. And she was pretty good at figuring out that kind of stuff. It was why she did not think joining Shuri's flight was a good idea. Looking around at her fellow flight mates, it was clear that it was here that she belonged. There was Claire with her signature silent grin, showing Rosa a variety of 'Bread-chan' memes, there was Lim furiously swiping at her data pad, looking for something to fuel her latest conspiracy theory...

Today's conspiracy concerned the mysterious new ace. Whilst there were perfectly logical and reasonable theories surrounding her, logical and reasonable was not Lim's style.

Nevertheless, 'Project Pygmalion' was a whole other level of insane.

"...genetically and psychologically engineered to be the perfect Valkyrie," Lim explained, "Raised in virtual isolation to have virtually perfect synchronisation with her core." Her voice, already soft, grew even softer. "The reason why the Alaskan offensive was so successful? It was the first time Pygmalion was put into the field."

Mirabel's eyes narrowed. "Shall I count the many, many ways that doesn't make sense?"

Lim gave the wave to go ahead, but it was Rosa that gave the first response. "The UN is heavily against child soldiers. It was part of the reason why they annexed Pakistan, wasn't it? It would be hypocritical for them to have a eugenics....thing."

Lim nods slowly. "Maybe. Maybe." Then she flipped her data pad to the rest of the flight. "But my contacts in R&D say that the UN are working on something big. Something that'd make all future campaigns like Alaska."
Excalibur - Happy Independence Day
Tomorrow is the 4th of July. An unfortunately large portion of America abandons that instinct in exchange for explosions and fire.
Not sure if Anna approves, or is terrified.
'Tis a silly idea... yet I couldn't help myself and had to write it down.

*Shuri's flight is attending the Academy's New Year's Eve party; fireworks are being fired*

Koji: Wow, pretty.
Anna: Huh, those explosives are rather inefficient in their sky coverage. I can do better than that.
*Anna extends her frame*
Koji: Anna, what are you pl-
*Rockets appear around Anna pointing skywards*
Koji: Oh dear, Anna do-!
*Rockets firing*
Anna: Do take care, please. A shockwave may be incoming.
Sandra: Wait, why are the clouds coloured?
Anna: ...they're prettier that way?
dontpressenter - Can not unsee.
So the alternative to waiting for the update would be what, exactly?

Why, writing omakes of dubious quality, of course!

I don't know where this came from.


There was a saying: Once you've seen it, you can't unsee it.

The fact that the male/female ratio of people that can synchronize with the cores was heavily skewed was a point of interest for many. Even moreso when the first males that could use the cores were discovered. When that happened, the hapless boys were put under heavy study to try and discover what quality made them unique.

Now there were enough males that could synch with the cores making such practices unfavorable, but the question (and the unbalance) still remained.

One such researcher was looking the the files of the male Valkyries, trying to conjure some inspiration for the conundrum, when he started to tilt his head at the photographs, and squint...

He was almost fired for his suggestion on grounds of general creepiness and was only saved by the fact that all those that did hear his suggestion and decided to give it at least a brief check were struck by the same realization. And once they saw it, they couldn't unsee it.

There was, as yet, no real proof that this epiphany had anything to do with the Valkyries' ability at all. And even if there was a connection, no one really knew how to take advantage of it. There was a bit of an underlying hope throughout the scientific community that it was merely a coincidence, that it was all a matter of luck.

The fact that almost all the female Valkyries were, at least, reasonably attractive was, to some, bad enough.

The fact that all the male Valks looked like attractive women was just...


I'm not proud. I'm sorry.
Highwind - Burn twice as bright, half as long?
*sets up the fire pit and tents.*
Right, can't be warm without a proper fire. Also, did anyone bring any clean sticks for the marshmallows? There's a bag around here somewhere...

Inspiration strikes!


"All right," You raise an an open hand and start going down the checklist. "I've got most of the camping stuff, Setsu's got the tents, my sister's coming with the food, Sandra and Shuri are bringing the drinks... did I forget anything?"

Five fingers down, five members of your flight, the five essentials of camping, all accounted for.

You are Rokusabe Koujirou, and you can't shake the feeling you are forgetting something very, very important. You eye the pile of ropes, matches, firewood and assorted camping paraphernalia, trying to divine what exactly was missing, but everything seemed to be accounted for.

On paper, this Survival Training slash Camping Trip was supposed to teach rookie Valkyries how to survive in the wilderness on the off chance they are left stranded and unable to be rescued for any amount of time.

In practice, Valkyries tended to have enough rations and equipment stored that survival was trivial, and they could normally fly whenever they want, so the whole thing was treated more like a team building exercise. However, to keep with the spirit of the lesson, the use of their Valkyries was discouraged and the cadets were expected to do as much as possible with their bare hands.

You turned to where Setsuna was struggling with the tents where you and your friends would spend the night. After seeing her fail to put one of them together for the fifth time in a row, you decide that she could use a distraction.

"Setsu." You call her name, but she doesn't seem to hear. "Hey, Setsu!" You try again.
She starts for a moment before turning around and giving you her Angry Glare. "What is it, you idiot?! Can't you see I'm busy here?"

You make a show of looking at the pile of parts that should be a tent behind her and do your best to transmit all the amusement you feel through your voice.
"Really?" You smirk. "You seemed to be almost finished with those tents..."

At that, she turns a lovely shade of red and throws a poorly aimed piece of plastic you make a show of dodging.
You chuckle and decide not to tease her more. For now.
"Sorry, sorry. I just wanted to ask you if you're sure you brought everything." You say. "I have this feeling I've forgotten something important, so..." You trail off.

Setsu looks confused for a moment. She opens her mouth to speak, but closes it again and assumes a pensive pose.
"I think so." She says. "I have the tents, the rope, a couple knives... everything I was supposed to bring, and I know you brought your share as well because I was with you when we were packing up." She shrugs. "I guess it's just your imagination. Let's wait for the others to get here, then you can check if there's anything missing."

You nod, and get back to unpacking and organizing all the tools. Soon enough, your passive sensors warn you that the rest of your flight is approaching.

Upon seeing the four blips that show up on your HUD, you suddenly, you remember what, or rather who you forgot.
Anna Sanchez, who was in charge of bringing the snacks for your little trip.
Anna, who confessed she had no idea what a camping trip was supposed to be like.

This was going to give you a migraine, wasn't it?

The four girls land on the clearing where you'll camp and quickly store their Valkyries. After a quick exchange of greetings, Sandra and Shuri each materialize a cooler filled with ice, water bottles and soda cans, while your sister summoned a basket filled with sandwiches, saying she was keeping the rest stored until it was time to eat.

Anna, on the other hand, unceremoniously dumped a small mountain of chocolates, cookies, marshmallows and other snacks on the ground.

After storing everything again, the six of you went about setting up camp. Sandra helped Setsuna with the tents while Shuri and Yukari gathered more firewood.

However, it seemed Anna didn't know what to do and just watched the others go about their tasks. Well, we couldn't have her just standing there awkwardly, could we?

"Hey, Anna." You called. "Can you help me make a bonfire?" Your offer seemed to make her perk up. That encouraged you to continue. "I already got some firewood while waiting for you girls to arrive. We just need to put the wood in place and start the fire."

She gave a nod and you helped her move the firewood to the middle of the clearing. After the two of you were done, you turned back to the pile of tools and started looking for some matches.

"Okay, now all we need to do is ignite the firewood." You explained, without looking away from your task. "Give me a moment to find some matches and..." The unmistakeable sound of high energy plasma being generated made you pause.
Slowly, you turned around and were greeted by the sight of Cadet Anna Sanchez smiling happily, with her Valkyrie partially manifested and her plasma emmiters deployed in what must have been their lowest setting.

"Anna..." She turned around, still with a smile on her face.
"What is it, Koujirou?"

Her smile was so honest, so bright you almost didn't stop her. Almost.
"Anna, we don't use high energy plasma to start bonfires. That's... that's just plain overkill."

She tilted her head to the side in confusion, wordlessly asking you to explain further.
You sighed. God damn it, Anna.
"Just... just put the plasma away, Anna. We won't be using it."

The way her smile vanished and her expression went from eager to disappointed was almost heart wrenching.

This was going to be a long trip...

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NotAlwaysFanfic - Project Valkyrie Core Trailer 1
A potential Trailer for Project Valkyrie Core


A battlefield, ripped and torn and destroyed. Crumbling buildings and craters are scattered about, you can see corpses, both partial and whole. A young girl is running down an empty street, her breathing coming hard and fast, tears in her eyes. Her clothing is torn and ragged, and she is bleeding from several cuts. She has no shoes, and her battered feet look painful.

An explosion tears up the ground behind her, knocking her to the ground. She lies still for a few moments, whimpering. She tries to stand up, but only succeeds in rolling herself over. She gasps in fright, as standing over her is a monstrous abomination, glowing red eyes glaring down at her.

A laser tears through the beast, turning it into nothing. The girl looks up, and sees a robotic humanoid, wings of energy furling off to the sides. The upper half of the mask is opaque, but the bottom is transparent, showing a kind woman's smile.

"You're safe now." Says the woman.

Screen cuts to black, the word 'Valkyrie' appearing in the center.

J-Pop music kicks in, a black haired boy who looks distinctly feminine appears on the screen. He is standing next to a white and red mecha with a sword drawn. The name 'Rokusabe Koujirou' appears to the left with a quote underneath it. "When I was arriving, some of those girls were definitely 'miring." Seiyu's name is below.

Side scrolls to an image of a young girl with black hair, yellow eyes, and a slim figure. She is standing next to a red and gold mecha with two canon like guns protruding over the shoulders. The name 'Masaya Setsuna' appears to the right with a quote underneath it. "I can protect and teach Koujirou everything I know, so there's no need for you to inconvenience yourself." Seiyu's name is below.

Up scrolls to an image of a mature black haired girl who resembles Koujirou. She is facing away from a green and grey mecha that is holding a teched-up whip with the handle in one hand and the loops in the other. The name 'Rokusabe Yukari' appears above with a quote underneath. "You do understand the severe risk you are putting your lives under right?" Seiyu's name is below.

Side scrolls to an image of a girl with red hair in a short ponytail, face emotionless. Behind her is a horned mecha of black and blue, with four gun looking things floating around it. The name 'Anna Sanchez' appears below, with a quote underneath. "We must not attack other humans, neither here nor anywhere." Seiyu's name is below.

Down scrolls to a double image, showing a tanned, brown haired beauty standing with a cute blond girl with a lot of hair on her left. A mecha appears on either side of the girls. The one on the left side of the screen is gold and red, holding a fearsome sword in both hands. The one on the right is red and blue with a tear-drop head and two guns on its forearms. On the left side of the screen, the name Shuri Kravala appears with a quote underneath it. "They asked for such when I formed the flight, they asked to become an Ace through our time as a Flight." On the right, the name Aleksandra Marianne Cambridge appears with a quote underneath it."People need heroes to rally around, something they can lean on when everything else looks bleak." Their Seiyus' names appear below.

Cut to a series of out-of-context fight scenes. Machine fighting monstrous aliens, machines fighting each other.

Cut to black screen. Words appear in the center, "They shall fight for our future."

Cut to title screen, english letters in deep blue on a light blue background. "______ Studio presents…"

All six Seiyus say at the same time as the words appear on screen "Project Valkyrie Core."

Music cuts out and cut to black.
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