I think we can point some tips we observed when playing tag with shuri to koujirou.

Shuri frame was the faster one in close quarter right?
Sounds like full power broadband scan?

I meant more like Assuming Direct Control, not merely overwhelming.

I haven't seen a single hacking action we've undertaken that wasn't completely effortless and seemingly without opposition. If anyone can do this, we can.

So it takes the same evening timeslot as an elective then?

Keep in mind, we know OOC Koujirou just signed himself (and us) up to Shuri's/Sandra's flight. So they don't necessarily need us as a trainer because Shuri is going to be riding herd on them, and we do desperately need socializing and relaxing time. We also don't need synch hours, while Setsuna and Koujirou do.

I guess I'm saying I'd rather do electives and be an occasional appearance at evening practice, unless we're practicing full-on team tactics or something, which we don't seem to be doing yet.
Still to come:
-[X] If he is not awake, ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties.
-[X] Discuss the match and pick out where they did right and wrong.

Any specific pointers to Koujirou as to how he can git gud?
[X] He needs to work on his defenses, for a close range attack high velocity attack like that, he requires shock absorption and greater trauma tolerance to be anything other than a very big missile. If he acts like a missile he'd be stopped like a missile.
-[X] Since he's got a few tricks with impeller field manipulation, he should work on that. The same thing that can enhance his plasma attack can be used on enemy attacks.
-[jk] Suggest integrating a pillow fort.

What to study?
[X]Afternoon: Self study. Continue as is. (Target rich environment)

Make any plans for between dinner and elective classes?
[X] Dinner: Bonding with your friends. Their suggestion, because we should learn more about them.
-[X] Dinner: Include Sandra if possible, due to the message during class
-[X] Dinner: Use the new cutlery for dinner.

Any particular elective classes you want to see?
[X]Evening: Continue down the list.
-[X] Evening: Spend an hour or so at Astronomy. It's fun.
-[X] Evening: Thank the Baking and Crafting clubs for the cutlery. If Baking club asks you to participate, politely decline. Mention that you and bread have a... difficult relationship, right now.
-[X] Evening: If the flight wants you to have another practice match, do that instead

@Avalanche the MC's frame name hasn't been updated in the stats list, but we know what it is IC. Is there some deep meaning behind this? Or have you just not updated that part yet?

"Just come in already cadet. You do know you could have knocked right?" Instructor Parks says from the screen, frowning slightly, "Just make sure you don't emit any rads in here, alright? Highly sensitive equipment is lying around inside. I suppose you're here to visit Cadet Rokusabe, the First Year?"

"Yes. Yes," you agree and confirm, noting to yourself that you needed to maintain passive stealth inside the infirmary.

So we have active stealth systems? Did we lose them? Are we normally running higher levels of stealth as we move around campus? Is passive stealth why we surprised him so easily?

The door slides open and you step into a corridor, several meters long, with blank walls of cold, black metal lit by sterile white lights. In fact, they only emitted visible light and lower wavelengths.

Anna, seeing all the colors, in fact seeing most of the wave spectrum. Because she can.

"He's in room zero zero one three. Recovered completely. Already awake too."

Are there at least 12 other cadets currently injured enough to be here? How does the room # system work here?

You pause slightly at the news, a warmth filling your stomach.

"Already awake? Fully recovered?"

"Yep. Surprised me a lot too. Just make sure you don't emit. He's still purging the nanomachines and the last thing he needs now is goo cancer."

Ah. You had been warned about 'Goo Cancer' in Alaska. Nanomachines were rapidly degraded by radiation, but there was a possibility that the radiation could instead damage the tiny machines in a way that only their replication restrictions were removed. The results were short lived and nasty, but even that thought doesn't diminish your improved mood.

So did his frame help boost his recovery? I mean the "Surprised me a lot too" bit but they aren't treating as that big of a deal. So I guess it's more the mental recovery + wake up speed and less the "Heal HP" part.

Parks cracks open an eye and stares at you speculatively for a moment, "Anna, will you be getting a scan here before you leave? Valks occasionally do let injuries go unnoticed."

You think it over for a moment. You didn't really feel suspicious of the UN any longer and you were trusting your friends to their care, but even so…

"Not this time, perhaps later."

Even so, we're still a little worried about letting our impeller field down while things hit our body that aren't pillows.

-Are you here to make friends?-

…It was fine. Even if Koujirou hated you now, it wouldn't matter. You're just here to make sure he was okay. Even if everyone else hated you, it wouldn't matter. As long as they lived.
No matter the cost.


Koujirou shifts, and you gulp slightly, but he only raises his arms. A soft white glow announces something materialising from his storage, and a few minutes later, his melee halberd floats above his hands. Individual component manifestation? Impressive. It wasn't easy to express a individual component that was synchronised with the Valkyrie Frame without bringing the rest of the frame with it.

Koujirou leveled up! *Play FF level up music.*

Small flickers of white light play across the length of the sword. It looks different from yesterday, broader and slightly longer. With a strangely heavy click, another section of blade extends from the handle, making the weapon much longer than what it had been yesterday. A flare of white light washes over the blade, and a series of mechanical components materialise over the back of the sword, most likely thrusters you guess.

I'm thinking this was a tier unlock?

You fall silent, resigned. If he won't accept your apology, then there was nothing more that you could do.
Suspicion. Condemnation. Blame. Attacks.


Recall back when that one chick was sounding ok about killing people as 'acceptable' friendly fire causalities? And then we had a new 'target' to acquire for a moment? I'm thinking Anna's negative feelings of being hated have been taken in by Durga. Anna won't fight humans. But Durga will fight them for her.

"I should have refused. I knew that nothing good would come from fighting against humans, but I…"

Koujirou huffs slightly, looking exasperated.

"Hey, c'mon now. I learned my Frame's name and unlocked one of my weapon configurations. With how things are, I might even get another one of my Frame systems next time we practice against each other."

I kinda find it odd, how we call other people, humans. It's not "Fight other people" it's "Fight other humans". Does it mean something or is it a British thing?

"Look Anna, we are all told to treat the scenarios in the simulators like real life. If I needed to hit an Antagonist as fast as you on the battlefield, I would have to push myself just as far," he says quietly, "This is practice for the real thing, are you going to tell me that's wrong? "

…He was right.

"I… no, but- I still don't want to hurt you- or anyone."

...Durga also said that just having them fight Antagonists and getting hurt would be best training. Even through it'd be more dangerous.

"I won't do what?"

"Hurt me. You won't."

A startled laugh escapes you at the ironic echo and Koujirou makes a small fist pumping motion at that.

Kouji is already cribbing our lines. As long as he does it well I don't mind.

You stare at Koujirou, somewhat suspicious.

"Really! I won't be screwing with my safety settings when practicing with you. I promise."

You nod slightly at that. It was… nice that Koujirou didn't blame you for his injury, that he was still kind to you. Nice but… strange.

…You felt light. Almost floaty.

"Then I will hold us both to that."

Anna's been hurting from her fellow townsmen blaming her for so long, and she accepted it because she believed she failed them and deserved it. Having someone she perceives to have failed not blame her, and still like her is... new for Anna.

On the subject of safeties…

"What… are Frame safeties like? Surely they shouldn't be easy to override."

Did... did Anna never encounter any safeties? Did she never had those restrictions from going too fast and all that?

Koujirou shrugs slightly at that, "Kandakara always had a closer margin setting than other frames, but I dunno, it wasn't hard or anything, I just kinda wanted to? I mean, I'd need to go through all the menus and stuff usually, this time, I didn't need that though."

"Go through the menus usually? Koujirou, how often-"

Koujirou chokes and cuts you off before you finish your question, "Gah- Uh, I mean, I figured it out from the tutorial during my first time synching. So, you know, it isn't really-" he cuts himself off, takes a bit of a breath, then continues, meeting your eyes. "Anna, don't get the wrong idea, this is the first time I've actually pushed past the safeties, but I made sure I knew how to, just in case you know?"

Suspicious! But uh closer margin setting mean the safeties are closer to where it's dangerous or closer to where it's safe? I'm not quite sure which.

You nod slightly in acceptance of the explanation, but it still strikes you as strange that he had the option at all outside of High Alert Conditions.

Maybe it was a… 'feature' of his frame? Perhaps you could try ask it directly? Durga rarely returned more than vague emotions the various times when you tried talking to her as far as you remembered, but maybe Kandakara was different.

Did Durga cause us to forget while healing us? Is some of our past neuro damage result a pseudo alternate personality that inhabits Durga but wishes to remain unknown?

It was just past six in the morning, what else was there to do?

…Maybe you should just go wait in the classroom-

Durga chimes in, alerting you to another one of those mysterious messages suddenly arriving. You sigh and open it and your voice whispers out, "Reminder to Anna Sanchez. Sleep. Eat breakfast. Do other normal things. End message."

Ah, sleep, that's right.

Oh yeah, that's a thing that exists. Man if that doesn't show how busy(?) how often she was fighting... yikes.

Speaking of Sandra and Shuri, you glance over at their Flight.

All three neophytes had already left, and the remaining original member, Catherine Han, was snoring into Shuri's shoulder, somehow managing to shuffle into class and immediately fall asleep leaning against the other Valkyrie. The ace didn't seem too bothered by it, gently poking the other girl awake as Instructor Meyer steps up to the podium.

Aww cute. I guess they've got a squad of three now?

You frown at the false praise and continue monitoring the situation. Setsuna stares at her screen in bewilderment and starts angrily typing. You read her message through the camera even before she sends it but you decide to wait until your receive it to give it consideration.

I guess we're ok with watching people, but we're also ok with waiting to see if they actually send it to us or not before replying.

Yukari saves you by shaking her head minutely and speaking up, "Koujirou might appear absentminded, but he's actually fairly perceptive of the people around him, I don't think we will need to worry too much about him trying that again."

"Speaking of yesterday, you were totally amazing Anna," Setsuna suddenly chirps with a grin, "When can we do that again?"

"I agree," says Yukari with a slight shake of her head, "I understood that you were skilled, but that was beyond all my expectations."

Setsuna and Yukari confirmed for Dark Souls players. "Man we got totally owned..."


You lean back in your seat, slightly alarmed at Setsuna's eagerness. It was comforting that neither hated you after yesterday, but to wish to fight against you again… Yukari was not objecting against the idea either. Rather, she was looking over with an expression of obvious interest.

Were both of them like Koujirou, actually looking forward to matching against you again?


I wonder, is the disgust from a fear of hurting them, or the fact that we have to constantly repress the urge to destroy them and that they're just no where near us in skill?

Setsuna frowns in contemplation at that but Yukari waves her hand dismissively, "Last night was practically a Missile Defence or Zero Suppression scenario, I can afford to take a few hits if it means it's more likely the main target is hit."

…You're not sure if you'd be okay with that.

I'm assuming she refers to taking damage if it's more likely to hit the main target. Anna thinks this is kinda low class and they should be able to hit the target without hitting each other. Get good scrubs. We're not ok with friendly fire because you can't be accurate enough!

Also 'was practically a Missile Defense or Zero Suppression scenario." And combined with the earlier bit about "I understood that you were skilled, but that was beyond all my expectations." seems to hint that she doesn't know of our full activities in Alaska. I.E slaying a Zero solo, and soloing a minor breach + sealing it as well. It appears to be that all she knows is that we were a skilled elite that was part of the Alaska Offensive.

"I dumped the charge that you built up in my Impeller as you fired."

She stares for a second and sardonically asks, "You dumped the charge? Just like that?"



Yukari rubs her face with her hands and sighs slightly, "Okay. I should diversify I guess and I do need take some new systems to replace the ones I lost."

Yukari's response to being told that her charge up attack is no sell-able is to go... "Welp I guess I need different guns then."

At that, conversation changes to other more casual topics and you busy yourself with food, ignoring Yukari's still present and obvious amusement whenever she looks your way.

Yukari enjoys our discomfort at being forced into teaching them.
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>>"Heeeey, we're sorry we couldn't really make anything out of the dough you gave us, you crushed the flour too fine, still, we worked with Crafting class to make something out of it, cheers from the Baking Club!"
>>FROM: Cadet Erica Louvre
I like her. Any chance we can recruit this girl?

[x] Koujirou
-[x] Ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties.
-[x] Discuss the match and pick out where they did right and wrong.

Any specific pointers to Koujirou as to how he can git gud?
[x] Practice impeller field manipulation with less volatile materials than plasma. Fine impeller control means you can wear it as a second skin rather than just a shield, use it for maneuvering, and deliver improvised attacks like we did yesterday.
[x] Keep pushing what speeds and g-forces he can safely achieve. He's a melee combatant, and that means he needs a lot of practice at high speed maneuver. As long as he doesn't override safeties and push to the point of injury, it's fine.
-[jk] Suggest integrating a pillow fort.

[X]Afternoon: Self Study. Transcendent Offense.
- [X] We have a blank check from the UN to get this thing done. Would heading out into the hinterlands to do some practical tests speed up the process? We can afford to miss a simulated fight or two.
- [X] Message your instructors what you plan before you even go to lunch. Ask if they can take things up the chain of command and inform you of a suitable area to do your tests. Stress that you're just running tests to help your own understanding, but you don't want to alarm anyone.

[X] Dinner: Bonding with your friends. Their suggestion, because we should learn more about them.
-[X] Dinner: Include Sandra if possible, due to the message during class
-[X] Dinner: Use the new cutlery for dinner.

[x] Evening: Continue down the list.
-[X] ... but not before dropping by the Crafting Club and thanking them for the silverware gift. Send your regards to the Baking Club too for the thought.
-[x] Evening: Spend an hour or so at Modeling to improve your pet toy car. It's kinda cute.

Edit: Added the message to the instructors (suggested by SWB).
Edit2: Katreus pointed out that we already verbally agreed to meet the others in class ("Self Study" is multitasking).
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I like her. Any chance we can recruit this girl?
She's on senior class I think, so she has her own flight and squadron.

[x] Koujirou
-[x] Ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties.
-[x] Discuss the match and pick out where they did right and wrong.

Any specific pointers to Koujirou as to how he can git gud?
[x] Practice impeller field manipulation with less volatile materials than plasma. Fine impeller control means you can wear it as a second skin rather than just a shield, use it for maneuvering, and deliver improvised attacks like we did yesterday.
[x] Keep pushing what speeds and g-forces he can safely achieve. He's a melee combatant, and that means he needs a lot of practice at high speed maneuver. As long as he doesn't override safeties and push to the point of injury, it's fine.
-[jk] Suggest integrating a pillow fort.

[X]Afternoon: Self Study. Transcendent Offense.
- [X] We have a blank check from the UN to get this thing done. Would heading out into the hinterlands to do some practical tests speed up the process? We can afford to miss a simulated fight or two.

[X] Dinner: Bonding with your friends. Their suggestion, because we should learn more about them.
-[X] Dinner: Include Sandra if possible, due to the message during class
-[X] Dinner: Use the new cutlery for dinner.

[x] Evening: Continue down the list.
-[X] ... but not before dropping by the Crafting Club and thanking them for the silverware gift. Send your regards to the Baking Club too for the thought.
-[x] Evening: Spend an hour or so at Modeling to improve your pet toy car. It's kinda cute.
[x] Koujirou
-[x] Ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties.
-[x] Discuss the match and pick out where they did right and wrong.

Any specific pointers to Koujirou as to how he can git gud?
[x] Practice impeller field manipulation with less volatile materials than plasma. Fine impeller control means you can wear it as a second skin rather than just a shield, use it for maneuvering, and deliver improvised attacks like we did yesterday.
[x] Keep pushing what speeds and g-forces he can safely achieve. He's a melee combatant, and that means he needs a lot of practice at high speed maneuver. As long as he doesn't override safeties and push to the point of injury, it's fine.

[X]Afternoon: Self Study. Transcendent Offense.
- [X] We have a blank check from the UN to get this thing done. Would heading out into the hinterlands to do some practical tests speed up the process? We can afford to miss a simulated fight or two.

[X] Dinner: Bonding with your friends. Their suggestion, because we should learn more about them.
-[X] Dinner: Include Sandra if possible, due to the message during class
-[X] Dinner: Use the new cutlery for dinner.

[x] Evening: Continue down the list.
-[X] ... but not before dropping by the Crafting Club and thanking them for the silverware gift. Send your regards to the Baking Club too for the thought.
-[x] Evening: Spend an hour or so at Modeling to improve your pet toy car. It's kinda cute.
qsurf - boards.fauxchan.org/a/7
HALP! I can't stop!
Project Valkyrie Core Ep5 Anonymous No.5071
File: TagTeam.jpg
A warning to all Harem Anime Protagonists out there:
Be afraid, be very afraid.

The Tsundere and Dandere are joining forces.
Anonymous No.5072No.5073
>Dere Sentai when?
Anonymous No.5073No.5074 No.5077
File: GlassesSandra.jpg

It's called 'Project Valkyrie' Anon.
Anonymous No.5074No.5075

You know, I was going to laugh, but then:
>Anna - Dan
>Setsuna - Tsun
>Yukari - Dere
>Shuri - Kuu
>Sandra - Hime(?)
>Kandakara - Yan

Anonymous No.5075No.5076
File: GoodShowSir.jpg

Relevant question.
>Giant transforming mecha when?
Anonymous No.5076No.5077
File: GlassesSandraPart2.jpg

They're called 'Valkyries' Anon.
Anonymous No.5077
File: YukaKEK.gif

Are you an Antagonist Anon? Because you have destroyed my sides.


-[X] If he is not awake, ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties.
-[X] Discuss the match and pick out where they did right and wrong.

Any specific pointers to Koujirou as to how he can git gud?
[X] "Synch more?"

What to study?
[X]Afternoon: Self study. Continue as is. (Target rich environment)

Make any plans for between dinner and elective classes?
[X]Dinner: Use the new cutlery when you can, it's nice. Study Transcendent Offense some more.

Any particular elective classes you want to see?
[X]Evening: Continue down the list.


Gorgeous update was gorgeous. Not much needs to said because others have said it, but there's one thing that caught my eye.
The door slides open and you step into a corridor, several meters long, with blank walls of cold, black metal lit by sterile white lights. In fact, they only emitted visible light and lower wavelengths.
Makes sense, she did ask Durga to repair her eyes, and if that's the case, what kind of upgrade did Koji go through? After all, I'm pretty certain that he impressed Kandakara and the frame doesn't want his interesting bearer to be surpassed by anyone again.

Maybe something to help him withstand plasma and radiation better?
Last edited:

@Avalanche the MC's frame name hasn't been updated in the stats list, but we know what it is IC. Is there some deep meaning behind this? Or have you just not updated that part yet?
...Wow that's a lot of questions at once.

Uh nah, I just goofed because the dialogue went through a few revisions in that scene and my notes of what I needed to update in the character sheet didn't keep up.
So we have active stealth systems? Did we lose them? Are we normally running higher levels of stealth as we move around campus? Is passive stealth why we surprised him so easily?
You don't have active stealth, it was against your interest the majority of the time to be hard to find. Passive stealth is basically what Jenthulhu said but with some more features such as dampening all light hitting you so that it doesn't reflect past a threshold and absorbing the noise you make with counterwaves.
Are there at least 12 other cadets currently injured enough to be here? How does the room # system work here?
It's a random room assignment, I didn't really think of it overly much this time.

...Durga also said that just having them fight Antagonists and getting hurt would be best training. Even through it'd be more dangerous.
Them? Or you?
Kouji is already cribbing our lines. As long as he does it well I don't mind.
Main character gonna main character.
Did... did Anna never encounter any safeties? Did she never had those restrictions from going too fast and all that?
Nope, no gen 1 or 2 valks had safeties by default.
Suspicious! But uh closer margin setting mean the safeties are closer to where it's dangerous or closer to where it's safe? I'm not quite sure which.
Closer to being dangerous, for example, that he was able to engage V-max proper for a instant before Kandakara cut him off when Yukari first starts trying to close distance. Most cadets would simly get a "Target out of envelope" message as they accelerate at maximum safe rate.
I'm assuming she refers to taking damage if it's more likely to hit the main target. Anna thinks this is kinda low class and they should be able to hit the target without hitting each other. Get good scrubs. We're not ok with friendly fire because you can't be accurate enough!
Yeah, that's a big system vs individual conflict that you're not really aware of right now. The system supports the individual, but also uses them. You're ecstatic about the first part, not that happy about the second.
Also 'was practically a Missile Defense or Zero Suppression scenario." And combined with the earlier bit about "I understood that you were skilled, but that was beyond all my expectations." seems to hint that she doesn't know of our full activities in Alaska. I.E slaying a Zero solo, and soloing a minor breach + sealing it as well. It appears to be that all she knows is that we were a skilled elite that was part of the Alaska Offensive.
Yes, she thought you were an orphaned Gen 1 found in the wilderness, that's impressive enough to survive so long in AG territory by yourself, but doing what you did, absolutely unprecedented.
Yukari's response to being told that her charge up attack is no sell-able is to go... "Welp I guess I need different guns then."
Essentially yeah, she's currently specialised for big hits not that often, which don't work great on you when she has inadequate support to pin you down.
Yukari enjoys our discomfort at being forced into teaching them.
More that she's laughing at the fact that you're still on your list.
[x] Koujirou
-[x] Ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties.
-[x] Discuss the match and pick out where they did right and wrong.

Any specific pointers to Koujirou as to how he can git gud?
[x] Practice impeller field manipulation with less volatile materials than plasma. Fine impeller control means you can wear it as a second skin rather than just a shield, use it for maneuvering, and deliver improvised attacks like we did yesterday.
[x] Keep pushing what speeds and g-forces he can safely achieve. He's a melee combatant, and that means he needs a lot of practice at high speed maneuver. As long as he doesn't override safeties and push to the point of injury, it's fine.
-[jk] Suggest integrating a pillow fort.

[X]Afternoon: Self Study. Transcendent Offense.
- [X] We have a blank check from the UN to get this thing done. Would heading out into the hinterlands to do some practical tests speed up the process? We can afford to miss a simulated fight or two.

[X] Dinner: Bonding with your friends. Their suggestion, because we should learn more about them.
-[X] Dinner: Include Sandra if possible, due to the message during class
-[X] Dinner: Use the new cutlery for dinner.

[x] Evening: Continue down the list.
-[X] ... but not before dropping by the Crafting Club and thanking them for the silverware gift. Send your regards to the Baking Club too for the thought.
-[X] If he is not awake, ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties.
-[X] Discuss the match and pick out where they did right and wrong.

Any specific pointers to Koujirou as to how he can git gud?
[X] He needs to work on his defenses, for a close range attack high velocity attack like that, he requires shock absorption and greater trauma tolerance to be anything other than a very big missile. If he acts like a missile he'd be stopped like a missile.
-[X] Since he's got a few tricks with impeller field manipulation, he should work on that. The same thing that can enhance his plasma attack can be used on enemy attacks.

What to study?
[X]Afternoon: Self study. Continue as is. (Target rich environment)

Make any plans for between dinner and elective classes?
[X] Dinner: Bonding with your friends. Their suggestion, because we should learn more about them.
-[X] Dinner: Use the new cutlery for dinner.

Any particular elective classes you want to see?
[X]Evening: Continue down the list.
-[X] Evening: Thank the Baking and Crafting clubs for the cutlery. If Baking club asks you to participate, politely decline. Mention that you and bread have a... difficult relationship, right now.
Interestingly, Durga seems to send us messages in actual words now, not that Anna realizes.

there's been a few of those since the beginning, i've been taking it rather than explicit messages but more as an example of their thoughts meshing together, what with the lack of quotes and all.

so far im having the impression that most average valkyrie cores are essentially just highly sophisticated pieces of equipment and expert systems. very valuable to be sure, but also basically replaceable and interchangeable. i think their time together has influenced durga as much as it has influenced anna.
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[x] Koujirou
-[x] Ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties.
-[x] Discuss the match and pick out where they did right and wrong.

Any specific pointers to Koujirou as to how he can git gud?
[x] Practice impeller field manipulation with less volatile materials than plasma. Fine impeller control means you can wear it as a second skin rather than just a shield, use it for maneuvering, and deliver improvised attacks like we did yesterday.
[x] Keep pushing what speeds and g-forces he can safely achieve. He's a melee combatant, and that means he needs a lot of practice at high speed maneuver. As long as he doesn't override safeties and push to the point of injury, it's fine.

[X]Afternoon: Self study. Continue as is. (Target rich environment)

[X] Dinner: Continue studying Transcendent Offense.
-[X] Dinner: Use the new cutlery for dinner.

[x] Evening: Continue down the list.
-[X] ... but not before dropping by the Crafting Club and thanking them for the silverware gift. Send your regards to the Baking Club too for the thought.
Last edited:
[x] Koujirou
-[x] Ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties.
-[x] Discuss the match and pick out where they did right and wrong.

Any specific pointers to Koujirou as to how he can git gud?
[x] Practice impeller field manipulation with less volatile materials than plasma. Fine impeller control means you can wear it as a second skin rather than just a shield, use it for maneuvering, and deliver improvised attacks like we did yesterday.
[x] Keep pushing what speeds and g-forces he can safelyachieve. He's a melee combatant, and that means he needs a lot of practice at high speed maneuver. As long as he doesn't override safeties and push to the point of injury, it's fine.

[X]Afternoon: Self study. Continue as is. (Target rich environment)

[X] Dinner: Continue studying Transcendent Offense.
-[X] Dinner: Use the new cutlery for dinner.

[x] Evening: Continue down the list.
-[X] ... but not before dropping by the Crafting Club and thanking them for the silverware gift. Send your regards to the Baking Club too for the thought.
Kouji is obviously awake. Putting a "If he's awake, ask his Frame..." is going to get another "can't be done." Just ask the Frame directly whether or not Kouji is awake at all.

The lunch worked out fine, but I hope we get a chance to visit the Elite cafeteria sometime.

Also, huh. Looks like we escaped having the sim fight taped and spread around the net.

I really liked the interaction with Instructor Park. Meyer and Leonhart have been so good with dealing with Anna - almost wonder if the Academy assigned those two once it realized Anna had joined Setsu and Kouji's classes - that it's nice to see that while the instructors are sympathetic, they're not all equipped to smoothly handle interactions with someone like Anna.
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Any specific pointers to Koujirou as to how he can git gud?
[x] Practice impeller field manipulation with less volatile materials than plasma. Fine impeller control means you can wear it as a second skin rather than just a shield, use it for maneuvering, and deliver improvised attacks like we did yesterday.
[x] Keep pushing what speeds and g-forces he can safely achieve. He's a melee combatant, and that means he needs a lot of practice at high speed maneuver. As long as he doesn't override safeties and push to the point of injury, it's fine.

What to study?
[X] Afternoon: Self study. Transcendent Offense.

Make any plans for between dinner and elective classes?
[X] Dinner: Bonding with your friends. Their suggestion, because we should learn more about them.

Any particular elective classes you want to see?
[X] Evening: Continue down the list.
-[X] Evening: Spend an hour or so at Astronomy. It's fun.
-[X] Evening: Thank the Baking and Crafting clubs for the cutlery. If Baking club asks you to participate, politely decline.
-[X] If he is not awake, ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties.
-[X] Discuss the match and pick out where they did right and wrong.

Any specific pointers to Koujirou as to how he can git gud?
[X] He needs to work on his defenses, for a close range attack high velocity attack like that, he requires shock absorption and greater trauma tolerance to be anything other than a very big missile. If he acts like a missile he'd be stopped like a missile.
-[X] Since he's got a few tricks with impeller field manipulation, he should work on that. The same thing that can enhance his plasma attack can be used on enemy attacks.

What to study?
[X]Afternoon: Self study. Continue as is. (Target rich environment)

Make any plans for between dinner and elective classes?
[X] Dinner: Bonding with your friends. Their suggestion, because we should learn more about them.
-[X] Dinner: Use the new cutlery for dinner.

Any particular elective classes you want to see?
[X]Evening: Continue down the list.
-[X] Evening: Thank the Baking and Crafting clubs for the cutlery. If Baking club asks you to participate, politely decline. Mention that you and bread have a... difficult relationship, right now.