I just want us to grind Wave Force so that, a few episodes after we use it and the MC picks it up, we won't be outdated because we decided to skimp on the one technique we invented (which ganks type Zeroes, so it isn't even a gimmick, but a valid reason for why we're TechPriest!Superwoman*)

*Or would it be TechPriest!Doctor Strangelove? We aren't the science side of the Science Vs Magic dichotomy in this show, apparently, counting "The Superhuman", and Wave Force is magically delicious (-ly powerful). I can't wait to see what the red and blue shifts do; I'm guessing something involving time or acceleration.
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Maybe it was a… 'feature' of his frame? Perhaps you could try ask it directly? Durga rarely returned more than vague emotions the various times when you tried talking to her as far as you remembered, but maybe Kandakara was different.

Interestingly, Durga seems to send us messages in actual words now, not that Anna realizes. How long ago did we try? Because I think we're ready to try again, if it's a thing we can do.

Kojiro needs physical conditioning so he can get V-max.


Any specific pointers to Koujirou as to how he can git gud?
[X] Even though it was reckless, that final attack has potential. Perfect it? Offer aid so he doesn't hurt himself.

Maybe more detail?

Any particular elective classes you want to see?
[X]Evening: Continue down the list.
>[X]Evening: Also drop by baking club to say thank you. Perhaps properly learn how to knead dough. Overcome your fear!

Baking club doesn't typically meet in the evenings. We'd have better luck at breakfasts or lunches.

Anyway, here's my vote component suggestions:

Any specific pointers to Koujirou as to how he can git gud?
[x] Practice impeller field manipulation with less volatile materials than plasma. Fine impeller control means you can wear it as a second skin rather than just a shield, use it for maneuvering, and deliver improvised attacks like we did yesterday.
[x] Keep pushing what speeds and g-forces he can safely achieve. He's a melee combatant, and that means he needs a lot of practice at high speed maneuver. As long as he doesn't override safeties and push to the point of injury, it's fine.

What to study?
[X] Afternoon: Self study. Transcendent Offense.

Make any plans for between dinner and elective classes?
[X] Dinner: Bonding with your friends. Their suggestion, because we should learn more about them.

Any particular elective classes you want to see?
[X] Evening: Continue down the list.
-[X] Evening: Spend an hour or so at Astronomy. It's fun.
-[X] Evening: Thank the Baking and Crafting clubs for the cutlery. If Baking club asks you to participate, politely decline. Mention that you and bread have a... difficult relationship, right now.

Some specific detail on what Koujirou can do, because we were shit at detail with the other two and it's something we have to work on. Definitely want to see if we can get anything useful out of self study for TO during the practical, even if it's just a one-time attempt.

Want to get that thank you off while the iron's hot, so to speak. The last line is mostly for comedy, but I feel like we could actually meet or get to know some interesting people from these clubs if they're the altruistic sorts, so I don't want to write them off entirely.
My vote but bettererer! C:

When was the last time we tried to communicate with Durga, @Avalanche ? Because if wasn't very recently, we could try again now that she seems to be more chatty (and friendlier, and more emotional, and more socially adept than we are in pretty much every way).
Baking club doesn't typically meet in the evenings. We'd have better luck at breakfasts or lunches.

Any particular elective classes you want to see?
[X] Evening: Continue down the list.
-[X] Evening: Spend an hour or so at Astronomy. It's fun.
-[X] Evening: Thank the Baking and Crafting clubs for the cutlery. If Baking club asks you to participate, politely decline. Mention that you and bread have a... difficult relationship, right now.

I don't get why you voted to thank the Baking club after pointing out that they meet in the mornings, though I agree that we have to thank them. So... maybe going to Crafting club to thank them then visiting Baking tomorrow morning? Or we could track where the baking club president is this afternoon (we have her name from her message) if we want to thank her today. As long we don't say something like that we hacked the security systems to find her it probably won't look too creepy.
Dat update.

-[X] If he is not awake, ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties.
-[X] Discuss the match and pick out where they did right and wrong.

Any specific pointers to Koujirou as to how he can git gud?
[X] Since Koujirou is using a melee Frame, physical capabilities are essential. He should work on improving his basics for the time being.
[X] Never stop thinking in 3D. Thinking in only 2 dimensions is bad. Call for help when trying to add another dimension while thinking.

What to study?
[X]Afternoon: Self study. Transcendent Offense.

Make any plans for between dinner and elective classes?
[X]Dinner: Bonding with your friends. Their suggestion, because we should learn more about them.

Any particular elective classes you want to see?
[X]Evening: Continue down the list.
-[X] ... but not before dropping by the Crafting Club and thanking them for the silverware gift. Send your regards to the Baking Club too for the thought.
-[X] When you're done with with the club list for the day, make your last stop the Astronomy Club. Relax while watching the stars.
I don't get why you voted to thank the Baking club after pointing out that they meet in the mornings, though I agree that we have to thank them. So... maybe going to Crafting club to thank them then visiting Baking tomorrow morning? Or we could track where the baking club president is this afternoon (we have her name from her message) if we want to thank her today. As long we don't say something like that we hacked the security systems to find her it probably won't look too creepy.

I meant send them a message.
>>"Anna, please do not take Shuri's method of training as an example to be followed. Whilst her intentions are good and it returns very fast results, it is also rather destructive to the cadets who cannot keep up. I am attempting to convince her to ease off with some success and hope that you do not now try to force results in her place."
>>FROM: Cadet Aleksandra M. Cambridge.
It's kind of funny she thinks this way, but I guess all of the vehement objections we have to Shuri's actions have been expressed in private. Hopefully at some point Sandra will talk to one of our friends who is actually able to communicate with other human beings and they'll set her straight.
You ask the robot dolly to move away. It warns Setsuna and starts rolling off as she stands upright. She continues looking down corridors suspiciously, occasionally glancing back down at her datapad.
I love many things about this quest. One of the big ones is the very low key way Anna describes what any other student would see as a very sophisticated hacking operation.
Yukari leans her head against her palm and frowns, "I was using capacitor dump to charge both my laser and particle system. Unless we go into bomb pumped lasers and casaba howitzers, it's impossible to fire either one faster. As for Raitei, that's impossible to aim without buildup. How did you deflect it anyway?"

"I dumped the charge that you built up in my Impeller as you fired."

She stares for a second and sardonically asks, "You dumped the charge? Just like that?"


In short, Anna is better than you. I will add that as an audience member I'm not clear on what "the charge" is and how Anna was able to deal with it where another opponent wouldn't be.

Voting time:
-[X] If he is not awake, ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties.
-[X] Discuss the match and pick out where they did right and wrong.

Any specific pointers to Koujirou as to how he can git gud?
[X] Go faster, brah. You need to master the impeller field before you try anything else.

What to study?
[X]Afternoon: Transcendant Offense
- [X] We have a blank check from the UN to get this thing done. Would heading out into the hinterlands to do some practical tests speed up the process? We can afford to miss a simulated fight or two.

Make any plans for between dinner and elective classes?
[X]Dinner: Hang with friends until they decide it's time to hit the sims.

Any particular elective classes you want to see?
[X]Evening: Continue down the list.
>[X]Evening: Start with the astronomy club, then continue down the list.

I really want to establish the stargazing both for future significant moments with Kouji and for the Valks in Space spinoff.
She pauses for a second there, "I sure hope you will be picking up an integrated med module, otherwise I'd be rather worried about what you were doing."

You flinch slightly at the rebuke, "No I- I won't be trying to hurt-"

"Wait, I'm not saying you'd be attacking people- I was trying to make a joke," says Instructor Parks, looking slightly alarmed, "Sorry. Gallows humour, grows in you if you work in med."
I don't get the joke. What about not picking up a med mod implies murder?

Sandra looks over with an expression of concern when Instructor Meyer herd as Instructor Meyer herds the last of the cadets in and neither Setsuna nor Koujirou appear, sending you a message asking if all was well.
Any specific pointers to Koujirou as to how he can git gud?
[x] Practice impeller field manipulation with less volatile materials than plasma. Fine impeller control means you can wear it as a second skin rather than just a shield, use it for maneuvering, and deliver improvised attacks like we did yesterday.
[x] Keep pushing what speeds and g-forces he can safely achieve. He's a melee combatant, and that means he needs a lot of practice at high speed maneuver. As long as he doesn't override safeties and push to the point of injury, it's fine.

What to study?
[X] Afternoon: Self study. Transcendent Offense.

Make any plans for between dinner and elective classes?
[X] Dinner: Bonding with your friends. Their suggestion, because we should learn more about them.

Any particular elective classes you want to see?
[X] Evening: Continue down the list.
-[X] Evening: Spend an hour or so at Astronomy. It's fun.
-[X] Evening: Thank the Baking and Crafting clubs for the cutlery. If Baking club asks you to participate, politely decline. Mention that you and bread have a... difficult relationship, right now.

@Avalanche do we need to set aside time for practice with our flight, or is it already accounted for?
I don't get the joke. What about not picking up a med mod implies murder?
"Well with enough time, there won't be, but stations are good for just setting down without you needing time to integrate them, so it depends on how soon you'll be seeing someone who's in need of care."
If we need a station, then we anticipate having to heal someone soon, which would mean someone's going to get badly hurt soon.

The implication isn't even necessarily that we're going to beat someone up; the joke would still work if we were planning to start a Valkyrie edition of Jackass. Anna just immediately latched on to the implication that involves her hurting people because that's where her hangups are.
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Upon exiting a robotic dolly waiting outside your room calls for your attention, the quiet chime of its alert breaking the silence of the hallway. You glance at it and it offers you a package. Strange, from whom?

You take it and a message alerts pings in your mind upon acceptance of the delivery.

>>"Heeeey, we're sorry we couldn't really make anything out of the dough you gave us, you crushed the flour too fine, still, we worked with Crafting class to make something out of it, cheers from the Baking Club!"
>>FROM: Cadet Erica Louvre

The Baking club guys are real bros, aren't they? I propose we stick with them.

Also, I think we didn't crush the flour so much as reduce it into a pile of individual molecules.

Within the package is a rack of rather beautiful cutlery, made of bronze ceramics and overlaid with bluish white filigree that covers the handles and runs along the spines of the assorted spoons, forks, and knives.

…You had expected a delivery of bread, but this was far more preferable.

Damn, that's some nice cutlery. We really need to work on a gift for them. Hopefully something that isn't a weapon.

I give it a couple weeks for those Knives to become monomolecular edged vibroblades and for the forks to be able to pierce Impeller fields.

The entire area around the infirmary was radiologically isolated, a complete black hole to your sensors, you could even feel faint spatial ripples from an active Higgs barrier. The infirmary was better isolated than an Arcology shelter.

That's some hardcore shielding there. Makes sense too, hyper advanced medical equipment must be crazy sensitive.


Twenty two minutes, twenty seconds.


Twenty two minutes, ten seconds.


Twenty two minutes, zero seco-

A slight fuzz of activating electronics brush at your sensors before a video starts playing out of the screen.

"Just come in already cadet. You do know you could have knocked right?"

Poor Anna, she really was going to wait there until it was Six O'clock, wasn't she? Thank god Miss Park let her in.

Small flickers of white light play across the length of the sword. It looks different from yesterday, broader and slightly longer. With a strangely heavy click, another section of blade extends from the handle, making the weapon much longer than what it had been yesterday. A flare of white light washes over the blade, and a series of mechanical components materialise over the back of the sword, most likely thrusters you guess.

Ni~ce. Rocket Powered Decapitation Mode. Maybe Koujirou will be able to pull off some Gungrust Type Zero (heh) style shenanigans with its thrusters? Then again, Boomerang swords are more of a +3 Setting thing.

Koujirou opens his eyes and looks over his changed equipment, smiling slightly.

"Ha-!" he gives the blade a swing, still sitting-

"-aaaaaoooly crap Anna!" he yelps as he notices you, jumping off his bed.

He was probably surprised.

"Good morning. Are you okay now?"

Surprise Anna Strikes Again!

You fall silent, resigned. If he won't accept your apology, then there was nothing more that you could do.
Suspicion. Condemnation. Blame. Attacks.


Whoa, wait a bit there Durga. No need to jump to violence. I guess this means that Durga might be helping Anna get better at this socializing thing, but she's more than ready to jump straight to violence if it becomes necessary.

Maybe it was a… 'feature' of his frame? Perhaps you could try ask it directly? Durga rarely returned more than vague emotions the various times when you tried talking to her as far as you remembered, but maybe Kandakara was different.

I think that means we should try to communicate with Durga again? Or that we really should pay more attention to our link?

…Maybe you should just go wait in the classroom-

Durga chimes in, alerting you to another one of those mysterious messages suddenly arriving. You sigh and open it and your voice whispers out, "Reminder to Anna Sanchez. Sleep. Eat breakfast. Do other normal things. End message."

Ah, sleep, that's right.

There is Best Girl Durga, helping her little sister user act more like a normal person.

When you arrive at the cafeteria, you pause for a moment, wondering if you should start eating food by regions as Yukari had shown you last night or if you should continue your list.


Nah. You continue down your list, now in the general area of the middle of 'C' and the beginnings of 'D'.

We can't just get rid of our Endearing Character Trait, it might hurt our Relevance and reduce the number of Memes and fan art created around us.

>>"plz don't tell"
>>FROM: Cadet Rokusabe Koujirou.



This whole sequence was hilarious, especially how Setsuna managed to make Anna change her mind. The Tsundere might be adapting to us far faster than expected.

>>"why going back stop robot anna"
>>FROM: Cadet Rokusabe Koujirou.

>>"I'm sorry, Koujirou. I'm afraid I can't do that."
>>TO: Cadet Rokusabe Koujirou.

This part was freaking amazing. I couldn't stop giggling because I was imagining all this happening from Koujirou's perspective.

And that reference will make Fake 4chan go crazy.
I can already feel our Relevance Rating increasing.

"I… lets uh, review! Review how the battle went yesterday first," you deflect.


Both look eagerly at you.


A good Teacher Anna is not. But she still managed to give a few good pointers, so I guess it's all right.
-[X] Ask his frame what exactly it thought it was doing when it let him override the safeties just to land a pointless blow.
-[X] Discuss the match, and point out anything else they did obviously wrong.

What to study?
[X]Afternoon: Self study. Transcendent Offense.

Make any plans for between dinner and elective classes?
[X]Dinner: Bonding with your friends. Their suggestion, because we should learn more about them.

Any particular elective classes you want to see?
[X]Evening: Continue down the list.
>[X]Evening: Spend an hour or so at Astronomy. It's fun.
Can we hack valk frames directly? That sounds like a great nonlethal PvP option if we're ever forced to fight someone seriously.

Also, suggesting we put the Durga talk attempt in tomorrow morning's vote.
While Anna would be against smacking Koujirou upside the head if he does something stupid again, like bypassing safety limiters...

Maybe we can threathen him that we will be hinder any of his attempts to hide from Setsuna in the future?