Maybe it was a… 'feature' of his frame? Perhaps you could try ask it directly? Durga rarely returned more than vague emotions the various times when you tried talking to her as far as you remembered, but maybe Kandakara was different.
Interestingly, Durga seems to send us messages in actual words now, not that Anna realizes. How long ago did we try? Because I think we're ready to try again, if it's a thing we can do.
Kojiro needs physical conditioning so he can get V-max.
Any specific pointers to Koujirou as to how he can git gud?
[X] Even though it was reckless, that final attack has potential. Perfect it? Offer aid so he doesn't hurt himself.
Maybe more detail?
Any particular elective classes you want to see?
[X]Evening: Continue down the list.
>[X]Evening: Also drop by baking club to say thank you. Perhaps properly learn how to knead dough. Overcome your fear!
Baking club doesn't typically meet in the evenings. We'd have better luck at breakfasts or lunches.
Anyway, here's my vote component suggestions:
Any specific pointers to Koujirou as to how he can git gud?
[x] Practice impeller field manipulation with less volatile materials than plasma. Fine impeller control means you can wear it as a second skin rather than just a shield, use it for maneuvering, and deliver improvised attacks like we did yesterday.
[x] Keep pushing what speeds and g-forces he can
safely achieve. He's a melee combatant, and that means he needs a lot of practice at high speed maneuver. As long as he doesn't override safeties and push to the point of injury, it's fine.
What to study?
[X] Afternoon: Self study. Transcendent Offense.
Make any plans for between dinner and elective classes?
[X] Dinner: Bonding with your friends. Their suggestion, because we should learn more about them.
Any particular elective classes you want to see?
[X] Evening: Continue down the list.
-[X] Evening: Spend an hour or so at Astronomy. It's fun.
-[X] Evening: Thank the Baking and Crafting clubs for the cutlery. If Baking club asks you to participate, politely decline. Mention that you and bread have a... difficult relationship, right now.
Some specific detail on what Koujirou can do, because we were shit at detail with the other two and it's something we have to work on. Definitely want to see if we can get anything useful out of self study for TO during the practical, even if it's just a one-time attempt.
Want to get that thank you off while the iron's hot, so to speak. The last line is mostly for comedy, but I feel like we could actually meet or get to know some interesting people from these clubs if they're the altruistic sorts, so I don't want to write them off entirely.