Of Ink and Gold
Twenty-Seventh Day of the Second Month 293 AC
When one considers the actions of a conqueror on the first dawn of triumph many things come to mind: grand feasts, rousing speeches, and bloody restitution upon the vanquished. However, you find yourself wielding neither the sword of war nor the staff of justice, but instead the stylus of... 'preempting folly' perhaps. Thus do you valiantly scribble away into the dawn, struggling to keep allies and likely foes from reacting precipitously. Soft laughter bubbles from your lips at the image, a welcome relief from the stifling formality that pervades the palace the Archon of Tyrosh like bitter perfume, mingled with the scent of blood and decay.
Even the chamber you find yourself in now is too grand, glided in gold and draped in blue velvet like some enormous jewelry box seemingly designed more to overawe visitors than for any practical purpose.
"You should send a letter to King's Landing," Dany hisses lazily from where she had coiled herself upon the windowsill, having abandoned her angel's guise as soon as her powers of healing had been spent. "'Cousin' Robert is after all a ruler of some import, too. It would not do for him to be misinformed."
"The point is to keep things on an even keel, not race to overthrow them," you reply, voice mock-stern for just a moment before the laughter comes again, imagining that scene.
Would having his heart give out after a particularly smug letter count as having killed him? you wonder.
"Don't forget a letter to lord Velaryon and especially to the Pointsmen," your sister says after a moment in a more serious manner. "Lord Brune seemed canny, but if some hothead decides to raise a dragon banner, it would place us in an
awkward position to say the least."
"How did you become to adroit in matters of state?" you ask in jest.
"By careful observation of the dread lord of Sorcerer's Deep," she replies instantly. "Mother has been helping with that, too, especially where the Seven Kingdoms are concerned. "
"Do you think she would enjoy helping out here, too?" you ask, setting your diminutive golden assistant to finish the rest of the letter himself, faithfully copying your rather middling penmanship. There is not much point in doing so in a message addressed to Uthero, since he would hardly object to receiving a letter in another hand, unlike the more suspicious Doran Martell or even the Sealord, but habits are hard to break for constructs of ancient sorcery and living gold no less than for those of flesh and blood.
Dany considers the matter a moment before shaking her head. "She does not know much about the east, not even the languages. I think it would be more a strain than a boon to her, and she has taken to learning sorcery with a purpose."
"But not with a light heart," you guess, saddened.
"Not yet, I don't think she trusts sorcery enough to just see it as enjoyable..." Dany trails off, searching for words. "I think she sees as something akin to a viper she has been persuaded would make a fitting weapon and tool."
"She trusts us," you object, startled.
"She does... more than she trusts herself," your sister replies with a sibilant sigh. "She needs time, as much as we all do." A sentiment you can appreciate now more than ever.
Ravens fly, not only in the west, but the east. Three-eyed messengers will will soon let loose Rhango's Dothraki against the former lands of Tyrosh, hopefully driving them into your arms. How many souls will be under yours to reign over for better or for worse? You shake off the moment's uncertainty and decide instead to seek answers to that very question and many others.
The treasury was safe from looters thankfully, the heavy iron-bound doors locked and bolted in place enough to foil the frenzied guards and rebelling slaves until one of your legion captains could secure the room. Unfortunately, they too have proven unable to find anyone with a key, or rather keys.
From your understanding it takes three functionaries, from traditionally feuding families, to open the way. In theory this animosity is meant to keep them from collaborating to defraud the Archon's coffers. In practice you imagine it caused a great many administrative headaches for little use. There are after all far more convenient ways to steal from a lord's coffers than sneaking into his treasure chamber. Thankfully
fire opens most doors...
The sight that greets you within is enough to steal your breath for a moment. Stacked around the long low oval chamber, understandably buttressed about three times as much as is needed, are dozens of chests filled with gleaming gold and bright silver, ancient intricately-wrought suits of armor so richly gilded one might think they had not been forged of steel at all.
Among the columns stand statues of milk-white marble adorned with gems and garbed in flowing cloth of gold, the graven images of Gods of the city. Most are strange to you, but among them you see the Weeping Lady, bent with her sorrows, her feet adorned with blood red rubies glinting like drops of blood, savage Trios his heads coiling hungrily more like a nest of vipers than any single beast, each scale seemingly worked of a different metal all mirror bright. Of R'hllor you are surprised to see nothing at first until your eyes fall upon a black marble altar, with the golden statues of long dead Flame Keepers standing at the corners. At its center is a hollow filled high with precious woods, unlit but obviously prepared for it.
Gained 250,000 Gold in Treasure
Gained ancient images of the Gods worth 100,000 Gold
"Breathe," Tyene says with a smile from besides you. "It is supposedly the law of the city, passed down since its founding, that any temple raised within the confines of Tyrosh must make some suitable gift to the Archon. I'm not certain how well it would be received if you simply sold them off. They represent a pact of sorts with the divine..."
"And a monumental bribe from priests wishing to twist the law in their favor," you snort. Little wonder that so many temples have so many men under arms.
What do you do with the religious treasures?
[] Gift them back to their parent temples where they still exist, gaining good will, but also making it clear that the rules have changed (DC 25 Will save).
[] Keep them, they are yours by right of conquest
[] Write in
OOC: Since I know you guys are going to ask, nothing in the treasury registers as magical. Tyene already had Waymar check before you looked in.