Okay, setting the salt aside for the moment, as I think a lot of it is blown out of proportions or simply misplaced, we've got one more major event to take care of this turn.
Bloodraven is currently allotted 10 days in the schedule. That's a lot of time, and given the way other tasks have gone this turn, we are likely to finish it early. Instead of trying to cram another sidequest into that time, why don't we just chill out in SD? Spend the time talking to Malarys, learn more of Valyria, get a feel for his character and maybe access his character sheet sooner? Or maybe we can spend the rest of that time on an impromptu Westerosi pub crawl, spreading the legend of the kindly, exiled Targaryen prince?
For next turn, rather than compiling a list of ten or twelve tasks to be accomplished by various party members, let's pick just choose a single task. One goal that we are going to follow to its logical conclusion. Other stuff can happen, as we find stuff for party members to do.
For example, say we chose the Illyrio route. We don't just go to Pentos and investigate. Instead we go, investigate, find him. Then we systematically dismantle his entire mercantile empire, steal everything he owns, co-opt all of his contacts, kill those who we aren't willing to work with, and then move on to his co-conspirators. We can follow the trail that leads to Varys, track him down, then give him the Illyrio treatment. And so on, until we have undone a huge conspiracy and removed it as a threat. We could work at this the entire turn, until we have dug it up, root and branch. Shit is happening elsewhere? So what, let it burn or let someone else fix it.