Za? Little confused, actually, as to where this is coming from. Is it just the inability of Viserys to Plane Shift out, or something else?
I think DP is wondering (me, too, BTW) why the Dresdenverse Outer Gates are so damned strong in comparison to D&D cosmology, where Planar boundaries are more a suggestion than a rule. And what is the Outside? How is it different from the Far Realm? Etc.

I think we're hoping you'll reveal these mysteries for us. :)
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Alternatively @Azel, no need for bragging (even though this is honestly a culture that seems to take it in stride with skalds and whatnot). We can just make sure to take every visitor the Magnar sends to us to look at the Wall and meet with Lord Commander Mormont, and see for themselves what we've been doing to prepare.
Holy shit, picture this: Viserys, thinking he should make the servitors able to blend in with the rest of this new world, googles "maid outfit".

And now they are all in French maid suits.

For the good of the few twisted remnants of my sanity that are still alive, I refuse to make things that anime. Also Harry would tease the shit out of Viserys for it. Which, whilst funny, would discount somewhat from the story proper :V

I think DP is wondering (me, too, BTW) why the Dredenverse Outer Gates are so damned strong in comparison to D&D cosmology, where Planar boundaries are more a suggestion than a rule. And what is the Outside? How is it different from the Far Realm? Etc.

I think we're hoping you'll reveal these mysteries for us. :)

Ahh! Ok, that makes sense. I can't promise to really in-depth clarify the Outside, but the Outer Gates are something that will end up being touched on.
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Everyone, raise your hands if you find it logical for Viserys to google "maid outfits" and dress his maid constructs thus, as to properly blend in.

And if they were maids, you'd have a point :p
They are the caretakers of the house and its inhabitants, aren't they? Maintenance, security, babysitting, and whatever else is necessary.

Don't be racist against the dreams of these sorta-undead sorta-construct sorta-summon to be real maids.
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