@DragonParadox From Westerosi perspectives, was the "having dragons/is a dragon" and "has an elite army of crack troops" and "conquered a city overnight" and "conquered and held the Narrow Sea against mighty navies" before that not a big enough sign that Viserys was strong and worth displaying shows of loyalty to, but that throwing the BIGGEST ASS-EST TOURNEY in three hundred years was?

I love how Alliser shows the priorities of the lower nobility while simultaneously not thinking anything wrong with it at the same time and ALSO BEING A SORCERER KNIGHT.

LIKE WTF, that's hilarious!
@DragonParadox From Westerosi perspectives, was the "having dragons/is a dragon" and "has an elite army of crack troops" and "conquered a city overnight" and "conquered and held the Narrow Sea against mighty navies" before that not a big enough sign that Viserys was strong and worth displaying shows of loyalty to, but that throwing the BIGGEST ASS-EST TOURNEY in three hundred years was?

I love how Alliser shows the priorities of the lower nobility while simultaneously not thinking anything wrong with it at the same time and ALSO BEING A SORCERER KNIGHT.

LIKE WTF, that's hilarious!

Pretty much yeah, also I just noticed Justin was supposed to have squirted for Robert. That is unfortunatly too important a conection to cgalance over. Edits incoming.
Pretty much yeah, also I just noticed Justin was supposed to have squirted for Robert. That is unfortunatly too important a conection to cgalance over. Edits incoming.

Viserys, facepalming: "What the Nine Hells, Westeros???"

Alliser: "I don't see the big deal?"

Viserys: *gestures at the dragons in the sky*

Alliser: "Could be a flying plant. Burn up like a kite."

Viserys, beyond confused: *gestures at the column of Legionaires marching by*

Alliser: "Lot of former slaves in that bunch, or poor hedge knights. Nothing to concern high lordships and those lot loyal to them."

Viserys, nearly incensed: *gestures at his huge ass navy, the Triton raiders, the giant waterborne kaiju auxiliaries, then all around them at the wealth coming into port*

Alliser: "Luck."

Viserys: "WHAT THE FUCK!"

Alliser: "I get the point, Your Grace, I was just trying to show you that if you really want to get their attention..."

Viserys, face falling: "Throw a tourney?"

Alliser, nodding: "Throw a tourney."

Viserys: "Every time??"

Alliser: "Works like a charm."
Pretty much yeah, also I just noticed Justin was supposed to have squirted for Robert. That is unfortunatly too important a conection to cgalance over. Edits incoming.
To be fair, I also missed Justin's age - he's too old in canon to be a squire right now. I just remembered him being funny and completely blasé about his blatant opportunism in trying to marry Asha Greyjoy.
You laughed at me. Laughed! More fools you :V

Balerion, True King of the Red Keep

Small Advanced Cat
Initiative: +6 (DEX)
Hit Dice: 1 (10 HP)
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armour Class: 18 (+1 size, +5 Dex, +2 natural), touch 16, flat-footed 13
Base Atack/Grapple: +0/-5
Attack: Bite +7 (1d4)
Full Attack: Bite +7 (1d4) and 2 Claws +7 (1d2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./0 ft.
Special Qualities: Low-Light Vision, Scent
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +3
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 22, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 16, Cha 10
Skills: Balance +14, Climb +10, Hide +20*, Jump +14, Listen +5, Move Silently +12, Spot +5
Feats: HateB​ (Lannisters), Weapon FinesseB​, Stealthy

Skills: Cats have a +4 Racial bonus on Climb, Hide, and Move Silently checks. Cats have +8 Racial bonus on Jump and Balance checks. Cats use their Dexterity modifier instead of Strength for Climb and Jump checks.
*In areas of tall grass or heavy undergrowth, the Hide bonus rises to +8.

For those curious, I've averaged the stat blocks of a Common Cat and a Cat, Small from the animal companion entry because by the picture we have of him there is absolutely no way that Balerion is Tiny. Given that this will never, ever come up (probably) I hope @DragonParadox will forgive me this. The Advanced template also explains how intelligent Balerion appears to be in conversation with Vee, as Int 6 places him beyond the highly limited Int 3 threshold of an Animal. This is why I've set his type as Cat, instead of Animal. Yes, yes, technically it doesn't apply to Int scores of 2 or less. I don't care :V
*Feline master race intensifies*

With one or two more HD to avoid being ganked by magic missile, Balerion could, in fact, be a functional boss fight for a level 1 party.

Dex 22 means ((22-10)/2) +6 AC and +6 Reflex from Dex.
If we have Dire Cats running around there shall be zero rats in Sorcerer's Deep. :evil:

But how about the poor Snakes and Serpentfolk? Rats are their main food supply.

Rhaenys as Balerion's animal companion :V

One day, Rhaenys will be able to take the form of a dragon, and on that day,

Pretty much yeah, also I just noticed Justin was supposed to have squirted for Robert. That is unfortunatly too important a conection to cgalance over. Edits incoming.

:V:VI knew Robert was a conqueror but didn't know he's also into that.
And the rebuild builds:
Praetorian Warlord, Initiate
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Race: Human, Augmented
Class: Warlord 3 (ECL 5)
Feats: Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Dreadful Wrath, Combat Reflexes, Cleave, Praetorian Smash (Bonus Feat), Distracting Charge (Warleader)
Flaws: Glory-Hound, Implacable
Class features: Warlord's Gambit (Brave Gambit, Unbreakable Gambit), Tactical Presence (Indomitable), Warleader, Force of Personality

HP: 3d10 + 12 (33 HP)
AC: 10 + 2 (DEX) + 7 (Natural Armor) + 11 (Armor) + 5 (Shield) = 35; Touch 12; Flat-Footed 33
Movement: 30ft
Initiative: 2 (DEX) + 2 (Circumstance) = +4
BAB: +3
Attack: +9 - 1d8 + 6 + 1d6 Fire; 18-20/x2
Special: Darkvision (120 ft.), Light Fortification (25%, if pierced, gain Fast Healing 3 for Con-Mod rounds, duration stacks), +1 Morale bonus to Will-saves to all allies in 30 ft. (self excluded)
Proficiencies: all Simple and Martial weapons, all armors and shields
Immunities: Resistance Fire, Cold, Acid 5;
DR: 2/-
SR: 5 + 3 (HD) = 8
SLAs (CL 3):
1/day Cure Serious Wounds, Remove Disease, Smite Chaos

19 (+4) Strength
14 (+2) Dexterity
18 (+4) Constitution
17 (+3) Charisma
12 (+1) Intelligence
16 (+3) Wisdom
Note: For purposes of stacking, each attribute is considered to already have a +4 Enhancement bonus.

FORTITUDE: 3 + 4 (Con) + 1 (CoR, Resistance) = 8; +1 against Evil
REFLEX: 1 + 2 (Dex) + 2 (Circumstance) + 1 (CoR, Resistance) = 6; +1 against Evil
WILL: 1 + 3 (Wis) + 3 (Force of Personality) + 1 (CoR, Resistance) = 8; +4 against Mind-Affecting Effects; +1 against Evil

: 6 + 3 (Cha) + 2 (Praetorian Armor, Competence) = 11
Intimidate: 6 + 3 (Cha) + 5 (Praetorian Shield, Enhancement) = 14
Jump: 1 + 4 (Str) = 5
Ride: 5 + 2 (Dex) = 7
Knowledge (History): 6 + 1 (Int) = 7
Knowledge (War): 6 + 1 (Int) = 7
Sense Motive: 6 + 3 (Wis) = 6
Survival: 6 + 3 (Wis) = 9

Stances Known (Initiator level 3):
Level 1: Circular Stance (Scarlet Throne), Stance of Aggression (Primal Fury)

Maneuvers Known (Initiator level 3):
Level 1: Panthera on the Hunt (R) (Strike, Primal Fury), Crushing Blow (R) (Strike, Primal Fury), Encouraging Roar (Boost, Golden Lion), Hunting Party (R) (Strike, Golden Lion), Scything Strike (R) (Strike, Scarlet Throne), Blade of Breaking (Strike, Scarlet Throne), Prince's Attitude (Boost, Scarlet Throne)
Level 2: Devastating Rush (R) (Strike, Primal Fury)

Hand of Flame (Su)
As a swift action that does not provoke, you are able to cause your fist to glow white hot, allowing your natural attacks with that arm, or any metal melee weapon wielded by that arm, to do an additional 1d6 points of fire damage. Anyone or anything struck with either option must also make a Reflex save, DC 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Constitution modifier, or be set on fire for 1d6 points of damage per round. You can maintain this ability indefinitely, but it requires a swift action every round to do so. Any metal weapon wielded in this fashion starts taking 1d6 points of fire damage, ignoring hardness, after a number of consecutive rounds equal to its hardness.

Scent (Ex)

Amulet of the Stalwart Defender:

  • 3 Charges/Day: 1 Charge (12 Temporary Hit Points), 2 Charges (18 Temporary Hit Points), 3 Charges (24 Temporary Hit Points), Duration: 10 minutes
Earring of Vigilance:
  • 3 Charges/Day: 1 Charge (Darkvision 60 ft., 1 hour), 2 Charges (See Invisibility, 10 minutes), 3 Charges (True Seeing, 1 minute)
Praetorian's Backpack: This high quality black leather backpack is emblazoned with the Praetorian crest.
  1. It has two side pouches, each of which appears large enough to hold about a quart of material. In fact, each is like a Bag of Holding and can actually hold material of as much as 2 cubic feet in volume or 20 pounds in weight. The large central portion of the pack can contain up to 8 cubic feet or 80 pounds of material. Even when so filled, the backpack always weighs only 5 pounds.
  2. While such storage is useful enough, the pack has an even greater power. When the wearer reaches into it for a specific item, that item is always on top. Thus, no digging around and fumbling is ever necessary to find what the pack contains. Retrieving any specific item from the pack is a Move Action, but it does not provoke the Attacks of Opportunity that retrieving a stored item usually does.
Praetorian's Belt:
  1. Use Enlarge Person(self only) as a Standard Action for 10 rounds at will.
  2. Healing (3 charges/day): 1 charge (Heal 2d8 points of damage), 2 charges (Heal 3d8), or 3 charges(Heal 4d8)
Praetorian's Boots:
  1. Benefit from a +30ft Enhancement bonus to ground movement speed.
  2. 2/Day Instantly teleport as per a short dimensional hop (with no chance of error) up to 10 feet. The new space must be within line of sight and line of effect. One cannot use the anklet to move into a space occupied by another creature, nor can one teleport into a solid object; if such an attempt is made, the anklet's activation is wasted. The Wearer can bring along objects weighing up to your maximum load, but you can't bring another creature with you.
Praetorian's Bracers of Quickstrike:
  1. 1/Day you can make one extra attack with any weapon you are holding if you already made a full attack on this turn. This attack is made at your full base attack bonus, plus any modifiers appropriate to the situation. This effect is not cumulative with any other effect that grants you an extra attack when making a full attack, such as the Rapid Shot feat, a speed weapon, or the haste spell.
Praetorian's Cloak: +1 Resistance bonus to Saving Throws

Praetorian's Regalia:
  • Razorsharp Valyrian Steel Thinblade (+2): Damage: 1d8 + 1 + 2[Enhancement] (Piercing), 18-20/x2, Weight: 3 pounds
  • Fearsome Valyrian Steel Extreme Shield (+2): Armor Bonus: 3 + 2[Enhancement], AC Penalty: -4, ASF: 10%, Weight: 25 pounds. Fearsome: +5 to Intimidate [Enhancement], can demoralize foe as Move action
  • Reinforced Segmented Valyrian Steel Fullplate of the Commander (+2): Armor Bonus: 8 + 1[Reinforced] + 2[Enhancement], Maximum Dexterity Bonus: +2, ASF: 30%, Base Speed: 20ft, Weight: 55 pounds. Special: Commander (+2 competence bonus on Diplomacy checks, and each ally within 30 feet of you (not including yourself) gains a +1 morale bonus on Will saves, -5 penalty to Hide checks)
Other Equipment: Ring of Protection from Evil, Ring of Sustenance, Traveler's Any-Tool
Praetorian Warlord
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Race: Human, Augmented
Class: Warlord 6 (ECL 8)
Feats: Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Dreadful Wrath, Combat Reflexes, Cleave, Praetorian Smash (Bonus Feat), Distracting Charge (Warleader), Shock Trooper, Great Cleave
Flaws: Glory-Hound, Implacable
Class features: Warlord's Gambit (Brave Gambit, Unbreakable Gambit, Gatecrasher Gambit), Tactical Presence (Indomitable, Rallying), Warleader, Force of Personality, Tactical Flanker, Battle Prowess +1 (Primal Fury), Dual Boost 1/day

HP: 6d10 + 24 (62 HP)
AC: 10 + 2 (DEX) + 7 (Natural Armor) + 11 (Armor) + 5 (Shield) = 35; Touch 12; Flat-Footed 33
Movement: 30ft
Initiative: 2 (DEX) + 2 (Circumstance) = +4
BAB: +6
Attack: +13 / +8 - 1d8 + 7 + 1d6 Fire; 18-20/x2
Special: Darkvision (120 ft.), Light Fortification (25%, if pierced, gain Fast Healing 3 for Con-Mod rounds, duration stacks), +1 Morale bonus to Will-saves to all allies in 30 ft. (self excluded)
Proficiencies: all Simple and Martial weapons, all armors and shields
Immunities: Resistance Fire, Cold, Acid 10;
DR: 2/- ; 5/Chaos
SR: 5 + 6 (HD) = 11
SLAs (CL 3):
1/day Cure Serious Wounds, Remove Disease, Smite Chaos

20 (+5) Strength
14 (+2) Dexterity
18 (+4) Constitution
17 (+3) Charisma
12 (+1) Intelligence
16 (+3) Wisdom
Note: For purposes of stacking, each attribute is considered to already have a +4 Enhancement bonus.

FORTITUDE: 5 + 4 (Con) + 1 (CoR, Resistance) = 10; +1 against Evil
REFLEX: 2 + 2 (Dex) + 2 (Circumstance) + 1 (CoR, Resistance) = 7; +1 against Evil
WILL: 2 + 3 (Wis) + 3 (Force of Personality) + 1 (CoR, Resistance) = 9; +4 against Mind-Affecting Effects; +1 against Evil

Diplomacy: 9 + 3 (Cha) + 2 (Praetorian Armor, Competence) = 14
Intimidate: 9 + 3 (Cha) + 5 (Praetorian Shield, Enhancement) = 17
Jump: 1 + 4 (Str) = 5
Ride: 7 + 2 (Dex) = 9
Knowledge (History): 8 + 1 (Int) = 9
Knowledge (War): 8 + 1 (Int) = 9
Sense Motive: 9 + 3 (Wis) = 12
Survival: 9 + 3 (Wis) = 12

Stances Known (Initiator level 3):
Level 1: Circular Stance (Scarlet Throne), Stance of Aggression (Primal Fury), Primal Warrior (Primal Fury)

Maneuvers Known (Initiator level 3):
Level 1: Panthera on the Hunt (R) (Strike, Primal Fury), Encouraging Roar (Boost, Golden Lion), Hunting Party (R) (Strike, Golden Lion), Scything Strike (Strike, Scarlet Throne), Blade of Breaking (Strike, Scarlet Throne)
Level 2: Devastating Rush (R) (Strike, Primal Fury), Regal Blade (R) (Boost, Scarlet Throne)
Level 3: Scarlet Eyes Perception (R) (Boost, Scarlet Throne), Disparity Blow (R) (Strike, Primal Fury)

Hand of Flame (Su)
As a swift action that does not provoke, you are able to cause your fist to glow white hot, allowing your natural attacks with that arm, or any metal melee weapon wielded by that arm, to do an additional 1d6 points of fire damage. Anyone or anything struck with either option must also make a Reflex save, DC 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Constitution modifier, or be set on fire for 1d6 points of damage per round. You can maintain this ability indefinitely, but it requires a swift action every round to do so. Any metal weapon wielded in this fashion starts taking 1d6 points of fire damage, ignoring hardness, after a number of consecutive rounds equal to its hardness.

Scent (Ex)

Amulet of the Stalwart Defender:

  • 3 Charges/Day: 1 Charge (12 Temporary Hit Points), 2 Charges (18 Temporary Hit Points), 3 Charges (24 Temporary Hit Points), Duration: 10 minutes
Earring of Vigilance:
  • 3 Charges/Day: 1 Charge (Darkvision 60 ft., 1 hour), 2 Charges (See Invisibility, 10 minutes), 3 Charges (True Seeing, 1 minute)
Praetorian's Backpack: This high quality black leather backpack is emblazoned with the Praetorian crest.
  1. It has two side pouches, each of which appears large enough to hold about a quart of material. In fact, each is like a Bag of Holding and can actually hold material of as much as 2 cubic feet in volume or 20 pounds in weight. The large central portion of the pack can contain up to 8 cubic feet or 80 pounds of material. Even when so filled, the backpack always weighs only 5 pounds.
  2. While such storage is useful enough, the pack has an even greater power. When the wearer reaches into it for a specific item, that item is always on top. Thus, no digging around and fumbling is ever necessary to find what the pack contains. Retrieving any specific item from the pack is a Move Action, but it does not provoke the Attacks of Opportunity that retrieving a stored item usually does.
Praetorian's Belt:
  1. Use Enlarge Person(self only) as a Standard Action for 10 rounds at will.
  2. Healing (3 charges/day): 1 charge (Heal 2d8 points of damage), 2 charges (Heal 3d8), or 3 charges(Heal 4d8)
Praetorian's Boots:
  1. Benefit from a +30ft Enhancement bonus to ground movement speed.
  2. 2/Day Instantly teleport as per a short dimensional hop (with no chance of error) up to 10 feet. The new space must be within line of sight and line of effect. One cannot use the anklet to move into a space occupied by another creature, nor can one teleport into a solid object; if such an attempt is made, the anklet's activation is wasted. The Wearer can bring along objects weighing up to your maximum load, but you can't bring another creature with you.
Praetorian's Bracers of Quickstrike:
  1. 1/Day you can make one extra attack with any weapon you are holding if you already made a full attack on this turn. This attack is made at your full base attack bonus, plus any modifiers appropriate to the situation. This effect is not cumulative with any other effect that grants you an extra attack when making a full attack, such as the Rapid Shot feat, a speed weapon, or the haste spell.
Praetorian's Cloak: +1 Resistance bonus to Saving Throws

Praetorian's Regalia:
  • Razorsharp Valyrian Steel Thinblade (+2): Damage: 1d8 + 1 + 2[Enhancement] (Piercing), 18-20/x2, Weight: 3 pounds
  • Fearsome Valyrian Steel Extreme Shield (+2): Armor Bonus: 3 + 2[Enhancement], AC Penalty: -4, ASF: 10%, Weight: 25 pounds. Fearsome: +5 to Intimidate [Enhancement], can demoralize foe as Move action
  • Reinforced Segmented Valyrian Steel Fullplate of the Commander (+2): Armor Bonus: 8 + 1[Reinforced] + 2[Enhancement], Maximum Dexterity Bonus: +2, ASF: 30%, Base Speed: 20ft, Weight: 55 pounds. Special: Commander (+2 competence bonus on Diplomacy checks, and each ally within 30 feet of you (not including yourself) gains a +1 morale bonus on Will saves, -5 penalty to Hide checks)
Other Equipment: Ring of Protection from Evil, Ring of Sustenance, Traveler's Any-Tool
Last edited:
Viserys, facepalming: "What the Nine Hells, Westeros???"

Alliser: "I don't see the big deal?"

Viserys: *gestures at the dragons in the sky*

Alliser: "Could be a flying plant. Burn up like a kite."

Viserys, beyond confused: *gestures at the column of Legionaires marching by*

Alliser: "Lot of former slaves in that bunch, or poor hedge knights. Nothing to concern high lordships and those lot loyal to them."

Viserys, nearly incensed: *gestures at his huge ass navy, the Triton raiders, the giant waterborne kaiju auxiliaries, then all around them at the wealth coming into port*

Alliser: "Luck."

Viserys: "WHAT THE FUCK!"

Alliser: "I get the point, Your Grace, I was just trying to show you that if you really want to get their attention..."

Viserys, face falling: "Throw a tourney?"

Alliser, nodding: "Throw a tourney."

Viserys: "Every time??"

Alliser: "Works like a charm."

Just to rub it in...

Vee: "Your countrymen are stupit, Viserys."

Rhaella: "They... mean well?"

Dany: "I'm glad I was raised in Braavos."

Richard: "...least this lot won't cause trouble for a month."

Xor: "I like how colorful the pennants are! Oh the banners wane splendidly!"

Uthero: "I KNOW, RIGHT?!"

Tyene: "If you want I can throw on my armor and..."

Waymar: "That's not such a good idea."

Tyene: "Oh why, you want to crown me Queen of Love and Beauty too?"

Waymar, dangerously: "...who else asked your favor?"

Malarys: "Quaint."

Richard: "I feel insulted that my ancestry is considered a curiosity writ large... but after what I've seen I can't really deny it."

Malarys: "That just makes you uncommonly insightful."

Rina: "...at least they're all having fun and not hurting anyone?"

Maelor: "Lots of purses to cut."

Garin: "I don't know what all of you are complaining about. This month has been an intelligence gold mine."

Lya: "I liked the part where I got to make enchanted items!"

Viserys, face falling further: "You do that normally."

Lya, smiling serenely: "Let's go watch the joust, dear."
I think I'm going reformat the way the charts work. I thought leaving out the 'Ser' in front of Justin's name while not having the young modifier would make it clear he was a squire, on in retrospect I really need to be more explicit.
AC is fixed, but I'm confused as to why this was brought up. Animals have good Fort and Ref saves, so +2, then the +6 from Dex brings it to +8, like is on the sheet you quoted...
I think it was meant to illustrate how absurd it is? I mean, +8 total ref is around level 6~8 with stat boosts after all.
And the rebuild builds:
Praetorian Warlord, Initiate
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Race: Human, Augmented
Class: Warlord 3 (ECL 5)
Feats: Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Dreadful Wrath, Combat Reflexes, Cleave, Praetorian Smash (Bonus Feat), Distracting Charge (Warleader)
Flaws: Glory-Hound, Implacable
Class features: Warlord's Gambit (Brave Gambit, Unbreakable Gambit), Tactical Presence (Indomitable), Warleader, Force of Personality

HP: 3d10 + 12 (33 HP)
AC: 10 + 2 (DEX) + 7 (Natural Armor) + 10 (Armor) + 5 (Shield) = 34; Touch 12; Flat-Footed 32
Movement: 30ft
Initiative: 2 (DEX) + 2 (Circumstance) = +4
BAB: +3
Attack: +9 - 1d8 + 6 + 1d6 Fire; 18-20/x2
Special: Darkvision (120 ft.), Light Fortification (25%, if pierced, gain Fast Healing 3 for Con-Mod rounds, duration stacks), +1 Morale bonus to Will-saves to all allies in 30 ft. (self excluded)
Proficiencies: all Simple and Martial weapons, all armors and shields
Immunities: Resistance Fire, Cold, Acid 5;
DR: 2/-
SR: 5 + 3 (HD) = 8
SLAs (CL 3):
1/day Cure Serious Wounds, Remove Disease, Smite Chaos

19 (+4) Strength
14 (+2) Dexterity
18 (+4) Constitution
17 (+3) Charisma
12 (+1) Intelligence
16 (+3) Wisdom
Note: For purposes of stacking, each attribute is considered to already have a +4 Enhancement bonus.

FORTITUDE: 3 + 4 (Con) + 1 (CoR, Resistance) = 8; +1 against Evil
REFLEX: 1 + 2 (Dex) + 2 (Circumstance) + 1 (CoR, Resistance) = 6; +1 against Evil
WILL: 1 + 3 (Wis) + 3 (Force of Personality) + 1 (CoR, Resistance) = 8; +4 against Mind-Affecting Effects; +1 against Evil

: 6 + 3 (Cha) + 2 (Praetorian Armor, Competence) = 11
Intimidate: 6 + 3 (Cha) + 5 (Praetorian Shield, Enhancement) = 14
Jump: 1 + 4 (Str) = 5
Ride: 5 + 2 (Dex) = 7
Knowledge (History): 6 + 1 (Int) = 7
Knowledge (War): 6 + 1 (Int) = 7
Sense Motive: 6 + 3 (Wis) = 6
Survival: 6 + 3 (Wis) = 9

Stances Known (Initiator level 3):
Level 1: Circular Stance (Scarlet Throne), Stance of Aggression (Primal Fury)

Maneuvers Known (Initiator level 3):
Level 1: Panthera on the Hunt (R) (Strike, Primal Fury), Crushing Blow (R) (Strike, Primal Fury), Encouraging Roar (Boost, Golden Lion), Hunting Party (R) (Strike, Golden Lion), Scything Strike (R) (Strike, Scarlet Throne), Blade of Breaking (Strike, Scarlet Throne), Prince's Attitude (Boost, Scarlet Throne)
Level 2: Devastating Rush (R) (Strike, Primal Fury)

Hand of Flame (Su)
As a swift action that does not provoke, you are able to cause your fist to glow white hot, allowing your natural attacks with that arm, or any metal melee weapon wielded by that arm, to do an additional 1d6 points of fire damage. Anyone or anything struck with either option must also make a Reflex save, DC 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Constitution modifier, or be set on fire for 1d6 points of damage per round. You can maintain this ability indefinitely, but it requires a swift action every round to do so. Any metal weapon wielded in this fashion starts taking 1d6 points of fire damage, ignoring hardness, after a number of consecutive rounds equal to its hardness.

Scent (Ex)

Praetorian Armor - Commander Reinforced Segmented Valyrian Steel Fullplate (+2) - 55 lb of Valyrian Steel, 200 IM
Valyrian Steel Thinblade (+2) - 3 lb of Valyrian Steel
Praetorian Shield - Fearsome* Valyrian Steel Extreme Shield (+2) - 25 lb of Valyrian Steel, 500 IM
Cloak of Resistance (+1) - 100 IM
Ring of Protection from Evil - 400 IM
Ring of Sustenance - 250 IM
Healing Belt - 75 IM
Amulet of Tears - 230 IM
Earring of Arcane Acuity - 340 IM
Boots of Speed - 300 IM
Bracers of Quickstrike - 140 IM
Handy Haversack - 200 IM
Traveler's Any-Tool - 25 IM

* Version from Drow of the Underdark page 97 - +5 to Intimidate (Enhancement), can demoralize foe as Move action

Praetorian Warlord
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Race: Human, Augmented
Class: Warlord 6 (ECL 8)
Feats: Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Dreadful Wrath, Combat Reflexes, Cleave, Praetorian Smash (Bonus Feat), Distracting Charge (Warleader), Shock Trooper, Great Cleave
Flaws: Glory-Hound, Implacable
Class features: Warlord's Gambit (Brave Gambit, Unbreakable Gambit, Gatecrasher Gambit), Tactical Presence (Indomitable, Rallying), Warleader, Force of Personality, Tactical Flanker, Battle Prowess +1 (Primal Fury), Dual Boost 1/day

HP: 6d10 + 24 (62 HP)
AC: 10 + 2 (DEX) + 7 (Natural Armor) + 10 (Armor) + 5 (Shield) = 34; Touch 12; Flat-Footed 32
Movement: 30ft
Initiative: 2 (DEX) + 2 (Circumstance) = +4
BAB: +6
Attack: +13 / +8 - 1d8 + 7 + 1d6 Fire; 18-20/x2
Special: Darkvision (120 ft.), Light Fortification (25%, if pierced, gain Fast Healing 3 for Con-Mod rounds, duration stacks), +1 Morale bonus to Will-saves to all allies in 30 ft. (self excluded)
Proficiencies: all Simple and Martial weapons, all armors and shields
Immunities: Resistance Fire, Cold, Acid 10;
DR: 2/- ; 5/Chaos
SR: 5 + 6 (HD) = 11
SLAs (CL 3):
1/day Cure Serious Wounds, Remove Disease, Smite Chaos

20 (+5) Strength
14 (+2) Dexterity
18 (+4) Constitution
17 (+3) Charisma
12 (+1) Intelligence
16 (+3) Wisdom
Note: For purposes of stacking, each attribute is considered to already have a +4 Enhancement bonus.

FORTITUDE: 5 + 4 (Con) + 1 (CoR, Resistance) = 10; +1 against Evil
REFLEX: 2 + 2 (Dex) + 2 (Circumstance) + 1 (CoR, Resistance) = 7; +1 against Evil
WILL: 2 + 3 (Wis) + 3 (Force of Personality) + 1 (CoR, Resistance) = 9; +4 against Mind-Affecting Effects; +1 against Evil

: 9 + 3 (Cha) + 2 (Praetorian Armor, Competence) = 14
Intimidate: 9 + 3 (Cha) + 5 (Praetorian Shield, Enhancement) = 17
Jump: 1 + 4 (Str) = 5
Ride: 7 + 2 (Dex) = 9
Knowledge (History): 8 + 1 (Int) = 9
Knowledge (War): 8 + 1 (Int) = 9
Sense Motive: 9 + 3 (Wis) = 12
Survival: 9 + 3 (Wis) = 12

Stances Known (Initiator level 3):
Level 1: Circular Stance (Scarlet Throne), Stance of Aggression (Primal Fury), Primal Warrior (Primal Fury)

Maneuvers Known (Initiator level 3):
Level 1: Panthera on the Hunt (R) (Strike, Primal Fury), Encouraging Roar (Boost, Golden Lion), Hunting Party (R) (Strike, Golden Lion), Scything Strike (Strike, Scarlet Throne), Blade of Breaking (Strike, Scarlet Throne)
Level 2: Devastating Rush (R) (Strike, Primal Fury), Regal Blade (R) (Boost, Scarlet Throne)
Level 3: Scarlet Eyes Perception (R) (Boost, Scarlet Throne), Disparity Blow (R) (Strike, Primal Fury)

Hand of Flame (Su)
As a swift action that does not provoke, you are able to cause your fist to glow white hot, allowing your natural attacks with that arm, or any metal melee weapon wielded by that arm, to do an additional 1d6 points of fire damage. Anyone or anything struck with either option must also make a Reflex save, DC 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Constitution modifier, or be set on fire for 1d6 points of damage per round. You can maintain this ability indefinitely, but it requires a swift action every round to do so. Any metal weapon wielded in this fashion starts taking 1d6 points of fire damage, ignoring hardness, after a number of consecutive rounds equal to its hardness.

Scent (Ex)

Praetorian Armor - Commander Reinforced Segmented Valyrian Steel Fullplate (+2) - 55 lb of Valyrian Steel, 200 IM
Valyrian Steel Thinblade (+2) - 3 lb of Valyrian Steel
Praetorian Shield - Fearsome* Valyrian Steel Extreme Shield (+2) - 25 lb of Valyrian Steel, 500 IM
Cloak of Resistance (+1) - 100 IM
Ring of Protection from Evil - 400 IM
Ring of Sustenance - 250 IM
Healing Belt - 75 IM
Amulet of Tears - 230 IM
Earring of Arcane Acuity - 340 IM
Boots of Speed - 300 IM
Bracers of Quickstrike - 140 IM
Handy Haversack - 200 IM
Traveler's Any-Tool - 25 IM

* Version from Drow of the Underdark page 97 - +5 to Intimidate (Enhancement), can demoralize foe as Move action
@Goldfish, could I get your feedback on this once you have time? This is literally my first Initiator build.
And the rebuild builds:
Praetorian Warlord, Initiate
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Race: Human, Augmented
Class: Warlord 3 (ECL 5)
Feats: Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Dreadful Wrath, Combat Reflexes, Cleave, Praetorian Smash (Bonus Feat), Distracting Charge (Warleader)
Flaws: Glory-Hound, Implacable
Class features: Warlord's Gambit (Brave Gambit, Unbreakable Gambit), Tactical Presence (Indomitable), Warleader, Force of Personality

HP: 3d10 + 12 (33 HP)
AC: 10 + 2 (DEX) + 7 (Natural Armor) + 10 (Armor) + 5 (Shield) = 34; Touch 12; Flat-Footed 32
Movement: 30ft
Initiative: 2 (DEX) + 2 (Circumstance) = +4
BAB: +3
Attack: +9 - 1d8 + 6 + 1d6 Fire; 18-20/x2
Special: Darkvision (120 ft.), Light Fortification (25%, if pierced, gain Fast Healing 3 for Con-Mod rounds, duration stacks), +1 Morale bonus to Will-saves to all allies in 30 ft. (self excluded)
Proficiencies: all Simple and Martial weapons, all armors and shields
Immunities: Resistance Fire, Cold, Acid 5;
DR: 2/-
SR: 5 + 3 (HD) = 8
SLAs (CL 3):
1/day Cure Serious Wounds, Remove Disease, Smite Chaos

19 (+4) Strength
14 (+2) Dexterity
18 (+4) Constitution
17 (+3) Charisma
12 (+1) Intelligence
16 (+3) Wisdom
Note: For purposes of stacking, each attribute is considered to already have a +4 Enhancement bonus.

FORTITUDE: 3 + 4 (Con) + 1 (CoR, Resistance) = 8; +1 against Evil
REFLEX: 1 + 2 (Dex) + 2 (Circumstance) + 1 (CoR, Resistance) = 6; +1 against Evil
WILL: 1 + 3 (Wis) + 3 (Force of Personality) + 1 (CoR, Resistance) = 8; +4 against Mind-Affecting Effects; +1 against Evil

: 6 + 3 (Cha) + 2 (Praetorian Armor, Competence) = 11
Intimidate: 6 + 3 (Cha) + 5 (Praetorian Shield, Enhancement) = 14
Jump: 1 + 4 (Str) = 5
Ride: 5 + 2 (Dex) = 7
Knowledge (History): 6 + 1 (Int) = 7
Knowledge (War): 6 + 1 (Int) = 7
Sense Motive: 6 + 3 (Wis) = 6
Survival: 6 + 3 (Wis) = 9

Stances Known (Initiator level 3):
Level 1: Circular Stance (Scarlet Throne), Stance of Aggression (Primal Fury)

Maneuvers Known (Initiator level 3):
Level 1: Panthera on the Hunt (R) (Strike, Primal Fury), Crushing Blow (R) (Strike, Primal Fury), Encouraging Roar (Boost, Golden Lion), Hunting Party (R) (Strike, Golden Lion), Scything Strike (R) (Strike, Scarlet Throne), Blade of Breaking (Strike, Scarlet Throne), Prince's Attitude (Boost, Scarlet Throne)
Level 2: Devastating Rush (R) (Strike, Primal Fury)

Hand of Flame (Su)
As a swift action that does not provoke, you are able to cause your fist to glow white hot, allowing your natural attacks with that arm, or any metal melee weapon wielded by that arm, to do an additional 1d6 points of fire damage. Anyone or anything struck with either option must also make a Reflex save, DC 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Constitution modifier, or be set on fire for 1d6 points of damage per round. You can maintain this ability indefinitely, but it requires a swift action every round to do so. Any metal weapon wielded in this fashion starts taking 1d6 points of fire damage, ignoring hardness, after a number of consecutive rounds equal to its hardness.

Scent (Ex)

Praetorian Armor - Commander Reinforced Segmented Valyrian Steel Fullplate (+2) - 55 lb of Valyrian Steel, 200 IM
Valyrian Steel Thinblade (+2) - 3 lb of Valyrian Steel
Praetorian Shield - Fearsome* Valyrian Steel Extreme Shield (+2) - 25 lb of Valyrian Steel, 500 IM
Cloak of Resistance (+1) - 100 IM
Ring of Protection from Evil - 400 IM
Ring of Sustenance - 250 IM
Healing Belt - 75 IM
Amulet of Tears - 230 IM
Earring of Arcane Acuity - 340 IM
Boots of Speed - 300 IM
Bracers of Quickstrike - 140 IM
Handy Haversack - 200 IM
Traveler's Any-Tool - 25 IM

* Version from Drow of the Underdark page 97 - +5 to Intimidate (Enhancement), can demoralize foe as Move action

Praetorian Warlord
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Race: Human, Augmented
Class: Warlord 6 (ECL 8)
Feats: Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Dreadful Wrath, Combat Reflexes, Cleave, Praetorian Smash (Bonus Feat), Distracting Charge (Warleader), Shock Trooper, Great Cleave
Flaws: Glory-Hound, Implacable
Class features: Warlord's Gambit (Brave Gambit, Unbreakable Gambit, Gatecrasher Gambit), Tactical Presence (Indomitable, Rallying), Warleader, Force of Personality, Tactical Flanker, Battle Prowess +1 (Primal Fury), Dual Boost 1/day

HP: 6d10 + 24 (62 HP)
AC: 10 + 2 (DEX) + 7 (Natural Armor) + 10 (Armor) + 5 (Shield) = 34; Touch 12; Flat-Footed 32
Movement: 30ft
Initiative: 2 (DEX) + 2 (Circumstance) = +4
BAB: +6
Attack: +13 / +8 - 1d8 + 7 + 1d6 Fire; 18-20/x2
Special: Darkvision (120 ft.), Light Fortification (25%, if pierced, gain Fast Healing 3 for Con-Mod rounds, duration stacks), +1 Morale bonus to Will-saves to all allies in 30 ft. (self excluded)
Proficiencies: all Simple and Martial weapons, all armors and shields
Immunities: Resistance Fire, Cold, Acid 10;
DR: 2/- ; 5/Chaos
SR: 5 + 6 (HD) = 11
SLAs (CL 3):
1/day Cure Serious Wounds, Remove Disease, Smite Chaos

20 (+5) Strength
14 (+2) Dexterity
18 (+4) Constitution
17 (+3) Charisma
12 (+1) Intelligence
16 (+3) Wisdom
Note: For purposes of stacking, each attribute is considered to already have a +4 Enhancement bonus.

FORTITUDE: 5 + 4 (Con) + 1 (CoR, Resistance) = 10; +1 against Evil
REFLEX: 2 + 2 (Dex) + 2 (Circumstance) + 1 (CoR, Resistance) = 7; +1 against Evil
WILL: 2 + 3 (Wis) + 3 (Force of Personality) + 1 (CoR, Resistance) = 9; +4 against Mind-Affecting Effects; +1 against Evil

: 9 + 3 (Cha) + 2 (Praetorian Armor, Competence) = 14
Intimidate: 9 + 3 (Cha) + 5 (Praetorian Shield, Enhancement) = 17
Jump: 1 + 4 (Str) = 5
Ride: 7 + 2 (Dex) = 9
Knowledge (History): 8 + 1 (Int) = 9
Knowledge (War): 8 + 1 (Int) = 9
Sense Motive: 9 + 3 (Wis) = 12
Survival: 9 + 3 (Wis) = 12

Stances Known (Initiator level 3):
Level 1: Circular Stance (Scarlet Throne), Stance of Aggression (Primal Fury), Primal Warrior (Primal Fury)

Maneuvers Known (Initiator level 3):
Level 1: Panthera on the Hunt (R) (Strike, Primal Fury), Encouraging Roar (Boost, Golden Lion), Hunting Party (R) (Strike, Golden Lion), Scything Strike (Strike, Scarlet Throne), Blade of Breaking (Strike, Scarlet Throne)
Level 2: Devastating Rush (R) (Strike, Primal Fury), Regal Blade (R) (Boost, Scarlet Throne)
Level 3: Scarlet Eyes Perception (R) (Boost, Scarlet Throne), Disparity Blow (R) (Strike, Primal Fury)

Hand of Flame (Su)
As a swift action that does not provoke, you are able to cause your fist to glow white hot, allowing your natural attacks with that arm, or any metal melee weapon wielded by that arm, to do an additional 1d6 points of fire damage. Anyone or anything struck with either option must also make a Reflex save, DC 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Constitution modifier, or be set on fire for 1d6 points of damage per round. You can maintain this ability indefinitely, but it requires a swift action every round to do so. Any metal weapon wielded in this fashion starts taking 1d6 points of fire damage, ignoring hardness, after a number of consecutive rounds equal to its hardness.

Scent (Ex)

Praetorian Armor - Commander Reinforced Segmented Valyrian Steel Fullplate (+2) - 55 lb of Valyrian Steel, 200 IM
Valyrian Steel Thinblade (+2) - 3 lb of Valyrian Steel
Praetorian Shield - Fearsome* Valyrian Steel Extreme Shield (+2) - 25 lb of Valyrian Steel, 500 IM
Cloak of Resistance (+1) - 100 IM
Ring of Protection from Evil - 400 IM
Ring of Sustenance - 250 IM
Healing Belt - 75 IM
Amulet of Tears - 230 IM
Earring of Arcane Acuity - 340 IM
Boots of Speed - 300 IM
Bracers of Quickstrike - 140 IM
Handy Haversack - 200 IM
Traveler's Any-Tool - 25 IM

* Version from Drow of the Underdark page 97 - +5 to Intimidate (Enhancement), can demoralize foe as Move action
I would add an Anklets of Translocation effect to their Boots of Speed. It'll increase the cost by 210 IM.