Praetorian Warlord
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Race: Human, Augmented
Class: Warlord 6 (ECL 8)
Feats: Power Attack,
Improved Bull Rush,
Dreadful Wrath,
Combat Reflexes,
Praetorian Smash (Bonus Feat),
Distracting Charge (Warleader),
Shock Trooper,
Great Cleave
Flaws: Glory-Hound,
Class features: Warlord's Gambit (Brave Gambit, Unbreakable Gambit, Gatecrasher Gambit),
Tactical Presence (Indomitable, Rallying),
Force of Personality,
Tactical Flanker,
Battle Prowess +1 (Primal Fury),
Dual Boost 1/day
HP: 6d10 + 24 (62 HP)
AC: 10 + 2 (DEX) + 7 (Natural Armor) + 10 (Armor) + 5 (Shield) = 34; Touch 12; Flat-Footed 32
Movement: 30ft
Initiative: 2 (DEX) + 2 (Circumstance) = +4
BAB: +6
Attack: +13 / +8 - 1d8 + 7 + 1d6 Fire; 18-20/x2
Special: Darkvision (120 ft.), Light Fortification (25%, if pierced, gain Fast Healing 3 for Con-Mod rounds, duration stacks), +1 Morale bonus to Will-saves to all allies in 30 ft. (self excluded)
Proficiencies: all Simple and Martial weapons, all armors and shields
Immunities: Resistance Fire, Cold, Acid 10;
DR: 2/- ; 5/Chaos
SR: 5 + 6 (HD) = 11
SLAs (CL 3):
1/day Cure Serious Wounds, Remove Disease, Smite Chaos
20 (+5)
14 (+2)
18 (+4)
17 (+3)
12 (+1)
16 (+3)
Note: For purposes of stacking, each attribute is considered to already have a +4 Enhancement bonus.
FORTITUDE: 5 + 4 (Con) + 1 (CoR, Resistance) = 10; +1 against Evil
REFLEX: 2 + 2 (Dex) + 2 (Circumstance) + 1 (CoR, Resistance) = 7; +1 against Evil
WILL: 2 + 3 (Wis) + 3 (Force of Personality) + 1 (CoR, Resistance) = 9; +4 against Mind-Affecting Effects; +1 against Evil
Diplomacy: 9 + 3 (Cha) + 2 (Praetorian Armor, Competence) = 14
Intimidate: 9 + 3 (Cha) + 5 (Praetorian Shield, Enhancement) = 17
Jump: 1 + 4 (Str) = 5
Ride: 7 + 2 (Dex) = 9
Knowledge (History): 8 + 1 (Int) = 9
Knowledge (War): 8 + 1 (Int) = 9
Sense Motive: 9 + 3 (Wis) = 12
Survival: 9 + 3 (Wis) = 12
Stances Known (Initiator level 3):
Level 1:
Circular Stance (Scarlet Throne),
Stance of Aggression (Primal Fury),
Primal Warrior (Primal Fury)
Maneuvers Known (Initiator level 3):
Level 1:
Panthera on the Hunt (R) (Strike, Primal Fury),
Encouraging Roar (Boost, Golden Lion),
Hunting Party (R) (Strike, Golden Lion),
Scything Strike (Strike, Scarlet Throne),
Blade of Breaking (Strike, Scarlet Throne)
Level 2:
Devastating Rush (R) (Strike, Primal Fury),
Regal Blade (R) (Boost, Scarlet Throne)
Level 3:
Scarlet Eyes Perception (R) (Boost, Scarlet Throne),
Disparity Blow (R) (Strike, Primal Fury)
Hand of Flame (Su)
As a swift action that does not provoke, you are able to cause your fist to glow white hot, allowing your natural attacks with that arm, or any metal melee weapon wielded by that arm, to do an additional 1d6 points of fire damage. Anyone or anything struck with either option must also make a Reflex save, DC 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Constitution modifier, or be set on fire for 1d6 points of damage per round. You can maintain this ability indefinitely, but it requires a swift action every round to do so. Any metal weapon wielded in this fashion starts taking 1d6 points of fire damage, ignoring hardness, after a number of consecutive rounds equal to its hardness.
Scent (Ex)
Praetorian Armor -
Commander Reinforced Segmented Valyrian Steel Fullplate (+2) - 55 lb of Valyrian Steel, 200 IM
Valyrian Steel Thinblade (+2) - 3 lb of Valyrian Steel
Praetorian Shield - Fearsome* Valyrian Steel Extreme Shield (+2) - 25 lb of Valyrian Steel, 500 IM
Cloak of Resistance (+1) - 100 IM
Ring of Protection from Evil - 400 IM
Ring of Sustenance - 250 IM
Healing Belt - 75 IM
Amulet of Tears - 230 IM
Earring of Arcane Acuity - 340 IM
Boots of Speed - 300 IM
Bracers of Quickstrike - 140 IM
Handy Haversack - 200 IM
Traveler's Any-Tool - 25 IM
* Version from Drow of the Underdark page 97 - +5 to Intimidate (Enhancement), can demoralize foe as Move action