More seriously, given the sheer size of Balerion (a bit beyond what is normal for even a regular tomcat) I feel that the Advanced/Dire template would not be out of sorts. Please deliver for kitty, @DragonParadox

You know you want to :p
The Seer's Spire in Lyceos: Home of the Threefold Oracle of Syrax the spire was said to keep records of every prophecy uttered as well as other darker secrets, taken as payment from those who could not find their way up the Endless Stair by any other path.
@DragonParadox, this is very belated, but we did loot the library of prophecies from the tower, right?
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More seriously, given the sheer size of Balerion (a bit beyond what is normal for even a regular tomcat) I feel that the Advanced/Dire template would not be out of sorts. Please deliver for kitty, @DragonParadox

You know you want to :p
I support little Rhaenys owning a Advanced Cat. It would neatly explain how Balerion survived and why the fuck he is smarter then half the rulership of this hole of a plane.
I support little Rhaenys owning a Advanced Cat. It would neatly explain how Balerion survived and why the fuck he is smarter then half the rulership of this hole of a plane.
If it's an inheritable template then I want him blood wished with fertility and given a commandment to go forth and multiply.

If we have Dire Cats running around there shall be zero rats in Sorcerer's Deep. :evil:
@DragonParadox, this is very belated, but we did loot the library of prophecies from the tower, right?

You looted it by proxy from the rakshasas

@DragonParadox, seconded. I think she doesn't, right? Can I make her one? What's her level/general theme?

Sure. She is a dedicated dragonrider. I think there was a class for that in one of the splat books right?

Thematically she is clever but not very socially competent, to represent her isolation from the court looking in.
You are making a very good case to switch the Turtle Beam into a Cat Beam and improving our administration with it, you know?
There is probably a sub-order of Inevitable that exists solely to prevent this type of crime against nature. Planes overrun by cats are deadly places...