One thing I'm really curious about is how our laser weapons compare to canon Craftworld designs. Lasers seem to be pretty downplayed as very basic and cheap weapons when most of the canon Craftworld heavier weapons are lasers as are a lot of Aspect Weapons. Their Titans and Warships are both built around various sizes of Pulsars, you've got the Bright Lance, the Fire Prism, and the Scatter Lasers, and then you have some aspect warriors and corsairs making heavy use of lasers (lasblasters, prism rifles, and laser lances for instance)
I'm not going to complain if our lasers are (currently) worse than those, or if we haven't created our own equivalents for all those roles- but knowing how our lasers compare would help clarify their effectiveness given how IC we're pretty contemptuous of them.
As for squad sizes, I think base 12 for Guardians base 6 for HG is valid. As for needlers? I'm pretty ambivalent, we can't afford to rearm the Guardians anytime soon, and a SL Carbine isn't much more expensive in exchange for ensuring HG have firepower closer to a Terminator squad than regular troops.
I'm thinking 11 Guardians and one HG as a squad leader. Fire squad leaders carry a star rifle (we have a few unused detachments we can cannibalize if need be), Assault squad leaders carry a Power Maul+Flamer Pistol. VGA. 2 Flamers and a Screamer seem like solid special weapons but I'm tempted to drop the Screamer because then we can avoid having any heavy weapons slowing the squad down but our Fire Guardians carry Las Rifles, and those probably already have rules for penalties for shooting and moving, so heavy weapons should be fine.
Most of our HG squads are solid they just need VGA. They're small, lethal MSU that are still broadly flexible despite being mono-weapon squads.
@Mechanis, would just updating all the HG Ironbreaker, Brightstar, and Fatebreaker squads to have VGA take a slot each?