A Different Breed (Warhammer 29K) Sci-Fi

[X] Plan: Vulkhari Armoury Vol. 1 -[X] Void Guard Armor (Standard Line Troop Armor) --[X][Weight] Medium --[X][Type] Semi-Powered --[X][Systems] Autotargeters --[X][Systems] Holo-field Projector --[X][Systems] Extended Operations Modification -[X] Ithilmar Assault Suit (Elite Superheavy Infantry...

Post with Winning vote plan.
I have a question - How hard are we trying to optimize things here? Are we going for the "rule of cool" and doing what's fun, or are we trying to get the most mechanical benefit? Where do we stand on that scale?
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Ulthwe never does in canon, they're still stuck orbiting the Eye even by 40K.
Yes, I probably wasn't clear what I meant. I meant that the only time that (in my knowledge of lore) Slaneash could be distracted enough to let Ulthwe slip from his grip was when she first found and used their boytoy Fulgrim, but Ulthwe was too busy making sure that chaos wouldn't win, that they lost that chance to get away.
Yes, I probably wasn't clear what I meant. I meant that the only time that (in my knowledge of lore) Slaneash could be distracted enough to let Ulthwe slip from his grip was when she first found and used their boytoy Fulgrim, but Ulthwe was too busy making sure that chaos wouldn't win, that they lost that chance to get away.
They did manage to escape during the Fall of Cadia, IIRC.
970.M29 | Turn 1 | Infantry Rationalization I: Troops
Needler Pistol/Carbine/Rifle
Needler weapons fire spikes of impossibly sharp wraithbone extremely rapidly, thanks to multiple barrels allowing very high rates of fire. While they lack the advanced systems of the Fatecaster weapons from which they are derived, they are thusly far easier to manufacture—and the high fire rate does compensate somewhat for the loss in accuracy.
Type: Pistol | Ranged (Carbine) | Ranged (Rifle)
Equipment Points cost: 2 | 4 | 6
Heavy Needler
Designed to serve as a heavy anti-infantry weapon, Heavy Needlers fire hissing hails of impossibly sharp wraithbone spikes that can saw lighter infantry in half and pincusion heavier infantry into near immobility.
Type: Heavy
Equipment Points cost: 10
Spike Pistol/Carbine/Rifle
Derived from Fatecaster weapons, Spike weapons are cousins to the Needlers that compensate for the loss of their impossible accuracy with greater stopping power. While each shot might be less accurate, those that do hit do so with devastating force.
Type: Pistol | Ranged (Carbine) | Ranged (Rifle)
Equipment Points cost: 3 | 4 | 5
Spike Cannons
Even larger versions of the Spike weapons derived from advanced fatecaster weapons, Spike Cannons fire increasingly large spikes of Wraithbone that can penetrate surprisingly deep into most armor. These weapons range from relatively small heavy weapons to massive macro-batteries found on starships.
Type: Heavy | Vehicle | Superheavy | Naval
Equipment Points cost: 12 | 25 | 120 | 3

Wraithweave Brigantine Armor
Wraithweave Brigantine is a type of light armor that incorporates thick Wraithbone-cloth armor reinforced with attacked plates of Wraithbone, over a sealed skinsuit with an advanced sensor package mounted to the helmet. This combines to make it a capable light armor, resistant to most small arms, though it is insufficient in the face of true heavy weapons or those with significant armor-piercing capability.
Type: Light Armor
Equipment Points cost: 2
Void Guard Warsuit
Void Guard suits are medium-grade power-assisted armor that is highly resistant to most small arms and moderately resistant to most man-portable heavy weapons. Aim-assist Autotargeters are built into the suit, along with an infantry scale Holo-Field projector to further protect the wearer from fire. Additional life-support equipment and an extended power supply allows the suit to operate at full combat power for up to ninety hours without replenishment, and considerably longer if the wearer disables power intensive systems such as the sensor suite or even the power-assist exo-frame—the armor is just barely within the range of an Aeldari being able to move without the power-assist function, though they certainly will not do so quickly or for long without becoming exhausted by the suit's weight.
Type: Medium Armor
Equipment Points cost: 6
Ithilmar Assault Suit
The massive Ithilmar suit is a heavy powered armor designed for high durability with reasonable mobility. The suit carries a vehicle-grade Grav-Shield which can deflect most types of ranged attacks, backed up by a Holo-Field projector that can prevent it from being hit in the first place. Even if both defenses are penetrated, the thick Wraithbone plating protecting the hulking warsuit bears more in common with that of a light vehicle—only dedicated anti-tank weapons have a reasonably high chance of penetrating the suit's carapace. Further, the suit boasts an exo-frame of significantly reinforced strength, allowing the suit shocking mobility despite its size and weight, and enhanced sensor systems that greatly improve its ability to detect threats in the chaos of battle. These suits could go toe to toe with an Ork Mega-Nob barehanded with a reasonable chance of victory, and can allow the wearer to fire heavy weapons as though they were a standard longarm. The cost of this capability, of course, is a manufacturing cost comparable to an entire Jetbike.
Type: Heavy Armor
Equipment Points cost: 23

Troops Options Rationalization​
The first step in rationalizing your army is to develop better Troops options. When designing infantry, you may select one Armor option, and either one Longarm or Heavy Weapon, or two Sidearms, by default—some armor options may allow additional weapons selections. Be aware that most heavy weapons cannot be used at a run, and will slow down infantry in Unpowered armor. Further, infantry may by default carry up to two pieces of non-integral general equipment without being slowed, and no more than five total. Troops options are limited to a maximum squad size of 15 troopers, and each squad type may have no more than three different types of troopers. Reference tables are provided below for the respective weapons, armor and equipment types available to you at this time.
You may design a maximum of three squad types. it is recommended that at least one be ranged specialists and one be melee specialists, though the exact details are at your discretion.

NameTypeExtra WeaponsExtra Equipment
Wraithbone Trauma PlatesMinimalNoneNone
Wraithweave VoidsuitMinimalNoneNone
Wraithbone HardsuitLightNoneNone
Wraithweave BrigantineLightNoneNone
Void Guard WarsuitMedium+1 SidearmNone
Ithilmar Assault SuitHeavy+1 Non-Heavy Weapon+1 Gear

Starblaster PistolStarlance
Fatecutter PistolFatecaster
Needler PistolNeedler
Spike PistolNeedler
Flamer PistolFlamer
Close-Combat WeaponBasic Melee
Power SwordMelee

Starblaster RifleStarblaster
Starblaser CarbineStarblaster
Fatesplitter CarbineFatecaster
Needler RifleNeedler
Needler CarbineNeedler
Spike RifleNeedler
Spike CarbineNeedler
Close-Combat WeaponBasic Melee
Power SwordMelee
Power MaulMelee

Heavy Weapons​
Fatecaster RifleFatecaster
Heavy NeedlerNeedler
Spike CannonNeedler
Heavy FlamerFlamer
Screamer Grenade LauncherSonic/Grenade

Other Equipment​
Infantry Holo-FieldDefense/Holo-Field

[ ] Squad 1: Write in composition
[ ] Squad 2: Write in composition
[ ] Squad 3: Write in composition


Brigantine was supposed to be upgraded to medium though @Mechanis ?

That being said, Needlers are very cheap as I hoped they'd be and still quite powerful, sure, saving 1 EP per firearm doesn't sound like much, but that adds up when you need to mass produce it! Spike weapons meanwhile trade off the high rate of fire for being cheaper still and higher per-shot damage.
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Hmmmm thinking of angry vaul blacksmith group led by a master ending up getting lost (damn seers are like what they used to be) and ending up on nocturne…and have to deal with the monstrous old-empire raiders messing with the locals.

As you can imagine, angry elves with big hammers and heavy armor don't appreciate that…it's more like a Tom and Jerry case here except if Jerry gets caught…squash time.

So Vulkan gets a master/pal, our lads figure out shots going down with the crazy humans, Al the emperor gets a face-full of angry elf rant, and the salamanders now can identify which eldar needs a burning…

(Note: alterac is on the maybe burn list because assholes.)
[ ] Squad 3: Full 15 Members in Ithilmar Assault Suit, they are all grouped into 3 groups of 5. The first group has Fatecaster Rifle and Flamer. The second group has a Power Maul and Fatecutter. The third group has a Needler Rifle and Fatespitter Carbine.
Our Big Team
[ ] Squad 1: Full 15 Members in Void Guard Warsuit, they are all grouped into 3 groups of 5. The first group has Power Sword (sidearm) and Flamer. The second group has Power Sword (sidearm) and Power Sword (Longarm). The third group has a Fatecaster Rifle and Power Sword (sidearm).
[ ] Squad 2: Full 15 Members in Void Guard Warsuit, they are all grouped into 3 groups of 5. The first group has Fatecaster Rifle and Fatecutter. The second group has Screamer Grenade Launcher and Power Sword (sidearm). The third group has Starcarver and Needler Pistol.

All just an idea that I wanted to run by you all.
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Broadly, I think we want a template for a close quarters Troop, a shooty Troop, and an Elite that makes use of Ithilmar Armor.
"Further, infantry may by default carry up to two pieces of non-integral general equipment without being slowed, and no more than five total"

So, even though we didn't add holofields to the Brigantine, it's possible to give our millita external holofield devices to carry/wear?

Edit: I think we should make a:

1) Ithilmar-only squad

2) A Void Guard Warsuit squad, maybe with one Ithilmar in it, for the better sensors and maybe a heavy/sniper weapon, though 'battle stamina' might be an issue.

3) A Guardian Squad, and at this point it might be worth giving them all holofields for surviablity, and most of the squad basic needlers for weight of fire, and two to four of them squad spike carbines, or pistols if those are a bit too heavy.

Edit: I've been thinking of the Guardians as people who stay in the city and only fight if there's a sudden attack, and on further consideration I think we can't afford to not have them part of the forces we actually intend to make use of.
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Broadly, I think we want a template for a close quarters Troop, a shooty Troop, and an Elite that makes use of Ithilmar Armor.
That's about what I was thinking TBH.

As an option for Ithilmar, well, it looks like they can dual wield power mauls, and they're incredibly strong and surprisingly fast, I think you see where I'm going with that.
Meanwhile for melee units, I don't know how effective it'd be but my heart is telling me it'd be awesome to have our melee troops use power maul+flamer pistol. Aoe Fire damage+Power Maul.
One Idea I'd like to put forward is using 1 suit of Ithilmar armor in our melee squads on the commander. It'd be pretty expensive but having access to that heavier firepower could be pretty potent.
That's about what I was thinking TBH.

As an option for Ithilmar, well, it looks like they can dual wield power mauls, and they're incredibly strong and surprisingly fast, I think you see where I'm going with that.
Meanwhile for melee units, I don't know how effective it'd be but my heart is telling me it'd be awesome to have our melee troops use power maul+flamer pistol. Aoe Fire damage+Power Maul.

GRAV HAMMER TIME!!! The ork gets the hammer, that imperial hedonistic spikes asshole gets the hammer, and the khainite gets the hammer, everyone who messes around like idiots gets the hammer!!!
I would also like to note that having the actual numbers for what normal infantry can equip and learning heavy power armor apparently grants another non-heavy weapon to the user, it makes me greatly hopeful about the Arsenal Suit concept. 2 heavy weapons and 2 longarms per suit, half integrated half not.
Space Marines are super-elites so you're making the wrong comparison for total military size especially since even when they were at their most prominent they had immense Imperial Army attachments accompanying them. If you want to use the Imperium as a comparison that's how many Ithilmar Assault Suits we should be aiming to produce, and then an additional fifty to one hundred million Void Guard Armor suits.

Also, the smallest Space Marine Legion numbered eighty thousand Astartes with the largest hitting two hundred fifty thousand so you're falling short there as well.
What is the Thousand Sons for 1,000 Alex?

As for the status of elite troops… our HG are carrying around a few squads of space marines worth of firepower in just one 6 man squad. If our line troops can't engage Space Marines as near peer despite literally everyone who's anyone being able to field MEQs we've fucked up.

Your sense of proportion and scale is completely wrong. Ithilmar isn't a MEQ armor, it's a TEQ. Our VGA is probably not that far removed from Space Marine armor once you factor in Holofields.
so are we having squad 1 being our civilian/militia forces, squad 2 being the standard soldiers while squad 3 are the elites?
Naw, I agree with Alectai. Three groups, each one should be a group made with close quarters Troop, a shooty Troop, and an Elite that makes use of Ithilmar Armor. Each in their own group.
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@Mechanis If we put multiple actions simultaneously into constructing or repairing a single type of thing - any action we can take several times simultaneously - and we apply the Forge of Vaul to it, does the Forge reduce time to completion for all such actions?