Ok, yes, and super-heavies.
I don't think we should iterate the superheavies for the same reason I'm opposed to iterating speeders into a light tank, and we've got even less EP investment in them.
Ok, yes, and super-heavies.
Speeders are described as "effectively jetbikes" so instead of a light/ultralight tank they may be a heavy bike when it comes to making a design.Speeders we just don't have that much investment in. We could probably use a decent light tank, but we've seen that Iteration can't make up for certain critical weaknesses of our technicals, so we certainly shouldn't get that light tank through iteration of a technical.
Not to mention both cargo and passenger shuttles
3 Troops: Fata Morgana chassis with paired Vehicle Amplifier and Imploder, an extra Grav Shield, and either a pair of heavy needles or a vehicle Vibration grab weapon, if that can hit an area to melt infantry
Assuming you are using attach transports here this is an invalid design.2 Extra Troops: a different Troop variant of a Fata Morgana with, say, twin vehicle plasma cannons, two heavy needles, and an extra grav shield
Assuming you are using attach transports here this is an invalid design.
Attached transports are only allowed 1 heavy weapon + ranged weapons.
If we were going to make a light tank, it'd probably go in the fast attack role competing with the Jetbikes.
If we were going to make a light tank, it'd probably go in the fast attack role competing with the Jetbikes.
If minelaying equipment is too bulky and inconvenient to go on bikes, a dedicated minelayer might be of use in Heavy Support.
One of the max variation of what you can stuff into a detachment
2 HQ
5 Troop
4 Fast Attack
3 Elite
4 Heavy support
1 Special Unit
= 19 Units/Squads
18 if we pull the special unit
So if we want to play games with the org chart:
2 HQ - (Super) Heavy Tank
5 Troop - 3 MBT, 2 AA Tanks
4 Fast Attack - 2 light tanks, 2 aircraft
3 Elite - 3 (Heavy) Tanks
4 Heavy support - 2-3 Heavy Tanks with long range indirect fire, 1-2 heavy gunships
At least that would be one potential mix here.
We can and should mix in aircraft here + some general AA + some long range fire support.
Some superheavy weapons on some of these are very likely wanted in this.
The reason for that is that i kind of have problems seeing when we would ever deploy an armored detachment if part of the mission isn't smash some very heavily fortified position that has super heavies / potential titans.
I probably wouldn't pick that myself, as I think that the jet bikes can do the 'infantry' job of screening the grav tanks better than a single light tank could.
Ah, right, the light tanks wouldn't go in the armor detachment at all, they'd be the heavy support equivalent for a recon detachment. Hmm.It's at the war host level where you have different detachments operating in concert that you'd combine those units.
There have been 'armored detachments' in the past of WH40k that can just...take way more HS, or even take some tanks as troops, and this seems to be what's going on here in this proposal. Sticking within the limited offerings of our current force-org, I'd go with this:With the chassis design work we have now done.
I would say the heavy grav vehicle might get an iteration, but the rest doesn't.
The for the air/spacecraft a flat out new chassis likely works the best.
If we want a light vehicle we are better off going for a new design that is suited for what ever role(s) we want it for.
Assuming you are using attach transports here this is an invalid design.
Attached transports are only allowed 1 heavy weapon + ranged weapons.
Edit: Unless you put the tanks into the troop slot instead of infantry ?
Ah, right, the light tanks wouldn't go in the armor detachment at all, they'd be the heavy support equivalent for a recon detachment. Hmm.
There have been 'armored detachments' in the past of WH40k that can just...take way more HS, or even take some tanks as troops, and this seems to be what's going on here in this proposal. Sticking within the limited offerings of our current force-org, I'd go with this:
2 HQ units, either infantry with attached transport, tank commanders, or a paired infantry commander and IFV command vehicles.
2 units of Troops, mounted on attached transports for rapid movement
3 units of Fast Attack Tanks, light vehicles with an emphasis on speed.
3 Heavy Support MBT units,
2 Elite Combat-walker units, or elite infantr support with attached transports.
In this case, this is one place where this quest majorly diverges from TT mechanically, because what you put in those catagories is a matter of internal, doctrinal organization, not game balance. For example Saim-Hann would have various flavors of Jetbikes for all the options where you have foot troops, because they don't use foot infantry at all. Similarly, if this was The Good Old Days™, Blade Dancers, Warcasters and veterans would probably be Elites, Warseers either Elites or HQ, and your current Elites would have been Troops; with all of them as "squad contains one (1) Eldar and 10+ Psychic Murder Robots".
A heavy detachment meant for the thickest fighting, Armor Detachments are lead by a Command Squad mounted to a Scabbard Light Transport, Three Fire Squads mounted to a pair of Scabbards and Falchions, two Deathcutter Squads and Metalrender Squads also mounted to Falchions, a single Starbringer Squad mounted to a Baldric Assault Transport, three Longsword Attack Skimmers and three Halberd Battle Tanks.
If you want to redeploy walkers across hundreds of miles, there are aerial transporters for that. And there's nothing to say that they can't run at hundreds of kilometers per hour, like Battlemechs.Exactly.
I'm not even convinced that you'd have the jet bikes in the armoured detachment I proposed, although they do have a use.
It's possible you'd want to just not have Fast Attack units in that detachment and instead have them in the recon detachment, as you say.
Or have a Fast Attack variant of the Fata Morgana with closer ranged weapons, something like Grav Vibration Weapons.
The problem is that this detachment has very different speeds and levels of protection. The Grav Tanks can't make use of the fact that they can redeploy across the theatre at hundreds of miles per hour if they have to move at the literal walking pace of a combat walker.
A detachment isn't an army. That's a Warhost. A detachment is a wing of an army designed to operate together, that's why I say all the units in it need similar speeds and levels of protection. Otherwise you're limited to travelling at speeds and into levels of danger of the lowest.
I read the Warhost Informational post before posting the suggestion above. Nothing says we can't take vehicles in Troops slots. I think this strongly suggests we can:
I think we can have a doctrine that says that for some detachments, tanks are Troops.
If we really want to play games with an org chart, we can develop a new doctrine. E.g. ultra-mechanized one.
I think that 8 engines are unquestionably unreasonable territory, and you would need to lose far fewer than 4 engines to lose control of the vehicle, because dear gods, that thing is gonna have to cluster them up very tightly and you won't be able to contain their chain-explosions.If we really want to play games with an org chart, we can develop a new doctrine. E.g. ultra-mechanized one.
Also, I'm tinkering in my mind with flying saucers designs. We have two ways of making sure the vehicle can't be easily mobility killed: one is putting engines behind armor - super expensive. The other is putting two times more open engines than needed. Like, if your vehicle must take 4 lucky shots through the shields to be mobility killed, it's the same level of sturdiness as putting a single engine behind heavy armor, which also requires several lucky shots to mobility kill. If these engines are put to "speed" it has an additional benefit of making the fresh vehicle impossibly fast.
Something like this:
- Medium chassis, fully external engines, plasma turbines, starlight reactor, medium armor. Stability 3, Maneuvrability 2.
- 8x Enhance Speed engines
With full shield panoply (all 6 of them integrated) it has 53 free slots, and if we only fill 41 of them (e.g. by an extra grav-shield and 6 vehicle weapons) it can survive 4 engines being busted by just losing some speed. Until the engines are busted it's closer to an aircraft than to a grav-tank in speed, and with 6 layers of shielding on top of super-speed it's hard to bust 4 engines. The EP cost on top of base chassis is 139 EP. It even works in space! Can throw in extra hardening for a crew compartment or some other improvements. Seems like a good rocket artillery or AA platform to me.
Interesting how this idea is going to work one a lighter or heavier chassis.
@Mechanis is that something we can do or 8 engines are getting into unreasonable territory?
Octocopters are a thing, and work well. It's definitely a reasonable question to ask about the tech we know nothing about.I think that 8 engines are unquestionably unreasonable territory
2 HQ infantry squads
5 Troop squads
2 Elite squads
+ bunch of Scabbards+Falchions (something funky is going on here because the Falchions seem to be used as attached transport but can't carry the full squad, only has capacity for 4)
3 Longsword Skimmers (Fast attack?)
3 Halberd Battle Tanks (Heavy support)
The detachments in general are build to fill a certain niche like for the armored detachment its (very) heavy fighting.
There is also very little organizational slot fuckery going on when switching between detachments and stuff stays in designated areas.
The implication is that what ever fuckery we do with the slots goes for pretty much our entire army.
You put a (variant) tank into the troops slot, they stay there and you don't get to pull them out of that late when building a new detachment.
If you want to redeploy walkers across hundreds of miles, there are aerial transporters for that. And there's nothing to say that they can't run at hundreds of kilometers per hour, like Battlemechs.
I don't think sticking a bunch of Ithilmar-armored melee types in a troop slot has fucked our ability to use Ithilmar on Elites for the rest of our army.The implication is that what ever fuckery we do with the slots goes for pretty much our entire army.
I don't agree with @Alratan that everything in a detachment needs to have the same speed; yes, they'll collectively move at the speed of the slowest element, but that's for strategic movement; tactically having units in your forces that can quickly respond to things faster than the rest of your forces is basically what Fast Attack is for, and we don't want tactical situations getting kicked up to the guy in charge of the entire Warhost if it's a detachment-scale problem that they only can't deal with because we specifically denied them the proper tools.
What we do need to pay close attention to is the slowest speeds in the detachment, and consider the impact of adding a unit slower than that very carefully.
What we do need to pay close attention to is the slowest speeds in the detachment, and consider the impact of adding a unit slower than that very carefully.
What also matters for Fast Attack is, I think, range. A Fast Attack unit wants to focus on shorter range attacks than a Troop unit usually does, as their role is to drive towards the threat/opportunity and hit the enemy from behind or in the flank
Mmm. A squad of soldiers who need to disembark to start firing and all get back on board their transport to move again is a very poor fast attack unit even if their transport is the fastest thing in the detachment.what Fast Attack probably needs more than speed is manoeuvrability. It's the ability to accelerate to rapidly change direction and respond to a threat or opportunity.
So far, our only attached air unit falls under Special. I wouldn't be surprised if we could stick a shuttle specialized in moving heavy tanks from place to place as a Special unit, but I would be concerned that their transport being taken out would become a weakness of the tanks.