[ ] First Draft: The Dawn of a New Day
-[ ][STEWARD] Move Existing Councils (5 AP)
-[ ][STEWARD} Manage Diplomatic Affairs (2 AP)
-[ ][BONESINGER] Replace Primary Power Distribution Control (2 AP)
-[ ][BONESINGER] Weapon Forge (Sunblaster Rifle) (2 AP)
-[ ][BONESINGER] Armor Foundry (Void Guard Warsuit) (2 AP)
-[ ][BONESINGER] Enhance Industry (3 AP)
--[ ][FORGE] Use the Forge
-[ ][BONESINGER] Continue ship repair (1 AP) [Strongly recommended]
-[ ][BONESINGER] Continue ship refits (1 AP)
-[ ][BONESINGER][FORGE] Use the Forge to Refit (3-9) Damaged Assault Ketches to War Ketches
-[ ][BONESINGER] Develop Basic Grenades (1 AP)
-[ ][BONESINGER] Develop Basic Voidship Torpedos (2 AP)
-[ ][BONESINGER] Develop Melta Weapons (1 AP)
-[ ][SEER] Scry the Future (1 AP)
--[ ] Which world will be the next target of the Orks plaguing our neighborhood?
-[ ][SEER] Scry on the Present (1 AP)
--[ ] Where is Nacretinei right now?
-[ ][SEER] Raise a Seeing Circle (2 AP)
-[ ][SEER] The Eye of Tzeentch (6 AP)
-[ ][SEEKER] Grav-Gun Hybridization
--[ ] Crude Hybridization (1 AP)
-[ ][SEEKER] Reverse-engineer Haywire Weapons
--[ ] Haywire Guns (2 AP)
--[ ] Haywire Bombs (3 AP)
--[ ] Scrambler Field (6 AP)
-[ ][WARRIOR] Organize Troops (2 AP)
-[ ][WARRIOR] Commission Strike Craft (1 AP)
-[ ][WARRIOR] The Burden of Command (1 AP)
-[ ][WARRIOR] Design Escorts (1 AP)
-[ ][WARRIOR] Design a Light Capital (Cruiser or Light Cruiser) (2 AP)
-[ ][WARRIOR] Chassis Militarization (2 AP)
-[ ][WARRIOR] Develop Refit Profiles (3 AP)
--[ ] Miltia Fire Squads, Militia Assault Squads, and Militia Marine Squads need to be retooled to a new standard
First draft ready to go. Basically, I think we want to get our Militia Squads properly refit to take our new gear into account, it should be easy to convert MIlitia Fire to... Let's call it Vulkari Green Fire Squads (Because I love that we're going with the chinese aesthetic with Wraithweave, so I think we can go with a similar theming for our basic dudes. Greens for our militia equivalent, and Banners for our Elites. Sure, it's Tang vs Ming Dynasty, but nobody ever said we needed to adhere that tightly to a single era when we're plundering cultures for cool aesthetics!) I'm also getting us started on a proper, militarized chassis because we're all fed up of our shitty our Jetbike options are, so let's just do it ourselves so we can get some Light Cavalry started. That probably won't be a long term project like some of the bigger vehicles might be. We also do an Escort Design round to give our Lance Sloops a new lease of life as torpedo boats (Unlocked with BAP this turn), figure out what our proper First Generation non-placeholder Frigate will be, and get a Cruiser Refit started in the pipeline. Finally, we're commissioning proper Strike Craft this turn, so we can have either the Escort or the Cruiser we're redesigning this turn work as a light carrier.
Seeker puts a lot into the Haywire Projects because they'll be very useful down the line--especially the Scrambler Field, which is why it gets 6 AP in hopes that it doesn't end up being a quagmire. Much as I'd like a more elegant hybrid for the combi-grav weapon, we need something usable ASAP, and we'll have to hope we can revisit the topic later for Gen 2
Seer keeps hitting Kairos's kneecaps when we can, because it's still the most vulnerable Curse of the bunch and we're probably saturating him with too many Threats at the moment between us and every other Craftworld working against him at once for him to be able to pay special attention to us in particular, so it also tries to sneak two peeks at Useful Things To Know--like where the local Orks are going to hit in force next so we can spoke their wheels. I'm also trying to train a new Seeing Circle in hopes that gets us another Seer AP.
Bonesinger starts the Engine Grind, but doesn't go all in on it. Instead, I'm getting a Foundry for VGA established as well as the Sunblaster Rifles going, because that's going to be an excellent weapon for anti-armor work to go well with our excellent anti-infantry weapon in the Needle Rifles. I also use a Forge Activation to Expand our Industry, maintain our obligations, and finally clear our docket of Low Hanging Fruit for our Tech Implementation Projects, so we have a full list of basic stuff ready to go for the Refit Profile and the Reorganization we have going on.
Finally, we have Steward, which spends the Tax to get the rest of our Steward AP back, and uses what scraps we have left to at least start working on some of the questlines and opportunities we IDed earlier.
The plan looks really good, My biggest complaint is that i would honestly rather the 3 AP being spent on Basic torps and Melta into either More foundries, Or Monofiliment weaponry.
Maybe that is my own bias talking, But we have a LOT of Anti-vehicle weaponry, and I am unsure if we really want torps for our ships that currently seem built around shoot and scoot from very far ranges. Torps are a weapon that get worse the farther you are, because they have a longer interception period.
Meltas are just ANOTHER anti-armour weaponry. we already have plasma stuff, Sunblaster stuff, are working on Haywire stuff AND grav stuff. I don't think we need another Anti-vehicle weapon group. Altogether, That IMO means Monofiliment is a better investment. our Anti-horde has a lot less options in comparison to our anti-heavy options, and Charging Hordes of boys is a imminent threat, which Monofiliments are perfect for killing, due to their effectiveness against lightly armoured targets, and the fact that they can basically create Fog banks of Death which make trukk's, boys on foot, and bikers have a REALLY bad day.
Add on the fact that Monofiliment grenades exist, and are amazing enough that the Deathwatch hoard them.