Kronite is a human colony that has descended into a pre-industrial feudal state. While the wars of its petty kingdoms likely matter a great deal to its inhabitants, they have no real impact on the galaxy at large. The system, however, still contains a not insignificant amount of wreckage dating to the height of human civilization, and therefore may contain interesting technology.
Ooooo hello there free tech! Wonder if you have any goodies we could 'borrow'?
Also! We have a name to our current problem-ork, 'Grimtusk', who's in charge of Wazdakka, and oooof BiggaDakka is the source of a LOT of titans and other assorted heavy vehicles, stuff we just aren't capable of dealing with at the moment - short of orbital bombardment, which I don't even think we can do? But then again Arach-Qin managed to do it to 3 worlds already...
So, our big three targets are Wazdakka (most likely where the warboss is if he isn't out on a fleet), Biggadakka (their titan and heavy manufacturing world) and Zappagits (their source of ships)
There are three others of note, the Tork-Toofs, Red Toofs and Dat Purple One, with a priority on killing the Tork-Toofs as soon as we can once we've dealt with Grimtusk.
With any luck, we'll be able to pitch the idea of a combined attack with Arach-Qin and Zahr-Tann to be able to mop up the three priority targets (Wazdakka, Biggadakka, Zappagitz), if I had to guess who to pick first, I'd go with Biggadakka to prevent the Waaagh from cranking out Titans and steamrolling our glue-eaters (we are at our weakest when it comes to a planetary assault and we physically do not have the ability to destroy Titans on the ground save for orbital support)
Once we've gotten Meros out of the danger zone and sealed an alliance with the three craftworlds, and outfitted our warhosts, we should focus on crippling Biggadakka through sustained orbital bombardment (nothing of value to preserve on any of the Ork planets, no point wasting time, lives or resources on a ground battle) until we've sterilised the Ork presence.
This should then HOPEFULLY stem the tide of titans flowing to Grimtusk.
Then we go and target Zappagitz to knock their shipyards out and deny naval reinforcements (same MO as earlier, orbital bombardment, minimal surface assaults if possible).
Then we focus on Wazdakka, bomb the planet as hard as we can and then send headhunters to the ruins of the planet to see if the warboss survived the bombardment, until we get a kill confirmed, we need to assume he's still alive and able to take over rhe Waaagh at any moment.
After that, mop up, Tork-Toofs would probably take advantage of the power vacuum around their freeboota warboss, so again, top priority, orbital bombardment, headhunters, kill confirmed, move on.
(This might be a little extreme, but considering that we don't
need the planets at all is giving us a lot of leeway to just glass the planet from orbit, if it has something we need or want, we use limited bombardment and drop down a warhost to prioritize grabbing the IOI and then extract ASAP)
Edit: New priority, first target should be Zappagitz to destroy the Waagh's shipyards and allow us to glass the other worlds unimpeded.