[X] Plan: This will be the day

[X] Plan Friends Come First

[X] Plan Cordial Exchanges and Laying Groundwork.
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You literally complained when I explained in detail who was talking with whom in the first draft. I think it is quite obvious that the seerlord and farseer will talk when the idea of a seer committee is discussed. (I very much
I wanted you to talk about fewer things, so that each subject got a little more attention, hence why I'm suggesting a swap rather than an addition. the point is to pick general discussion points and let Mechanics nudge the conversation in certain directions based on our in character interests and their own agendas.
It isn't a major thing, it is literally an add-on to more important things, and given how my main opposition wanted to talk with Iyanden to stop fucking Biel-Tan, I thought that laying the ground work for that meeting would be a good compromise
fair, but we know what Beil-tan is up to and Saim-han/the radicals opinions of them, and we know the survivalists are fairly neutral and on good terms with everyone. we don't need to collect direct accounts from people to meet with Iyanden on the last day and mention that Beil-tan has been rashly picking fights with their fellow Aeldari and how that hurts their cause.

I want to meet with Iyanden day one to establish favorable discourse and make ourselves seem like someone they should be interested in maintaining cordial relationship with even if us joining their faction or them joining ours isn't on the table. it's laying ground work for them being more receptive to whatever we want to talk with them about on the last day.

I dont envision a wild debachurous festival rather as something akin to meeting the family? If that makes sense? A celebration that we survived another year, a means of

Thats fair.

My vision for it was akin to something like the worlds biggest thanksgiving dinner. Where everyone shows up, watches sports, plays, music, dancing etc, engages in competitions, maybe we can use it as a way to settle grievances between craftworlds that dont involve blowing each other up?

We then have a big memorial dinner celebrating those who have died, and those who yet live, do our politics, venerate the Gods, and then we all go home.

As for the Drukhari thats all fair. I am fine with shutting them out if we make this a regular thing.
given Aeldari lifespans, once every half century or once every century would make a fair bit of sense.
why is there a twelve hour moratorium for the harder to put together vote, while the one with premade options had 24 hours?

[X] Plan Cordial Exchanges and Laying Groundwork.
-[X] Block 1 : Meet with Iyanden. discuss mutual interests and the effects of the fall. discuss Soul Stones and share the viewpoints of a forgemaster and Seerlord. Discuss the aversion of Meros's doom and difficulties since the fall, as well as how you've overcome them.
-[X] Block 2 : Meet with the Adaptionists and Radicals. Identify craftworlds and individuals of significance among their number. find points of common ground and try to convince them of the importance of cooperation and maintaining contact for the sake of information sharing. Introduce Irsfeial and hint at promising news to come.
-[X] Block 3 : Meet with Saim-han and their exodite allies. greet them cordially and respectfully before inquiring how things have gone for them since the fall, relaying your own difficulties and triumphs. discuss common ground they share with some of the other factions and the possibility of mutually beneficial cooperation. Invite the warriors among their group to visit the shrine of last hour should they find the time.

1 meet with Iyanden to establish a more cordial relationship before we suggest anything along the lines of deals or them expending the effort to better restain Beil-Tan's warmongering with fellow Aeldari, and pry into soul stones with our experts on industry and deeplore.

2 meet with the Adaptionists and Radicals and establish who the prominent players are, get them mostly thinking on the same lines without anything as gauche as trying to become the parties leader on the first day of the Aeldmoot before they even know about our findings, and introduce the Ishari while hinting at things to come.

3 meet with Saim-han, exchange a bunch of pleasantries and talk political goals and cooperation between factions. extend a courtesy invitation to their warriors to show up and maybe give ours a hint or two.

[X] Plan: Plan for the Future

backup plan because life can't give me a damn break.
[X] Plan Cordial Exchanges and Laying Groundwork

I think it's important to manage Iyanden before Vile-Tan (nice one btw) fouls the waters.

[X] Plan: Plan for the Future
[X] Plan: This will be the day

But I also want to start pulling Ulthwe towards us.
[X] Plan: This will be the day

Not really enamoured about trying to attain a sole leadership position rather than suggesting forming a council type structure, might change vote later.
seeing who is the leading voice among us and if there isn't one, try to become one if only so other factions may see adaption and teamwork between different ideas as something that can be done
a bit late to be having this thought, but isn't trying to become the leader of our faction the first time block of the first day of the Aeldmoot a bit premature? it feels like the kind of thing that will offend a bunch of separate alliances, some of which may outweigh our own in terms of craftworld membership.
a bit late to be having this thought, but isn't trying to become the leader of our faction the first time block of the first day of the Aeldmoot a bit premature? it feels like the kind of thing that will offend a bunch of separate alliances, some of which may outweigh our own in terms of craftworld membership.
That depends a lot on how many Large craftworlds there are in general, and if any of them are a part of the faction. Currently, only 4 Large Craftworlds have been confirmed in attendance: Aon'Tai, Kalth'se and Magc'Sithraal all aligned with Altioc, as well as our craftworld of Vau-Vulkesh. If we're the only large craftworld aligned with the Radicals then looking for a leadership position makes perfect sense since we're the biggest member. If there's 3-4 other Large craftworlds around its far more dicey.

@Mechanis are there other Large Craftworlds in our ideological faction, or is Vau Vulkesh the largest member around? For that matter, how many Large craftsworlds actually showed up to this shindig? I'm mostly trying to figure out how big a deal us being a Large with a gaggle of allies/vassals actually makes us.
That depends a lot on how many Large craftworlds there are in general, and if any of them are a part of the faction. Currently, only 4 Large Craftworlds have been confirmed in attendance: Aon'Tai, Kalth'se and Magc'Sithraal all aligned with Altioc, as well as our craftworld of Vau-Vulkesh. If we're the only large craftworld aligned with the Radicals then looking for a leadership position makes perfect sense since we're the biggest member. If there's 3-4 other Large craftworlds around its far more dicey.

Thing is this is the first day, this is the meet and greet day so to speak.
Any leadership question should be done on day 2 or 3, or potentially after the curse has been explained and what possibilities we have for dealing with it.
Not really enamoured about trying to attain a sole leadership position rather than suggesting forming a council type structure, might change vote later.
a bit late to be having this thought, but isn't trying to become the leader of our faction the first time block of the first day of the Aeldmoot a bit premature? it feels like the kind of thing that will offend a bunch of separate alliances, some of which may outweigh our own in terms of craftworld membership.
I probably didn't make it clear what I meant; sorry, English isn't my first language.
What I meant with this line, "and if there isn't one, try to become one if only so other factions may see adaption and teamwork between different ideas as something that can be done," was that we should try get people to see adaptionists as more united group and given that no named craftworld was mentioned in this group, I assume that we will be the largest carftworld in our camp and thus be least terrified/intimidated by talking with major craftworlds. Thus, to present a united front, we need a representative when someone doesn't want to have a meeting with the whole faction which would include radicals like people who said "fuck the warp" I don't see them being approached by Ulthwe even if Ulthwe would want something from them.

Edit: As for it being early to claim leadership of radicals, yes if our goal was to dictate what we will do as a whole or try to force them to abandon their plans, but my idea, which I now can see, wasn't clearly illustrated, was to take at least symbolic leadership (or even co-leadership) as biggest of Adaptionists and one who called the moot; this is so we can show other factions that what will be shared in 3 days is important enough that we dare to represent the most diverse of factions. This is also helped by the nature of our entourage, which involves Ishari, who clearly aren't soul forgers like us and yet are willing to follow us, as we were told that bringing them will help with Radicals. Our daring to try to claim the position will imply that what we will share is a game changer that will prove that adaptionists are mostly right. Which will hopefully make people not waste too much time

I would change the wording to make this clearer, but quite a lot of people have already voted, so I will ask @Mechanis for permission first.
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a bit late to be having this thought, but isn't trying to become the leader of our faction the first time block of the first day of the Aeldmoot a bit premature? it feels like the kind of thing that will offend a bunch of separate alliances, some of which may outweigh our own in terms of craftworld membership.
I disagree, the quicker we finish with our faction, the more we can focus on the other factions and hash out whatever between us and them. That means more time for the other 5 factions.
I disagree, the quicker we finish with our faction, the more we can focus on the other factions and hash out whatever between us and them. That means more time for the other 5 factions.
I agree that meeting with our faction and pushing for coordination and information sharing as we move forward politically and technologically are good things productive to our goals, but showing up and immediately trying to form some sort of ruling council out of a bunch of Aeldari we are meeting for the first time since the fall, some of whom could possibly represent half a dozen craft worlds or more, is a bit ostentatious. better to simply get them on relatively the same page and sharing info on their talks, until the reveal happens and we end up the defacto foremost of Adaptionist craftworlds.
And most importantly, isn't one of those infuriating "wise old master" types who takes dozens of secret techniques and lessons from the School Of Hard Knocks with him to the grave because he didn't write them down.
*looks at Runelords of WHFB*

Well, in fairness to them, it's more like they had a hard tradition of teaching the secrets to their apprentices/successors directly and not writing any of it down, but then a big war happened suddenly followed immediately by another big war, and the bulk of them up and died in the fighting, so...

But yeah, always write down your advancements/innovations/findings in secure locations, preferably in multiple formats just in case. Knowledge lost is knowledge wasted.

It quite literally is time for a political statement, and while it is true that taking Irsfeial, Emissary of the Ishari, will offend people who already hate us like Biel-fucking-Tan and Alaitoc, who is set in near stagnation of their paths. It is more important in my mind to get other misfits to not die off because nobody else will treat them with the respect they deserve. And remember:
Worth noting that the knowledge-bombs we're going to drop here might actually fundamentally alter the approaches of Biel-Tan and Alaitoc to some degree. It's kind of hard to ignore the revelations of there being fundamental curses in the very foundations of your soul when your existing solution involves relying on the solid foundations of your soul and self-discipline.

Also, worries about Biel-Tan continuing preparations to wage war against us should probably be solved by Biel-Tan learning that any hope of revanchism must be put to the side until these curses are removed and Isha is rescued, and working together will all of the major Eldar factions is pretty much a requirement for that.

Remember that the end-game of removing these curses and rescuing Isha is that the Paths will not be required--or at least not be the only way. Our very existence and the self-evident success of our solution, at that point, could easily draw immigrants/converts all on their own at that point.

Unity is more important here because removing these curses and rescuing Isha takes priority over all else. Unless we deal with that, nothing else will really matter. The strength from unity will outweigh benefits from other strategies, I think.

[x] Plan: This will be the day
[X[ Plan: Plan for the Future
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