Oh yeah didn't Mechanis say that holding the moot was no guaranty that Biel-Tan won't punch us? I need to do some digging.
They don't hit you this turn, and while you
could fail to take the opportunity, fail to
have the opportunity, or possibly fail to get support on the matter vis a vis the Special Event in question, if it does happen now as seems to largely be the consensus, it is very likely to make attacking you
militarily politically radioactive for several centuries. Basically, it will be a case of Biel-Tan absolutely still
wanting to do so, but not being fool enough to think they can actually get away with doing so. As certain people have already surmised.
Essentially, once the Aeldmoot happens it is a near certainty that the window of opportunity to engage in some quiet kin-strife will be very firmly closed, and if there's any one thing you can say about Biel-Tan's political savvy it's that they have a knack for going
right up to the line and stopping right before they go over it and everyone decides to have it out with them.
@Mechanis since people apparently only respond to WOG posts, can I please get confirmation that the Transport Fleet can in fact be used to transport the Ishari refugees in a faster fashion than adhoc civilian convoys.
The opposite. Those things are built for hauling armies around, not "I'm going to scoop up this 200 acre forest and the ground it's sitting on down to the bedrock
like it's gaucamole dip and haul the whole thing home" which is what "evacuation" is in this context. That takes
specialized transports that aren't especially militarizable.
@Mechanis Now that you've returned I must ask. Will Grav Gun hybridization include the potential creation of other Hybrid grav weapons? I say hybrid, but really what I want is a Grav thruster shotgun, just a bunch of pistol scale grav thruster emitters arranged into an array so that they fire a barrage of beams instead of just one. Is that something we can do?
As for why. Well for 1 we might be able to engineer a faster firing grav thruster like this, and for another, firing a barrage of beams makes it more likely for one of them to hit something in the target, and helps reduce the need for fine accuracy, and given the short range a shotgun like arrangement wouldn't have room to diverge too much, staying a solidly grouped blast.
I mean. That would probably be
very spensy given you are talking about giving what is basically your most expensive non-exotic weapon the pepperbox treatment. Do you really
want a pistol that's going to cost more than most heavy weapons?
... I mean, I suppose if you only ever planned to hand that kind of thing out to hero units or something that would be fine, but it's kinda gilding the lily innit, especially for pistols where the relatively short range means you tend to hit more anyway, just because of how angles and arcs work.
I wonder if given the results of the Aeldmoot that in this continuity the species wide hope for the eventual creation of Ynnead might instead be a hope for Isha being freed.
With things like the creation of Ynnead/replacement of the Phoenix King being viewed as eventual stretch goals after the Everqueen can rebuke the usurper.
This could drastically change the Rhana Dandra mythos.
Keep in mind that infinity circuits
haven't even been invented yet and won't be for centuries, and that entire prophecy and mythos
isn't a thing yet.