This is a little unclear here. You should just put the total number of capital ships and escort vessels used and make sure they match up to the max of 4 convoy escorts needed rather than just saying how much of each you would use for a single convoy and hoping that your plan raising the number of convoys to 5 is obvious.

I'll try to rephrase.

Yeah, seven allied scout fleets for a single group of pirates on top of a Seer action is a bit excessive. Maybe consider sending some of them to scout the Webway and keeping only two or three for free boota hunting.

You're quoting an out of date version of the plan, it currently says:

--[ ] Send three allied Scout Fleets to help search for the Freebootaz, lead by a Line Fleet to stiffen them in case they bump into anything nasty.
--[ ] Send four allied Scout Fleets to scout the Webway, looking for routes to the True Stars.

Which I hope you prefer.
I'll try to rephrase.

You're quoting an out of date version of the plan, it currently says:

--[ ] Send three allied Scout Fleets to help search for the Freebootaz, lead by a Line Fleet to stiffen them in case they bump into anything nasty.
--[ ] Send four allied Scout Fleets to scout the Webway, looking for routes to the True Stars.

Which I hope you prefer.
Ahh. My bad then. I hadn't realized it was updated. And yeah this is great.
It's not, no, depending on how the Moot goes.

But the moot will go very differently if it's in the context of Biel-Tan having taken a swing at us before it instead of after.
So I now have to ask would the context of getting swung at by Biel-Tan before the moot be to our advantage?
Just to give you a heads up, i think you have a typo here.
Shrine of Khane is 3 points not 2.

Good catch, I've corrected that, and it was one AP overspent, in light of that, I reinvested it into the next tranche of Quilian refits, if only to silence the claims that "We need to do this or they won't come to the Aeldmoot"

I am, however, open to repurposing it again, though we only have 2 AP so I'm not sure where it can be best used. I do feel bullish on getting the needle rifle and Brigantine production lines started however, so we can see what one line produces per turn, and if there's a difference between gear types.

It's not, no, depending on how the Moot goes.

But the moot will go very differently if it's in the context of Biel-Tan having taken a swing at us before it instead of after.

They don't have a chance to jump us before the Aeldmoot starts, it happens at the end of this turn, and replaces the Biel-Tan finding us roll. They might still jump us if we fail to capitalize on our advantages there, but that's a lot less likely if we knock the Aeldmoot out of the park and get the other powers to tell them to fuck off.
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-[ ][SEEKER] Reverse-engineer Conversion Fields (2 AP/turn, 1 turn)
--[ ] Flaw: Poor Refraction
--[ ] Flaw: Slow On Attack
--[ ] Flaw: Low Threshold
--[ ] Advantage: Low Cost
--[ ] Advantage: Fast Recycle
--[ ] Advantage: Pressure Resistance

Second thing i would be asking here.

What do you think of switching this over to a more armor/vehicle/ship optimized version ?
High power draw is pretty much free in that case and Low Threshold is hurting a lot.
Then maybe a switch over from low cost to compression, as turning something from 3 slots to 2 slots or 2 slots to 1 slot is pretty massive for all of these.
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On the choice between infantry gear and fixing our allies ships.

I look at this like our investment of Bonesinger AP in repairing Zahr-Tann's engines.

How many AP would it have taken to build thirteen fleets and sixty war hosts? An incredible amount.

How many AP did we spend. Vastly less. Probably more than one order of magnitude less.

Meeting our deals to repair our client Craftworld's infrastructure and gear is, by precedent, an absolute steal in BP terms. Accelerating the completion of those deals is also probably a steal.
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@Mechanis since people apparently only respond to WOG posts, can I please get confirmation that the Transport Fleet can in fact be used to transport the Ishari refugees in a faster fashion than adhoc civilian convoys.
@Mechanis since people apparently only respond to WOG posts, can I please get confirmation that the Transport Fleet can in fact be used to transport the Ishari refugees in a faster fashion than adhoc civilian convoys.
The civilians are already covering all our transport needs according to the Fea Eresh warrior action. Their limiting factor is not their numbers but how many armed convoys can be arranged. Or we can send them unprotected and hope they don't run into trouble.
Yeah if we hold onto this for too long / don't tell everyone straight away, we might get accused of trying to profit off of this discovery first before telling everyone

Best way to handle this is to just stand on a soapbox and shout until our voices start cracking.
I wonder if given the results of the Aeldmoot that in this continuity the species wide hope for the eventual creation of Ynnead might instead be a hope for Isha being freed.

With things like the creation of Ynnead/replacement of the Phoenix King being viewed as eventual stretch goals after the Everqueen can rebuke the usurper.

This could drastically change the Rhana Dandra mythos.
I'm sorry, I can't quite understand what your trying to say here. Taking Low Threshold just makes the shields bad at everything, infantry fire, single big attack's, everything. It's just awful. I don't understand the benefit your saying it brings?
I'm saying it's less of a trade off in the first place *before* the fast regen if you were never expecting the shield to take multiple big hits or long term firepower.

If you expect someone to be hit by 1 grenade or a 3-5 round burst, losing the capability to be hit by 1 grenade *and* a quite a few rounds is less important so long as you can recover to full strength to endure the next hit. And with Holo-fields, consistent and repeated amounts of damage in close timing to each other is probably the most unlikely kind. (I'm assuming it isn't a completely crippling flaw given this is how Zahr-Tann's shields work)

Hmm. I'd been thinking of using them on "officers" among standard troop types, to try and keep integrated heavy weapons / exotics intact longer and giving them a little bit more defense against AoEs. For vehicles we've already got Grav Shields, and the weakness of Grav Shields doesn't really seem to be as big a deal for vehicles and starships as they can be for infantry?
Depending on size, it might be worth trading a layer of Grav Shields for Flare shields on lighter vehicles more vulnerable to blast attacks *and* our spaceships to protect the all important aethersails from sporadic attacks that land or errant explosions. Especially since strikecraft are likely to be obstructed by even a weak Conversion Field.
I'm really inclined to pull the jetbikes out of most of our detachment design when we can and restrict them to dedicated scouting/raiding/fast detachments, for precisely this reason. Jetbikes are cool, but a Razorwind is bringing 24 (26 with pilot weapons) EP of gun at 50 (58 with pilot gear) EP of cost. Admittedly the mobility that it purchases with that extra cost is very impressive, but we have jetbikes practically everywhere- including in lineholder or heavy assault detachments! Keep the squads that paid the speed tax in their own organizations, and incorporate a fast unit into a warhost as needed to bring those capabilities to the table.
At a minimum I think we should probably downgrade to a single jetbike squad per line/assault detachment. They're expensive, but it gives us a semi-disposable skirmisher squad that can escort Mirages and I wouldn't want to assume a basic line detachment will always be able to rely on another detachment for recon. That being said, I do like integrating a lot of fast attack and jetbike options into a dedicated light/medium skirmish detachment.

The other thing is our jetbike squads are currently enormous *and* useless. If we decrease the squad size to 6 and settle for 1 squad per non-mobile detachment, we've got the basic jetbike chassis for 2.66 non-mobile detachments for each line detachment we refit. A single squad of 6 Razorwinds is still decently expensive, but we don't need or want 16 of the damn things for a basic detachment either.
Depending on size, it might be worth trading a layer of Grav Shields for Flare shields on lighter vehicles more vulnerable to blast attacks *and* our spaceships to protect the all important aethersails from sporadic attacks that land or errant explosions. Especially since strikecraft are likely to be obstructed by even a weak Conversion Field.
I'm currently thinking Conversion Fields could be very nice for superiority fighters, especially with Fast Recycle - until the Conversion Field burns out, between it, the holofields, and and the grav shield, they should be very resistant to PD weapons, including those used by enemy fighters.

So the question is - do I add Low Threshold and Rugged? Because that leaves us more vulnerable to single big hits, but much more resistant to massed small ones, if I understand how conversion shields function correctly.
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I wonder if given the results of the Aeldmoot that in this continuity the species wide hope for the eventual creation of Ynnead might instead be a hope for Isha being freed.

With things like the creation of Ynnead/replacement of the Phoenix King being viewed as eventual stretch goals after the Everqueen can rebuke the usurper.

This could drastically change the Rhana Dandra mythos.
We have just thrown a vau-vulkesh sized pebble in that pond.
Depending on size, it might be worth trading a layer of Grav Shields for Flare shields on lighter vehicles more vulnerable to blast attacks *and* our spaceships to protect the all important aethersails from sporadic attacks that land or errant explosions. Especially since strikecraft are likely to be obstructed by even a weak Conversion Field.

For that we would have to take one that we would actually like to use on vehicles/ships.
And low-threshold without having compression, at least for me makes me go get the grav shield instead.
@Mechanis Now that you've returned I must ask. Will Grav Gun hybridization include the potential creation of other Hybrid grav weapons? I say hybrid, but really what I want is a Grav thruster shotgun, just a bunch of pistol scale grav thruster emitters arranged into an array so that they fire a barrage of beams instead of just one. Is that something we can do?

As for why. Well for 1 we might be able to engineer a faster firing grav thruster like this, and for another, firing a barrage of beams makes it more likely for one of them to hit something in the target, and helps reduce the need for fine accuracy, and given the short range a shotgun like arrangement wouldn't have room to diverge too much, staying a solidly grouped blast.
I'm currently thinking Conversion Fields could be very nice for superiority fighters, especially with Fast Recycle - until the Conversion Field burns out, between it, the holofields, and and the grav shield, they should be very resistant to PD weapons, including those used by enemy fighters.

So the question is - do I add Low Threshold and Rugged? Because that leaves us more vulnerable to single big hits, but much more resistant to massed small ones, if I understand how conversion shields function correctly.
If anything I think Low Threshold would make us worse at dealing with massed hits over one big hit. With the latter it tanks it then drops to recover, with the former there's a chance it's overwhelmed before the fire stops.
Compact over Fast Recycle means better odds of being able to fit it on there with other defenses, so it doesn't need to come back as quick.
So the plan I will be voting for.
Mostly because I think we talked about the important stuff.

[ ] Plan: The Aeldmoot, industry edition v3
-[ ][STEWARD][AELDMOOT] The Harlequins (1 AP)
-[ ][STEWARD][AELDMOOT] Ulthwe (2 AP)
-[ ][STEWARD][AELDMOOT] Saim-Hann (1 AP)
-[ ][STEWARD][AELDMOOT] Iyanden (4 AP)
-[ ][STEWARD][AELDMOOT] The Lesser Craftworlds (1 AP)
-[ ][STEWARD][AELDMOOT] The Exodites (1 AP)
-[ ][BONESINGER] Hall of Stewardship (2 points initial, 1 point continuous | 2 turns) (Requires a Steward action to activate)
--[ ][FORGE] Use the Forge (-1d3 Turns)
-[ ][BONESINGER] Shrine of Khane (3 points initial, 1 point continuous | 2-3 turns)
--[ ][FORGE] Use the Forge (-1d3 Turns)
-[ ][BONESINGER] Continue Ship Repair (1 AP)
-[ ][BONESINGER] Bring in the second batch of Quilan's fleet (2 AP)
[ ][BONESINGER] Armor Foundry (Write-in type) (2 points each) x2
-[][BONESINGER] 1 VGA, 1 Ithilmar
-[ ][SEER] Scry the Present (1 AP)
--[ ] "Where are the Orks that our Pirate-Hunters seek"
--[ ][SEER] The Eye of Tzeentch (6 AP)
-[ ][SEEKER] Reverse-engineer Conversion Fields (2 AP/turn, 1 turn)
-- [ ][SEEKER] Flaw: High Power Draw
-- [ ][SEEKER] Flaw: Slow on Attack
-- [ ][SEEKER] Advantage: Compact
-- [ ][SEEKER] Advantage: Rugged
-[ ][SEEKER] Grav-Gun Hybridization (2 AP Inital)
-[ ][SEEKER] Reverse-engineer Haywire Weapons (4 AP)
-[ ][WARRIOR][MEROS] Recall for Repairs
--[ ] 12 Damaged Lance Cutters, 9 Damaged Lance Sloops, 10 Damaged Assault Ketches, 2 Damaged Caravels
-[ ][WARRIOR][MEROS] Send Reinforcements
--[ ] 20 War Ketches, The 3rd Heavy Fleet (ALLIED), The 4th Heavy Fleet (ALLIED),2nd Line Fleet(ALLIED), 4th Line Fleet(ALLIED), 1st and 2nd Battle Hosts (ALLIED)
-[ ][WARRIOR][EVACUATION] Assign additional Escort Ships
--[ ] Send the 3rd Scout Fleet, 5th Scout Fleet, 7th Scout Fleet, 9th Scout Fleet
-[ ][WARRIOR][Allied] Dispatch Allied Fleets to reinforce our fleet to find the ork raiding Val-Terrine
-[ ][WARRIOR][VAL-TERRINE] Dispatch an Allied Force
--[ ] 6nd Line Fleet, 11th Scout Fleet, and 1st Line Host
The Aeldmoot I think is mostly self-explanatory go big on the reveal also lots of chances to diplomancy.

The Bonesinger actions.
Pretty much dropped the engine to focus on the critical infrastructure not having them is just crippling going by our past turns and how much they hurt AP wise.
Following that 2 foundries are getting build, one for VGA and one for Ithilmar.
Mostly because these two will be our primary armors going forward, not the Brigandine.
Also, I want direct evidence for the potential viability of using either armor (or semi/full power armor in general) on mass for our army if we use our foundries for that.
Then last points are then spend following up on the promises we made.

Overall should leave us in a pretty solid position and help us start fixing our ground forces with some of the armors we will start to collect passively.

Seeker well, here is a big difference to the base Aeldmoot plan. Where that goes for a hyper specialized conversion field that is pretty much just going to be used on infantry as extra gear but likely for nothing else.

I am going for a Conversion shields are mostly optimized for armors, vehicles and ships.
In part because I think that is where they will be used the most/be the most useful. Which has to do with us very likely going for a lot of vehicles, instead of massive amounts of infantry. Particularly nice on vehicles or shields that we don't have the slot for a grav shield, or to just add some extra protection from AOE and large amounts of small hits.

Slow on Attack is kind of free for us due to very wide deployment of the Holo-fields.
High Power Draw mostly just matters in case of non-integrated deployment, which I think we aren't planning on actually doing. So this would have an overall pretty minimal effect on us.

Rugged because it keeps them intact over intense/long fights and more importantly it prevents them blowing up on an overload. Compact is pretty close to mandatory for use in vehicles and ships as the systems slots are quite often a problem.

For the warriors it deploys some reinforcements to the val-terrine taskforce, getting some reinforcement.
I think the bigger differences are me going pretty heavy on the reinforcement for Meros in case of a last big ork attack and me sending 4 of the scout fleets to escort our transport fleets.

Now for me to go to sleep, would be happy if someone got this active when the vote opens as I will be sleeping while that happens.
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The civilians are already covering all our transport needs according to the Fea Eresh warrior action. Their limiting factor is not their numbers but how many armed convoys can be arranged. Or we can send them unprotected and hope they don't run into trouble.

Yes, a large amount of well meaning volunteers are freely providing their time and energy and personal craft to save their fellow Eldar, which is a commendable act. However. I think it likely that the professional people movers who have trained specifically to move tons of people through space might, potentially, be more efficient at this, and the faster we move the Ishari, the better.
Yes, a large amount of well meaning volunteers are freely providing their time and energy and personal craft to save their fellow Eldar, which is a commendable act. However. I think it likely that the professional people movers who have trained specifically to move tons of people through space might, potentially, be more efficient at this, and the faster we move the Ishari, the better.

Then why is it that it's going "Yeah, you can only send a small handful of escorts because sending any more would be redundant?"
Then why is it that it's going "Yeah, you can only send a small handful of escorts because sending any more would be redundant?"
there might be a critical lack of landing/launching infrastructure, while big military transports might have their own dedicated gear to move the big stuff.

We don't know, really.
If anything I think Low Threshold would make us worse at dealing with massed hits over one big hit.
Mmm. Point.

[ ][BONESINGER] Armor Foundry (Write-in type) (2 points each) x2
-[][BONESINGER] 1 VGA, 1 Ithilmar
This needs a formatting fix.

Also, for Seekers: Do people actually really prefer the 2 AP Grav-Gun Hybrid to spending 5 AP unlocking Mesons? I'm kinda willing to let Zahr-Tann maintain its specialness for a bit, and if nothing else I'd like to know what we need to worry about if someone else gets Meson weapons.

I'm not sure we should be finalizing on Ithilmar, but w/e, we can refit it later. I'm good with Skjadir's Conversion Field plan; I'd thought about Fast Recycle instead of Rugged, but it's not a preference worth splitting a vote over.
Oh yeah didn't Mechanis say that holding the moot was no guaranty that Biel-Tan won't punch us? I need to do some digging.
They don't hit you this turn, and while you could fail to take the opportunity, fail to have the opportunity, or possibly fail to get support on the matter vis a vis the Special Event in question, if it does happen now as seems to largely be the consensus, it is very likely to make attacking you militarily politically radioactive for several centuries. Basically, it will be a case of Biel-Tan absolutely still wanting to do so, but not being fool enough to think they can actually get away with doing so. As certain people have already surmised.

Essentially, once the Aeldmoot happens it is a near certainty that the window of opportunity to engage in some quiet kin-strife will be very firmly closed, and if there's any one thing you can say about Biel-Tan's political savvy it's that they have a knack for going right up to the line and stopping right before they go over it and everyone decides to have it out with them.
@Mechanis since people apparently only respond to WOG posts, can I please get confirmation that the Transport Fleet can in fact be used to transport the Ishari refugees in a faster fashion than adhoc civilian convoys.
The opposite. Those things are built for hauling armies around, not "I'm going to scoop up this 200 acre forest and the ground it's sitting on down to the bedrock like it's gaucamole dip and haul the whole thing home" which is what "evacuation" is in this context. That takes specialized transports that aren't especially militarizable.
@Mechanis Now that you've returned I must ask. Will Grav Gun hybridization include the potential creation of other Hybrid grav weapons? I say hybrid, but really what I want is a Grav thruster shotgun, just a bunch of pistol scale grav thruster emitters arranged into an array so that they fire a barrage of beams instead of just one. Is that something we can do?

As for why. Well for 1 we might be able to engineer a faster firing grav thruster like this, and for another, firing a barrage of beams makes it more likely for one of them to hit something in the target, and helps reduce the need for fine accuracy, and given the short range a shotgun like arrangement wouldn't have room to diverge too much, staying a solidly grouped blast.

I mean. That would probably be very spensy given you are talking about giving what is basically your most expensive non-exotic weapon the pepperbox treatment. Do you really want a pistol that's going to cost more than most heavy weapons?

... I mean, I suppose if you only ever planned to hand that kind of thing out to hero units or something that would be fine, but it's kinda gilding the lily innit, especially for pistols where the relatively short range means you tend to hit more anyway, just because of how angles and arcs work.
I wonder if given the results of the Aeldmoot that in this continuity the species wide hope for the eventual creation of Ynnead might instead be a hope for Isha being freed.

With things like the creation of Ynnead/replacement of the Phoenix King being viewed as eventual stretch goals after the Everqueen can rebuke the usurper.

This could drastically change the Rhana Dandra mythos.
Keep in mind that infinity circuits haven't even been invented yet and won't be for centuries, and that entire prophecy and mythos isn't a thing yet.