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I never said the ending would be easy, and specifically went out of my way to highlight all of the ways in which I'm not pushing that take, but merely being optimistic about plausible outcomes in which we do succeed in our goals.If you're arguing these things as self-evidently following from 'effectively every Eldar was already a Daemon to their benign deities and after Slaanesh won their souls by right of conquest its a desperate struggle to keep every Eldar from becoming a Daemon of Slaanesh' than yeah- I'm going to dismiss the optimism. If 40k is presented as an easy setting to get a good ending from, it cheapens the setting and the tragedy of the trillions of people supposedly dead to build the setting.
Dismiss as you wish. no one is saying you have to feel optimistic. that was more meant as a "don't worry, we aren't going to lose our heads over this and attempt anything drastic" than a "Chipper up old chum. Vaul can be revived."
Well I'm sorry my optimism is so offensive, but I'm afraid my involvement in this is more about grand space navies, overcoming terrible forces with brilliant innovation, and political maneuvering, than the grand tragedy of warhammer 40k.Optimism in the face of trillions of deaths, the permanent damaging of reality, the creation of a new major evil, and things getting objectively worse for everyone just feels more insensitive and tone deaf than it does uplifting or encouraging.