Established shortly before the Craftworlds first departed the Imperial core, Fea-Eresh was a religious commune devoted to Isha, who, as part of their religious practice, spent some centuries inhabiting higher plants rather than bodies of flesh. The longest of these gained foresight that was often of a different metaphysical 'angle' and were thus able to predict the Fall well in advance, and its effects on their population. The community was voluntarily isolated, however, having deliberately disconnected their entire system from the Webway, and not in possession of any Voidships, and therefore unable to warn anyone; however, this same isolation, combined with the final decline of the Empire, allowed the inhabitants of Fea-Eresh to engage in a radical solution, entwining themselves so thoroughly with their world's bio-sphere they could no longer be separated from it. While this has protected them from the Curse, the side effects are considerable—not only are they unable to return to bodies of flesh, but much of their psykeic power is now lost, denying them nearly all outward psykeic expression—though their mastery of Biomancy has few peers. Critically, this includes the ability to create and shape Wraithbone, which limits them to, effectively, only the creations of plant-matter the survivors can manipulate like their own bodies. It also means that they are tied to the specific flora (or at least species) which existed at the time of their working, and here their plight becomes apparent:
Plants burn.
And indeed, their Greenseers are tormented by visions of fire, each different as time passes and their likelihood waxes and wanes. Sometimes—often—chains of strangling dark bind them, and when the fire takes them it is a release. Other times, a great dragon of flames and magma grasps them in claws and impossible fire, and they are washed away. In some, a wounded beast comes with axe and rage to burn and despoil. Yet others, a great horde of buzzing insects strips every trace of green, every leaf, every stalk, and they are undone. And in some, the worst yet rarest of all, a blinded phoenix with tattered wings and the false-dawn come, and tools of creation are turned against them by their own kin.
Their world, now, has regained its connection to the wider Webway, and the Masque of Sundered Lovers come and heard their visions—and now,
they have come in turn to
So, this they would ask: Once Vau-Vulkesh can move again, and thereby come to Fea-Eresh, they would bring enough of the green to which they are bound to the Craftworld, and thereby evacuate themselves from the doomed world—for their visions are clear on one thing: to stay is to die, in a century, in a millennia, or in ten, fire and death comes for them should they stay. And while they did not have the knowledge of current galactic politics to fully contextualize those rare visions of kin-strife,
you can very well guess to whom they are referring, and what may well have precipitated it.
In the meantime, their Emissary Irsfeial, once herself a High Priestess of Isha's Cult and master Biomancer even before her people's transformation granted even the least skilled of them nearly unmatched command over plant-life, will lend her knowledge and skill to your efforts to become food-independant—a great boon indeed, given that both were well above average in the days of the Empire and so likely now near peerless, with its Fall.