Why are we disbanding detachments? We're not short CP, but we're extremely short fighting force, under 4k people for a multi billion world. These are not well equiped, but they're still better than nothing if Biel-Tan comes knocking.
There are a couple reasons:
  1. They're outdated and it's simpler to disband them now and create new detachments when we design one.
  2. Biel-Tan won't attack for another two turns which is more than enough time to beef up the fleet and army.
  3. We'd be wasting the AP otherwise trying to raise detachments with outdated wargear.
'modern fast attack, HQ, elites, and heavy support' are probably putting our new detachments out around turn Five-Ish if you want to wait? Since we're holding off on doing any fast-attack or elites this turn, so they'd have to be done next turn(turn three), with Heavy Support the turn after that and maybe HQ the same turn as Heavy Support or the turn after? Then we need to do the rationalization, and then wait a turn to get something built.

I'd personally rather throw together a stopgap light formation soon, something that might not have a modern HQ and skips elites, heavy support, and fast attack entirely, though I recognize that's a very short formation without much in the way of depth or complexity. But if we want to face our rivals with anything other than our current sticks and pointed words, we kinda have to do that?
I mean
You can build new gear for your existing troops and replace their current stuff. As long as they're not deployed anywhere. It's just messier than doing Rationalizations. But you could, for example, replace most of the milita kit with Brigandine so they have better armor, and throw out needlers/spike weapons so they have better guns, as an intermediate step to getting everyone into Void Guard suits. And so on.
There are a couple reasons:
  1. They're outdated and it's simpler to disband them now and create new detachments when we design one.
  2. Biel-Tan won't attack for another two turns which is more than enough time to beef up the fleet and army.
  3. We'd be wasting the AP otherwise trying to raise detachments with outdated wargear.
And for the record: Beil-Tan could have hit you this turn. the odds were low, but not zero. that timeframe is simply when it becomes reasonably likely for them to crash your party, but you could be lucky and not see them until the turn of the millennium, or unlucky and staring them down next turn. Even I don't know for sure and can only give probablys and Likelys.
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They're outdated and it's simpler to disband them now and create new detachments when we design one.
We can just create new ones without disbanding, we're not short on CP.
Biel-Tan won't attack for another two turns which is more than enough time to beef up the fleet and army.
They're unlikely to attack, it's not clear they def won't.
We'd be wasting the AP otherwise trying to raise detachments with outdated wargear.
That's a valid concern for when we have enough fresh wargear. As is, we're disbanding a part of army when we have 3.5k bodies between enemy and civilians. That's suboptimal.
Ah, I understand then.

Okay, what would you have me do with those 2 AP then? I can put them into Vault hunting I guess?
Designing vehicles for one and rationalizing fast attack maybe for the second one or maybe just vault diving. The vehicles are still useful and need to be made sooner than later there's just a delay in rolling them out.
'modern fast attack, HQ, elites, and heavy support' are probably putting our new detachments out around turn Five-Ish if you want to wait? Since we're holding off on doing any fast-attack or elites this turn, so they'd have to be done next turn(turn three), with Heavy Support the turn after that and maybe HQ the same turn as Heavy Support or the turn after? Then we need to do the rationalization, and then wait a turn to get something built.

I'd personally rather throw together a stopgap light formation soon, something that might not have a modern HQ and skips elites, heavy support, and fast attack entirely, though I recognize that's a very short formation without much in the way of depth or complexity. But if we want to face our rivals with anything other than our current sticks and pointed words, we kinda have to do that?
A stopgap light formation of troops and dedicated transports is absolutely the best alternative to just doing equipment refits to existing units. I just happen to think doing equipment refits is a much better idea at this juncture.

We can do equipment refits for the troops, HQ, transports on existing formations and leave the vehicles for a second sweep. This still leaves them with lackluster vehicles but it's quicker to do a massive vehicle refit swap than waiting until we can raise new detachments with modern vehicle support
[X] Plan: Rounding Out The Rest

Alectai's plan has the advantage that it builds ships, but there's no way I'm voting for something that designs three vehicles and a frigate while not researching meltas to put on them. I'm not a fan of disbanding detachments (our military is extremely limited and costs us no upkeep, so it would be better to keep mooks with lasguns around for centuries than to disband them) but both plans do that, so there's nothing for it unless I want to compete with my own- and it's going to be hard enough to overtake the top without splitting the vote further.

Speaking of things that no one is doing, I have to admit I'm staring at our ship listing and really wondering whether we should throw those damaged Combat Brigs into repairs. There are a LOT of guns on those things and we could get two more of them back in action for the cost of their sails. I doubt it would take long, either. Refitting escorts is tempting but in terms of increase in naval combat capacity per AP spent I think re-sailing our heavyweights is probably at the top of the list.
[X] Plan: Food, Obligations and lots of fire in the future.
-[X][Steward] Design a Frigate (4 AP)
-[X][Steward] River and Lake, Pond and Pool—All may Feed the World (4 AP)
-[X][Steward] Design Additional Vehicle(s) (1 AP Each)x2
-[X][Bonesinger] Continue ship repair (1 point) [Strongly recommended]
-[X][Bonesinger] Begin refitting the Dragonships of Quilan (1 AP)
--[X][Bonesinger] Also offer Grav-shields (+1 AP)
-[X][Bonesinger] Assess the damage to Vau-Vulkesh's engines (2 points Each, max 2)
-[X][Bonesinger] Refit an Escort (1 point each; 3 ships per point) x2
--[X][Bonesinger] Damaged Lance Cutters to Nettle-class Escort Cutters
-[X][Bonesinger] Develop Basic Voidship Torpedos (2 AP)
-[X][Bonesinger] Develop Melta Weapons (2 points1 point)
-[X][Bonesinger] Forge of Vaul: Produce Wargear (5000 EP max)x2
--[X][Bonesinger]800 EP for 16 Razorwinds x3
--[X][Bonesinger]1,020 EP for 20 Ithilmar Suits, 20 Power Mauls, 10 H.Needlers, 10 H.Flamersx3
--[X][Bonesinger]198 EP for 9 VG, 9 CCW, 9 Starblaster Rifles, 1 Ithilmar, 1 Screamer GL, 1 Powersword x3
--[X][Bonesinger]294 EP for 6 Ithilmar, 6 CCW, 6 Fatecaster Rifles x3
--[X][Bonesinger]198 EP for 6 Ithilmar, 6 CCW, 6 Spike Cannons x3
--[X][Bonesinger]780 EP for 4 Miragesx3
--[X][Bonesinger]130 EP, 26 starcrystals 13 starblasters
-[X][Seer] The Flaw, The Curse, The Claim (6 AP)
-[X][Seer] Scry the Future
--[X][Seer] When are the orks going to attack the craftworld Vau-vulkesh.
-[X][Seeker] Reverse-engineer Grav-weapons (2 AP)
--[X][Seeker] Graviton Impactor Weapons (+2 AP)
--[X][Seeker] Gravetic-Implosion Weapons (+2 AP)
-- [X][Seeker] Gravetic Sheer Weapons (+2 AP)
-[X][Seeker] Reverse-engineer Plasma Blasters (2 AP total)
--[X][Seeker] Power (+1 AP, +.5 turns)
--[X][Seeker] Range (+1 AP, +.5 Turns)
--[X][Seeker] Fire Rate (+2 AP, +1 turn)
--[X][Seeker] Safety (-2 AP, -2 turns)
-[X][Seeker] Reverse-engineer Conversion Fields (2 AP/turn, 3 turns)
--[X][Seeker] Regeneration
-[X][Warrior] Muster a Fleet
--[X][Warrior] The Raiders of Val-Terrine
--[X][Warrior] 4 Combat Brig, 10 Battle Carrack,15 Assault Ketch, 10 Battle Caravel, 12 Lance Cutter
-[X][Warrior] Disband Detachment (4 AP)
--[X][Warrior] Militia Line Detachment x4

Little chance of winning with how much of a lead the current plan has a lead but hey i kind of hate the winning vote so here we go.
[X] Plan: Brigs and Warhosts
-[X] [Steward] Design Additional Vehicle(s) (1 AP)
-[X] [Steward] Design a Frigate (4 AP)
-[X] [Steward] Form and Function to Feed a World (3 AP)
-[X] [Steward] Delve the Vaults (2 AP)
-[X] [Bonesinger] Assess the damage to Vau-Vulkesh's engines (4 AP)
-[X] [Bonesinger] Repair a Capital Ship (Combat Brig with Aethersails disabled) x2 (2 AP)
-[X] [Bonesinger] Continue ship repair (1 AP)
-[X] [Bonesinger] Begin refitting the Dragonships of Quilan (1 AP)
--[X] [Bonesinger] Also offer Grav-shields (+1 AP)
-[X] [Bonesinger] Develop Melta Weapons (1 AP)
-[X] [Bonesinger] Forge of Vaul: Produce Wargear (5000 EP max) x2
-[X] [Seer] Scry the Future (1 AP)
--[X] [Seer] "What will be the strength of the next wave threatening Meros?"
-[X] [Seer] Scry the Present (1 AP)
--[X] [Seer] "Who or what can help us with The Flaw, The Curse, The Claim?"
-[X] [Seer] The Flaw, The Curse, The Claim (5 AP)
-[X] [Seeker] Reverse-engineer Grav-weapons (6 AP)
--[X] [Seeker] Gravetic Sheer Weapons
--[X] [Seeker] Torsion Weapons
--[X] [Seeker] Graviton Impactor Weapons
-[X] [Seeker] Reverse-engineer Plasma Blasters (4 AP)
--[X] [Seeker] Power (+1 AP, +.5 turns)
--[X] [Seeker] Fire Rate (+2 AP, +1 turn)
--[X] [Seeker] Lower Cost (+3 AP, +0.5 tuns)
--[X] [Seeker] Safety (-2 AP, -2 turns)
-[X] [Seeker] Reverse-engineer Conversion Fields (2 AP/turn, 3 turns)
--[X] [Seeker] Regeneration
-[X] [Warrior] Muster a Fleet (1 AP)
--[X][Warrior] The Raiders of Val-Terrine
--[X] [Warrior] 3 Combat Brig, 12 Battle Carrack, 15 Assault Ketch, 10 Battle Caravel, 14 Lance Cutter
--[X] [Warrior] Send forth a Warhost (Hearthguard Iron Fist, 1st Heavy Militia)
-[X] [Warrior] Raise a Warhost x3
-- [X] Craftworld Defense Militia #1: Led by Hearthguard Skirmish Detachment, with 4 Militia Line Detachments and 2 Militia Assault Detachments
-- [X] Craftworld Defense Militia #2: Led by Militia Line Detachments, with 3 additional Militia Line Detachments, 2 Militia Assault Detachments and 2 Militia Light Support Detachments
-- [X] Craftworld Close Combat Defense Militia #1: Led by Militia Assault Detachment with 2 Militia Line Detachments and 4 more Militia Assault Detachments
--[X] Deploy all three at once on our Craftworld defense duty
Also voting for
[X] Plan: Rounding Out The Rest
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-[X] [Bonesinger] Repair a Capital Ship (Combat Brig) x2 (2 AP)
You may wish to specify the ones with the damaged sails as otherwise we're potentially signing up for a 2000-starcrystal repair job.

-[X] [Seer] Scry the Present (1 AP)
--[X] [Seer] "Who or what can help us with The Flaw, The Curse, The Claim?"
Bold, but I like it.

-[X] [Seeker] Reverse-engineer Grav-weapons (6 AP)
--[X] [Seeker] Gravetic Sheer Weapons
--[X] [Seeker] Torsion Weapons
I'm pretty sure this is just a straight 2 AP per selection; see GM comment here. The option is just worded oddly. So you've got an extra 2 Seeker AP to work with in this plan, meaning either a third grav-weapon or possibly drop to one type of grav-weapon and begin Haywire research.

-[X] [Warrior] Raise a Warhost x2
--[X] Deploy at once on our Craftworld defense duty
I'm pretty sure you have to specify which of the existing Detachments you assemble the Warhosts from.

But overall this is pretty good. It gets my vote, I'd say.

[X] Plan: Brigs and Warhosts
[X] Plan: Rounding Out The Rest
I'm pretty sure you have to specify which of the existing Detachments you assemble the Warhosts from.
I have a roundup in mind, but I thought that'd be an extra vote like Forge stuff. Will edit both in.
I'm pretty sure this is just a straight 2 AP per selection; see GM comment here. The option is just worded oddly. So you've got an extra 2 Seeker AP to work with in this plan, meaning either a third grav-weapon or possibly drop to one type of grav-weapon and begin Haywire research
You're right on Gravs, but we can't begin Haywire without paying the full costs. Will amend.

You may wish to specify the ones with the damaged sails as otherwise we're potentially signing up for a 2000-starcrystal repair job.
Good point!
@Mechanis would this be a valid detachment we can design this turn?

one squad of Veterans(HQ)
and three of Brightsword squads(Troops)
Voidspears(troops) in the troops/Hq slot
Forgefires(troops)in the troops/fast attack
and four mirage hover transports(fast attack, attached to the troops)(one in the special unit/fast attack slot, three in the fast attack slot)
and two Blazestar Light Gravtanks(in the heavy support slots)
and one Star Flare Attack Skimmer(in the heavy support/elite slot)

This leaves the two elite slots and the HQ/Elite slot empty.

or can the attached mirage hover transports be part of the squads without them taking up a fast attack slot?