Or, you know, it requires both.

Also, a thought with the HPP: we know it'd go on mundane Valkyries, but what would a Ship or Arcology Valkyrie version look like? And could it be added to non-Valkyrie equipment?
Really? Can you point me to the place where it's stated so. Not doubting you, per se, but would like to examine it myself.
I was unable to find the reference, so I may be misremembering. Regardless, the G-Gun does have to deliver what is nominally a short range attack to extreme ranges. Projection of the wave source seems to be the most practical way. If we just fire a big wave from orbit and expect it to have an effect when it reaches the Earth, that seems silly.

Blue Wave could, again, change all that. But Red Wave is hardly different from Static Wave in how they would have to project it.
I thought it worked by creating an area where normal physical laws don't apply anymore, rather than any kind of actual projectile.
It's called Wave Force for a reason. It does create area where physical laws are broken and then grinded down into oblivion, but it all starts from Anna's position.

The Red and Blue Wave are refinement from the Static Wave, they still operate behind the same principle just filtered differently.
Its always a pleasant surprise when this updates, especially when it keeps subverting my expectation. Sensible Coke-Zero, oh my. :o

On the vote, I'm myself pretty torn with two of the most time-sink options that were given (plus the chance to train the Wave Force of course), which speaks of good quest-planning as there isn't a clear "best choice" to make. Taking both of them is of course possible, but if we take HPP with too many other options and volunteer to aid-missions again, the gains towards the project completion will be agonizingly incremental while taking away from more immediately useful gains. Will have to think about this more.

However, @me.me.here raised a good point about the elective classes -option, by that maybe taking Crafting classes in that slot might contribute to the HPP completion. And while I like the idea of gradually going through the list of electives with the accompanied shenanigans as the next person, I have also enjoyed most out of these interactions that have happened with the crafting elective. Not only that, but if we want to push Anna towards more healthy mindset then maybe commiting to at least some clubs at this point would do her good, as she would be interacting with those members of the chosen club(s) regularly, instead of just slowly going through her list one by one without more than mostly shallow interactions.

And as other people have already pointed out, the pace at which she goes through the electives in quest-time has slowed down considerably when compared to what it was at the start. With that in mind, I'll throw this vote-suggestion to consider, which I think I may have made before wayyyy back when we last voted about this.

[] Write in specific elective classes to visit.
-[] Crafting
-[] Astronomy
-[] Architecture

And to remind people what Anna thinks about those electives:
Crafting: 200/100 (Class Limit Reached)(Mastered)(Innate Skill)
Tsk, a shameful lack of manners by the members, but interesting none the less.
Crafting Elective Class at 200/Innate to Monster Archetype:
Artificer: Highest level construction skill. You can understand and recreate anything made by human hands, given the right tools.​
Architecture - 2/10
Wow, really nice. Amazing to see what can be built when there are no Antagonists around.​
Astronomy - 2/10
The sky is clear of enemies. The stars are pretty.​
Points for crafting have already been made, though some of it rest on the hypothesis that taking it here will help towards completing the HPP -project. Even if that is not the case, it might still give us some interesting result (or at least, amusing shenanigans).

The architecture -elective in turn might help reignite Anna's love (and more importantly, confidence) for making things that are not only for war, especially when combined with taking the volunteer -option. Having something to do on her free time at least partly just as a hobby, with people who also enjoy the same things surrounding her might do some good for her.

And then there is also the possibility to it even giving some actual bonuses to the reconstruction efforts, as it is an elective which is not maxed out and with maybe even directly appliaple advanced technical know-how and understanding gained through countless simulations. And wouldn't it be nice if Anna manages to come up with some revolutionary construction methods or manages to make some previously unatainable ideas practical in this area too? It is also notably as one the few electives that Anna seems to like, hell, even understands.

Astronomy is just something that Anna seems to enjoy, while hopefully giving us some kind of perks later on (besides likely a better mental health for Anna).
It's called Wave Force for a reason. It does create area where physical laws are broken and then grinded down into oblivion, but it all starts from Anna's position.
Yes? To me that's exactly what implies that it doesn't suffer from any penetration issues. It's an area of reality alteration, not a physical thing that has to smash through stuff.
To your side, Meyer slaps both hands over her face and groans loudly. Leonhart broadcasts a second of completely blank audio. You tilt your head in considerable confusion as you try to justify what that stunt gained Koujirou.
Hang on? Leonhart had time to broadcast a full second? Valks actually witness Anime time like it is in the show.
But then why didn't she broadcast the full thirty seconds?
It had been difficult, but you managed to present a balanced viewpoint of the entire match without dedicating more than one hundred words on that bizarre move at the end of the match.
What was that qoute from Attack on Titan. Sometimes genius is overshadowed by idiocy? Stupidity stands out in its own way?
Damn I know this. It was during the training comparing Mikasa and Erin.
you probably would cut a swath into your target with your melee halberd and then invade the target with Durga and destroy it from the inside.
Well good to see Durga being made of smart materials is being put to use...
Apart from as a mouth. Unless this is how Anna views eating Antagonists.
You raise an eyebrow. What a practical and direct way to finish the match, this is one of the shortest rounds so far.
Overkill: Verb
  1. Practical
  2. Direct
Truly Anna is an appropriate PC for SV.
To your side, Leonhart has unclasped her hands from behind her back and rests them at her sides, but has otherwise taken no action.
Honestly I'd think she's more worried about you teleporting across the Arena than Emily.
"Hm, strange, it doesn't sound hollow."
I like her.
She needs more screen time.
While the distance between the two Valkyries is still nearly a thousand kilometers,
Thats... nearly the length of Great Britain...
I want to do geometry to work out what their minimum altitude to see each other without having to worry about curvature of the earth is.
In an attempt to distract myself I assume at least part of Shuris scorn for this event is that there are few to zero occasions in which a duel such as these is representative of actual Valk combat, theres no way either side wouldn't have reinforcements in this area. Why you'd have to be stranded deep behind enemy lines for this even to be relevant, and given valk speeds this is like continent deep behind lines. And with a pressing reason to not make a break for friendlies, erm like protecting a town. And you'd need to have a good reason for the enemy to hold back non peer opponents, like if you could canabalise them for Higgs.
This might be more relevant than I gave it credit for.
Syifa's ascent allowed the two to gain direct line of sight on each other
Fuck it, do you want me to do the geometry?
She had doubled down on XHEAP missiles, loading a massive arsenal of one hundred and forty four XHEAPs, with a pair of decoys as her sole other deployable equipment.
Why didn't everyone do this?
That is the regulation limit for the most XHEAP missiles a non Ace rank Valkyrie could carry into battle and you can see Sandra had needed to exchange a very extended series of messages with Instructor Leonhart to allow Setsuna such a loadout
Hmmmm.... No not sufficient justification in my mind.
so you prepare a post mortem speech on the match, as you doubt anyone in the audience can see what Syifa just did aside from Shuri and maybe Yukari.
Just going to point out Anna wrote a speech in the time it took for this attack to reflect back.
If you had her typing speed @Avalanche .... well actually then the updates would probably bloat ludicrously.
You've already submitted your analysis of the match.

You feel a little… lonely.
Progress. I think?
So of course, Syifa does none of that. A particle stream smashes into the central reactor, and again, as in every nearly every round before this one, it detonates.
I wanted to say I see someone was taking notes, but given it happened so often, why did Koujiro need Emily to give him the idea?
Setsuna raises her other leg and blocks the blow on her shin, the two melee halberds contacting with a crack of exploding plasma.
Erm? Her shin is the halbard?
>>Victor: Masaya Setsuna
>>Seventh and Final set, victory by Cadet Masaya Setsuna three rounds to one
>>Congratulations to Cadet Masaya Setsuna for winning the 58PI First Year Valkyrie Cadet Wing, Squadron Four, Vanguard Tournament.
Suspension of disbelief broken. What kind of Battle Action Harem Highschool Anime is this where the protag doesn't win the tournament arc.
"Congratulations on not throwing, huh? Fuck you, Syifa."
Nice of her to send a message ;D
It wasn't… terrible, but maybe casting at big, public events aren't really your thing.
I can't say I didn't have my suspicions, but I think it was good for you.
If nothing else you're better with human x human violence.

Now time to tackle the comments.
It doesn't, but it only has so much power to break reality with at a time.
Ah so you assume that it follows conservation of energy, and that the physical model of wave force would include something that decreases the waves' intensity for each energy costing change it imposes, like a electromagnetic wave. I was thinking that conventional physics had been trounced enough for energy conservation to no longer be a thing, but I suppose it still might be. If so then yes, firing through the earth would decrease the damage output by some amount. Whether it's an amount large enough to be relevant depends on how energetic wave force is.
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You know, here's something else we could do in the vacation slot...

-[] Go to the Academy Director. If Malik can get free reign to bully people by making a convincing argument with research support, you can do it better. Suggest that this antagonistic motivational technique could be better delivered through adult professionals than through untrained cadets who are in it for sadistic self satisfaction. Such professional efforts could be directed and managed rather than at the whims of said sadists. Suggest that they are already committing an ace's time to shoring up the motivation of promising cadets, so it is obviously not a matter of resource use. If elite cadets are important to support, they could find the needed people from the valkyrie rank and file. Support your arguments with a wide array of research and synthesized conclusions. (2 days)
"What if a girl is interested in a boy, how does she let them know?"

"I– I dunno? She'd– she would have to– um, tell him?"
A woman that tells you what she wants from you?
Dear Anna.
By performing such an action alone you would become the perfect woman.
Its probably why you remain a fictional character.

Until Wave Force Manipulation chooses to bridge dimensions at least.
A woman that tells you what she wants from you?
Dear Anna.
By performing such an action alone you would become the perfect woman.
Its probably why you remain a fictional character.

Until Wave Force Manipulation chooses to bridge dimensions at least.
Where's the lie tho

I wanted to say I see someone was taking notes, but given it happened so often, why did Koujiro need Emily to give him the idea?
I think that Emily was the first person to actually do it in the tournament, in a previous match.
That was easier than I expected. Unfortunately when I wake up int the morning the Americans will have had their shot at this update and we'll have twenty pages of discussion.
Basically, we leverage Sandra to get a Shuri action. As for the other, I suppose it uses Anna's club tour and the activities we know she liked (diving, astronomy, and so on) as an excuse to find a few more friends. I love our flight, I do, but Anna needs a life beyond just them and as nice as our bunch of crazies are they're going to end up being fairly insular.
Ah I see what you're going with. We're trying to get Sandra into every choice to get Avalance to write more. Good plan.
I believe it has to do with how the simulator works. They're fully and legitimately making most(all?) Of those attacks, and then it's making them go poof and simulating the outcome. Too much boom too close too fast and it can't keep up, or some such.

Or at least, I remember it being something like that. It's been a while.
I do remember something vaugely like that and I stand by the statement.
Lecturer never set a maximum wordcount so I went ahead and exceeded it by 8 times over.
How can you exceed something that wasn't defined. *So deep* *Very Philosophy*
Anna, you cinnamon roll you.
Careful, she might think this is an insult.
>considers the spectre of readers choosing specific works of fiction
>considers the process of writing up such a scene
>necessity of reading all those words cause Anna is going to read their entire published record in minutes
>scrambles for the veto button

They- they uh, died during Impact/had their works lost during Impact/were totally different people and had their works banned/don't exist in BAHH universe.

I'm joking, pretty sure I can find a synopsis on wikipedia or something, but please don't get too angry if I and by extension my characters kinda miss the thrust of what these writers are all about :V
Your panic amuses me and scares me in equal measures.
[X] Dn't vote for anything that requires extensive research.
Any plan that delays the update by however long the required reading takes is a bad update.
Oh God, the fanfics. Anna is too good and innocent soul to be faced with that den debauchery! And there must be thousands of them written about Valkyries! :o:V
I was trying to make a joke implying someone had written one for her and Shuri but honestly Anna would be more confused than embarrassed and it kinda killed the comedy.
Even more cadets trying to get into his pants? :ogles:
You've cracked it sir.
I stand corrected. We finished the food list, or something like that, though. If my memory of choosing bacon as favourite food isn't false.
Yes thats right. Honestly I think the food list was starting to wear thin as a joke on Avalanche so he killed it.
You know, here's something else we could do in the vacation slot...

-[] Go to the Academy Director. If Malik can get free reign to bully people by making a convincing argument with research support, you can do it better. Suggest that this antagonistic motivational technique could be better delivered through adult professionals than through untrained cadets who are in it for sadistic self satisfaction. Such professional efforts could be directed and managed rather than at the whims of said sadists. Suggest that they are already committing an ace's time to shoring up the motivation of promising cadets, so it is obviously not a matter of resource use. If elite cadets are important to support, they could find the needed people from the valkyrie rank and file. Support your arguments with a wide array of research and synthesized conclusions. (2 days)
The instructors admitted that they don't really has anyone on hand that can do that.

Ah so you assume that it follows conservation of energy, and that the physical model of wave force would include something that decreases the wave's intensity for each energy costing change it imposes, like a electromagnetic wave. I was thinking that conventional physics had been trounced enough for energy conservation to no longer be a thing, but I suppose it still might be. If so then yes, firing through the earth would decrease the damage output by some amount. Whether it's an amount large enough to be relevant depends on how energetic wave force is.
Assuming that it doesn't follow conservation of energy just creates another set of issue with WFM that we'd rather not deal with.

Besides, if it doesn't then there's no reason for Static Wave to be a zero range ability either.
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And why would it loses coherency if doesn't follow any form of conservation of energy?
Why wouldn't it? Coherence loss presumably refers to some kind of change in the phase difference of the individual frequency components that make up the wave package, with very specific type of phase differences being needed to let the wave force affect matter in destructive ways. I don't see why you'd need conservation of energy for such an effect.

Edit: Why is everyone getting hugged?
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The instructors admitted that they don't really has anyone on hand that can do that.
They admitted that because the people on hand are only the instructors themselves. They aren't diverting other valks. But the instructors are all drawn from a very specific subset: top ~50 ace pilots who need mental recovery. Of course such people aren't good at driving rivalries or pushing growth through adversity; that's exactly what their personal circumstances make them adverse to.

Meanwhile it should be possible to find are least half a dozen trained professionals or individuals willing to train from non-elite valks. Add in ten times that number in non-valk support staff and that's all you need.
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You know, here's something else we could do in the vacation slot...
I suspect that this wouldn't go anywhere because the role Malik is serving is one that the military and Valkyrie instructors are legally banned from carrying out, and that allowing Malik the degree of leniency she gets is a way for the instructors to bypass the intent of the law so as to get better performance numbers.

It wouldn't be the first time we've seen that kind of thing in-quest.
I suspect that this wouldn't go anywhere because the role Malik is serving is one that the military and Valkyrie instructors are legally banned from carrying out, and that allowing Malik the degree of leniency she gets is a way for the instructors to bypass the intent of the law so as to get better performance numbers.

It wouldn't be the first time we've seen that kind of thing in-quest.
Maybe, but we should at least make a point of why that's stupid. If they can't get this done through regular channels, maybe they should put more of an effort in. The UN should be at a point where they try to do almost anything to win, and conventions like that should get written out of the law. Extinction is on the line, after all.

If they academy can't do it officially, get another branch in here, just as an example of a potential workaround.

e: Part of why I'm suggesting this is something we can change is because as #1 we have enormous influence. We tell the director to jump and at least part of their mind is going to the "how high" question. Imagine if we made a threat to go public? What could they do to stop us? Pretty much nothing.

If your top valkyrie has an issue, you fix the issue. That's how the academy and much of the military is going to work. Maybe not the civilian administration, but they aren't what we're currently interacting with.
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The UN should be at a point where they try to do almost anything to win, and conventions like that should get written out of the law. Extinction is on the line, after all.
"Almost anything," hmm?

I'd have to disagree; we're only at -1, where Humanity has pretty decent odds as is.

Bumping up the chances of winning at the cost of significantly increasing the difficulties in demilitarizing Valkyries in the aftermath might well be a very poor choice - even, or perhaps especially, from the "prevent extinction" standpoint.

If you actually want to do shit to improve Valkyrie training, you're probably better off talking to Sandra on the subject - she both has a great deal of influence that could be used for that purpose, and as someone less close to the implementation, she has less incentive to rationalize and justify the current methods than our instructors.
I'd have to disagree; we're only at -1, where Humanity has pretty decent odds as is.
In fact, I feel I should go deeper on this point.

Ethics aren't luxuries; they're infrastructure. They're doubly important in wartime, because there aren't two sides, here; there's 1.2+ billion humans versus however many Antagonists that actually have agency, and ethics exist to reduce the costs of keeping those very, very many independent sides pointed in the same direction.

Even at -5, throwing out the infrastructure that lets humans treat each other as "all in this together" is a questionable idea - unless you've decided "fuck it, the Antagonists have already won, there's no reason not to do whatever," and that leaves you very short on justification should you ever find yourself at someone else's mercy.