Avalanche has said we could try and have Anna develop new skills and abilities since pretty much day one and I have a proposal for just that.

[ ]Develop a new skill: Flickering.

Flickering is a new form of teleportation that discards traveling significant distances in order to significantly increase the efficiency and speed of individual jumps.

It does this by having both the entrance and exit points contained within the Valkyrie's impeller volume. This allows a jump path to be bored from both ends simultaneously; reducing both the time needed to complete the technique and the impeller strain due to both the extremely limited distance traversed and the increased efficiency of having a prepared exit point rather than having to bore one through from the other side.

As a side benefit, due to the technique being entirely contained within the impeller field it is less vulnerable to interdiction than traditional teleportation.

While Flickering does not offer the same benefits to mobility and interception that traditional Teleportation offers, it does grant greatly increased agility and dodging. This is due to a number of factors:

Firstly that Flickering, like Teleportation, does not require the valkyrie to exit the flicker the same direction as it was entered, allowing the valkyrie to near instantly re-orientate their vector of movement.

Secondly, even a Flicker of mere meters is frequently all that is needed to turn a hit into a miss and even in the event they are struck it can potentially be used to decrease the severity of the hit in some cases by flickering away before the full force of an energy or projectile stream can make contact, depending of course on the duration of the beam and how quickly the valkyrie can perform a Flicker.

Lastly, due to its lower energy costs Flickering can be performed far more frequently than Teleportation without putting undue strain on the impeller field allowing it to be used more freely and making it the more efficient choice for avoiding attacks in many circumstances.

Tldr version: tiny, rapid, spammable teleports with all that implies in terms of benefits.

As for why we'd want Anna to learn this instead of just dumping more points into Wave Force.

One, it increases Anna's personal survivability and combat endurance and while Anna already has loads of that compared to most other valkyries this is definitively a case of more is always better.

Two, that increased survivability synergises well Anna's already extent skills, mainly Target Rich Environment and and Wave Force. TRE by simply allowing her to evade mass fire better in situations where she is massively outnumbered allowing her to better exploit her increased combat efficiency. Wave Force by helping with actually surviving long enough to set up for Wave Force's all or nothing attack as using the technique in relative safety requires the battlefield to be cleared of all enemies other then the ones she targets with wave force as otherwise any survivors would gank her immediately after while her impeller is still depleted. Also having a better damage exchange rate with Type Zeroes would also mean less situations where she is forced to resort to Wave Force.

Three, it provides Anna with an unusual notable skill beyond just generic OPness that she can actually show off to her flight and thus also the meta-audience to increase relevancy while also potentially misleading the audience about just what sort of Ace Anna is; allowing the later revelation of Wave Force and #1 ranking to still hit with full or even increased potency.

Four, while far more niche in its likely adoption it is a skill that is far simpler in concept than Wave Force and thus could be potentially disseminated to the general valkyrie population with much more ease giving some minor large scale benefits.

@Avalanche would this be something valid to develop? And if so what would the points cost be? Or would this be a throw points at it and see what you get sort of deal?
>considers the spectre of readers choosing specific works of fiction
>considers the process of writing up such a scene
>necessity of reading all those words cause Anna is going to read their entire published record in minutes
>scrambles for the veto button

They- they uh, died during Impact/had their works lost during Impact/were totally different people and had their works banned/don't exist in BAHH universe.

I'm joking, pretty sure I can find a synopsis on wikipedia or something, but please don't get too angry if I and by extension my characters kinda miss the thrust of what these writers are all about :V

You haven't even read Ender's Game? For shame.
The timeskip will be for a duration of 7 weeks for a total of 50 actionable days, ending at the start of week 14, the start of the second semester. The next section of decompressed story arc will be the "The Enemy of All Mankind" arc. Each day in a timeskip allocates 10 points to spend. 50 days allows for 500 points to allocate to skills and actions.

[] Timeskip Activities.
-[] Train skills
--[] Write in.
Well, as seen below, I've gone and used up 49 days worth of skill points. Unless the vacation is separate. Then I've only used 35.
So I have either 10 points or 150 points to spend.
Ok. Looking at Anna's skills. Here's what I suggest.
We can use 10 points to bring nothing up to "Mastered", so I suggest either dumping it in our highest un-mastered stat, Energy Equivalency: Speed: 170, or in our lowest stat, Closed Space: Range: 9.

The following skills have gaps less than 150.
Energy Equivalency:
Speed: 170 (-30, 120 remains)
Efficiency: 60 (-140, 10 remains)
Closed Space:
Speed: 112 (-88, 62 remains)
Efficiency: 148 (-52, 98 remains)
Range: 55 (-145, 5 remains)
Precision: 162 (-38, 112 remains)
Efficiency: 168 (-32, 118 remains)
Precision: 100 (-100, 50 remains)

So, our possible combos, assuming we take all the non-long term activity options, are:
EE Speed + CC Speed + T Efficiency = 150 points, 0 remaining
EE Speed + CC Efficiency + T Precision = 120 points, 30 remaining
EE Speed + T Precision + T Efficiency = 100 points, 50 remianing
EE Speed + I Precision = 130 points, 20 remaining
EE Efficiency = 140 points, 10 remaining
CC Speed + CC Efficiency = 140 points, 10 remaining
CC Speed + T Precision = 126 points, 24 remaining
CC Efficiency + T Precision + T Efficiency = 122, 28 points remaining
T Range = 145 points, 5 points remaining
T Precision + I Precision = 138 points, 12 remaining
T Efficiency + I Precision = 132 points, 18 remaining

*Edit* Forgot to say that first combo is my favorite cause its an even use of points.

-[] Volunteer again for Sandra's UNHCR reconstruction activities.
Benefits: General uptick in UN economic power. Long term benefits to human population.
Cost: 21 days - 210 points
-[] Work with the crafting elective class for revised HPP prototype.
Benefits: Completion returns fifth HPP. Uptick in UN Valkyries combat power. Crafting Class will continue working on HPP prototypes regardless of your participation.
Cost: 110 days - 1100 points. (Cannot be completed in timeskip, will be added to long term projects if selected.)

This seems like it would take up the entire time-skip. I think it would be a great long-term project, but I want the other options too much.
-[] Attend Instructor training sessions.
Benefits: Unlocks and trains certain group skills. May train Wave Force.
Cost: 7 days - 70 points.
-[] Attend general Flight training sessions.
Benefits: Unlocks and trains certain group skills. May train Target Rich Environment. May train Wave Force.
Cost: 7 days - 70 points.
So, I want them all.

How do you spend your time during the holidays?
14 days total.
These 14 days are in addition to the other fifty, yes?
Actually, if it doesn't then it combines with our time skip options to be a total of 49 days.
Sorry. Realized that there aren't point costs so these won't count.

[] Holiday Activity
-[] Flight world tour: Visit the homelands of everyone as a flight. An around the world tour of India, Siberia, South Africa, Japan and Canada- maybe not Canada. No? Not India either?
-12 days.
Seems fun. But if we do it we can only spend time with one person/pair.
-[] Spend time with:
On the other hand, "spend time with"'s sub-votes only add up to 6 days out of fourteen.
--[] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
-2 days.
--[] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
-2 days.

--[] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
-2 days.
So barring some impressive write-ins, this is my favorite of the vacation options.
-[] Write in activities? (Subject to veto if time allocated doesn't match activity specified)

Each time skip week allows for 1 visit to an elective class. Select five or continue down the list.
[] Continue down the list for next 5 elective classes
[] Write in specific elective classes to visit.
I see no reason to change our plan here.
I've decided to come up with some more plans using my supposed 150 points for training.

To begin, I'll list what weapons skills we could max out.

Zero Ranged: <100 meters
Unarmed Frame:

Precision: 46/50 (-4)
Efficiency: 37/50 (-13)
Melee Halberd: Plasma Lance
Precision: 78/200 (-122)
Efficiency: 136/200 (-64)
Hypervelocity Cannons:
Precision: 50/100 (-50)
Speed: 50/150 (-100)
Efficiency: 50/150 (-100)
Short Ranged: 100m - 15km
Hypervelocity Cannons:

Precision: 50/100 (-50)
Speed: 50/150 (-100)
Efficiency: 50/150 (-100)
Precision: 50/200 (-150)
Speed: 50/100 (-50)
Efficiency: 50/200 (-150)
Laser systems: All spectrums:
Precision: 50/200 (-150)
Speed: 50/100 (-50)
Efficiency: 50/150 (-100)
Medium Range: 15km - 100km

Precision: 50/200 (-150)
Speed: 50/100 (-50)
Efficiency: 50/200 (-150)
Laser systems: X-Ray and down spectrums:
Precision: 50/200 (Mastered) (-150)???
Speed: 50/100 (Mastered) (-50)???
Efficiency: 50/200 (Mastered) (-150)???

Long Range: 100km - 600km
Missiles: Long range, high altitude missiles:

Precision: 50/200 (-150)
Efficiency: 50/100 (-50)
Laser systems: Visible and down spectrums:
Precision: 50/200 (-150)
Speed: 50/100 (-50)
Efficiency: 50/200 (-150)
Extreme Ranged: >600km
Heavy Particle Projectors: 3*1 and 4*1 configuration:

Precision: 50/100 (-50)
Speed: 50/100 (-50)
Efficiency: 50/100 (-50)

So, with the goal of Mastering as many skills as possible... here's the combined list in ascending cost order.
Unarmed Frame:
Precision: 46/50 (-4)
Efficiency: 37/50 (-13)
Energy Equivalency:
Speed: 170 (-30)
Precision: 162 (-38)
Efficiency: 168 (-32)
This would leave us with 33 points unspent..

If we got rid of Teleport Precision, we would have 71 points. So we could replace it with Melee Halberd Plasma Lance Efficiency to have 7 points left over. Which we dump in Plasma Lance Precision for a total of 85 there.

Or we could dump Teleport Efficiency for the same trade.

In the end. My new points plan will take the 1st set up of 5 masteries and dump the remaining 33 into Hypervelocity Cannons: Precision: 50/100 for a total of 83/100 there because 50 is the next lowest value to pay and its the first listed 50.

So to reiterate my plan will be

[] Plan: Melee-Focused World Tour

-[] Timeskip Activities.
--[] Train skills
---[] Unarmed Frame: Precision: 4 points
---[] Unarmed Frame: Efficiency: 13 points
Energy Equivalency: Speed: 30 points
---[] Teleport: Efficiency: 32 points
---[] Teleport: Precision: 38 points
---[] Hypervelocity Cannons: Precision: 33 points

--[] Volunteer again for Sandra's UNHCR reconstruction activities.
Benefits: General uptick in UN economic power. Long term benefits to human population.
Cost: 21 days - 210 points
--[] Attend Instructor training sessions.
Benefits: Unlocks and trains certain group skills. May train Wave Force.
Cost: 7 days - 70 points.
--[] Attend general Flight training sessions.
Benefits: Unlocks and trains certain group skills. May train Target Rich Environment. May train Wave Force.
Cost: 7 days - 70 points.

-[] Holiday Activity
--[] Flight world tour: Visit the homelands of everyone as a flight. An around the world tour of India, Siberia, South Africa, Japan and Canada- maybe not Canada. No? Not India either?
-12 days.
--[] Spend time with:
---[] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
-2 days.

Alternatively, I could drop my 33 points dump and put three days into the "HPP Long-Term Project" if Avalanche allows it.
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So here's a write-in suggestion.

We've been talking an awful lot about what skills to master, but Anna really knows nothing about how high-level Valkyrie combat works in a team, fully UN-supported environment. Basically, what skills are most important if you're "one of the Four Five"?

Rather than continuing to randomly train whatever seems like a good idea to Anna, it might be good for her to seek out her peers... the Valks rated 2 through 5, and ask their advice. They are the ones who know about the sort of highest-level missions she will one day be flying. They are the ones who can actually evaluate her skills and tell her what would be most useful for her to improve in the context of fighting alongside them. They can even make comment on whether Red or Blue would be most useful. A couple of days spent on ensuring Anna is doing the right training could more than pay for itself.

...also, it lets us meet them on-screen, which is cool. That way when they dramatically sacrifice themselves later it'll mean something!
So here's a write-in suggestion.

We've been talking an awful lot about what skills to master, but Anna really knows nothing about how high-level Valkyrie combat works in a team, fully UN-supported environment. Basically, what skills are most important if you're "one of the Four Five"?

Rather than continuing to randomly train whatever seems like a good idea to Anna, it might be good for her to seek out her peers... the Valks rated 2 through 5, and ask their advice. They are the ones who know about the sort of highest-level missions she will one day be flying. They are the ones who can actually evaluate her skills and tell her what would be most useful for her to improve in the context of fighting alongside them. They can even make comment on whether Red or Blue would be most useful. A couple of days spent on ensuring Anna is doing the right training could more than pay for itself.

...also, it lets us meet them on-screen, which is cool. That way when they dramatically sacrifice themselves later it'll mean something!

I'm 120% on board with this idea. Even if we only get an email through, having a chance to tease those characters now is priceless. Foreshadowing!
So here's a write-in suggestion.

We've been talking an awful lot about what skills to master, but Anna really knows nothing about how high-level Valkyrie combat works in a team, fully UN-supported environment. Basically, what skills are most important if you're "one of the Four Five"?

Rather than continuing to randomly train whatever seems like a good idea to Anna, it might be good for her to seek out her peers... the Valks rated 2 through 5, and ask their advice. They are the ones who know about the sort of highest-level missions she will one day be flying. They are the ones who can actually evaluate her skills and tell her what would be most useful for her to improve in the context of fighting alongside them. They can even make comment on whether Red or Blue would be most useful. A couple of days spent on ensuring Anna is doing the right training could more than pay for itself.

...also, it lets us meet them on-screen, which is cool. That way when they dramatically sacrifice themselves later it'll mean something!
Okay with this. Something like this?

-[] Contact one or more of the other top ranked valkyries, ask to meet and talk shop. See if they have advice on training, on how to prepare yourself with top-level UN-supported combat, which you have not experienced before. See if any of your abilities are unique enough to contribute something no one else brings (wave excepted of course). See if they have advice on development of the wave force. (2 days)
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That is a really good idea actually. And we know the current Number #2 is actually looking to talk to us already and we kind of ignored her. Might be good to take care of that now since... I think that might have been post-timeskip? I definitely would rather not snub her (if for no other reason than the fact that we'll probably be fighting alongside her at some point), and taking a while to get around to it because we were "Settling in" would fly if it was a pre-timeskip message she left us.
In fact, I feel I should go deeper on this point.

Ethics aren't luxuries; they're infrastructure. They're doubly important in wartime, because there aren't two sides, here; there's 1.2+ billion humans versus however many Antagonists that actually have agency, and ethics exist to reduce the costs of keeping those very, very many independent sides pointed in the same direction.

Even at -5, throwing out the infrastructure that lets humans treat each other as "all in this together" is a questionable idea - unless you've decided "fuck it, the Antagonists have already won, there's no reason not to do whatever," and that leaves you very short on justification should you ever find yourself at someone else's mercy.

I feel like the thread is overreacting to Javeria in sympathy to Anna's overreaction. Providing negative motivation to whip soldiers into shape is about as old as organized militaries. Turning a blind eye to intra-cadet hazing is about as old as organized military training. It's a fair point that Javeria's role would be better filled by an objective professional instead of a natural sadist, but the basic idea isn't particularly evil.

This is a long way from the moral event horizon. Like, imagine what Gendo Ikari would get up to if he were put in charge of Valkyrie training. Forcing people to go through Ace-like training regimens would be just the start.

Honestly, any kind of military training that can serve as the setting for a comedic harem anime is going to be ludicrously soft by real world standards.
I feel like the thread is overreacting to Javeria in sympathy to Anna's overreaction. Providing negative motivation to whip soldiers into shape is about as old as organized militaries. Turning a blind eye to intra-cadet hazing is about as old as organized military training. It's a fair point that Javeria's role would be better filled by an objective professional instead of a natural sadist, but the basic idea isn't particularly evil.

This is a long way from the moral event horizon. Like, imagine what Gendo Ikari would get up to if he were put in charge of Valkyrie training. Forcing people to go through Ace-like training regimens would be just the start.

Honestly, any kind of military training that can serve as the setting for a comedic harem anime is going to be ludicrously soft by real world standards.

Fully agree here.
The instant in time you mentally labeled 'Peak Koujirou #1' passes without incident.

"Setsuna, I'm concerned by your actions in the last engagement. It was extremely reckless."

"Hey, sometimes you have to push to win."

"Winning is one thing, but your last 'push' measured over 700 micro-Koujiros."

"What? No way! I ran it against the latest Koujiro Index, there's no way it was over 500."

"Ah, it looks like you didn't get the last update. Yukari made several tweaks pertaining to the usage of XHEAP missiles after the Great Pancake Incident."

"Oh god, what did Koujiro do now- PANCAKE INCIDENT!?! How do XHEAP missiles factor into pancakes.... and why didn't I hear about this earlier?"

"Koujiro asked that 'we can never let Setsuna know about this.'"

"Of course he did... so what happened?"

"I can't tell you."

Providing negative motivation to whip soldiers into shape is about as old as organized militaries. Turning a blind eye to intra-cadet hazing is about as old as organized military training.
I can easily see a UN organization, well-meaning or simply out of a need to be seen as Doing Something, banning the practice with regards to Valkyries. Maybe in response to what the Pakistani military forces had gotten up to.

No ethical claims made or implied about either side.
Enders game while a good book would be a horrible thing for Anna to read at this time.

Why would it be...
............Oh shit. Ender's bugger revelation.

Anna must never find that book. Risk of further damage is unacceptable.

Okay with this. Something like this?

-[] Contact one or more of the other top ranked valkyries, ask to meet and talk shop. See if they have advice on training, on how to prepare yourself with top-level UN-supported combat, which you have not experienced before. If any of your abilities are unique enough to contribute something no one else brings (wave excepted of course). See if they have advice on development of the wave force. (2 days)

We might want to find out if we can set aside some points for that task, although with it most likely being part of our holiday time it's less likely that would be an option. We might just have to settle with that information only helping in the next time-skip.
Reading Macbeth I didn't get a single one of the "important symbols" until my teacher told the class what they all were(no one else did either).
To be fair, I was more inclined to notice the dick, fart, ass, etc jokes. The Bard becomes a lot more entertaining when you start picking up on that. Oh, and the puns.
I like her.
She needs more screen time
She probably does. Remember, what we see is not what the people watching the anime see.
It is a bad sine when we go off on a geometry tangent that will almost certainly involve trigonometry. People can be very obtuse to a degree that boggles the mind. Not even plane speaking helps.

On an unrelated note, should fluffy velociraptors have personalities like corgis that can use doorknobs? Because we now know what some of the dinosaurs are, and I feel an omake coming on.
You know it occurs to me that the UNHCR reconstruction option might have some relevant long term benefits that aren't listed in the description. Namely the effect that the activity will have on both the population's perception of Anna especially once the #1 thing comes out and by extension the effect it will have on the new cadets that will be arriving once the next year of schooling rolls around.

Think about it, with Anna's help the last mission helped roughly 200,000 people, roughly 1/6,000th​ of the total current human population of the planet.

So, assuming each mission helps roughly the same amount of people, doing just four total missions over the course of this year will mean that a full 1 out of every 1,500 people will have been directly helped by Anna and given the roughly a 1 to 60,000 Valkyrie to population ratio it's fairly likely that at least a one of them will end up as a Valkyrie cadet in the next year or two.
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Peculiarly, while the larger residential area has been repaired , the smaller showed no signs of repair and had been partially flooded upon discovery.
Space next to the comma.
You entertain a faint suspicion that that Meyer sometimes segues onto topics that are incredibly distracting on purpose, but that didn't really fit the Instructor's character in your opinion.
Double 'that'.
Koujirou baulks and sheepishly shuffles, before spreading his arms in an expressive shrug.
Balks, unless this is a British spelling.
so would Sandra and Koujirou would try to make things better and succeed maybe.
Awkward phrasing, even for Anna.
Javeria is a without a Flight of fellow cadets
a what?
Koujirou had attempted to demonstrate it on you, but then he got all grabby and you had gently but insistently picked him up and thrown him to the other side of the room.
That's beautiful.
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But we gotta have some Yukari time in there.
This is a good point. Maybe the trip to Japan idea being tossed around. Or maybe something about Japanese food? Maybe she can cook for us, or teach us how to cook?

Suspension of disbelief broken. What kind of Battle Action Harem Highschool Anime is this where the protag doesn't win the tournament arc.
Who's to say she didn't? Setsuna as second stealth protagonist sounds like an amazing idea!

So here's a write-in suggestion.

We've been talking an awful lot about what skills to master, but Anna really knows nothing about how high-level Valkyrie combat works in a team, fully UN-supported environment. Basically, what skills are most important if you're "one of the Four Five"?

Rather than continuing to randomly train whatever seems like a good idea to Anna, it might be good for her to seek out her peers... the Valks rated 2 through 5, and ask their advice. They are the ones who know about the sort of highest-level missions she will one day be flying. They are the ones who can actually evaluate her skills and tell her what would be most useful for her to improve in the context of fighting alongside them. They can even make comment on whether Red or Blue would be most useful. A couple of days spent on ensuring Anna is doing the right training could more than pay for itself.

...also, it lets us meet them on-screen, which is cool. That way when they dramatically sacrifice themselves later it'll mean something!
This is something I'm 1000% down for.
To be fair, I was more inclined to notice the dick, fart, ass, etc jokes. The Bard becomes a lot more entertaining when you start picking up on that. Oh, and the puns.

She probably does. Remember, what we see is not what the people watching the anime see.

It is a bad sine when we go off on a geometry tangent that will almost certainly involve trigonometry. People can be very obtuse to a degree that boggles the mind. Not even plane speaking helps.

On an unrelated note, should fluffy velociraptors have personalities like corgis that can use doorknobs? Because we now know what some of the dinosaurs are, and I feel an omake coming on.
I was going to hug your post, but then you made geometry jokes. No love for you now.
No she didn't. That was for a different Valk.
I can absolutely guarantee you that her ability deserves the rank. Also, need to talk to you, stop pretending to be offnet. I know you monitor these comment thread replies IRT.
-Comment by user "Jatayu Sen" (Verified WAN Account, United Nations Armed Forces, Air Force Air Marshal, Valkyrie Ace Rank 2), highest rated response to above comment
Valkyrie Ace Rank 2. If that's a general skill level rather than Rank 2 of all Valks, then all I have to say is wtf man. How else was I supposed to read that.
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