Avalanche has said we could try and have Anna develop new skills and abilities since pretty much day one and I have a proposal for just that.
[ ]Develop a new skill: Flickering.
Flickering is a new form of teleportation that discards traveling significant distances in order to significantly increase the efficiency and speed of individual jumps.
It does this by having both the entrance and exit points contained within the Valkyrie's impeller volume. This allows a jump path to be bored from both ends simultaneously; reducing both the time needed to complete the technique and the impeller strain due to both the extremely limited distance traversed and the increased efficiency of having a prepared exit point rather than having to bore one through from the other side.
As a side benefit, due to the technique being entirely contained within the impeller field it is less vulnerable to interdiction than traditional teleportation.
While Flickering does not offer the same benefits to mobility and interception that traditional Teleportation offers, it does grant greatly increased agility and dodging. This is due to a number of factors:
Firstly that Flickering, like Teleportation, does not require the valkyrie to exit the flicker the same direction as it was entered, allowing the valkyrie to near instantly re-orientate their vector of movement.
Secondly, even a Flicker of mere meters is frequently all that is needed to turn a hit into a miss and even in the event they are struck it can potentially be used to decrease the severity of the hit in some cases by flickering away before the full force of an energy or projectile stream can make contact, depending of course on the duration of the beam and how quickly the valkyrie can perform a Flicker.
Lastly, due to its lower energy costs Flickering can be performed far more frequently than Teleportation without putting undue strain on the impeller field allowing it to be used more freely and making it the more efficient choice for avoiding attacks in many circumstances.
Tldr version: tiny, rapid, spammable teleports with all that implies in terms of benefits.
As for why we'd want Anna to learn this instead of just dumping more points into Wave Force.
One, it increases Anna's personal survivability and combat endurance and while Anna already has loads of that compared to most other valkyries this is definitively a case of more is always better.
Two, that increased survivability synergises well Anna's already extent skills, mainly Target Rich Environment and and Wave Force. TRE by simply allowing her to evade mass fire better in situations where she is massively outnumbered allowing her to better exploit her increased combat efficiency. Wave Force by helping with actually surviving long enough to set up for Wave Force's all or nothing attack as using the technique in relative safety requires the battlefield to be cleared of all enemies other then the ones she targets with wave force as otherwise any survivors would gank her immediately after while her impeller is still depleted. Also having a better damage exchange rate with Type Zeroes would also mean less situations where she is forced to resort to Wave Force.
Three, it provides Anna with an unusual notable skill beyond just generic OPness that she can actually show off to her flight and thus also the meta-audience to increase relevancy while also potentially misleading the audience about just what sort of Ace Anna is; allowing the later revelation of Wave Force and #1 ranking to still hit with full or even increased potency.
Four, while far more niche in its likely adoption it is a skill that is far simpler in concept than Wave Force and thus could be potentially disseminated to the general valkyrie population with much more ease giving some minor large scale benefits.
@Avalanche would this be something valid to develop? And if so what would the points cost be? Or would this be a throw points at it and see what you get sort of deal?
[ ]Develop a new skill: Flickering.
Flickering is a new form of teleportation that discards traveling significant distances in order to significantly increase the efficiency and speed of individual jumps.
It does this by having both the entrance and exit points contained within the Valkyrie's impeller volume. This allows a jump path to be bored from both ends simultaneously; reducing both the time needed to complete the technique and the impeller strain due to both the extremely limited distance traversed and the increased efficiency of having a prepared exit point rather than having to bore one through from the other side.
As a side benefit, due to the technique being entirely contained within the impeller field it is less vulnerable to interdiction than traditional teleportation.
While Flickering does not offer the same benefits to mobility and interception that traditional Teleportation offers, it does grant greatly increased agility and dodging. This is due to a number of factors:
Firstly that Flickering, like Teleportation, does not require the valkyrie to exit the flicker the same direction as it was entered, allowing the valkyrie to near instantly re-orientate their vector of movement.
Secondly, even a Flicker of mere meters is frequently all that is needed to turn a hit into a miss and even in the event they are struck it can potentially be used to decrease the severity of the hit in some cases by flickering away before the full force of an energy or projectile stream can make contact, depending of course on the duration of the beam and how quickly the valkyrie can perform a Flicker.
Lastly, due to its lower energy costs Flickering can be performed far more frequently than Teleportation without putting undue strain on the impeller field allowing it to be used more freely and making it the more efficient choice for avoiding attacks in many circumstances.
Tldr version: tiny, rapid, spammable teleports with all that implies in terms of benefits.
As for why we'd want Anna to learn this instead of just dumping more points into Wave Force.
One, it increases Anna's personal survivability and combat endurance and while Anna already has loads of that compared to most other valkyries this is definitively a case of more is always better.
Two, that increased survivability synergises well Anna's already extent skills, mainly Target Rich Environment and and Wave Force. TRE by simply allowing her to evade mass fire better in situations where she is massively outnumbered allowing her to better exploit her increased combat efficiency. Wave Force by helping with actually surviving long enough to set up for Wave Force's all or nothing attack as using the technique in relative safety requires the battlefield to be cleared of all enemies other then the ones she targets with wave force as otherwise any survivors would gank her immediately after while her impeller is still depleted. Also having a better damage exchange rate with Type Zeroes would also mean less situations where she is forced to resort to Wave Force.
Three, it provides Anna with an unusual notable skill beyond just generic OPness that she can actually show off to her flight and thus also the meta-audience to increase relevancy while also potentially misleading the audience about just what sort of Ace Anna is; allowing the later revelation of Wave Force and #1 ranking to still hit with full or even increased potency.
Four, while far more niche in its likely adoption it is a skill that is far simpler in concept than Wave Force and thus could be potentially disseminated to the general valkyrie population with much more ease giving some minor large scale benefits.
@Avalanche would this be something valid to develop? And if so what would the points cost be? Or would this be a throw points at it and see what you get sort of deal?