I wasn't thinking her being an "Actua Lee", but more like being honestly confused why these books would get so many things wrong or being nonsensical. Like, if she started reading Dracula, she'd just keep thinking how something like vampires would realistically work.

Hmm, maybe she'd like cute fairy tales...

I mean, if she started thinking about "how to make Dracula work" when reading fiction, she definitely needs to read more of it. :V
Maybe read the literary theory or whatnot first, to make sure she does not treat fiction as research papers?
I mean, if she started thinking about "how to make Dracula work" when reading fiction, she definitely needs to read more of it. :V
Maybe read the literary theory or whatnot first, to make sure she does not treat fiction as research papers?
That would most likely be the best place to start for her.
That would most likely be the best place to start for her.
ok no, you want Anna to read stuff please don't torture her with the stuff the school boards these days makes you read. If I hadn't been a big reader before High School it would have destroyed any desire I had to read.

Have her read the GOOD Authors, Orson Scott Card(ok, BEFORE Giant's Shadow and the shark jumping climax that entire universe was cool), Mercedes Lackey, Anne McCaffery(but not her son, the guy was just regurgitating his mom's stuff last I checked), hell, just have her read decent fantasy, maybe some steampunk, stuff where the Author STARTS from the premise "This is Impossible, let's do it anyway and have it make sense". Might even give her ideas for Impeller haxxery(that wasn't a word... but I don't have a better sounding way to put that...).
You and Meyer fill the time with banter, but as topics run dry as the minutes pass, you two stray further and further away from topical discussion. By the time a move from Syifa snaps your attention back to your commentary, you and Meyer are for whatever reason discussing the downsides of air conditioning and weather control in Arcologies.

Also this is a subject worthy of discussion. Underground arcologies need to either move considerable volumes of fresh air down into circulation with appropriate NBCRN/HECRE rated filtration, or else a fully sealed air recycling set up, which works best ifnat least partially centralized, which means you still need to move pretty much all the air inside the multiple, separately sealed, pressurised, internal partitions around safely, without heating it too much with accumulated waste heat (which needs to be dumped), humidifying and dehumidifying the air as needed for comfort (not to mention irrigation of arcology green spaces) without allowing for stale pools of condensed wastewater inside your ventilation system or other critical infrastructure, all the while keeping noise levels tolerable.
Anyway, since we can apparently select how much time we spend on the HPP project, I suggest 5 days.* That leaves 100 points. I would suggest we spend some of that on Target Rich Environment.

*Incidentally, I'm going to assume that without us, the project would take 5 times as long, so a total of 14 days will be completed of the 110 needed. Maybe more if they work on it over the holidays. At the rate of 1 day helping for every 9 days they work on it alone, it'll take about 40 weeks to complete.
What does Target Rich Environment do again? I'm not clear on the mechanics. Right now, I'm in favour of spending around 50 points for HPP and 100 on Wave Force. Or the full 150 on Wave Force. I'm even wondering if perhaps it'd be worth it to skip reconstruction work with Sandra to continue progress on the Wave Force...
ok no, you want Anna to read stuff please don't torture her with the stuff the school boards these days makes you read. If I hadn't been a big reader before High School it would have destroyed any desire I had to read.

Have her read the GOOD Authors, Orson Scott Card(ok, BEFORE Giant's Shadow and the shark jumping climax that entire universe was cool), Mercedes Lackey, Anne McCaffery(but not her son, the guy was just regurgitating his mom's stuff last I checked), hell, just have her read decent fantasy, maybe some steampunk, stuff where the Author STARTS from the premise "This is Impossible, let's do it anyway and have it make sense". Might even give her ideas for Impeller haxxery(that wasn't a word... but I don't have a better sounding way to put that...).
*shrug* You think that's good place for her to start, put it in the plan. I wasn't the one who first started thinking of her trying reading fiction.
What does Target Rich Environment do again? I'm not clear on the mechanics. Right now, I'm in favour of spending around 50 points for HPP and 100 on Wave Force. Or the full 150 on Wave Force. I'm even wondering if perhaps it'd be worth it to skip reconstruction work with Sandra to continue progress on the Wave Force...
Target Rich Environment has two effects:
1) It provides a bonus to dealing with a large number enemies, with the bonus increasing as the number of enemies grow.
2) It provides a minimum skill level with all weapons except for Exotic Principle Weaponry(aka Type Zero's personalized weapons).

Basically, Anna could be in the midst of an enemy army, equipped only with weapons she's never used before, and still kick ass. It's why Anna's so good at using the lasers, missiles and cannons despite previously using 10 HPP's: it automatically granted 50 skill points to every weapon skill.

And that particular effect is why I want it raised, as raising it could raise the minimum skill level Anna possesses. Even an increase of +10 to the base skill level would grant 270 skill points, 330 if you count the weaponry skills we haven't unlocked yet. +15? 405 to 495 skill points gained. My most feverish dreams of +50? 1,350-1,650 skill points.
I am not sure sitting in the room and stewing in our memories is the best idea ever tbh. Could work, could screw with us
That's often considered a horrible way of dealing with depression. Talking and interacting with people is usually encouraged if possible.

When was the last time we read fiction literature? Maybe make a couple of days of reading books? Can we, like, revisit Literature Club or just trawl the Internet for advice and go on a reading spree? With her reading speed she should just about catch up on a decade of non-reading in a couple of days.
I was going to suggest a movie or TV marathon with the rest of the flight. I find myself curious to how Anna will react to Nanoha myself...

Also, beach episode.
ok no, you want Anna to read stuff please don't torture her with the stuff the school boards these days makes you read. If I hadn't been a big reader before High School it would have destroyed any desire I had to read.

Research indicates that the books don't matter. People, particularly teenagers, hate reading anything they're assigned to read. You would almost certainly hate your favorite book if you were assigned to read it the first time.

On the vote: there's a tension running through the quest from day one: does Anna continue as she has been - inhuman, robotic, disconnected - or return to her humanity? I think that the option to do more humanitarian labor is a step in the right direction for her, and spending the entire timeskip on weapons development is a step backwards.
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Have her read the GOOD Authors, Orson Scott Card(ok, BEFORE Giant's Shadow and the shark jumping climax that entire universe was cool), Mercedes Lackey, Anne McCaffery(but not her son, the guy was just regurgitating his mom's stuff last I checked),
>considers the spectre of readers choosing specific works of fiction
>considers the process of writing up such a scene
>necessity of reading all those words cause Anna is going to read their entire published record in minutes
>scrambles for the veto button

They- they uh, died during Impact/had their works lost during Impact/were totally different people and had their works banned/don't exist in BAHH universe.

I'm joking, pretty sure I can find a synopsis on wikipedia or something, but please don't get too angry if I and by extension my characters kinda miss the thrust of what these writers are all about :V
Blue Wave is a relatively thin line that goes on forever. Red Wave is a massive explosion. Red Wave is way better for wiping out infrastructure.
I'm of the opinion that the Blue Wave better suites the UN's tactical and strategic needs. The #1 problem right now is dealing with Type Zeros, and the Blue Wave can neuter their Higgs related BS that makes them so hard to kill, which in turn makes them less likely to go out and sick their dicks in everything.
I'm of the opinion that the Blue Wave better suites the UN's tactical and strategic needs. The #1 problem right now is dealing with Type Zeros, and the Blue Wave can neuter their Higgs related BS that makes them so hard to kill, which in turn makes them less likely to go out and sick their dicks in everything.

The blue wave is better for Valks, yes. The Red wave is better for the G Gun.
Found some typos.
You entertain a faint suspicion that that Meyer sometimes segues onto topics that are incredibly distracting on purpose,
Delete one of these two words.
drones and missiles fall detonate and shower the ground below with debris in response.
Add commas after "fall" and "detonate".
Adding ot the confusion of the ground,
game of whack of mole follows
a far worse condition than even Milia and Emily's destructive bought left it in
destruction left
Koujirou uses one sword used for wider swings and slashes, the other for shorter, sharper stabs and guarding.
Delete this word.
Also, I am not too keen on HPP rebuilding - it would give humanity a more easily accessible punch, but they already have it; they struggle mostly with taking out elite Type-0s, for which Blue Wave/Red Wave are more useful.

These projects serve different portions of the Valk population, yes. It is worth noting that the population of Valks for whom there is even the chance of using the Wave Force is likely to be fairly small. Probably not larger than the number of 300 cores presently in operation. HPPs, meanwhile can be operated by any Valk that takes the opportunity to integrate one. Both projects are things that are well worth doing, and while the Wave Force is arguably more important, the HPP project is also pretty useful.

The HPP rebuilding is an incremental increase in firepower, but it is one that can be applied to most of the Valkyrie population. HPP modules come with some other useful abilities, besides just doing more damage. For one thing, the HPP's shots can be set to bypass physical interference. Such as water. Or the mountainside that an AG base is hiding underneath. Lastly, and certainly not least, Frame Complexity is directly linked to Impeller volume/strength. Trading a standard Particle Cannon for an HPP should, all else equal, grant a stronger Impeller to the Valks that do so.
Also, Wave Force Manipulation is very much a trump/final/finishing move, because afterwards they're out of Impeller and damaged, meaning they have to leave the field. HPP's in contrast are something they can use at all times.
And speaking of fauxchan - cheerfully oblivious motormouth Anna.
Man, once they grok the hints of just how much Valks can unload on unconscuious Agent-Reflex they get a flip.

Meanwhile, babbling oddbal, rather than Reixpy.

I really need another fauxchan snippet.

Also this is a subject worthy of discussion. Underground arcologies need to either move considerable volumes of fresh air down into circulation with appropriate NBCRN/HECRE rated filtration, or else a fully sealed air recycling set up, which works best ifnat least partially centralized, which means you still need to move pretty much all the air inside the multiple, separately sealed, pressurised, internal partitions around safely, without heating it too much with accumulated waste heat (which needs to be dumped), humidifying and dehumidifying the air as needed for comfort (not to mention irrigation of arcology green spaces) without allowing for stale pools of condensed wastewater inside your ventilation system or other critical infrastructure, all the while keeping noise levels tolerable.

Sorry to double dip.

This is probably one of the reasons acrologies require a Valk baby sitter. I assume even with super tech some issues require space magic to solve with those massive constructions.

Doubt OP has time or the inclination but I'd love to know how hooked into an acrology a Valkyrie is. I think I remember seeing they run the defenses but like are they expressing stuff on a massive scale as well? Can they shield it? You could probably run a spin-off civilization quest based on being a Valk running one of humanity's mega cities.