I was thinking about our XP system and decided to look at how much XP Anna has racked up over her eight years of being a Valkyrie:

Weaponry: (Stat Maximum can be capped based on equipment characteristics and suitability to ranges involved)

Zero Ranged: <100 meters - Total XP = 1,592

Impeller Field: (See Impeller Field Skills)

Unarmed Frame:
Precision: 46/50
Speed: 50 (Mastered)
Efficiency: 37/50​

Heavy Particle Projectors: 4*1 configuration:
Precision: 200 (Mastered)
Speed: 200 (Mastered)
Efficiency: 200 (Mastered)​

Melee Halberd: Plasma Lance
Precision: 78/200
Speed: 200 (Mastered)
Efficiency: 136/200
Hypervelocity Cannons:
Precision: 50/100
Speed: 50/150
Efficiency: 50/150
Precision: 25 (Mastered)
Speed: 50 (Mastered)
Efficiency: 25 (Mastered)​

High Energy Sensor Pulses:
Precision: 25 (Mastered)
Speed: 25 (Mastered)
Efficiency: 25 (Mastered)
Reactor Plasma Dump: Causes temporary deficit of Power in Valkyrie Frame, can be mitigated with capacitor.
Precision: 10 (Mastered)
Speed: 100 (Mastered)
Efficiency: 10 (Mastered)​
Short Ranged: 100m - 15km - Total XP = 1,050
Heavy Particle Projectors: 4*1 configuration:
Precision: 200 (Mastered)
Speed: 200 (Mastered)
Efficiency: 200 (Mastered)
Hypervelocity Cannons:
Precision: 50/100
Speed: 50/150
Efficiency: 50/150
Precision: 50/200
Speed: 50/100
Efficiency: 50/200
Laser systems: All spectrums:
Precision: 50/200
Speed: 50/100
Efficiency: 50/150​
Medium Range: 15km - 100km - Total XP = 900
Heavy Particle Projectors: 1*4 and 2*2 configurations:
Precision: 200 (Mastered)
Speed: 200 (Mastered)
Efficiency: 200 (Mastered)​

Precision: 50/200
Speed: 50/100
Efficiency: 50/200
Laser systems: X-Ray and down spectrums:
Precision: 50/200 (Mastered)
Speed: 50/100 (Mastered)
Efficiency: 50/200 (Mastered)​
Long Range: 100km - 600km - Total XP = 900
Heavy Particle Projectors: 2*2 and up configurations:
Precision: 200 (Mastered)
Speed: 200 (Mastered)
Efficiency: 200 (Mastered)
Missiles: Long range, high altitude missiles:
Precision: 50/200
Speed: 50/50
Efficiency: 50/100
Laser systems: Visible and down spectrums:
Precision: 50/200
Speed: 50/100
Efficiency: 50/200​
Extreme Ranged: >600km - Total XP = 150
Heavy Particle Projectors: 3*1 and 4*1 configuration:
Precision: 50/100
Speed: 50/100
Efficiency: 50/100
Heavy Particle Projectors: 4*2, 5*2, 10*1 configurations.
Total XP = 4,592

Automatic Defense: - Total XP = 800
Range: 200 (Mastered)
Precision: 200 (Mastered)
Speed: 200 (Mastered)
Efficiency: 200 (Mastered)​

Basic Level: - Total XP = 1,800
Inertial Cancelling:
Range: 200 (Mastered)
Precision: 200 (Mastered)
Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
Selectively cancels or increases inertial mass with Impeller, allowing for allowing for increases acceleration or resistance to acceleration.

Hardened Impeller Field:
Precision: 200 (Mastered)
Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
Directs the Impeller to thicken at site of incoming attack reducing damage taken by Impeller.

Energy Distribution:
Precision: 200 (Mastered)
Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
Allows the Impeller Field to redirect incoming attacks evenly, reducing damage taken by Impeller.

Energy Absorption:
Precision: 200 (Mastered)
Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
Allows for the Impeller Field to store incoming energy rather than releasing it right away.
Intermediate Level: - Total XP = 4,400
Selective Nullification:
Precision: 200 (Mastered)
Speed: 200 (Mastered)
Efficiency: 200 (Mastered)​
Allows a user to set the Impeller Field to tune itself against a specific damage type, greatly reducing damage from the selected type of damage at the expense of increased damage from all other forms of damage.
At high Precision, additional types of damage may be specified with the Impeller at reduced effectiveness.

Layered Impeller Fields:
Precision: 200 (Mastered)
Speed: 200 (Mastered)
Efficiency: 200 (Mastered)​
Allows the creation of multiple layers of Impeller Fields to prevent singular attacks penetrating the entire field at once.

Partitioned Impeller Fields:
Precision: 200 (Mastered)
Speed: 200 (Mastered)
Efficiency: 200 (Mastered)​
Allows for the creation of Impeller Fields with limited coverage to prevent attacks from harming multiple areas at the same time. Reduces Maximum damage from one attack to a certain level of Impeller and Frame within reason.

Impeller Field Shaping:
Range: 200 (Mastered)
Precision: 200 (Mastered)
Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
Allows for purposeful shaping of Impeller Field, allowing for the manipulation of objects with the Impeller Field. Extends maximum Impeller Field range.

Impeller Cancelling:
Precision: 200 (Mastered)
Speed: 200 (Mastered)
Efficiency: 200 (Mastered)​
Use the Impeller to directly attack another Impeller Field or Higgs Barrier upon contact. Interactions between fields generally violent as they cancel.

Spatial Manipulation:
Range: 200 (Mastered)
Precision: 200 (Mastered)
Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
Allows for the distortion of spacetime, manipulating relative distances between points. At high speed, high precision and high range, this ability can mitigate damage taken or increase damage done.

Spatial Fixation:
Range:200 (Mastered)
Precision: 200 (Mastered)
Speed: 200 (Mastered)
Efficiency: 200 (Mastered)​
At the continuous expense of Impeller Field integrity, enforces the reference frame of the user upon the volume occupied by the Impeller Field. At high precision and speed, this ability can be used to cancel out attacks at reduced cost to the Impeller Field. Required for all Advanced Level Skills.
Advanced Level: - Total XP = 1,736
Energy Equivalency:
Precision: 200 (Mastered)
Speed: 170
Efficiency: 60​
At the expense of Impeller Field integrity, slow freeform conversion of energy of any type into another form within the Impeller Field. Allows for the direct conversion of energy within the Impeller into work. At high precision, direct conversion between mass and energy is possible. At extremely high precision, speed and efficiency, large scale unshielded units can be directly damaged through converting unit components into energy.

Closed Space:
Range: 9
Precision: 11
Speed: 112
Efficiency: 148​
At the continuous expense of Impeller Field integrity or Higgs Particle expenditure, create a closed, stable space time bubble. Unshielded objects within the closed space will take constant damage, damage taken depends on their relative mass to total mass of closed space. At high precision, storage of unshielded items for prolonged periods of time without damage is possible.

Range: 55
Precision: 162
Speed: 200 (Mastered)
Efficiency: 168​
At the expense of Impeller Field integrity or Higgs Particle expenditure, move mass a large distance instantaneously. At moderate speeds this ability can be used to escape attacks. At high precision and speed, unshielded units can be disassembled with this ability.

Range: 41
Precision: 100
Speed: 200 (Mastered)
Efficiency: 32​
At the expense of Impeller Field integrity or Higgs Particle expenditure, in a moderate radius around the Valkyrie, spatial manipulation effects are prevented. In a large radius, spatial manipulation effects have are slowed and degraded in performance. At high speed, this ability can mitigate some Spatial Manipulation damage. At high precision and speed, this ability can corrode spacetime, freezing and crushing all unshielded matter within the afflicted area.

Range: 4
Speed: 48
Efficiency: 2​
At the expense of Impeller Field integrity or Higgs Particle expenditure, create a spatial tunnel. At high speed, this ability can be used to deflect attacks. At high speed and high precision, this ability can reflect attacks. At high range and precision, this ability can spatially shear an unshielded volume of space from existence.
Total XP = 8,736

Combined Total XP = 13,328

So at our current XP rather of 10xp per day that would require 1,333 days or 3.65 years. Of course Anna didn't start out earning 10xp per day but instead was at just 1xp per day which would put her at 36.5 years. With 3,250 days of total synch time we can come to the conclusion that Anna must have earned an average of 4.1XP per day. This fits with her starting out at the lowest possible synchronization level and slowly clawing her way up as well as her training limitations of needing to recharge off solar power, save energy for patrols/emergencies, and time spend rebuilding her town.

Of course it's not really realistic to say we earn 10XP per day. That is simply a timeskip simplification. During active control we have four action slots per day, although the Lunch slot can only be used for social, and we get 10XP per training session. So theoretically when going full hermit Anna can hit 30XP per day. During active play we pretty much always used the Evening slot for hitting up clubs but during Time Skipping we only do that once per week instead of every day and only attend the one club instead of three.

So over a seven day week we have 21 training slots of which only 0.33 is used upon attending clubs. That leaves 20.67 slots for training or other activities. So each week should really give 206.67XP that can be dropped on things instead of the 70XP it currently does.

I do understand why Avalanche isn't doing this since all told we only need 4,729XP to max out all our Weapon and Impeller Skills with Blue Wave Level 1 and Red Wave Level 1 (both of which are game changers) each adding another 1,050XP for a total of 6,829XP. We the initial 3 week timeskip and 7 week one here we'd have earned 2,066XP which is enough to buy up 30% of all skills available.

There are certainly ways around this like limiting how much XP we can spend on Unique abilities at any given time since stuff like spending all day every day for seven weeks blowing up limbs is almost certainly going to be viewed as unacceptable behavior. The activities introduced with this post also help since if you make them whole day events (IE: keeping their current day count but upping the XP count) they become:
UNHCR reconstruction activities - 618XP
HPP prototype - 3,248XP
Attend Instructor training sessions - 207XP
Attend general Flight training sessions - 207XP​
which makes them very effective XP sinks while still leaving enough XP over to make what noteworthy gains in our various skills.
Javeria Malik.

I'm not saying she's a stupid plot device, but she is a confusing one. Mayer called her a "cadet" inside quotes, yet she is still punished as a one. Then again, she is not stopped from attempting to try something again, even after the dramatic confrontation with the instructors earlier, but it's perfectly alright for Shuri to then stop her on her own initiative? (or was that the plan, to rouse her protectiveness again and turn that into motivation? Is it being paranoid or how deep does this go?)

She doesn't end up looking as either some professional Heel infiltrator working for the higher ups, or as some bully who does that on her own initiative and is just, mostly, looked at through fingers by authority, because of perceived benefit for generating motivation. She looks like some weird hybrid between.

And that would only make sense if they wait for people like her to surface naturally during training and then co-opt them. Which is pretty horrible way of doing things, because people who naturally like to settle into this role should never be allowed to do it, because of how easily they could "overachieve" in it and do more harm than anything that could maybe be perceived as "good" from at least some angle.

As the nasty drill sergeant stereotype shows, negative psychological motivation has it's precedent for working, but they are at least professionals playing a role. If the Valkyrie Instructors are unable to perform it and someone like Malik is actually necessary, then they better be professionals too. But that wasn't really the impression I got, so unless it goes even deeper and there are more things we don't know yet, then, right now, it just makes the Academy higher ups look incompetent.
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Javeria Malik.

I'm not saying she's a stupid plot device, but she is a confusing one. Mayer called her a "cadet" inside quotes, yet she is still punished as a one. Then again, she is not stopped from attempting to try something again, even after the dramatic confrontation with the instructors earlier, but it's perfectly alright for Shuri to then stop her on her own initiative? (or was that the plan, to rouse her protectiveness again and turn that into motivation? Is it being paranoid or how deep does this go?)

She doesn't end up looking as either some professional Heel infiltrator working for the higher ups, or as some bully who does that on her own initiative and is just, mostly, looked at through fingers by authority, because of perceived benefit for generating motivation. She looks like some weird hybrid between.

And that would only make sense if they wait for people like her to surface naturally during training and then co-opt them. Which is pretty horrible way of doing things, because people who naturally like to settle into this role should never be allowed to do it, because of how easily they could "overachieve" in it and do more harm than anything that could maybe be perceived as "good" from at least some angle.

As the nasty drill sergeant stereotype shows, negative psychological motivation has it's precedent for working, but they are at least professionals playing a role. If the Valkyrie Instructors are unable to perform it and someone like Malik is actually necessary, then they better be professionals too. But that wasn't really the impression I got, so unless it goes even deeper and there are more things we don't know yet, it just makes the Academy higher ups look incompetent.

Yeah, what they really need is a professional, much like a police infiltrator or a trained counselor, who can do this to a purpose exclusively. A drill sergeant would be okay for entire classes but if you're targeting specific individuals that's different.

But this is an anime world where there are no counselors. So we get something stupid like Ms. Malik.
A/N: Bugger. Technically, I said "update on New Year's or KMS" every time I was asked. Thankfully(?) I accomplished neither :V

Big thanks to; Guessmyname, Alfa290, Octol, Alphaleph, Tayta Malikai and AlphaDelta.
Holy shit. You meant this New Years?
"No but… look, couple years, or ten or something back, something big went down in Public Order in, like, Copenhagen."
"Copenhagen is under thirty feet of AGs."
"Siberia then, somewhere north, whatever. The thing is… uh…"
How do you confuse Copenhagen and Siberia?
Anna squirmed in place, wringing her hands anxiously and looking back and forth between the two pairs before gingerly sitting down on a rock, hugging her knees to her chest.
Something bothering you?
"Shuri, it may be my imagination, but I feel like the commentary has been growing rather… awkward."

"Don't look at the caster's box, Sandra."

"Must you always arouse my curiosity so, Shuri? Well this time, I shall not look over."


We are the picture of professionalism.
Sandra however cuts you and Shuri off as she locks editing permissions with the note that the reply is meant to be only two thousand words with a five percent margin of error. It was not supposed to be two hundred thousand words and rapidly increasing.
But think of the extra credit.
probably most Valkyries cadets wouldn't have an easy time either.

You look on sheepishly as Setsuna sits hunched, her hands bunched in her twintails as she blankly watches her datapad auto-scroll through the pages upon pages of text and diagrams you and Shuri had created.
Show and tell.
The Higgs impulse wave wouldn't degrade into imaginary force fast enough in such cases.
:l Was this meant to be actuall words?

Alright gotta go now will finish tonight. Curse Australians who don't post according to my convenience. :V
:l Was this meant to be actuall words?

I believe it has to do with how the simulator works. They're fully and legitimately making most(all?) Of those attacks, and then it's making them go poof and simulating the outcome. Too much boom too close too fast and it can't keep up, or some such.

Or at least, I remember it being something like that. It's been a while.
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So over a seven day week we have 21 training slots of which only 0.33 is used upon attending clubs. That leaves 20.67 slots for training or other activities. So each week should really give 206.67XP that can be dropped on things instead of the 70XP it currently does.

I do understand why Avalanche isn't doing this since all told we only need 4,729XP to max out all our Weapon and Impeller Skills with Blue Wave Level 1 and Red Wave Level 1 (both of which are game changers) each adding another 1,050XP for a total of 6,829XP. We the initial 3 week timeskip and 7 week one here we'd have earned 2,066XP which is enough to buy up 30% of all skills available.

There are certainly ways around this like limiting how much XP we can spend on Unique abilities at any given time since stuff like spending all day every day for seven weeks blowing up limbs is almost certainly going to be viewed as unacceptable behavior. The activities introduced with this post also help since if you make them whole day events (IE: keeping their current day count but upping the XP count) they become:
UNHCR reconstruction activities - 618XP
HPP prototype - 3,248XP
Attend Instructor training sessions - 207XP
Attend general Flight training sessions - 207XPwhich makes them very effective XP sinks while still leaving enough XP over to make what noteworthy gains in our various skills.
I can understand as well, but I don't like it. I feel that such things are, well, artificial and don't make a lot of sense. I presume this is current set-up is supposed to represent us going to class each morning, spending the lunch period socialising and we're voting on what we do in the afternoon, but honestly I feel that since we were visiting 5 clubs per day at the start, we should get the next 27 clubs done over 6 days, then have 30* days/slots to spend on clubs.

However, then there's apparently 2 weeks vacation in there, so logically we'd then have 3 slots open, for 42 possible actions over that weekend, yet 2 training actions still equals 2 days. And that inconsistency really annoys me.

The above obviously does not apply if there's a logical reason for it.

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Just throwing my two cents in, but I don't think that the holidays are part of the 50 day total. Why? Here:
The timeskip will be for a duration of 7 weeks for a total of 50 actionable days, ending at the start of week 14, the start of the second semester.
Emphasis mine. Since normal schools usually have a break between semesters, I think it can be safely assumed that the 14 day holiday period will:
a. occur before the 50 days available of the second semester, and;
b. not be included in the mentioned 50 day total.

EDIT: This is, of course, assuming that the most recent update occurred close to or at the end of the first semester.
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Just throwing my two cents in, but I don't think that the holidays are part of the 50 day total. Why? Here:

Emphasis mine. Since normal schools usually have a break between semesters, I think it can be safely assumed that the 14 day holiday period will:
a. occur before the 50 days available of the second semester, and;
b. not be included in the mentioned 50 day total.

EDIT: This is, of course, assuming that the most recent update occurred close to or at the end of the first semester.

...But that says the timeskip ends as the second semester begins, meaning the break was part of the seven weeks.
Just throwing my two cents in, but I don't think that the holidays are part of the 50 day total. Why? Here:

Emphasis mine. Since normal schools usually have a break between semesters, I think it can be safely assumed that the 14 day holiday period will:
a. occur before the 50 days available of the second semester, and;
b. not be included in the mentioned 50 day total.

EDIT: This is, of course, assuming that the most recent update occurred close to or at the end of the first semester.
...But that says the timeskip ends as the second semester begins, meaning the break was part of the seven weeks.
We'll just have to wait until Avalanche clarifies on the subject.
You hem and haw, it felt a little mean to talk about Koujirou like this, but well, you had to dismiss any mistaken impressions the Instructor had.

"He's well, not really manly," you respond haltingly, "He's too… pretty, really. And short. And thin. Also he's not interested in me, I don't think."

"So you like your men big, hairy and lusty? That's something we have in common," Instructor Meyer grins at you.

"No!?" you squeak, flapping your hands to bat the suggestion away, "I– I– I'm only here to cast the competitions! No more talking about boyfriends!"
Anna: "Kojirou would be better off as Koujirouko"

You look on sheepishly as Setsuna sits hunched, her hands bunched in her twintails as she blankly watches her datapad auto-scroll through the pages upon pages of text and diagrams you and Shuri had created. You'd written around one hundred and thirty thousand words and Shuri ninety thousand in the fifteen or so seconds you two had had. You're not at all sure when the two of you would have stopped if all five minutes had been allowed.

Despite their best efforts, Sandra and Setsuna are only able to cut the word count to ninety thousand before the deadline arrives. Shuri and you both wrote in a laconic style that's basically impossible to compress, so Sandra had resorted to outright deleting the speculative scenarios and much of the for and against arguments you and Shuri had written.
Been there, if not so...extreme as a transhuman write-off can manage.
Lecturer never set a maximum wordcount so I went ahead and exceeded it by 8 times over.

Koujirou doing something stupid is a state that achieves peak probability at either seven or thirteen seconds from now.

>There's a pretty high chance Cadet Rokusabe will do something silly around three seconds from now, right? We did a little pattern analysis and we think that's around when anything will probably happen.

The instant in time you mentally labeled 'Peak Koujirou #1' passes without incident.

You jump up and down a little, pumping your fist in silent celebration, before slamming yourself back down into your seat and politely folding your hands across your knees as Meyer throws an inquisitive glance your way. Inside however, you are still brimming with excitement.

Koujirou is being sensible. Koujirou is being sensible.
My sides.

Koujirou again displays that strange sudden burst of skill that sometimes comes over him and instantly rights himself from his wild tumble. He almost delicately shifts to the side and stabs his sword into the massive wave of plasma as it roars harmlessly by. With his thrusters bright with stolen energy, he essentially rides down Emily's attack in an absurdly showy spiral, cutting the attack into a helix behind him.

To your side, Meyer slaps both hands over her face and groans loudly. Leonhart broadcasts a second of completely blank audio. You tilt your head in considerable confusion as you try to justify what that stunt gained Koujirou.

Emily halts her plasma attack and ignites her melee halberd, swinging upwards to meet Koujirou. However, his sword is still in its unusual absorb energy mode and the blade simply cuts through Emily's own melee halberd, siphoning away its plasma as it does so. Gracefully, Koujirou swings his sword, depositing the collected plasma in front of Emily. For a brief moment, it remains stable in the air, a trail of plasma following along the path of Koujirou's cut.

Koujirou sheaths his sword and turns around.

The trail of plasma explodes.
Melee Starlight Breaker?
He even stopped to pose at the end haha, the goddamned showboat.

"Oh for goodness sakes, spare me," Meyer sighs, rubbing her eyes.

"What is it?" you query.

"There's a lot of analysis from other flights which can be summarised as 'Koujirou is so cool, I want to do that thing he did at the end!' and drivel along those lines. My red pen is going to see some work today," groused Meyer, before she perks up and shoots you a sly grin, "Actually, it's all Cereza's responsibility to use the red pen, I got to play good cop this year."
We're going to see a lot of idiocy happen. A lot.
Koujirou took a lot of smacking around to make the whole stunt work and then even more to make it look good.
For a silent moment, he watches the streaks of light flash across the chambers and shambolic collapse of much of the central chamber, before coming to an abrupt decision. He braces himself and fires a long stream of hyper velocity cannon rounds into the central reactor, then flees.

The entire complex seems to lurch– and the central reactor explodes, with Emily nearly directly above it.

>>Victor: Rokusabe Koujirou
>>Fifth set, victory by Cadet Rokusabe Koujirou three rounds to zero

You raise an eyebrow. What a practical and direct way to finish the match, this is one of the shortest rounds so far.
Kojirou: "What Would Anna Do?"

"Well hey, still, that second round was a spectacle," muses Koujirou as he and Emily retract their frames and shake hands again, "Do you think Setsuna would be impressed with that?"

Emily hangs onto Koujirou's hand, sharp incredulity etched across her face. She raises her left hand up in front of Koujirou and smartly raps him on the forehead twice.

"Ow! Hey! What's that for?"

"Hm, strange, it doesn't sound hollow."
I dunno, a lot of evidence points to it being hollow...

...are you sure the skull isn't extra thick producing similar acoustic effects, maybe stuffed with wool?
Setsuna ascends firing her XHEAP missiles, at the same time contorting her Impeller into a tunnel of some kind- wait, this is an absorption technique? You perk up in interest, it looks like Setsuna is trying to copy what Koujirou's sword did.

Syifa fires a full powered particle cannon beam at Setsuna as her missiles clear and at close range, the beam hits Setsuna head on almost immediately.


You cheer out loud, jumping in your seat slightly as Setsuna manages to completely absorb the attack with her Impeller.

They're doing plasma Tai Chi now?
"So Emily, what did you think of Koujirou? Claire said he was really cool." "Curb your thirst, we meet him in class everyday. Also, I wouldn't. He's denser than an Ace's Impeller." "Oooooh…" "Poor Setsuna."
Ouch, his Impeller's on fire there from the sick burn.

Oh wow, that's a lot of points to spend.

Just individual assessment:
-[] Volunteer again for Sandra's UNHCR reconstruction activities.
Benefits: General uptick in UN economic power. Long term benefits to human population.
Cost: 21 days - 210 points

Good for Anna's psychology, she likes doing this. It feels good.

-[] Work with the crafting elective class for revised HPP prototype.
Benefits: Completion returns fifth HPP. Uptick in UN Valkyries combat power. Crafting Class will continue working on HPP prototypes regardless of your participation.
Cost: 110 days - 1100 points. (Cannot be completed in timeskip, will be added to long term projects if selected.)

I think this is unnecessary. The Crafting Class has their project. Let them work at it.

-[] Attend Instructor training sessions.
Benefits: Unlocks and trains certain group skills. May train Wave Force.
Cost: 7 days - 70 points.
-[] Attend general Flight training sessions.
Benefits: Unlocks and trains certain group skills. May train Target Rich Environment. May train Wave Force.
Cost: 7 days - 70 points.

Strongly in favor of doing both of these. They're good, but I want more team involvement.

[] Holiday Activity
-[] Flight world tour: Visit the homelands of everyone as a flight. An around the world tour of India, Siberia, South Africa, Japan and Canada- maybe not Canada. No? Not India either?
-12 days.

Would be interesting, but of our Flight not everyone really enjoys their homeland would they?

--[] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
-2 days.

Sure, he's being stuck at range, help.

--[] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
-2 days.

Reminder: Be Human

--[] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
-2 days.

Not as sure about this.

So looking at the holiday activities, we're going to need to write in some holiday activities unless we take the world tour.
Maybe a beach episode.
Maybe something restful like stargazing.

Training...would wait for home PC because I can't even load our sheet on my phone.
...But that says the timeskip ends as the second semester begins, meaning the break was part of the seven weeks.
Well, fuck my reading comprehension then.

Wait, I got it! The the vote option for holiday activities doesn't nest into the vote option for timeskip activities, which means the former do not fall under the latter!

So a hypothetical vote would look like this:
[c] Timeskip Activities
-[c] Train skills
-[c] Activities
[c] Holiday Activities
-[c] Stuffttivities
Rather than this:
[c] Timeskip Activities
-[c] Train skills
-[c] Activities
-[c] Holiday Activities
--[c] Stufftivities

Furthermore, the selection of activities under the Holiday Activities voting header do not have any point allocations, which means they do not fall under the Timeskip Activities vote, whereas the subvotes for Activities and Train skills, which clearly fall under Timeskip Activities, all require or provide point allocations!
We should definitely do the Yukari and Setsuna social. I think it'll help Anna's social ability.

I wonder if there would be a scene where the flight notices that Anna have a much more luxurious room if we choose the Yukari and Setsuna option. Chapter 20 was amazing, my heart goes out for Anna :,( Why are you a bully indeed. I hope there's more to come soon.
I just really want to spend almost all the holidays activities with interaction with everyone.

Not sure what to do on normal activities though, getting our transcendant wave progress is important but so is the activity to help the world.

This. I'd mean less combat upgrades but I really want to see her interacting with the others. In mostly non-combat situations. Maybe we'll even get to dreaded flashback that will break everyone watching like EoE.
Yay update! Anna is so cute. As for planning... Hmm, assuming vacation doesn't count as part of activities, Sandra + Instructors + Flight = 350 points. Maybe put in 50 points to Crafting Club just to get that as a long term project, then remaining 100 in Wave Force project? Anna is pretty fantastic at basically everything, so Wave Force and social is all she really needs to improve.

As for vacation... Take all 3 social options, plus another 2 days for Shuri? Maybe spend remaining days for club activities? Or helping Crafting club more? Maybe just have Anna wander around Arcology?
Furthermore, the selection of activities under the Holiday Activities voting header do not have any point allocations, which means they do not fall under the Timeskip Activities vote, whereas the subvotes for Activities and Train skills, which clearly fall under Timeskip Activities, all require or provide point allocations!
That's nice. Having to choose between skill grinding and Anna awkwardly socializing would have broken my heart.
I do understand why Avalanche isn't doing this since all told we only need 4,729XP to max out all our Weapon and Impeller Skills with Blue Wave Level 1 and Red Wave Level 1 (both of which are game changers) each adding another 1,050XP for a total of 6,829XP. We the initial 3 week timeskip and 7 week one here we'd have earned 2,066XP which is enough to buy up 30% of all skills available.
Double-checked, and it's actually 4,817 Skill Points. Add in 2,100 from Red and Blue Wave, then there's the 260+ for Target Rich Environment, which we should get before levelling up our weapon skills directly, as it might provide a reduction in cost.

But that's the skill we have. We then have the skills that we don't have but can develop:
Impeller Field:
Derived Skils: Plasma Shaping
Derived Skills: Explosive Redirection

Extreme Range Combat:
Missile MLSI
Missile Minefield
Group Skills;

#Group skills are restricted to the average between the highest and lowest skilled of the Synchronised Impeller Field:
Group Teleport:
Group Gate:
Group Interdiction:
Group Waveforce Manipulation:
That's at least 2,050 Skill Points, right there.

Then there's the Electives. If we assume that 7 of the remaining 27 unvisited clubs have maxed-out skills, and all the untrained club skills max-out at 50, that means there's 33*50 = 1,650 skill points until we max them all out.

Now, I previously calculated that if Target Rich Environment level 2 raised the minimum skill with weapons to 100, that would save 1,222 skill points, so lets subtract that from the total.

Altogether, that's 9,655 skill points, or 966 action slots, as the bare minimum. And while Anna could get all that if she spent all three training actions each day on improving them for about 11 months, that's not all Anna is doing. We want Anna to spend time with her friends, doing stuff like the reconstruction efforts, spending non-training time with clubs she likes...
Double-checked, and it's actually 4,817 Skill Points. Add in 2,100 from Red and Blue Wave, then there's the 260+ for Target Rich Environment, which we should get before levelling up our weapon skills directly, as it might provide a reduction in cost.

But that's the skill we have. We then have the skills that we don't have but can develop:

That's at least 2,050 Skill Points, right there.

Then there's the Electives. If we assume that 7 of the remaining 27 unvisited clubs have maxed-out skills, and all the untrained club skills max-out at 50, that means there's 33*50 = 1,650 skill points until we max them all out.

Now, I previously calculated that if Target Rich Environment level 2 raised the minimum skill with weapons to 100, that would save 1,222 skill points, so lets subtract that from the total.

Altogether, that's 9,655 skill points, or 966 action slots, as the bare minimum. And while Anna could get all that if she spent all three training actions each day on improving them for about 11 months, that's not all Anna is doing. We want Anna to spend time with her friends, doing stuff like the reconstruction efforts, spending non-training time with clubs she likes...
wait. Aw crud. I forgot to include Anna's weapons skills in my earlier calculations. I'll be back.


ehhh.... There all either 50 or 100. Easy to calculate. I'll stick with my previous decision.
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Wait. I already said that. Am I not trustworthy?
*looks back through thread*
How do you spend your time during the holidays?
14 days total.
These 14 days are in addition to the other fifty, yes?
Actually, if it doesn't then it combines with our time skip options to be a total of 49 days.
Sorry. Realized that there aren't point costs so these won't count.
Whoops, seems I missed that. I sincerely apologize.
Well it's 3 am here, and I can't tell if the house shaking was just the wind or an earthquake. Still no regrets on staying up this late to read the update.
Notes: Looking at the votes, maybe I made it a bit too obvious which choice lead to what. In case anyone was wondering, exploring the Perth Arcology exploration deck would have lead to a very introspective post, with you thinking about your past and all that and then followed onto the next day.
Thinking back to this vote near the beginning of the quest, would anyone be opposed to spending some time on introspection? Don't know if we'd need to spend a full day on it or not, but giving Anna some time to herself to just relax and think on things can't hurt.
-[] Volunteer again for Sandra's UNHCR reconstruction activities.
Benefits: General uptick in UN economic power. Long term benefits to human population.
Cost: 21 days - 210 points
Good for humanity and Anna too probably. On the other hand, it is expensive, something others can do too, and we have other ways to help humanity that only we can do.

-[] Work with the crafting elective class for revised HPP prototype.
Benefits: Completion returns fifth HPP. Uptick in UN Valkyries combat power. Crafting Class will continue working on HPP prototypes regardless of your participation.
Cost: 110 days - 1100 points. (Cannot be completed in timeskip, will be added to long term projects if selected.)
A good way to contribute, but expensive, and can probably finish without our help, if much later. Also improves our personal combat power.

-[] Attend Instructor training sessions.
Benefits: Unlocks and trains certain group skills. May train Wave Force.
Cost: 7 days - 70 points.
Wave force. A game changer that only we can work on. Also increases our personal combat power.
I would argue that we put it as our first priority, project wise.

-[] Attend general Flight training sessions.
Benefits: Unlocks and trains certain group skills. May train Target Rich Environment. May train Wave Force.
Cost: 7 days - 70 points.
I say we skip this. We can get social elsewhere, and wave force is a better use of our training time.

-[] Flight world tour: Visit the homelands of everyone as a flight. An around the world tour of India, Siberia, South Africa, Japan and Canada- maybe not Canada. No? Not India either?
-12 days.
We need the social. Also a very good way to see the civilian world and humanity.
If not this, then we should probably take the reconstruction work.
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Do not neglect our most important duty: fill the internet wth bread culture.
-[]Something something bread meme something.
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