I don't think sniping will work, because I don't think it's unlimited speed or "hitscan" as the terminology goes. Still great, not entirely practical.

We could snipe hives and breaches though. That would be hilarious.

The Blue Wave has a propagation rate of c. For any object within a thousand km that gives the Wave a transit time of approximately three thousandths (.003336 sec) of a second. And it is worth noting that with the Wave is moving at the speed of light the detection and reaction to the shot will be on far short intervals than that. In point of fact, barring FTL sensors that we have yet to see demonstrated meaningfully, it should be near enough to impossible to do much more than attempt to aim dodge if the Type-0 detects the precursor effects of the Wave Force. Assuming that there are detectable precursor effects at all. Which, given the apparent opacity of Impeller to means of scanning (especially as observers seem completely unable to discern anything about the technique while it remains in a user's Impeller Field), would seem more than a little unlikely.

Given that no other variant of the Wave Force can strike beyond 15km (short range), I would say that it is definitely possible to engage in sniping Type-0s with Blue Waves. The point of having the Blue Wave is that a Valk using it can deliver serious, probably crippling and maybe outright lethal, damage to Type-0s at medium to long range, and thereby negate the ability of Type-0s to Higgs boost out of any fight that they do not have the up front firepower or endurance to survive. Other variants of the Wave Force may do more damage, but they still require that the caster gets fairly close to a Type-0.
Blue wave propagates at light speed yeah.
Was posted over in Discord, I posted it here.

Top 11 Valks after much poking Avalanche

1. Anna Sanchez: Coroner, Trump, Emergency Fast Response Squadron Pinnacle, Type Zero Suppression Squadron Last Word. (30,000+)
2. Jatayu Sen: The Valkyrie, Zero Breaker, Wing Commander, Alaska, Deus Ex Squadron (30,000+)
3. Margaret Laurent: Black Queen, Wing Commander, Alaska, Pinnacle Squadron (30,000+)
4. Anastasia Korikova: White Tower, Wing Commander, Alaska, Ragnarok Squadron (30,000+)
5. Zheng LingYu: Lao Shi, Wing Commander, Alaska, Theophagy Squadron. (30,000+)
6. Vishka Nonahali: Caesar (29,000 rating)
7. Chang Wei: Eclipse (28,000 rating)
8. Dalisay Vivas: Blue March. Group Captain, Last Word Squadron, Learning Wave Force, Exotic Principle Weapon YaoGuai Hong Shao from Type Zero Guan Yu (27,000 rating)
9. Cinta Renata: Summer Solstice (26,000 rating)
10. Lee Sang-hyeok: Majeh, Rank 10 (25,000 rating)
11. Samphati Faran: Sheba (24,000 rating)

So 5 people broke the scale rather than just Anna and we have confirmation that the Genius 20 is spread around rather than concentrated in Pinnacle.
Come on UN, get better scaling!
Thats... nearly the length of Great Britain...
I want to do geometry to work out what their minimum altitude to see each other without having to worry about curvature of the earth is.
In an attempt to distract myself I assume at least part of Shuris scorn for this event is that there are few to zero occasions in which a duel such as these is representative of actual Valk combat, theres no way either side wouldn't have reinforcements in this area. Why you'd have to be stranded deep behind enemy lines for this even to be relevant, and given valk speeds this is like continent deep behind lines. And with a pressing reason to not make a break for friendlies, erm like protecting a town. And you'd need to have a good reason for the enemy to hold back non peer opponents, like if you could canabalise them for Higgs.
This might be more relevant than I gave it credit for.
78 km. Meaning in the Mesophere, and what is sometimes referred to as "Near Space". A distance of 1134 km is when you have to go into actual space to see, incidentally.
I can easily see a UN organization, well-meaning or simply out of a need to be seen as Doing Something, banning the practice with regards to Valkyries. Maybe in response to what the Pakistani military forces had gotten up to.

No ethical claims made or implied about either side.
Nowhere does it say it was banned?
Ok. So Margaret Laurent, Anastasia Korikova, and Zheng LingYu are the "Trinity" mentioned in the online article + commentary we read. I'm assuming that they're all ex-wingmates or are at least members of the same generation or something that would justify such a title when they are obviously part of different Squadrons. I mean they're also called The 'Queens of Silver'.

Ok. People on the list that Anna knows. She likely knows them all by reputation and dossier and vice versa, but who has she really met?

#8, Dalisay Vivas is one of the Instructors Anna is "teaching" so that's an obvious one. Oh, and she's also a group leader in Last Word, one of Anna's assigned squadrons.

Anna has likely met Jatayu Sen. Sen's defense of Anna felt a bit to confident to me to just be professional courtesy. At the very least, Sen has seen Anna's handiwork and/or stats.

Anna has definitely met Margaret Laurent cause she's a Wing Commander in Pinnacle Squadron, Anna's other assigned squad. (Which was shown to be utterly super badass in the Alaska Simulation before apparently being wiped out or at least teleporting away...)

So... that's three? Two and a half?
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Nowhere does it say it was banned?
Consider it a hypothetical as to why Malik gets so much lenience when, as was pointed out, there's better ways to do what she does than giving a cadet enough rope to hang herself when she finally runs into something she's not cleared for.

Nobody's said it's banned, but we know there are theoretical restrictions regarding Valkyries in-training that people have put quite a bit of thought into bypassing - and that the instructors are unlikely to tell Anna that's what they're doing, if that's the case.
Just curious because I don't follow the thread much between updates, but someone has definitely written the omake where Anna's Grandpa Rick shows up, right?
Anyways, a couple of write in suggestions. Are these okay suggestions @Avalanche ?

-[] Beach Episode: Yukari is gathering the flight together to spend a day in the beach biome in Perth. Somehow this feels inevitable. (1 Day)

The Beach Episode must be done... We do have a beach biome right?

-[] Movie Marathon: When Sandra was looking for things for the flight to bond over, Koujirou suggested something called a 'Movie Marathon'. Now your flight is going to spend two days watching several cinematic creations together. Errm, what are you supposed to pick? (2 Days)

I feel this ticks off a few boxes. The two biggest things are that it helps Anna integrate into society more by experiencing culture, likely at least a little bit of popular culture, and lets the flight hang out together as a flight as opposed to just individuals. To be fair the beach episode does the latter, but they can still go off on their own, where as everyone will be in the same room watching movies here. It maybe should also just be one day?

If we can make suggestions as to what movies we watch, mine is.

--[] The Nanoha movies (You here this has to do with friendship?)

In all, I'm in favor of the smaller write ins for vacation. I am also very much in favor of getting Sandra to help Shuri and Anna start hanging out together. We've seen in this last update that Shuri is one of the few people that is genuinely willing to be competitive with Anna and they're in the same flight. I feel it would be a positive step in getting Anna out of her shell by getting her involved in healthy competition.
I've been hearing a few times that Anna is too detached/immature to seek a romantic relationship. The latest update is reason to reevaluate this.

Anna has shown remarkable growth when pressed (unless she shuts down from bad memories). In the last few weeks she went from being nervous about being peripherally involved with the Vanguard Tournament to feeling elated at her flightmates successful matches. If she puts some effort into pursuing Koujirou she can expect her Ace-level mind and body to figure things out quickly. She's also climbed several rungs on the "path to a functional mind" ladder in the last couple updates.

Another reason is that one of the Instructors judges Anna as fit enough on the subject to tease about it. Right now there's a support structure for everyone involved, so even if it's a stretch there's wiser people to turn to. And I think the Meyer has a better grasp of Anna's mental state and what's good for it than the readers.

The metaplot also makes this a good time, we can set off the whole dumb plot before Setsuna raises the stakes. And we have the cute scenes of flustered commentator Anna to weave in. Since it's pretty early in the plot any romantic interest is unlikely to go anywhere, so even if you don't want Kouji/Anna there's still some reason to get involved now instead of having to choose between getting dropped out of the plot and trying to escalate on earlier shipping scenes.

Given the choice I'd want Koujirou to try awkwardly explaining that he respects Anna in future scenes than having to rig up a connection before getting shipped to Africa to drop off the face of the plot.
Hmm. I noticed on that Top Valks list, Last Word doesn't have anyone marked as a leader on it, while the other big squadrons do. Also, I think Dali may be our superior in it? Please?
....I love Vivas, so much. She's both awesome, and just awkward enough to be fun, and good for Anna.
While I freely admit that of course I have a dog in this fight, I think that pursuing Koujirou sheerly for the sake of increasing emotional growth is sketchy at the absolute best.

Besides, getting involved in that furball is Here Be Dragons territory, no thank you.

Anna can decamp to her own spinoff series with Sandra and Shuri, thank you very much.
Hmm. I noticed on that Top Valks list, Last Word doesn't have anyone marked as a leader on it, while the other big squadrons do. Also, I think Dali may be our superior in it? Please?
....I love Vivas, so much. She's both awesome, and just awkward enough to be fun, and good for Anna.
Well, considering what we know about Pinnacle and Last Word, Margaret seems to be the likely leader.
While I freely admit that of course I have a dog in this fight, I think that pursuing Koujirou sheerly for the sake of increasing emotional growth is sketchy at the absolute best.

Besides, getting involved in that furball is Here Be Dragons territory, no thank you.

Anna can decamp to her own spinoff series with Sandra and Shuri, thank you very much.
Getting involved in the furball now lets Anan get gently pushed out later. Trying to to come to grips with it after Perth is destroyed and Setsuna has started shoring up her claim would be worse.

And I do expect we'd be pushed out to make way for future shenanigans, so now's the time to dip our toe in if we want to keep the "get got" win condition open. Do you think it would take longer than two weeks for Koujirou to screw things up?
I rear out of the deeps to once again say my piece.
Back I go, into the depths.
That's not fixing. Did you even read any of my post or are you just advocating Yuri secure in the knowledge that you will be backed up purely on popularity?
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Getting involved in the furball now lets Anan get gently pushed out later. Trying to to come to grips with it after Perth is destroyed and Setsuna has started shoring up her claim would be worse.

And I do expect we'd be pushed out to make way for future shenanigans, so now's the time to dip our toe in if we want to keep the "get got" win condition open. Do you think it would take longer than two weeks for Koujirou to screw things up?
Counting on Koujirou to not screw something up means he's going to screw up screwing up.

I really don't at all see why Anna needs to even be involved when she herself has no expressed interest in him, he's dense as a stone, and basically no one really thinks of her as a 'candidate'. Pushing out requires that she be 'in' in the first place.
While I can agree it would be good for her emotional maturity maybe... I'm not seeing it. With anyone currently.

In this particular area she strikes me as just a smidge to underdeveloped to push out on her own and... I'm just not feeling it with anyone yet? Like... I don't feel like she's really clicked quite yet with any of them to even try and convince her to pursue them romantically.
Of the top Aces we haven't spoken to much, it looks like Margaret Laurent would be our best bet for the kind of contact we're planning to make - she's the Wing Commander of our team, so it wouldn't be remiss to say that giving us a list of things to work on is pretty much her job.
Getting involved in the furball now lets Anan get gently pushed out later. Trying to to come to grips with it after Perth is destroyed and Setsuna has started shoring up her claim would be worse.

And I do expect we'd be pushed out to make way for future shenanigans, so now's the time to dip our toe in if we want to keep the "get got" win condition open. Do you think it would take longer than two weeks for Koujirou to screw things up?
I think Traumatized Anna is probably the worst candidate to achieving that victory path. Honestly, Setsuna currently has a lock on it, though I can see future characters getting pulled into it and giving her a challenge, I don't think anyone in our current flight can compete with her.

Shuri and Anna are too traumatized and need someone who is working towards helping them move on. Koujirou could help with this, but...

Sandra is too busy noticing everyone that is super traumatized and spending all of her time helping them as opposed to being interested in Koujirou, which also takes her out of the picture.

Meanwhile Koujirou's big sis is really his big sis in terms of both blood relation and personality. There will undoubtedly be people that ship the two, but it flies in the face of their characters for that to actually happen.

If we're looking for victory conditions I think our best shots are either aiming for a Shuri/Sandra/Anna spin off where they are all equally the main characters in the series or actually winning the war, something we are uniquely suited to actually achieving. The first one is the show I'd actually like to watch (so I feel that is a good benchmark as to being an interesting spin off), and the second one honestly sounds easier and more plausible than being gotten by Koujirou in my mind.
That's not fixing. Did you even read any of my post or are you just advocating Yuri secure in the knowledge that you will be backed up purely on popularity?
What? Nooo.
Noooo. No not at all!

How can you accuse me of such conduct?

All I'm saying is, we'd have to compete for koujirou and perhaps damage several friendships(if we're trying to win)
Whereas, if we pursue someone like Sandra or Yukari(I forgot to add her on that list, let me change that) we deal with no romantic rivals. Maybe Shuri for Sandra, but we can take her! Look I'll settle for Yukari, the pairing even involves someone from the same family as Koujirou. AND! Wait for it. And, as a bonus we get to awkwardly ask Koujirou for his blessing(not that such a thing is NEEDED of course)/advice for asking out his sister. Everyone wins.

Accusing me of trying to push some lesbian agenda is both baseless and rude sir.

*quietly deletes posts on SV's Yuri Rec Thread*

EDIT: As an addendum, need I also remind you that friendship and having a support structure is far more important than romance. So even if the thread(not including me as I lurk) pursues such a path then risking those many supports in favour of romance is not conducive to Anna's emotional recovery/growth.

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