Patroller-A [371k t] C2 S3 H1 L3 P2 D2 (two of those may be a choice over larger frigate for missions that require area coverage)
Risan Light Corvette[370k t] C1 S1 H1 L1 P3 D3 (will get +1S, 1P, +1D after refits. 4 Presence ship for 0.25 points can be viable for some task forces.)
Notes: In 2320.Q1, Pleezirra arrives from Ferasa sector and Hawking from KBZ. In 2320.Q2 the Lion arrives from the RBZ and the Hawking goes back to the KBZ.
Gabriel Border Zone – Requirement Left to Starfleet judgment
[X] [FLEET] Briefvoice 8 points of ships (40 pp, call up one cargo ship)
- 2 Riala-A (4pts), 1 Orion Nelhiar Savings & Loans Enforcer (1pt), 1 Little Queenship (1pt), 2 Orion Molhane Patrol Escorts (1 pt), 2 Apinae Stingers (1pt) = All go to Anti-EE task Forces
[X] [TASK] Form Task Force: Aqua
Task Force Aqua – Expires when Eternal Empire threat ended
Mission: [Race the Empress to her Fleet]
Commander: Diego Zaardmani - +1S on Flagship, Re-roll first failed Science check each year
Attachments: Vulcan Science Academy Archaeology Team: 5 pp on purchase, 3pp per year. Effect: +1 to first roll involving archaeology a quarter; Onion Navy Aerocommando Orbital Drop Company: 5pp on Purchase, 10pp per year. Effect: Reroll first failed Away Team Combat roll per quarter. Does not fulfill a Peacekeeper requirement. Enables Raid Events (like Anoxa or Sdranach).
[X] [TASK] Form Task Force: Burgundy (Larger version)
Task Force Burgundy – Expires when Eternal Empire threat ended
Mission: [Hunt Down Eternal Empire Forces]
Commander: Commodore Saavik - Re-roll the first Hard event failed each year
Attachments: Yoyodyne Research Team: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Enables reroll on first failed D-Test each quarter.; Starfleet Tactical Brass: 10pp on Purchase, 0pp per year. Enables coordination events with other powers.; Starfleet Intelligence Operations Team: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Enables Raid Events.; Amarki Gendarmes: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: +1C for Away Team action, fulfills a Peacekeeper requirement attached to a Mission or event
[X] [TASK] Form Task Force: Jade
Task Force Jade - Expires when Eternal Empire threat ended
Mission: [Deny the Empress allies and secure your own]
Commander: Min-Jee Lee - +1 P on flagship
Attachments: FDS Diplomatic Team. Cost: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter (COST ALREADY PAID THIS YEAR. FORMERLY IN AQUA)
From: Vice Admiral Rachel Ainsworth, Commander, Starfleet Explorer Corps
To: Admiral Hikaru Sulu, Starfleet, Commanding
Subject: Explorer Corps Panel of Captains
Hello Admiral,
I appreciate your continued faith in my services leading the Explorer Corps.
The USS S'Harien and USS Atuin have completed their refits, and the USS Courageous and USS Voshov have completed their Five Year Missions. Voshov is going in for refit, but the other three are preparing for their next mission.
Captains Sulu and Sabek have both requested to remain on the panel for a second Five Year Mission. We also welcome one new officer to the Panel: Zara ka'Athnon, whose recent extradimensional work showcases her exploratory spirit.
Captain Jeanette Devereaux
Human Female, 45
Current Assignment: Captain, USS Sojourner
A science division officer at heart, Captain Devereaux is in rare company among officers for protesting being assigned the brand-new Typhoon over the old Suvek. +1 S, +1 to First Contact missions
Captain Percival Amin
Human Male, 46
Current Assignment: Deputy Director, Mission Control Room, Starfleet Operations Command
A man with a surprising knack for finding himself in dangerous areas, but who learned much from Rear Admiral Uhura. One of the very few fluent non-Vulcan speakers of that language. +1 L, +1 to any internal diplomacy.
Captain Shurg kap Klasch
Tellarite Female, 51
Current Assignment: USS Reason
Possesses a legendary devotion to her crew, keeping them safe no matter the odds. 50% chance of nullifying a crew casualty, +1 to any event involving medicine.
Captain Sabek
Vulcan Male, 59
Current Assignment: Captain, USS Courageous
Even by Vulcan standards, Sabek has nerves that could put warp core housing to shame. +1 C, +1 D, +5% Evasion
Captain Zara ka'Athnon
Andorian Female, 44
Current Assignment: Captain, USS Pathfinder
A woman whose exploratory spirit is second to none, Captain ka'Athnon is unafraid of any situation. +1 S, re-roll failed Anomaly mission results.
Captain Hassan Aharani
Human Male, 43
Current Assignment: Captain, USS Avandar
A man of legendary patience, Captain Aharani has played a major role in shaping our early response to the Harmony of Horizon. +1 P, +1 to any internal diplomacy.
Captain Demora Sulu
Human Female, 50
Current Assignment: Captain, USS Voshov
A woman who feels she was born for the stars, Captain Sulu has completed a successful Five Year Mission and is ready for more when her ship returns from refit. Gain +1 P, re-roll any diplomacy test in Federation space, +1 to Espionage attempts, re-roll event hull checks
Captain Abigail Taggart
Human Female, 46
Current Assignment: Captain, USS Endurance
A protege of Victoria Eaton, Captain Taggart's polite demeanor belies an astonishing facility at combat. +1 C, +1 H.
Captain Jennifer Zhang
Human Female, 42
Current Assignment: Captain, USS Spirit
Patient, meticulous, and insightful, Jennifer Zhang has spent years far afield from the Federation both on Enterprise and as part of an officer exchange with the Honiani. Since her return she has served capably as captain of USS Challorn. Re-roll any failed diplomacy roll, +1 P, +1 H
[ ][FYM1] USS Atuin Captain
[ ][FYM2] USS Courageous Captain
[ ][FYM3] USS S'Harien Captain
Sorry, @LeilaHann is stuck with poor wifi and we didn't want to show any sort of favoritism, so no art on this one.
Put Abby on the Atuin, why not. Solid combat bonuses help boost a non-elite ship.
[X][FYM2] Captain Jeanette Devereaux
She has good bonuses and she served under Rosalee McAdams on the Courageous. A former officer coming back to captain the Courageous, a ship that's very traditional, seems right.
[X][FYM3] Captain Demora Sulu
And Sulu can continue on the S'harien.
We also welcome one new officer to the Panel: Zara ka'Athnon, whose recent extradimensional work showcases her exploratory spirit.
I know those logs were supposed to be cute, but as far as I'm concerned she's a crazy woman who has no ability to balance her curiosity with common sense. Sort of the anti-Thuir
So, Sulu's a must. Fan favorite and quite possibly the strongest captain we've ever had mechanically.
Zhang is amazing - +H is by far the worst +stat, but she's also got +P and a hilariously broad reroll.
ka'Athnon is strictly better than Devereax - Anomalys are MUCH more common than First Contacts, rerolls are better than +1, and her bonuses synergize.
Taggart's meh. +C +H is not good for an EC ship, especially with +C +D +Evade on offer. A good chunk more evasion will do more to boost combat survival than the Hull.
IIRC thread agreement was to give Zhang an Amby.
[x][FYM1] Captain Hassan Aharani
[x][FYM2] Captain Zara ka'Athnon
[X][FYM3] Captain Demora Sulu
I'm SORELY tempted to save the other for ka'Athnon because holy shit rerolls on the most common hazardous Science mission and +1S is all kind of bonkers. Don't think I will, though.
Taggart's a great character, but mechanically she's pants because her bonuses basically never trigger outside of MAXIMUM CRISIS and we aren't at high enough level crisis for that. IF we could add EC ships to the anti-EE task force I'd give Sabek Courageous and Abby one of the others and stick them into Burgandy. But that's not a remotely viable option.
Aharani gets a slot for Avandar's antics. Also because that's a damn bonus.
Yes, but ka'Athnon is a bad person and a questionable captain. The kind of jerk who causes trouble for other people and then tries to laugh it off. She's terrible!
[x][FYM1] Captain Hassan Aharani
[x][FYM2] Captain Zara ka'Athnon
[X][FYM3] Captain Demora Sulu
The weird part is I'm not voting this way because of the bonuses at all.
Hassan Aharani was one of the captains that brought the Avandar from obscurity to prominence. He's done a lot for us already and I look forward to seeing him on a 5YM.
Zara ka'Athnon I just want to see more of. She's fun.
And Sulu is Sulu. Her work with the Sydraxians was A+.
Yes, but ka'Athnon is a bad person and a questionable captain. The kind of jerk who causes trouble for other people and then tries to laugh it off. She's terrible!
So I just want to alert the thread of something that we plotted out on Discord.
We complete prototype phaser arrays this year, and we can then fit it onto a ship just like our isolinear computers. That option will be available 2321.Q1, as in next MWCO. The Enterprise launches in 2321.Q4. We have a 3mt berth available at 40E that's awaiting the Tellarite Amby and isn't likely to be put to use. Sending her for a 1Q refit for prototype phaser arrays brings her launch date to 2322.Q1 and avoids delaying the Amby wave since it doesn't use the UP berth.
Now here's the rub. Captain Leaniss of the Tarrak completes her first 5YM in 2321.Q4 and is available for another ship in 2322.Q1, one quarter too late to be granted the Enterprise. But if we delay the launch of the Enterprise's 5YM by one quarter...
Personally, I want Zhang in a ship ASAP. So one of these that we're voting on right now. But I don't have the will to push that through right now given the likely opposition.