Why waste resources on building a ship when you can get one for a modest amount of pp. The battleship is still a good warship that the Indorians can use until they do build an Excelsior later on.

Because you will need to set a logistical tail for said ship? and since it was built using different standards you are either going to need to import stockpiles form Ked Paddah, but the tools and dyes from them, but the data and then build the tooling and all those steps would add cost AND add logistical complexities to the whole affair? (techs trained to use Ked paddah tools and what not)

So, if they can get an Excelsior? hell, maybe even play a political game and build an excelsior in another member yard?
The only advantage is that it is a battlewagon, now, and that would be useful if we expect a war in the short term... or to give their crews experience in operating capital ships (both operationally, tactically and strategically) which would mean that said ship would soon become a training vessel or what not.

[X][PRIORITY] Human Interest in the GBZ
[X][KP] Split the four ships up - (8pp) Tauni (8pp) Tauni (8pp) Laio
[X][MEDICAL] This is not the time (will be added to future Snakepits)
[X][ORION] Arrange for promising Orion officers to spend a year attending Starfleet Academy
[X][BEE] Push (8pp)
[X][INDORREP] Support the Indorians (15pp)
[X][INDORFIT] Refit the Frigates

EDITED: changed Ked Paddah ship vote
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If they told us they wanted to, we'd be able to make room.

Right now, the Indorians are short on resources but have a relative abundance of crew. They can't afford to start an Excelsior now, or next year. That's part of why they're heavily investing in refits rather than building new ships. Giving them a ship that they only need to pay the crew for seems like a good idea to me.
[X][MEDICAL] This is not the time (will be added to future Snakepits)
[X][BEE] Push (8pp)
[X][INDORREP] Support the Indorians (15pp)
[X][INDORFIT] Refit the Frigates
[X][ORION] Arrange for promising Orion officers to spend a year attending Starfleet Academy

Indoctrination, ho!

Still undecided about the rest...

[][PRIORITY] Human Interest in the GBZ
[X][PRIORITY] Andor Mid-Term: Interest in the GBZ

I'm leaning more towards Indoria and Seyek just cuz I'd rather prioritize members and almost-members for goodies. Incentive for other affiliates to rank up and joiiinn usssss!

[][KP] Split the four ships up - (8pp) Indoria (8pp) Tauni (8pp) Laio (8pp) Risa
[][KP] Split the four ships up - (8pp) Tauni (8pp) Tauni (8pp) Laio (8pp) Risa
[][KP] Split the four ships up - (8pp) Indoria (8pp) Indoria (8pp) Seyek (8pp) Seyek
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Will the Seyek be able to crew the new battleship? We don't know what their crew pool looks like.

They propably have at the very least some emergency crew options similiar to those we have that would allow them to activate the ships if the conflict with Cardassia turn too hot while they otherwise keep them in reserve.

Giving the ships to someone like the Laio who will crew it even if they have to abandon their own hulls would probably be preferable, but giving the leftovers to the Seyek will be better than just destroying them.
Sooo...we should start building more ships than we can crew, and then pull crew from some older ships and hand the hulls over to Indoria? Can we do that?

(We can totally dump all the non-T'Mir oberths on the Vulcans/Risans/Betazoids after the Kepler wave starts coming out...)

Well, we could just arrange them resources. Like, they're already committed to Federation standard with their adoption of the Renaissance, it'll just take a few decades to change over. I don't /mind/ handing them a ship or two, though, but generally speaking we need those.

I still want the Oberths to go to Intelligence.

Changing the vote to send two ships to the Tauni, which was entirely the reason we chose to pursue this exchange in the first place:

[X][PRIORITY] Andor Mid-Term: Interest in the GBZ
[X][KP] Split the four ships up - (8pp) Tauni (8pp) Tauni (8pp) Laio (8pp) Risa
[X][MEDICAL] This is not the time (will be added to future Snakepits)
[X][ORION] Arrange for promising Orion officers to spend a year attending Starfleet Academy
[X][BEE] Push (8pp)
[X][INDORREP] Support the Indorians (15pp)
[X][INDORFIT] Refit the Frigates

With the understanding that Indoria would be better off moving to a Federation-standard.
Yeah, I remembered the Intelligence part right after I made my post.

EDIT: What's happening with the retired Soyuz/other stuff anyway? Can we give one of those over to the Lamarck? Well, not the Tech-Skiffs of course. :V

EDIT2: Rereading the KP vote, the Ked Paddah are trading their ships for resources, presumably, not giving them away for free. Do we know how much they want for payment? And if the affiliate in question can't pay the amount they want, does that mean the transfer just falls through and we lose the 8pp? Or is the 8pp us talking the council into filling in any payment gaps?
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[X][PRIORITY] Andor Mid-Term: Interest in the GBZ
[X][KP] Split the four ships up - (8pp) Indoria (8pp) Tauni (8pp) Tauni (8pp) Laio
[X][ORION] Arrange for promising Orion officers to spend a year attending Starfleet Academy
[X][BEE] Push (8pp)
[X][INDORREP] Support the Indorians (15pp)
[X][INDORFIT] Refit the Frigates

Let's punch up the Tauni capacity and take the long view for the Indorians and Orions. The Federation is mostly long view anyway.
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[X][PRIORITY] Andor Mid-Term: Interest in the GBZ
[X][KP] Split the four ships up - (8pp) Indoria (8pp) Tauni (8pp) Laio (8pp) Risa
[X][MEDICAL] Make the arrangements (30pp)
[X][ORION] Arrange for promising Orion officers to spend a year attending Starfleet Academy
[X][BEE] Push (8pp)
[X][INDORREP] Support the Indorians (15pp)
[X][INDORFIT] Refit the Frigates
[X][PRIORITY] Human Interest in the GBZ
[X][MEDICAL] Make the arrangements (30pp)
[X][ORION] Arrange for promising Orion officers to spend a year attending Starfleet Academy
[X][BEE] Push (8pp)
[X][INDORREP] Support the Indorians (15pp)
[X][INDORFIT] Refit the Frigates
Yeah, I remembered the Intelligence part right after I made my post.

EDIT: What's happening with the retired Soyuz/other stuff anyway? Can we give one of those over to the Lamarck? Well, not the Tech-Skiffs of course. :V
The other retired ships are still about 200 years in advance of the Lamarck technology, and they have the disadvantage of being relatively old ships that have undergone a lot of wear and tear. Since the Lamarck are going to be very, very short on people who know how to handle a starship's technology, worn-out ships are probably not for them.

It's like, you can get good use out of a thirty-year-old jalopy of a car that breaks down every few thousand miles... IF you are a skilled repairman who knows how to carefully maintain the car to minimize breakdowns, and how to fix the car when it breaks.

If you don't have that skillset, say because no one on your planet has even seen a car until a few years ago, the car is going to be much less useful, and actively dangerous to your life and safety- a curse, rather than a blessing.
The other retired ships are still about 200 years in advance of the Lamarck technology, and they have the disadvantage of being relatively old ships that have undergone a lot of wear and tear. Since the Lamarck are going to be very, very short on people who know how to handle a starship's technology, worn-out ships are probably not for them.

It's like, you can get good use out of a thirty-year-old jalopy of a car that breaks down every few thousand miles... IF you are a skilled repairman who knows how to carefully maintain the car to minimize breakdowns, and how to fix the car when it breaks.

If you don't have that skillset, say because no one on your planet has even seen a car until a few years ago, the car is going to be much less useful, and actively dangerous to your life and safety- a curse, rather than a blessing.

The Liao are going to be retiring some ships as they move to Federation-standard, those might be more new and more comparably their tech level.
We know literally nothing of Laian engineering so I'm a bit nervous at the though of handing them off to the party people. Remember that they are right in between the Gaeni and Licori. Maybe there's just something off with that section of space?
I still want the Oberths to go to Intelligence.
Agree. The cardies thought that SFI was scary now? Just wait.

On the new-build Ranger idea, I have a proposal: Hand the problem to the Academy. Make it a senior design project.

When I was doing my undergraduate in CS, the senior project was to go out into the real world and build an application for someone. Some years it was small groups (4-5 people) and there'd be two dozen teams each picking out a tiny project from proposals from community members associated with the school. But some years, the professors running the senior project courses would get together and pick out a single huge project to work on, and then entire graduating class would build it over the course of a semester. Sometimes a video game, sometimes a business tool with drupal-like or wordpress-like functionality, sometimes something completely different. For Starfleet Academy? I can totally see the same thing happening but on the scale of an entire starship.

Bring in experts from SDB to teach real-world design techniques, bring in flag officers and EC engineering personnel to give advice on practical design considerations, bring in the FDS to talk about how ships and technologies influence diplomacy and the development of civilizations. Using 150-year-old technology puts it well within striking range for a group of academy students, in the same way that a group of high school students can build a trebuchet or a group of mechanical engineering seniors can build a simple electric vehicle. We get a crop of students with stupendous real-world experience, we get ourselves a design that we know is simple because it's something that students can work with, the Lamarck get a ship or a design and associated tech package.

Granted, it might be more reasonable to do all of that using real SDB resources with the explicit goal of building a class as a teaching tool. I'm a bit leery of just handing them an old ship design; I wouldn't be surprised if we could design something that's simpler and better/safer just due to process improvements and better alternatives and tradeoffs.
We know literally nothing of Laian engineering so I'm a bit nervous at the though of handing them off to the party people. Remember that they are right in between the Gaeni and Licori. Maybe there's just something off with that section of space?
Laio is also located between our space and the Ked Paddah, so both sides can keep an eye on them if anything happens or if they need tech support. They also helped us with the Licori War cleanup. So I think they're not too risky.
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[X][PRIORITY] Human Interest in the GBZ
[X][KP] Split the four ships up - (8pp) Indoria (8pp) Tauni (8pp) Tauni (8pp) Laio
[X][MEDICAL] This is not the time (will be added to future Snakepits)
[X][ORION] Arrange for promising Orion officers to spend a year attending Starfleet Academy
[X][BEE] Push (8pp)
[X][INDORREP] Support the Indorians (15pp)
[X][INDORFIT] Refit the Frigates

Edit: following the comments about the Risans struggling to cope with receiving one of these ships, changing to double Tauni.
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[X][PRIORITY] Andor Mid-Term: Interest in the GBZ
[X][KP] Split the four ships up - (8pp) Tauni (8pp) Tauni (8pp) Laio (8pp) Risa
[X][MEDICAL] This is not the time (will be added to future Snakepits)
[X][ORION] Arrange for promising Orion officers to spend a year attending Starfleet Academy
[X][BEE] Push (8pp)
[X][INDORREP] Support the Indorians (15pp)
[X][INDORFIT] Refit the Frigates
We know literally nothing of Laian engineering so I'm a bit nervous at the though of handing them off to the party people. Remember that they are right in between the Gaeni and Licori. Maybe there's just something off with that section of space?
They like explorers but are behind on tech with their .modern explorer being a t -2 tier design, which might be the ranger era
I could be persuaded to vote for this (two ships for Tauni), but I would prefer to drop Risa. There is zero indication they want a ship like this or have any interest in maintaining and crewing it.
I don't mind dropping Risa.

Every ship we don't buy is another colony. I don't think there are any other affiliates who might want one. Well, unless the Yan-Ros do, they might be the kind of people who would adore a one-of and turn it into something great but terrible.

[X][KP] Split the four ships up - (8pp) Tauni (8pp) Tauni (8pp) Laio
[X][KP] Split the four ships up - (8pp) Indoria (8pp) Tauni (8pp) Tauni (8pp) Laio
[X][PRIORITY] Andor Mid-Term: Interest in the GBZ

[X][MEDICAL] This is not the time (will be added to future Snakepits)
[X][BEE] Push (8pp)
[X][INDORREP] Support the Indorians (15pp)
[X][INDORFIT] Refit the Frigates
[X][ORION] Arrange for promising Orion officers to spend a year attending Starfleet Academy

I like culture quirk of the Yan Ros bumming rides from anyone and everyone for their ground teams. If they want a ship they could get one from the Honiani easily enough. I don't think they really want one.
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[X][PRIORITY] Andor Mid-Term: Interest in the GBZ
[X][KP] Split the four ships up - (8pp) Indoria (8pp) Tauni (8pp) Tauni (8pp) Laio
[X][MEDICAL] This is not the time (will be added to future Snakepits)
[X][ORION] Arrange for promising Orion officers to spend a year attending Starfleet Academy
[X][BEE] Push (8pp)
[X][INDORREP] Support the Indorians (15pp)
[X][INDORFIT] Refit the Frigates
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[X][PRIORITY] Human Interest in the GBZ

[X][KP] Split the four ships up - (8pp) Tauni (8pp) Tauni (8pp) Laio

EDIT: Updated the KP vote.

[X][MEDICAL] This is not the time (will be added to future Snakepits)

I do not feel war is imminent. There's no need to spend the pp right now.

[X][ORION] Arrange for promising Orion officers to spend a year attending Starfleet Academy

Thuir will sort them out.

[X][BEE] Push (8pp)

People have been complaining about this a lot.

[X][INDORREP] Support the Indorians (15pp)

Yes, let's get some repair yards there.

[X][INDORFIT] Refit the Frigates

Updated the KP vote as promised.