[X][EC] Rachel Ainsworth
[X][GBZ] Nash ka'Sharren
[X][GBZ1] Samhaya Mrr'shan
[X][ACA] Michel Thuir

Good solid picks. Putting Nash as the GBZ commander right as the Konen start getting nasty is a good way to counter them, IMO.
i want political guy in the [aca]
because i think long term that is going to be what we are going to need

yes having more tactical trained personel would be nice for the war up coming
but i am looking at the time after that.

the rest i am less sure on who does what
[X][EC] T'Lorel
[X][GBZ] Nash ka'Sharren
[X][GBZ1] Rosalee McAdams
[X][ACA] Michel Thuir

[X][ACADEMY] Custom - Shift 1 pt Techs to Enlisted
[X][EXPLORER] Custom - Shift 0.25 Techs to Enlisted

Nash has proved her worth. We promoted her out of a chair for a reason and she has sat at commodore for six years. It's time to give her that greater command. Any longer and we are doing her a major disservice. God knows she deserves it, and by this point she knows the GBZ and its players well. Giving Nash her old XO as a subordinate is just icing on this cake. These two will do well in the GBZ. Edit: I can see the necessity of getting Samhaya a staff position. Moving McAdams out from ... spinward(?) and into a command position will leave that open. McAdams could use some time in shipboard command again.

I'm not really sure what people seem to have against promoting her anymore, really.

Thuir is Picard, and he has a the geniality and attitude necessary for the academy.
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[X][EC] Rachel Ainsworth
[ ][GBZ] Jessica Rivers
[ ][GBZ] Michael Thuir
[X][GBZ1] Rosalee McAdams
[ ][ACA] Michel Thuir

[X][ACADEMY] Shift 1pt from Techs to Enlisted
[X][EXPLORER] Shift .25 from Techs to Enlisted

Thuir, Nash, and Rivers are the only Commodores suitable for the GBZ. However, I am not sure if I want Thuir to be commandant or commander. I'd like him to have more field experience, but I'd also like him to train Picard.
Three years is standard in the United States Navy.

Two years is a little light, but it is a high stress position in an active combat zone... I can definitely see getting them out faster.
I wouldn't have objected to three years. I worry about two becoming habit-forming.

So out of curiosity, I looked up the average length of service for commanders of the US forces in Afghanistan, the closest modern analogue I can think of to the interminable limited war of the GBZ.

International Security Assistance Force - Wikipedia

Average term is 1 to 2 years.
Quite frankly, the US has a larger number of generals to circulate through Afghanistan than Starfleet has admirals, the posting is semi-politicized in a way we've been trying to prevent, and Starfleet's been more successful in the Gabriel Expanse than the US has in Afghanistan.

I will say in mitigation that Ainsworth and T'Lorel's terms do both average to about two and a half years each, and that T'Lorel was appointed earlier in 2315, rather than later, as I'd thought at first. It's less of a problem than I'd worried about- but I do want to make a point of this. Rapid turnaround in top management is potentially a toxic thing, and arguments about the stresses of combat mandating regular rotations of personnel apply more to the personnel at the sharp end than they do to commanders in a rear area, not less.

[][EC] T'Lorel
[][GBZ] Nash ka'Sharren
[][GBZ1] Samhaya Mrr'shan
[][ACA] Michel Thuir

Nash has proved her worth. We promoted her out of a chair for a reason and she has sat at commodore for six years. It's time to give her that greater command. Any longer and we are doing her a major disservice. God knows she deserves it, and by this point she knows the GBZ and its players well. Giving Nash her old XO as a subordinate is just icing on this cake. These two will do well in the GBZ... I'm not really sure what people seem to have against promoting her anymore, really.
Nobody has anything against promoting her, except possibly a desire to retain her in spacegoing commands- and we don't really have a lot of spacegoing commands above commodore rank. The Gabriel Expanse task force is just about the only one.

Nash is definitely a solid contender for that billet. Very solid. I look forward to the Cardassians' facial expressions should she win.

I'm less confident about assigning Sam as one of her task force commanders, but she'd probably be suitable. It's been over two years since we lost the Enterprise-B, so the usual issue- making sure the officer in question gets some staff experience before bumping her to flag rank- is less of an issue.

[Note that Samhaya spent pretty much the entire time between the late 2290s and mid-2315 aboard ship, so she had effectively no staff experience when she came back from Aga Carmide. She may have actually gone longer spending all her time on spacefaring commands than Nash did before we put her at a desk in San Francisco, depending on the details of Nash and Sam's careers in the '90s]

[][EC] Rachel Ainsworth
[ ][GBZ] Jessica Rivers
[ ][GBZ] Michael Thuir
[][GBZ1] Rosalee McAdams
[ ][ACA] Michel Thuir

[][ACADEMY] Shift 1pt from Techs to Enlisted
[][EXPLORER] Shift .25 from Techs to Enlisted

Thuir, Nash, and Rivers are the only Commodores suitable for the GBZ. However, I am not sure if I want Thuir to be commandant or commander. I'd like him to have more field experience, but I'd also like him to train Picard.
Thuir has ample field experience- at least ten years as a starship captain, sterling service in the Biophage crisis, and successful task force command at the Battle of Ixaria. I wouldn't worry about that aspect of the man.
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Actually, you know what, the looks on the Cardassians' faces are going to decide for me the one vote I was unsure about.

[X][EC] Rachel Ainsworth
[X][GBZ] Nash ka'Sharren
[X][GBZ1] Rosalee McAdams
[X][ACA] Michel Thuir

[X][ACADEMY] Shift 1pt from Techs to Enlisted
[X][ACADEMY] Custom - Shift 1pt from Techs to Enlisted

The current ratio of regular crew is:
1 : 1.238 : 1.285​
Going forwards our two most common ships should probably be the Renaissance:
1 : 1.667 : 1​
and Kepler which is probably something around:
1 : 1.5 : 2​
In both cases we need more Enlisted and while we certainly could do with more Techs for the Kepler those are easy in comparison to O/E. A full point from T to E brings the ratio to:
1 : 1.293 : 1.229​
That isn't much of an improvement but still an improvement.

[X][EXPLORER] Custom - Shift 0.25pts from Officers to Enlisted

I've already mentioned that we're got a lot more EC Officers then EC Enlisted when looking at crewing Ambassadors.

[X][EC] Rachel Ainsworth

Ainsworth has done a great job as the head of EC and as others have pointed out we do need non-EC personnel at the top ranks of Starfleet.

[X][GBZ] Rear Admiral Laura Mendoza

I'd prefer T'Lorel remain where she was for another year, maybe two, but if we have to swap her out we have to. Eaton would be a good replacement except she's been in a lot of war commands over her career. Plus having her commanding McAdams again would be a bit odd.

Given that we don't have the forces to oppose the newly reinforced Cardassian forces I figure a low aggression admiral is the way to go. Especially if they are only going to be in charge for two years. Given that Mendoza is Medium in every other category, except Politics where she is high, I figure she's a good choice to both keep things steady until we can reinforce the GBZ and to help bring in and coordinate new races participating in the GBZ.

[X][GBZ1] Commodore Rosalee McAdams

McAdams is one of our best and brightest. I'm confident she'll do well here. As a bonus she's already familiar with Nash

[X][ACA] Michel Thuir

People have wanted Thuir at the academy forever. Now is finally our chance to see that happen.

[X][EC] Rachel Ainsworth
[X][GBZ] Nash ka'Sharren
[X][GBZ1] Rosalee McAdams
[X][ACA] Michel Thuir
Given that we don't have the forces to oppose the newly reinforced Cardassian forces I figure a low aggression admiral is the way to go..
That's not my interpretation of T'Lorel's comments. We have the forces to oppose the Cardassians, just not enough forces for offensive pushes likely to knock out the Konen reliably, unless we can identify a weakness.

T'Lorel doesn't want to commit the new admiral to any specific strategy, so she seems to have been adopting a 'middle course' for the past few months of game time.
If ka'Sharren wins for GBZ commander there are going to be two open task force billets, so the runner-up for the task force 1 vote could just take over task force 6.
And Ainsworth has done an amazing job at EC, her reroll ability has saved us every year since she has been there and I like the idea of a non EC officer running it to keep an outside perspective.

Ainsworth has done a great job as the head of EC and as others have pointed out we do need non-EC personnel at the top ranks of Starfleet.
What are you guys talking about? Rachel Ainsworth was one of the captains on the shortlist for commanding a Five Year Mission when the game started. Sure, the players chose not to appoint her to one of those posts due to concerns over militarization, but in what universe does that mean she hasn't served with the Explorer Corps in any capacity?

Starfleet doesn't just draw names out of a hat for commanding Explorer Corps missions - that's the game master's job.
Thuir has ample field experience- at least ten years as a starship captain, sterling service in the Biophage crisis, and successful task force command at the Battle of Ixaria. I wouldn't worry about that aspect of the man.

I want him to have one last field command before returning to the desk. However, that does make me feel slightly better about putting him at the Academy, and behind a desk.

[X][EC] Rachel Ainsworth
[X][GBZ] Jessica Rivers
[X][GBZ1] Rosalee McAdams
[X][ACA] Michel Thuir

[X][ACADEMY] Shift 1pt from Techs to Enlisted
[X][EXPLORER] Shift .25 from Techs to Enlisted
[X][EC] T'Lorel
[X][GBZ] Nash ka'Sharren
[X][GBZ1] Rosalee McAdams
[X][ACA] Michel Thuir

[X][ACADEMY] Custom - Shift 1 pt Techs to Enlisted
[X][EXPLORER] Custom - Shift 0.25 Techs to Enlisted
I want him to have one last field command before returning to the desk. However, that does make me feel slightly better about putting him at the Academy, and behind a desk.
I wouldn't worry about it. Thuir doesn't seem to be the kind of man who burns for space exploration the way a Kirk or a ka'Sharren do. Giving him a job he's good at, and that's very important, is good enough.
What are you guys talking about? Rachel Ainsworth was one of the captains on the shortlist for commanding a Five Year Mission when the game started. Sure, the players chose not to appoint her to one of those posts due to concerns over militarization, but in what universe does that mean she hasn't served with the Explorer Corps in any capacity?

Starfleet doesn't just draw names out of a hat for commanding Explorer Corps missions - that's the game master's job.
But she was not chosen to captain a 5 year mission so to our knowledge she has not been in the EC. She even referenced that bit of background after we first appointed her to be the rear admiral in charge. And we do have people that are given as possible candidates for EC missions that are never chosen and came up through the regular ranks of starfleet.

Edit: looking back she references never captioning a 5 year mission in the 2317.q1 post for us to chose new 5 year captains for the missions starting then
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[X][ACADEMY] Custom - Shift 1pt from Techs to Enlisted

[X][EXPLORER] Custom - Shift .25 from Techs to Enlisted
But she was not chosen to captain a 5 year mission so to our knowledge she has not been in the EC. She even referenced that bit of background after we first appointed her to be the rear admiral in charge. And we do have people that are given as possible candidates for EC missions that are never chosen and came up through the regular ranks of starfleet.

Edit: looking back she references never captioning a 5 year mission in the 2317.q1 post for us to chose new 5 year captains for the missions starting then
Well, she was on the panel, and she's competent.

Even if she never led a FYM, I'd prefer to have her over T'Lorel.
[X][EC] Rachel Ainsworth
[X][GBZ] Nash ka'Sharren
[X][GBZ1] Rosalee McAdams
[X][ACA] Michel Thuir

[X][ACADEMY] Shift 1pt from Techs to Enlisted