Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

Alright guys, I've got the best name here: 竜亀. That's right. Dragon tortoise. Could there be a more perfect name?

No one ever said Ling Qi was good at naming things :p

... How would that actually be pronounced? Long gui?

I'm not sure it would fit? The traditional Xuanwu does have a dragon's face, but this one only has a tortoise's face.

This does remind me, the symbol of the empire is a dragon and a phoenix. I wonder how rare dragons are, and if so what their strength level usually is.
[X] Plan Focus on Fundamentals
[X] [name] Zhengui

I would really rather this plan go with Gan instead of Xuan. We are about to walk into a big meeting, speaking with Gan ahead of time might give us a bit of time to mentally prepare and not just get swept up in the decisions of others. On the other hand I like the rest of it, so I suppose I will vote for it and hope there is a change of heart among all the voters, and they all come to agree with me.
I wonder how the council's dynamics would work right now. The biggest sources of tension (Ji Rong's peasant and upstart status, Ji Rong and Huang Da's rivalry, Sun Liling in general, and Kang Zihao) are all gone. Right now, the only members remaining are Bai Meizhen, Ling Qi, Han Jian and his team, Xuan and Gan Guangli. Aside from Meizhen's awkwardness with Ling Qi, there's no real interpersonal tension.

I guess Cai Renxiang might allow older Outer Sect disciples and other 2nd Realm cultivators, but I'm not sure about that. Wonder if she'll give us the commissioned costume.
Hah, Ling Qi totally choked.

[] Plan Back to the Basics

I like Li Suyin, but this isn't a terribly interesting action. That said, I think it's important to cultivate SCS with Bai Meizhen seeing as it's an art she benefits from seeing in action and the foundation of our training agreement. Also, it has the benefit of probably not taking too much writing focus, and there's a number of socials heavy with that on the docket.
[] Plan Focus on Fundamentals
[X] [name] Zhengui

I would really rather this plan go with Gan instead of Xuan. We are about to walk into a big meeting, speaking with Gan ahead of time might give us a bit of time to mentally prepare and not just get swept up in the decisions of others. On the other hand I like the rest of it, so I suppose I will vote for it and hope there is a change of heart among all the voters, and they all come to agree with me.

Just to be clear with you both, the only differences between Plan Back to Basics and Encompassing Shadows is that encompassing shadows has Gan Guangli (it also has SCS with Bai Meizhen, the foundation of our training agreement).

I guess that Gan Guangli is a non starter for Abeologos and training SCS is a nonstarter with mc2rpg, as the latter is the only difference, alongside Gan instead of Xuan, with fundamentals ?
And yet the result of that is Ling Qi doing what Elder Su warned Ji Rong about and what the dream-Qi whined about - cultivating all the time (I vaguely recall there being a third admonishment against "cultivate all the time", but can't recall where it was).

Look at it differently - "Ling Qi should be out doing something every week", so one action exploring, doing a sect mission, making Kang Zihao's life complicated, whatever. Her new friend eats up a second action, at least for now; I'm wondering if that might not count as Spiritual or Qi cultivation.

That gives her three major actions to cultivate - which is, mind you, a majority... and if you count "tending to your spirit pet" as cultivation, it's even more. Studying the moon counts as Eight Phase Ceremony, thankfully. Spiritual (perhaps at the vent?) is two. Working a combat art (I prefer Forgotten Vale Melody) while hunting with the Golden Fields group is three.

This week there's a reasonable need to use all the minor actions Ling Qi has available - the meeting, there's a couple friends that seem to have fun things planned that Ling Qi might want to get in on, and that doesn't leave two minor actions. Still, I could see next week being able to squeeze in a fourth (or fifth, if the turtle isn't taking a major any more, or counts) cultivation action.

Now, I expect the turtle to not take up a major action fairly soonish - so another combat art can be worked on in its place. Spiritual is coming along at a reasonable clip, so in the foreseeable future a third combat art can join in. At about that time EPC will increase (probable decision point) - I'm not sure if it'll cap there until Green or not, but it just might... which means four slots for combat art advancement.

Moreover, it turns out that 180 successes are needed to get ready for breakthrough, not the 360 that was anticipated by many long-range planners.
That's a very different way to look at what Elder Su or our alter ego has said than I do:
"Ji Rong, your growth has been truly phenomenal. Reaching the peak of both Red and Gold from nothing within three months time, mastering three separate arts to their fullest extent, as well as your other accomplishments… you have earned a pass to the archives," Elder Su announced. "However… I would suggest that you take some time to settle yourself. A prodigy who burns out does nobody any good, particularly themselves."
"Hm, well, that's a hard question," The figure mused, tapping a finger thoughtfully against her lips. "I'm you of course, but also not really? You wouldn't understand," the older-her shrugged. "As for what I want… I guess you could say I'm curious? You aren't exactly what I was expecting. The determination is good, but you've gotten so uptight. You hardly do anything fun anymore."

Ling Qi narrowed her eyes. "I don't know what you're talking…" her thoughts seemed to clear a bit for a moment, and a spark of understanding took root. "I don't have any reason to waste my time doing things like that anymore."

Other her frowned back at her, crouched amid the flowers. "That's a lie. You just don't want to look bad in front of your little friends," she accused. "It's still there, you know. The part of you that enjoyed the challenge of theft and trickery. Don't lie. You aren't happy just letting things go either. What happened to your fangs little rat? Have the snake and the tiger plucked them out?"

Ling Qi shook her head, remembered indignation from the slights she had suffered bubbling back up. "It's… not important, and I have too much to do. They aren't worth my time. Not anymore."

"You're afraid," the moon spirit replied, eyes no longer blue, but rather solid pools of silver. "Afraid of what others will think of you," she said, sounding disappointed. "Afraid of being who you are. Do you remember what you felt when you saw that boy's face as he fell into the well?"

Ling Qi remembered the satisfaction and delight at her success well enough, even if it had been quashed by other things shortly thereafter. "I…"

"Life is boring without risk," the spirit continued. "What is the point to a trick or a scheme that has no chance of failure? If all you do is plan and train, you may as well stay home in bed. Or cultivate in a cave until you are old and grey," the figure was growing indistinct, more a shadow than a human shape now. "You have enemies now, ones you can't dismiss as beneath you. I wonder if you will have more excuses… Or if you will remember how to live free, and how enemies deserve to be treated."

From what I can see, neither messages are about 'too much cultivation', and neither message are about "Doing something every weeks". They are, however, both somewhat about 'Do things that are important to you'. 'Don't burn out'. Our Alter-Ego advised to go around and bully people for feeling better about ourself, or simply to not let fear dominate us. Do things that are not 'easy' even if they interest us. Elder Su, OTOH, cautioned Ji Rong about taking the same kind of risks without making sure he had a solid emotional base to 'settle' back in.

However, let's take this week for example. Every Plans has the following two major actions:
[] Spend time researching and rearing your new spirit.
[] Visit the Archive

-[] Research the moon element and the phase spirits(counts as cultivation of EPC)
So, in the major actions, every plan has one action that's purely "down-time" and 'settling down' time (researching and rearing our new spirit), and one that's action that's about learning more about the world and trying to determine our influence in said word (grabbing an opportunity to choose things we want with our eyes open, etc). One is "Ling Qi emotional time", the other "Learn more about the world by ourself and try to grab our place", which fit under both their advice.

However, the main reason we don't have a mission, this week, is because we want to do the minor actions. Again, there are three minor actions every single plans have:
[] Gu Xiulan seems awfully smug about something, and has dropped hints that she wants to go out together, indulge her.
[] Han Jian seems to be planning something, perhaps you can see if you can help?
[] Cai Renxiang has put out notice for a proper second meeting to discuss the future

The first is both risky (because it's kind of mean of us) but also is hilarious as all hell and is going to be fun, helping Ling Qi's emotion there. The second is "grabbing opportunities", following our alter-ego's advice, and the third is "continuing to settle down our order".

Minor actions aren't 'nothing'. They aren't free. We could take them out to get something else there. We aren't because those minor actions, in particular, all fit what we thing Ling Qi wants to do.

It's... been like this for a while, now. The plans voted for constantly have less and less cultivation (When Elder Su warned against skimping cultivation) and more and more 'For fun' actions. Some of them were necessary and less for 'fun' (researching our baby before he was born), but a lot of them were. It's just that the admonishment from our alter-ego came from the other side: we were too cautious. We "let ourself" always take the road of the minimal risks instead of trying to do dangerous things that we would enjoy. We pretend to be nicer than we are because for the first time we have friends and don't want to lose them, etc.

Doing something for the turtle is doing something. Looking up the moon phases in order to decide where we fit there is doing something. Volunteering to do something for Han Jian's big plan is doing something. Gloating at Gu Xiulan when she presents us our new spirit beast likewise, and so on and so forth.

If you are going to count 'Minor actions' as "those don't even count anymore", then you can argue to have 6 actions weeks every weeks. Those are very rare though, simply because those minor actions are important.
So, looking at what the tutoring this turn has offered us, I honestly think it was worth it.

Ruan Shen gave us 2 actions, one spiritual and the other FVM, allowing us to do both in the same turn. That saves us 1 action on spiritual or FVM, which is a nice bonus. The +15 die bonus on both also helps, since it can make up the difference of us achieving Late Yellow or acquiring the next level of FVM by a week.

But what's even better than those two bonuses are the other benefits. Ruan Shen's lesson allowed us to go from 3/15 on expression to 8/15, which is an extremely significant increase. If we go into battle with out flute, we generally expect about +1-2 on expression, so the expression training was worth about 2.5-5 actions of expression training. He also gave us a great supplement in the form of the manual, which gives +6 dice on all musical arts of second realm and below. Assuming we take 8-9 actions to get FVM 5 (which is about right considering we get 25 sux per turn), that's a total of 48-54 dice, which means we save around 1 action due to the manual. The manual also helps us cultivate any other musical art we want as long as its red or yellow level. Overall, a nice item.

Then there's his advice. His confirmation that FVM is a "Master's art" probably indicate that FVM is likely to last us through Green and possibly even to Cyan. At least, I'm assuming a master's art would be that valuable. Then there's his advice on emotions placed into music and how we should play for the sake of playing, which would do Ling Qi some good. I'm not sure how useful this is mechanically, but narratively it's a step in the right direction. His advice to get other music is also nice, it did pique people's interests in music arts. There's also the fact that we made a friendly acquaintance with an Inner Sect student, which is always nice.

Overall, I think it was a very useful action that was worth the 30 points we spent.

I'm also considering what we could get from an Archery tutor. This tutoring session was pretty useful, and while music is something Ling Qi is experienced in, she's even more talented in Archery. If she plays her cards right she could impress her tutor more than we did this turn with Ruan Shen. I assume it would be an Archery+Physical roll and an FSA roll with a +15 tutor bonus. Archery +xp bonus would be helpful if we want to reach 6 dots in archery before we break through. I'm assuming maxing out a stat or attribute before breakthrough would give us a bonus, so in that case the archery bonus we get would be pretty hefty. The tutor could give us something like the manual and advise us on archery arts. All great things.

Obviously, we should only get the tutor later when we've recovered from the curse, we've freed up a few actions and we have ZB+. Maybe in 1 or 2 months.

So, what do you guys think of our tutoring session? Interested in another one (later of course) with an archery tutor?
Adhoc vote count started by Codex on Jul 25, 2017 at 8:03 AM, finished with 26381 posts and 51 votes.

  • [X] Plan Focus on Fundamentals
    -[X] Use from inventory: 2 RSS, 1 YSS
    -[X] Buy and use: Soul Concentrating Elixir + Flowing Rivers Pill + Gushing Spring Pill + Clear Wind Pill + Bright Sky Pill + Soaring Spirits Pill (26 RSS)
    -[X] Direct overflow to Qi
    --[X] Spend time researching and rearing your new spirit.
    --[X] Visit the Archive
    ---[X] Research the moon element and the phase spirits(counts as cultivation of EPC)
    ----[X] Continue getting to know Xuan Shi, he was a helpful and reasonable sort
    --[X] Train by hunting with Han Jian and his group
    ---[X] FVM
    -[X] Train at the vent with Suyin and Su Ling
    ---[X] Spiritual
    --[X] Train with Bai Meizhen
    --[X] FSA
    ---[X] Gu Xiulan seems awfully smug about something, and has dropped hints that she wants to go out together, indulge her.
    ---[X] Han Jian seems to be planning something, perhaps you can see if you can help?
    ---[X] Cai Renxiang has put out notice for a proper second meeting to discuss the future
    [X] [name] Zhengui
    [X] Plan All-Encompassing Shadows
    -[X] Use from inventory: 2 RSS, 1 YSS
    -[X] Buy and use: Soul Concentrating Elixir + Flowing Rivers Pill + Gushing Spring Pill (16 RSS)
    --[X] Spend time researching and rearing your new spirit.
    --[X] Visit the Archive
    ---[X] Research the moon element and the phase spirits(counts as cultivation of EPC)
    --[X] Train by hunting with Han Jian and his group
    ---[X] FVM
    ---[X] Han Jian seems to be planning something, perhaps you can see if you can help?
    -[X] Train at the vent with Suyin and Su Ling
    ---[X] Spiritual
    --[X] Train with Bai Meizhen
    --[X] SCS
    ---[X] Gu Xiulan seems awfully smug about something, and has dropped hints that she wants to go out together, indulge her.
    -[X] Speak with Gan Guangli, it can't hurt to get to know him better, and you can see how things are going for Cai's group
    ---[X] Cai Renxiang has put out notice for a proper second meeting to discuss the future
    [X] Plan Back to the Basics
    -[X] Use from inventory: 2 RSS, 1 YSS
    -[X] Buy and use: Soul Concentrating Elixir (8) + Flowing Rivers Pill (6) + Gushing Spring Pill (2) (16 RSS)
    -[X] Direct overflow to Qi
    --[X] Spend time researching and rearing your new spirit.
    --[X] Visit the Archive
    ---[X] Research the moon element and the phase spirits(counts as cultivation of EPC)
    --[X] Train by hunting with Han Jian and his group
    ---[X] Han Jian seems to be planning something, perhaps you can see if you can help?
    ---[X] FVM
    -[X] Train at the vent with Suyin and Su Ling
    ---[X] Spiritual
    --[X] Train with Bai Meizhen
    --[X] SCS
    ---[X] Gu Xiulan seems awfully smug about something, and has dropped hints that she wants to go out together, indulge her.
    ---[X] Cai Renxiang has put out notice for a proper second meeting to discuss the future
    -[X] Continue swinging by the medicine hall to have lunch with Li Suyin, you'd like to make sure she's still doing well
    [X] [Name] Xìnlài
    [X][Name] Ling Wu
    [X] [Name] Ling Ling
    [X] Plan Adoratortoise needs hugs badly
    -[X] Use 2 Red Spirit stones, 1 Yellow Spirit Stone
    -[X] Buy and use Gushing Spring Pill (2 Red Spirit Stones), Soul Concentrating Elixir (8 Red Spirit Stones), Flowing Rivers Pill (6 Red Spirit Stones)
    -[X] Major Actions
    --[X] Visit the Archive
    ---[X] Research the moon element and the phase spirits(counts as cultivation of EPC)
    ----[X] Continue getting to know Xuan Shi, he was a helpful and reasonable sort
    ---[X] Search for a technique
    ----[X] Ideally fire-(Moon/Heaven/Sun) or wood-(Moon/Heaven/Sun). Just fire or wood is fine though.
    --[X] Train with Bai Meizhen
    ---[X] Spiritual
    --[X] Train by hunting with Han Jian and his group
    ---[X] FVM
    --[X] Spend time researching and rearing your new spirit.
    -[X] Minor Actions
    ---[X] Gu Xiulan seems awfully smug about something, and has dropped hints that she wants to go out together, indulge her.
    ---[X] Han Jian seems to be planning something, perhaps you can see if you can help?
    ---[X] Cai Renxiang has put out notice for a proper second meeting to discuss the future
    [X] [Name] Reliance
    [X] Babytortoise Must Grow Larger!
    --[X] Spend time researching and rearing your new spirit.
    -[X] Train at the vent with Suyin and Su Ling
    ---[X] Spiritual
    --[X] Train by hunting with Han Jian and his group
    ---[X] FVM
    ---[X] Han Jian seems to be planning something, perhaps you can see if you can help?
    --[X] Visit the Archive
    ---[X] Research the moon element and the phase spirits(counts as cultivation of EPC)
    -[X] Take a job
    --[X] Acquire Reagents:
    ---[X] Gu Xiulan seems awfully smug about something, and has dropped hints that she wants to go out together, indulge her.
    -[X] Speak with Gan Guangli, it can't hurt to get to know him better, and you can see how things are going for Cai's group
    ---[X] Cai Renxiang has put out notice for a proper second meeting to discuss the future
    [X] Babytortoise Must Grow Larger!
    [X] [name] Potato
    [X] [name] Méitàngūi
    [X] [Name] A'Tuin
    [X][Name] Ling Ko
    [X] [name] Dong Fu Junior
Awesome, a plan with SCS and no Suyin, I would like the boosts Xuan offers but Guangli could be interesting.

[X] [name] Zhengui
[X] Plan All-Encompassing Shadows

Adhoc vote count started by Grigori on Jul 25, 2017 at 7:35 AM, finished with 26380 posts and 50 votes.

  • [X] Plan Focus on Fundamentals
    -[X] Use from inventory: 2 RSS, 1 YSS
    -[X] Buy and use: Soul Concentrating Elixir + Flowing Rivers Pill + Gushing Spring Pill + Clear Wind Pill + Bright Sky Pill + Soaring Spirits Pill (26 RSS)
    -[X] Direct overflow to Qi
    --[X] Spend time researching and rearing your new spirit.
    --[X] Visit the Archive
    ---[X] Research the moon element and the phase spirits(counts as cultivation of EPC)
    ----[X] Continue getting to know Xuan Shi, he was a helpful and reasonable sort
    --[X] Train by hunting with Han Jian and his group
    ---[X] FVM
    -[X] Train at the vent with Suyin and Su Ling
    ---[X] Spiritual
    --[X] Train with Bai Meizhen
    --[X] FSA
    ---[X] Gu Xiulan seems awfully smug about something, and has dropped hints that she wants to go out together, indulge her.
    ---[X] Han Jian seems to be planning something, perhaps you can see if you can help?
    ---[X] Cai Renxiang has put out notice for a proper second meeting to discuss the future
    [X] [name] Zhengui
    [X] Plan All-Encompassing Shadows
    -[X] Use from inventory: 2 RSS, 1 YSS
    -[X] Buy and use: Soul Concentrating Elixir + Flowing Rivers Pill + Gushing Spring Pill (16 RSS)
    --[X] Spend time researching and rearing your new spirit.
    --[X] Visit the Archive
    ---[X] Research the moon element and the phase spirits(counts as cultivation of EPC)
    --[X] Train by hunting with Han Jian and his group
    ---[X] FVM
    ---[X] Han Jian seems to be planning something, perhaps you can see if you can help?
    -[X] Train at the vent with Suyin and Su Ling
    ---[X] Spiritual
    --[X] Train with Bai Meizhen
    --[X] SCS
    ---[X] Gu Xiulan seems awfully smug about something, and has dropped hints that she wants to go out together, indulge her.
    -[X] Speak with Gan Guangli, it can't hurt to get to know him better, and you can see how things are going for Cai's group
    ---[X] Cai Renxiang has put out notice for a proper second meeting to discuss the future
    [X] Plan Back to the Basics
    -[X] Use from inventory: 2 RSS, 1 YSS
    -[X] Buy and use: Soul Concentrating Elixir (8) + Flowing Rivers Pill (6) + Gushing Spring Pill (2) (16 RSS)
    -[X] Direct overflow to Qi
    --[X] Spend time researching and rearing your new spirit.
    --[X] Visit the Archive
    ---[X] Research the moon element and the phase spirits(counts as cultivation of EPC)
    --[X] Train by hunting with Han Jian and his group
    ---[X] Han Jian seems to be planning something, perhaps you can see if you can help?
    ---[X] FVM
    -[X] Train at the vent with Suyin and Su Ling
    ---[X] Spiritual
    --[X] Train with Bai Meizhen
    --[X] SCS
    ---[X] Gu Xiulan seems awfully smug about something, and has dropped hints that she wants to go out together, indulge her.
    ---[X] Cai Renxiang has put out notice for a proper second meeting to discuss the future
    -[X] Continue swinging by the medicine hall to have lunch with Li Suyin, you'd like to make sure she's still doing well
    [X] [Name] Xìnlài
    [X][Name] Ling Wu
    [X] Plan Adoratortoise needs hugs badly
    -[X] Use 2 Red Spirit stones, 1 Yellow Spirit Stone
    -[X] Buy and use Gushing Spring Pill (2 Red Spirit Stones), Soul Concentrating Elixir (8 Red Spirit Stones), Flowing Rivers Pill (6 Red Spirit Stones)
    -[X] Major Actions
    --[X] Visit the Archive
    ---[X] Research the moon element and the phase spirits(counts as cultivation of EPC)
    ----[X] Continue getting to know Xuan Shi, he was a helpful and reasonable sort
    ---[X] Search for a technique
    ----[X] Ideally fire-(Moon/Heaven/Sun) or wood-(Moon/Heaven/Sun). Just fire or wood is fine though.
    --[X] Train with Bai Meizhen
    ---[X] Spiritual
    --[X] Train by hunting with Han Jian and his group
    ---[X] FVM
    --[X] Spend time researching and rearing your new spirit.
    -[X] Minor Actions
    ---[X] Gu Xiulan seems awfully smug about something, and has dropped hints that she wants to go out together, indulge her.
    ---[X] Han Jian seems to be planning something, perhaps you can see if you can help?
    ---[X] Cai Renxiang has put out notice for a proper second meeting to discuss the future
    [X] [Name] Reliance
    [X] [Name] Ling Ling
    [X] Babytortoise Must Grow Larger!
    --[X] Spend time researching and rearing your new spirit.
    -[X] Train at the vent with Suyin and Su Ling
    ---[X] Spiritual
    --[X] Train by hunting with Han Jian and his group
    ---[X] FVM
    ---[X] Han Jian seems to be planning something, perhaps you can see if you can help?
    --[X] Visit the Archive
    ---[X] Research the moon element and the phase spirits(counts as cultivation of EPC)
    -[X] Take a job
    --[X] Acquire Reagents:
    ---[X] Gu Xiulan seems awfully smug about something, and has dropped hints that she wants to go out together, indulge her.
    -[X] Speak with Gan Guangli, it can't hurt to get to know him better, and you can see how things are going for Cai's group
    ---[X] Cai Renxiang has put out notice for a proper second meeting to discuss the future
    [X] Babytortoise Must Grow Larger!
    [X] [name] Potato
    [X] [name] Méitàngūi
    [X] [Name] A'Tuin
    [X][Name] Ling Ko
    [X] [name] Dong Fu Junior
It's not very common, no, but I totally approve! The only real Xianxia protag who had an association with a Xuanwu I can think of was Meng Hao and Patriarch Reliance--and even then, it was more of a running gag over the course of the series than a close relationship. "You're going to be my mount" "FUCK THAT I'M NOT GOING TO BE YOUR MOUNT"

Most of them go with the Crimson Birds or the Azure Dragons--in some cases, both!
Also Zhu Yao from My Disciple Died Yet Again has been three of the four.
She hasn't been a tiger yet, though she has bullied plenty of them.
So, looking at what the tutoring this turn has offered us, I honestly think it was worth it.

Ruan Shen gave us 2 actions, one spiritual and the other FVM, allowing us to do both in the same turn. That saves us 1 action on spiritual or FVM, which is a nice bonus. The +15 die bonus on both also helps, since it can make up the difference of us achieving Late Yellow or acquiring the next level of FVM by a week.

But what's even better than those two bonuses are the other benefits. Ruan Shen's lesson allowed us to go from 3/15 on expression to 8/15, which is an extremely significant increase. If we go into battle with out flute, we generally expect about +1-2 on expression, so the expression training was worth about 2.5-5 actions of expression training. He also gave us a great supplement in the form of the manual, which gives +6 dice on all musical arts of second realm and below. Assuming we take 8-9 actions to get FVM 5 (which is about right considering we get 25 sux per turn), that's a total of 48-54 dice, which means we save around 1 action due to the manual. The manual also helps us cultivate any other musical art we want as long as its red or yellow level. Overall, a nice item.

Then there's his advice. His confirmation that FVM is a "Master's art" probably indicate that FVM is likely to last us through Green and possibly even to Cyan. At least, I'm assuming a master's art would be that valuable. Then there's his advice on emotions placed into music and how we should play for the sake of playing, which would do Ling Qi some good. I'm not sure how useful this is mechanically, but narratively it's a step in the right direction. His advice to get other music is also nice, it did pique people's interests in music arts. There's also the fact that we made a friendly acquaintance with an Inner Sect student, which is always nice.

Overall, I think it was a very useful action that was worth the 30 points we spent.

I'm also considering what we could get from an Archery tutor. This tutoring session was pretty useful, and while music is something Ling Qi is experienced in, she's even more talented in Archery. If she plays her cards right she could impress her tutor more than we did this turn with Ruan Shen. I assume it would be an Archery+Physical roll and an FSA roll with a +15 tutor bonus. Archery +xp bonus would be helpful if we want to reach 6 dots in archery before we break through. I'm assuming maxing out a stat or attribute before breakthrough would give us a bonus, so in that case the archery bonus we get would be pretty hefty. The tutor could give us something like the manual and advise us on archery arts. All great things.

Obviously, we should only get the tutor later when we've recovered from the curse, we've freed up a few actions and we have ZB+. Maybe in 1 or 2 months.

So, what do you guys think of our tutoring session? Interested in another one (later of course) with an archery tutor?

The tutoring session costs us two actions to get the 30 points, one action and a minor for the tutoring itself and gives us two actions and training. For expression that was arguably worth it because training it is pretty hard but given how fast archery is going up, I'm not sure it's worth the trouble.
Adhoc vote count started by Waffle on Jul 25, 2017 at 10:01 AM, finished with 26386 posts and 51 votes.

  • [X] Plan Focus on Fundamentals
    -[X] Use from inventory: 2 RSS, 1 YSS
    -[X] Buy and use: Soul Concentrating Elixir + Flowing Rivers Pill + Gushing Spring Pill + Clear Wind Pill + Bright Sky Pill + Soaring Spirits Pill (26 RSS)
    -[X] Direct overflow to Qi
    --[X] Spend time researching and rearing your new spirit.
    --[X] Visit the Archive
    ---[X] Research the moon element and the phase spirits(counts as cultivation of EPC)
    ----[X] Continue getting to know Xuan Shi, he was a helpful and reasonable sort
    --[X] Train by hunting with Han Jian and his group
    ---[X] FVM
    -[X] Train at the vent with Suyin and Su Ling
    ---[X] Spiritual
    --[X] Train with Bai Meizhen
    --[X] FSA
    ---[X] Gu Xiulan seems awfully smug about something, and has dropped hints that she wants to go out together, indulge her.
    ---[X] Han Jian seems to be planning something, perhaps you can see if you can help?
    ---[X] Cai Renxiang has put out notice for a proper second meeting to discuss the future
    [X] [name] Zhengui
    [X] Plan All-Encompassing Shadows
    -[X] Use from inventory: 2 RSS, 1 YSS
    -[X] Buy and use: Soul Concentrating Elixir + Flowing Rivers Pill + Gushing Spring Pill (16 RSS)
    --[X] Spend time researching and rearing your new spirit.
    --[X] Visit the Archive
    ---[X] Research the moon element and the phase spirits(counts as cultivation of EPC)
    --[X] Train by hunting with Han Jian and his group
    ---[X] FVM
    ---[X] Han Jian seems to be planning something, perhaps you can see if you can help?
    -[X] Train at the vent with Suyin and Su Ling
    ---[X] Spiritual
    --[X] Train with Bai Meizhen
    --[X] SCS
    ---[X] Gu Xiulan seems awfully smug about something, and has dropped hints that she wants to go out together, indulge her.
    -[X] Speak with Gan Guangli, it can't hurt to get to know him better, and you can see how things are going for Cai's group
    ---[X] Cai Renxiang has put out notice for a proper second meeting to discuss the future
    [X] Plan Back to the Basics
    -[X] Use from inventory: 2 RSS, 1 YSS
    -[X] Buy and use: Soul Concentrating Elixir (8) + Flowing Rivers Pill (6) + Gushing Spring Pill (2) (16 RSS)
    -[X] Direct overflow to Qi
    --[X] Spend time researching and rearing your new spirit.
    --[X] Visit the Archive
    ---[X] Research the moon element and the phase spirits(counts as cultivation of EPC)
    --[X] Train by hunting with Han Jian and his group
    ---[X] Han Jian seems to be planning something, perhaps you can see if you can help?
    ---[X] FVM
    -[X] Train at the vent with Suyin and Su Ling
    ---[X] Spiritual
    --[X] Train with Bai Meizhen
    --[X] SCS
    ---[X] Gu Xiulan seems awfully smug about something, and has dropped hints that she wants to go out together, indulge her.
    ---[X] Cai Renxiang has put out notice for a proper second meeting to discuss the future
    -[X] Continue swinging by the medicine hall to have lunch with Li Suyin, you'd like to make sure she's still doing well
    [X] [Name] Xìnlài
    [X][Name] Ling Wu
    [X] [Name] Ling Ling
    [X] Plan Adoratortoise needs hugs badly
    -[X] Use 2 Red Spirit stones, 1 Yellow Spirit Stone
    -[X] Buy and use Gushing Spring Pill (2 Red Spirit Stones), Soul Concentrating Elixir (8 Red Spirit Stones), Flowing Rivers Pill (6 Red Spirit Stones)
    -[X] Major Actions
    --[X] Visit the Archive
    ---[X] Research the moon element and the phase spirits(counts as cultivation of EPC)
    ----[X] Continue getting to know Xuan Shi, he was a helpful and reasonable sort
    ---[X] Search for a technique
    ----[X] Ideally fire-(Moon/Heaven/Sun) or wood-(Moon/Heaven/Sun). Just fire or wood is fine though.
    --[X] Train with Bai Meizhen
    ---[X] Spiritual
    --[X] Train by hunting with Han Jian and his group
    ---[X] FVM
    --[X] Spend time researching and rearing your new spirit.
    -[X] Minor Actions
    ---[X] Gu Xiulan seems awfully smug about something, and has dropped hints that she wants to go out together, indulge her.
    ---[X] Han Jian seems to be planning something, perhaps you can see if you can help?
    ---[X] Cai Renxiang has put out notice for a proper second meeting to discuss the future
    [X] [Name] Reliance
    [X] Babytortoise Must Grow Larger!
    --[X] Spend time researching and rearing your new spirit.
    -[X] Train at the vent with Suyin and Su Ling
    ---[X] Spiritual
    --[X] Train by hunting with Han Jian and his group
    ---[X] FVM
    ---[X] Han Jian seems to be planning something, perhaps you can see if you can help?
    --[X] Visit the Archive
    ---[X] Research the moon element and the phase spirits(counts as cultivation of EPC)
    -[X] Take a job
    --[X] Acquire Reagents:
    ---[X] Gu Xiulan seems awfully smug about something, and has dropped hints that she wants to go out together, indulge her.
    -[X] Speak with Gan Guangli, it can't hurt to get to know him better, and you can see how things are going for Cai's group
    ---[X] Cai Renxiang has put out notice for a proper second meeting to discuss the future
    [X] Babytortoise Must Grow Larger!
    [X] [name] Potato
    [X] [name] Méitàngūi
    [X] [Name] A'Tuin
    [X][Name] Ling Ko
    [X] [name] Dong Fu Junior
So, looking at what the tutoring this turn has offered us, I honestly think it was worth it.

Ruan Shen gave us 2 actions, one spiritual and the other FVM, allowing us to do both in the same turn. That saves us 1 action on spiritual or FVM, which is a nice bonus. The +15 die bonus on both also helps, since it can make up the difference of us achieving Late Yellow or acquiring the next level of FVM by a week.

But what's even better than those two bonuses are the other benefits. Ruan Shen's lesson allowed us to go from 3/15 on expression to 8/15, which is an extremely significant increase. If we go into battle with out flute, we generally expect about +1-2 on expression, so the expression training was worth about 2.5-5 actions of expression training. He also gave us a great supplement in the form of the manual, which gives +6 dice on all musical arts of second realm and below. Assuming we take 8-9 actions to get FVM 5 (which is about right considering we get 25 sux per turn), that's a total of 48-54 dice, which means we save around 1 action due to the manual. The manual also helps us cultivate any other musical art we want as long as its red or yellow level. Overall, a nice item.

Then there's his advice. His confirmation that FVM is a "Master's art" probably indicate that FVM is likely to last us through Green and possibly even to Cyan. At least, I'm assuming a master's art would be that valuable. Then there's his advice on emotions placed into music and how we should play for the sake of playing, which would do Ling Qi some good. I'm not sure how useful this is mechanically, but narratively it's a step in the right direction. His advice to get other music is also nice, it did pique people's interests in music arts. There's also the fact that we made a friendly acquaintance with an Inner Sect student, which is always nice.

Overall, I think it was a very useful action that was worth the 30 points we spent.
While I agree with the gist of this, a couple of corrections, as it appears once again Ling Qi's ability to learn is outstripping expectations:

Next week, if we do learn FVM with Han Jian, our roll would be: Talent 6 + Pill 6 + RSS 3 + YSS25 + EPC 5 + Site 5 + Manual 6 + Friend 4 = 60 Dice + 2 bonus success, so 35 success on average. Obviously, this is also only 'what we have now', not what we will get in a few weeks when we have late yellow/EPC3. Now, I myself consider FVM7 to be very likely the peak for yellow. Given FVM3 was Late Red, and we know FVM is an art that had to be 'forced down' to low levels, it makes sense to me it would have significantly more levels in Yellow than Red. We'll see though.

Regardless, from what you are saying above, it seems you consider FVM to cost 160 (155) success? If your theory is right, then FVM4 will get two more actions, then FVM5 will get 4-5, depending on how much we improve and on whether people agree to finish FVM4 before late yellow (I hope so, I don't mind the overflow going to Qi at all). So that means the tutor would give a 'total' of 30+42=72 dice, from which we can subtract -8 (as we have other tutors usually, and 4 is Han Jian, so not the best nor the worse). So, 64.

Basically, if your theory is right, we will 'long term' gain back all actions we have lost getting the tutor, but keep in mind earlier actions are worth more than latter ones usually. Except in this case we still 'won' a social links and much better skills than usual. Something to keep in mind, too, is that Expression/Presence/Manipulation/Persuade are skills Ling Qi is having a hard time to train in. It's not like her physical or archery skills she gets super easily. Those are skills she actually need to put effort in. So what she got there this week was pretty good.

My theory, though, is that mid yellow will have FVM4/5, with FVM5 having 120(115)DC, and late yellow FVM6/7, with 160(155)/200(195) DC. So FVM5 will take 3 actions, FVM6 should take 4 (better EPC and late yellow then), and FVM7 should take 5. So 2+3+4+5= 14 actions*6=84 dice just from the manual.

And obviously, that is if we don't pick up another musical art.
I'm also considering what we could get from an Archery tutor. This tutoring session was pretty useful, and while music is something Ling Qi is experienced in, she's even more talented in Archery. If she plays her cards right she could impress her tutor more than we did this turn with Ruan Shen. I assume it would be an Archery+Physical roll and an FSA roll with a +15 tutor bonus. Archery +xp bonus would be helpful if we want to reach 6 dots in archery before we break through. I'm assuming maxing out a stat or attribute before breakthrough would give us a bonus, so in that case the archery bonus we get would be pretty hefty. The tutor could give us something like the manual and advise us on archery arts. All great things.

Obviously, we should only get the tutor later when we've recovered from the curse, we've freed up a few actions and we have ZB+. Maybe in 1 or 2 months.

So, what do you guys think of our tutoring session? Interested in another one (later of course) with an archery tutor?
Archery tutor is, I think, a bad idea: we need 4+14+17 exp to get to 6 dots, which means 35 exp. However, we get a minimum of 2exp/turn even without events. I highly doubt we will break through before week 40, and even more highly doubt that we won't ever do an event where we use our bow till then.

I'm fully expecting to get 6 dots in archery by week 32 or so, and as such I'd prefer getting tutors in things that are still core but actually need work. I am a fan of stealth or subterfuge/SCS, or Throwing Knives/ZB, for example. Even Heavy Polearms/ Icy Wraith Art somewhat tempts me.
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Now, I myself consider FVM7 to be very likely the peak for yellow. Given FVM3 was Late Red, and we know FVM is an art that had to be 'forced down' to low levels, it makes sense to me it would have significantly more levels in Yellow than Red. We'll see though.
Actually, FVM2 is late red, not FVM3. And we already know that FVM4 is mid yellow. I think the most likely scenario by a mile is that FVM5 is Late Yellow, and FVM6 requires Green.
Actually, FVM2 is late red, not FVM3. And we already know that FVM4 is mid yellow. I think the most likely scenario by a mile is that FVM5 is Late Yellow, and FVM6 requires Green.
Ah, you have it wrong there: both FVM2 and FVM3 were late red, and FVM4 jumped from late red to mid yellow. We'll see how it goes, but it would really surprised me if FVM6 is green, and I wouldn't be surprised if FVM8 is yellow (though that might make things harder).

EDIT: We got FVM2 is week 11 and we could already get FVM3 then, this is why we didn't get a water mastery back then, for example.
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[X] Plan Back to the Basics
-[X] Use from inventory: 2 RSS, 1 YSS
-[X] Buy and use: Soul Concentrating Elixir (8) + Flowing Rivers Pill (6) + Gushing Spring Pill (2) (16 RSS)
-[X] Direct overflow to Qi
--[X] Spend time researching and rearing your new spirit.
--[X] Visit the Archive
---[X] Research the moon element and the phase spirits(counts as cultivation of EPC)
--[X] Train by hunting with Han Jian and his group
---[X] Han Jian seems to be planning something, perhaps you can see if you can help?
---[X] FVM

-[X] Train at the vent with Suyin and Su Ling
---[X] Spiritual
--[X] Train with Bai Meizhen

--[X] SCS
---[X] Gu Xiulan seems awfully smug about something, and has dropped hints that she wants to go out together, indulge her.
---[X] Cai Renxiang has put out notice for a proper second meeting to discuss the future

-[X] Continue swinging by the medicine hall to have lunch with Li Suyin, you'd like to make sure she's still doing well
in case folks haven't noticed, requirements for dots over five double, so ten extra for attributes and six for skills
Right, I did wonder what was up with Dodge/Dex when I looked at them earlier today. That just makes Expression/Manipulation/harder stuff more important to train, considering Dex/Archery is going to 6 very fast anyway. Also somewhat increases the importance of tutors, too.

Thanks for the confirmation though.
[X] Plan Focus on Fundamentals
[X] [name] Zhengui

While I am a bit indifferent to Xuan Shi, this plan has everything else that I want including grabbing the low-hanging fruit of FSA.
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Question to the folks who may know, what's the plans/ideas etc around the Qi Sea Pill? Does it conflict with one of our other pills by being of the same type? Too expensive?
Question to the folks who may know, what's the plans/ideas etc around the Qi Sea Pill? Does it conflict with one of our other pills by being of the same type? Too expensive?

We plan on using it next time we take the Sable Pill. As we have never made a Qi cultivating roll, that's the only time we're likely to use it.
We plan on using it next time we take the Sable Pill. As we have never made a Qi cultivating roll, that's the only time we're likely to use it.
Thank you.

I still find it hilarious how we have never directly cultivated Qi, but we have a Qi level approaching the Monsters. Says good things about our path and optimization.

Is the Sable pill next week or in two weeks, or some time after that?
Thank you.

I still find it hilarious how we have never directly cultivated Qi, but we have a Qi level approaching the Monsters. Says good things about our path and optimization.

Is the Sable pill next week or in two weeks, or some time after that?

I don't think we have it locked down. With the amount of art lust present in thread, it's likely closer to 3-4 weeks away, unless we find the Qi drain from Zhengui too onerous.