Minor actions - lots of priorities, urgh. The meeting is a must-do; Cai Renxiang might be accusing someone of attempting to manipulate her, and Ling Qi's gotta be there to see it. Plus, Renxiang's now being righteous (somewhat) on Ling Qi's behalf and Qi's now done a job for her - which, among other things, has led to the 'lesser' cultivators seeing her as someone with authority; I wager that there'll be a lot less potential scheming from below now.
Gu Xiulan is a... okay, she's not a grown woman yet, but she's not too crazy; on the other hand, Ling Qi going with her might offer influence on what goes on. Bai Meizhen's definitely impacted by training Ling Qi; addressing that now could help resolve things (as well as lingering issues from the trials, Meizhen's view of Qi changing from 'useful ally' to 'friend', etc). Xuan Shi is still there, and interacting with him might be pretty valuable going forward. Ling Qi's mother's circumstances, again, are something to learn more about.
Huang Da is always a bit of a concern. And, to be honest, I don't think he's actually a danger to Ling Qi at present. A bit of somewhat friendly interaction, see what his attitude is at present and how creepy he is; I mean, remember that the disciples are all about the same age - 14 or 15, I believe... he's still maturing. And, heck, if he's in a spot of trouble, a bit of a helping hand could pay back the perceived debt of helping Li Suyin and Su Ling out.
Su Ling's knowledge of hunting is helpful, certainly... but then, Ling Qi is learning through doing there. Alas, Han Jian, you're perhaps the least important at present. While political skill and knowledge is valuable, there's a lot of other things on Ling Qi's social card this week.
I think the four I want to see Ling Qi address most this week are:
[] Huang Da has been quiet these past weeks, it's making you nervous, look into what he's been up too.
[] Speak with Bai Meizhen, her... intense training methods have made things a little awkward between you
[] Compose a new letter to Mother, try to get her to open up a little about her new circumstances
[] Attend the next 'government' meeting that Lady Cai has called
Gu Xiulan's idea could probably stand another week or two before initiation - Ling Qi needs some practice with her new art, for one thing, and if she can get to mid-Yellow, even better. Xuan Shi can probably wait another week if he must - that's more about additional connections and opening up routes for future learning, and Ling Qi could use some more Formations advancement to give her more to discuss with him. Su Ling and Han Jian are more "learn more things" than addressing concerns. And shopping is not yet a priority, although refreshing the shopping list should probably be done at some point soon.
Unfortunately, the leading plans seem to be happy to go with Han Jian instead of one of the others - I don't suppose I could convince said plan-makers to do "letter to mother" or checking in on Huang Da instead? No, really - he's also a second-tier power-player, has some understanding of darkness, seems somewhat favorable to Ling Qi (if in a rather creepy way) and Ling Qi kinda owes him a bit for his save of her friends. He's also done a bit of exploring of the territory, if I recall right - Ling Qi might be able to trade known sites with him (I wager he might find the glade valuable... while if he found a very nice Wind spot, Ling Qi would profit in turn; plus, if that's true, he could help seize the glade from the wolves, assuming they reside there).