... Damn, I am torn between Falling Stars and Ashen Shadow, but Ice Wraith looks really good too for the strengthening and damage absorption.
That said, Falling Stars is the pure damage art. No question. I really like the sheer piercing power of it, but I'm not so keen on how we don't have a good cultivation site or a good weapon for it.
Ashen Shadows though... Ashen Shadows is fantastic. Synergizes with us so good. We hit with shadow ash instead of needing to put down our flute. We can do extra blinding. We can put extra ash constructs in our mist. It is six levels compared to five levels for everything else.
I propose we take Ashen Shadows now, since we know it'll take longer to learn, then come back and grab Falling Stars later, when we have appropriate gear and a cultivation site for it.
[x] Ashen Shadow Art
EDIT: Also, think of our baby Adortoise! He needs a nice warm meridian to snuggle in!