Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

[X] Bow
[X] Unarmed

Because we're already fairly good at unarmed and can wear cestuses without interfering with our archery.

It also helps us in infiltration, disguised or otherwise and means we're always near optimal in terms of melee combat invade we get ambushed or caught off guard.
Wait wait. Jian is not Han Jian right? I thought it was a joke...

The four noble weapons are Jian(sword), Gun(Staff), Qiang(Spear), and Dao (Saber). As such they're the weapons that will have the most arts for them, have the most respect granter their practitioners, and just generally be the best choices we could make. Both because it will be easiest to learn things for them, and because mastery of them will be treated with more respect then mastery of anything else.
Wait wait. Jian is not Han Jian right? I thought it was a joke...
The 'jian' is the name of the archetypical Chinese 'short' sword. I call it the 'short' sword because sometimes they were almost a meter long. It's contrasted with the dao, which is a sabre, and is part of a grouping of spear, staff, sabre, short sword. These four are the 'typical' weapons that were just about everywhere.
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[X] Bow
[X] Chinese Halberd/Ji

Alright, explanation time!

The bow for a good long ranged option to hit people with. It's solid, has good ambush characteristics, and overall a pretty solid choice for any long ranged engagement. The key here is that we do now actually want to be in the thick of the fighting. Our goal is freedom, and I don't see us staying in the military for longer than 8 years. We might, but at that point, I think we will want to move on to bigger and better things. With this in mind, our goal is to be free and to survive as long as possible.

This is where the Ji, or Chinese Halberd, comes in. It is a polearm which is designed to keep the opponent away from you. Since Ling Qi is so tall and probably will grow taller, a Ji fitted to us will have tremendous reach and provide stopping power for anyone trying to get in close. Our speed will allow us to keep retreating or moving in a circle around them and the Ji will make it difficult for them to get into range to attack us with a sword or unarmed.
[X] Bow
[X] Chinese Halberd/Ji

Meh, convinced for now for a bit. I would have liked to get our knives a bit higher, but I guess it's not a bad idea to at least get a minimum going for another weapon. OTOH I am hoping for someone to have an idea that blows me away.
Considering attacking directly is our backup option, because ideally we'll have other people to support instead, I don't want to invest too much into weapons and definitely not into a variety of weapons.

[X] Knives
[X] Bow
[X] Bow
[X] Chinese Halberd/Ji

Ji sounds cool, and synergizes well with our height and long reach. I could be convinced to go with spears as well, if they start succeeding.
On that note, why don't I throw this in in order to expedite things for the update.

Go ahead and vote for two weapons you would like Ling Qi to begin practicing with during training sessions with Han and his group. Anything that's not too exotic will do. The two with the most votes will start getting some advancement. If you would like to stick with knives and/or unarmed, just vote for them.

The tally only works off of theadmarks - you can't set it to post #13749, and you've marked this post under informational rather then threadmarks. So we can't tally it.
[X] Heavy polearm
[x] Unarmed

I think bow has this, so since this is unlikely to be vote-by-plan I'm going with the two melee weapons that I'd prefer. Ideally I'd like to train both of these and the bow, but alas, action slots are uncompromising and cruel in their limitations.
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It works, you just don't put # first
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Arkeus on Jun 7, 2017 at 5:49 PM, finished with 42 posts and 29 votes.

By the way, swordsmen have a cool name/title, they're call 'sword guests' (jiànkè) and the sword is called "The Gentleman of Weapons".

These things matter when you rub shoulders with the nobility.
Mmmh. Bow is winning, so I guess I should support the secondary ones I am more interested in:
[X] Chinese Halberd/Ji
[X] Unarmed