Do you believe that bow-compatible damage arts aren't a priority, that we should be looking for something which works with both close and ranged combat, that we should be getting two separate arts, one for melee and one for ranged?
Well, in all honesty, I miss spoke when I said close combat art, I was more referring to a burst damage art or an art that increased the damage that we are able to do. However, you do bring up some good points about what type of art do I prefer. Because we are on an action crunch right now, I am more inclined to pick up only one art at the moment. We have a lot of time to get ready for Thunderdome 2, but the ability to finish opponents when they are trapped in our mists seems like a good filler art to have. Whether that is ranged or close up is another question. While I prefer ranged options myself, a close-up damage art with the ability to use our unarmed skill would be a great boon to have, especially as we wouldn't need to train up another weapon in the mean time. I would honestly prefer something wind related so that we don't use up too many actions getting it to level 1 or 2 and that way we can then switch later on to both a long ranged damage art and a close range damage art. Neither of these would be our specialty, but the ability to do damage at long range with a bow, then move into an attrition fight with the mists and flute, and then finally finish them up with a close combat art seems like a nice easy progression for one on one fights. With team fights, I would prefer to let our buffs and debuffs do the talking for the most part, and so would like to get the next level of ZB for that as well.
Ideally I'm seeing an 8 art spread out as such:
4 main arts
FVM, SCS, AMA, and ZB level 2
4 minor arts
long range damage, short range damage, defensive, and perception.
It would be great if we can merge the long range and short range damage together, and that may be an option later down the line before we split the damage arts. We will see how the art gathering goes though.
Edit: The QM has spoken. I'll need to do some thinking on this. See you guys in a bit!