I'm only mildly interested in Gan Guangli, but I definitely want to get to know Cai Renxiang better, and the two are a package deal.
I have decided that we either need to marry a member of the Bai family and name our daughter Felicia, or marry a member of the Cai family and name our son Oken. And I'm not sorry about those at all.
However, for the votes... It's all fairly close, so I'm actually going to bother voting this time based purely on what I want. So:
[X][stat] Dexterity
[X] Plan Backlog, Cultivation, & Helping
I will admit that this is probably pretty heavily influenced by the fact that I tend not to put a lot of effort into maintaining most friendships. I'll put in some, but unless I'm super close to a person, I'll let a friendship maintain itself. And I've never had one implode on me. Sure, I've drifted apart from friends, but we've still been fairly friendly. We help each other when we can, hang out some when meeting at social functions, and generally get along. My close friends, however, are the people I turn to first when things go bad.
If the fact that we're in different factions causes Han Jian and his faction to turn their backs on us, I would lose no sleep over it. Not because I don't like the characters, I actually do like them quite a bit, but because I would come to suspect they would have turned on us eventually for their gain as we gained more influence than them anyway. Either they can deal with us being in a different faction and being their friend, or they would have grown jealous of our growth and resented their faction becoming our faction later on. I personally hope and believe that they'll deal with it, but if not, it's on them not us in my book. (Yes, I know that from a Quest perspective it will be on us, as we didn't vote for actions to keep their friendship. However, from a story perspective, it would be on them in my book. As such, I'll view it in line with the story nature, not the quest nature.)
*Please note that the opinions listed above are entirely subjective, rather than objective. They deal with how I view things as a person, and as such will differ from other views. This also means that other subjective arguments based on other people's viewpoints won't sway me. Sorry.