She spent much of the next few days in the company of Han Jian and the others, training and working on her essential skills alongside refining her use of Forgotten Vale Melody. She would then spend each evening with Xiulan soaking in the bubbling qi of the mineral spring and chatting with the other girl. She spent some time playing as well, even if she found it awkward to do so while bathing with Xiulan, but… it was relaxing and even serene. A good way to round out a day of hard training. She idly wondered if Xiulan would mind if she invited Meizhen. The pale girl had been looking a bit harried lately. A good soak would probably be good for her.
She was a little sad about the distance that seemed to be growing between her and Han Jian though. He was throwing himself into training more and more, and she suspected it was partially her fault. When she had tried to broach the subject, he had simply laughed and murmured some Koan about unfairness before directing them back to training.