Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

Keep in mind we have been training with his team on an almost weekly basis and are spending a lot of extra time with one of the other team members

also, where have we been told that social bond is about to snap?
In the update?

Ling Qi has noticed that, while they do train together, relationship with Jian is seriously strained due to our progress, that he has been secluding himself in training and indirectly avoiding us.
Keep in mind we have been training with his team on an almost weekly basis and are spending a lot of extra time with one of the other team members
That we train with him is the problem though. Ling Qi is advancing rapidly while he was stuck at peak red for a very long time and he is apparently taking it hard. Just look at how Xiulan reacted and we are far better friend with her and we where there to defuse the situation. Now we are leaving it to brew, heck we have been leaving it to brew for a long time now.
No, the goal is to make sure the SL doesn't break. The excuse is that we need advice.
I'd argue that we have been neglecting Han Jian more than the Tokens.
These are both good points, but since I was the one who created that plan, I try to make all of the plans presented as fairly as possible, even if it means not expressing everything I feel is awesome about my plan. It's just what I do.
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In the update?

Ling Qi has noticed that, while they do train together, relationship with Jian is seriously strained due to our progress, that he has been secluding himself in training and indirectly avoiding us.
That is not what I said.
She spent much of the next few days in the company of Han Jian and the others, training and working on her essential skills alongside refining her use of Forgotten Vale Melody. She would then spend each evening with Xiulan soaking in the bubbling qi of the mineral spring and chatting with the other girl. She spent some time playing as well, even if she found it awkward to do so while bathing with Xiulan, but… it was relaxing and even serene. A good way to round out a day of hard training. She idly wondered if Xiulan would mind if she invited Meizhen. The pale girl had been looking a bit harried lately. A good soak would probably be good for her.

She was a little sad about the distance that seemed to be growing between her and Han Jian though. He was throwing himself into training more and more, and she suspected it was partially her fault. When she had tried to broach the subject, he had simply laughed and murmured some Koan about unfairness before directing them back to training.
Nothing about "bond snapping". rather, he is clearly jealous of our insane talent and it's creating some friction.
[X][stat] Dexterity
[X] Plan Daughter of the Moon.

Because I want to get Argent Soul complete so Ling Qi can train EPC, and remove the possibility of losing it if she loses a fight. Do keep in mind that while Ling Qi breaking through in both fields has reduced the likelihood of the majority of outer disciples attacking her it has made her a peer worth suppressing for the high end cultivators... well those who would do so anyways.

Frankly I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Huang Da, and Kang Zihao made a business arrangement that the latter would help the former suppress Ji Rong, which might result in further cooperation against Meizhen.
Maybe it's a matter of perspective but I find it a better option to let people cool off. It can get worse when the source of the problem: us. is even more present than normal. We're teenagers and confronting the issue isn't always the way to make things work. Sure ignoring it could blow up in our face but that's just as possible with confronting the issue.
What do you think we mean exactly when we say bond snapping?
Breaking of the friendship, also known as something far more severe than him having a bit of jealously to work through. Also know as using a hyperbole, a gross exaggeration to get what you want.

You are assuming he is incapable of getting over it and that it would make him hate us or something equally stupid.

Coupled with the assumption that he will instantly overcome said jealously if we spend an action to socialize with him.
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Rember folks, Han Jian was the very first person in our class that we met during this whole adventure. It would be a shame to not spend time building up his social link with him every now and again, especially since he has done so much for us.

Consider this a shameless plugin for Plan "Swift as a Coursing River"!
Breaking of the friendship, also known as something far more severe than him having a bit of jealously to work through.

You are assuming he is incapable of getting over it and that it would make him hate us or something equally stupid.

Coupled with the assumption that he will instantly overcome said jealously if we spend an action to socialize with him.
I dont know, he is starting to quote Koan's about unfairness at us. That is some bad sign right there.
I dont know, he is starting to quote Koan's about unfairness at us. That is some bad sign right there.

Also, the 'find an excuse to repair social link' action wasn't one we came up with or asked for, it was one that yrsillar spontaneously gave us. That's a quest-masters way of beating you over the head with a hint, so that you know your character has noticed something.
Also, the 'find an excuse to repair social link' action wasn't one we came up with or asked for, it was one that yrsillar spontaneously gave us. That's a quest-masters way of beating you over the head with a hint, so that you know your character has noticed something.
And he gave us an example on how people might react in Xuilan, problem is she wear her heart on her sleeve while Jian seems to bottle it up.
I dont know, he is starting to quote Koan's about unfairness at us. That is some bad sign right there.
Sure, and I am seriously considering switching to that plan so we can work on strengthening that friendship.
But, we shouldn't resort to gross exaggerations to push for it.
This one action is not guaranteed to fix the problem, and the problem is not as severe as it is being made out to be
Well, I'd rather not have to deal with serious social issues down the road, so...

[X] Plan As Swift as a Coursing River

This one action is not guaranteed to fix the problem, and the problem is not as severe as it is being made out to be

I would say yes to the first point, no to the second. That is, I don't think this will be fixed with only one action, so we'll most likely need to dedicate more, but it does seem to be pretty serious.
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