[x] Alectai
Wings are simply put Ling Qi's desire for true freedom, and her roots are the relationships she had made walking her path. This probably a choice that will color the "feel/flavor" of Ling Qi's qi the most obvious example being the aura of fear Meizhen gives off without any noticeable effort.The strain she felt grew greater with each one, blossoming pain somewhere in the body she could barely feel. The contradiction in her own nature still twisted her thoughts though. Here in this state, she could think clearly in a way she could never manage while concious, and she wondered if she could truly have both. Her Wings and her Roots. Freedom and Connections. Would trying to hold onto both hinder her path?
Ling Qi did not know, but… faces flashed through her mind's eye, and feelings shook her concentration. She wanted to try. If not for simple freedom though, why did she desire power?
Power to control the exact ratio of freedom/wings to roots/bonds in her life. I'm uncertain who might pick something like this... Han Jian perhaps?[][breakthrough] To ensure that none would shackle her unwillingly
Power for the sake of punishing those who threaten those she cherishes... Gu Xuilan might've picked something similar to this choice.[][breakthrough] To ensure that any who brought harm to her roots would be punished
Power for the sake of being able to walk a path that allows one to be truly free part of which is the capacity to allow other to partake in that freedom.[][breakthrough] To ensure that her wings could carry as much weight as she wished
Power for the sake of being so strong that nobody will ever threaten anything you value, and I think Bai Meizhen has something similar to this.[][breakthrough] To ensure that none would dare strike at her or her roots in the first place
Anyway, as promised, here's what I came up with after my raid.
[X][breakthrough] To ensure that her wings could carry as much weight as she wished
[X] Manipulation
[X] Plan: Break On Through to the Other Side
-[X] Resources Used: 2 Red Stones, Buy an Argent Accumulation Pill (2 Red Stones) and use it
-[X] Breakthrough to Silver
-[X] Help Suyin train and cultivate at the vent
--[X] Argent Soul
-[X] Go along with Meizhen to this meeting Cai Renxiang is calling.
-[X] Spend some time with Gu Xiulan, to celebrate your breakthrough, and see if she might be willing to tone things down in regards to Li Suyin
-[X] If Breakthrough Fails, Cultivate Physical
--[X]If Breakthrough Succeeds: Spend some time with Su Ling, perhaps you can learn a little bit of hunting tactics from her
There. A Breakthrough to Silver attempt (Get your prayers to the RNG rolling folks), we get our time sensitive stuff out of the way, and if we succeed at our Breakthroughs, we contact Su Ling and see if she can give us some hunting advice for the missions that are going on.
You need to precise the two actions for breakthroughs, not go 'breakthrough' once.
Illegal vote: We need a cultivate alone option.[X] Plan Solidify Place
-[X] Train with Han Jian and his group
-[X] Look into sending some money to mother
-[X] Go along with Meizhen to this meeting Cai Renxiang is calling.
-[X] Breakthrough to Silver
--[X] if successful, breakthrough again. If not, have a self indulgent pity party with Gu Xiulan, and maybe talk about the Li Suyin issue.
-[X] Help Suyin train and cultivate at the vent
--[X] Forgotten Vale Melody
You need to precise the two actions for breakthroughs, not go 'breakthrough' once.
Huh, well that is one update to wake up to.
Are those missions like the wolf one time-limited?
I was saying @Alectai's vote was correct.
You didn't fuck up.
NOW you fucked up. Not before.[X][breakthrough] To ensure that her wings could carry as much weight as she wished
[X] Manipulation
[X] Plan: Break On Through to the Other Side
-[X] Resources Used: 2 Red Stones, Buy an Argent Accumulation Pill (2 Red Stones) and use it. Equip Hawk Talon Armguards
-[X] Breakthrough to Silver
--[X] Breakthrough Again if successful: Else, buy an Argent Elixir (10 stones) and Cultivate Physical
-[X] Help Suyin train and cultivate at the vent
--[X] Argent Soul
-[X] Go along with Meizhen to this meeting Cai Renxiang is calling.
-[X] Spend some time with Gu Xiulan, to celebrate your breakthrough, and see if she might be willing to tone things down in regards to Li Suyin
-[X] If Breakthrough Fails, Cultivate Physical
--[X]If Breakthrough Succeeds: Spend some time with Su Ling, perhaps you can learn a little bit of hunting tactics from her
... Pretty sure you misread his post, as it had explicitly two actions for breakthrough, and a total of 6 actions. Now it's a mess though, which is a pain as it's the plan I wanted to vote for. Hopefully it will be corrected.He has breakthrough once, but breakthrough is two actions. It adds up to seven once you count breakthrough twice. Unless he IS only doing it once, in which case it's bad because he isn't trying to break through this turn.
... Pretty sure you misread his post, as it had explicitly two actions for breakthrough, and a total of 6 actions. Now it's a mess though, which is a pain as it's the plan I wanted to vote for. Hopefully it will be corrected.
The genre and quest-typical, in this instance, would be 'Awesome main character doing everything by themselves and being revenge bent', so the two options that are not cliche would be 1 and 3.Whenever people comment on what makes this quest appealing it's on the basis of its originality and ability to bring something fresh to a relatively staid and static genre while remaining true to that same genre. If there's anything certain about the quest it's that any option will be a good read and will have Ling Qi herself hold tightly to ideals. So I ask people to please consider voting for an option other than the one that conventional taste deems 'heroic' or 'uplifting'. The quest's sure not to fall into dumb consistent things, even if the winning option isn't the most blatantly optimistic. So please take a chance and vote for something that goes in a direction different from the most genre and quest-typical.