[X][LAIO] Focus on the Laian Exploration Council - They know the local systems well, and may know of any Arcadian outposts that have gone unnoticed
[X][KED] Allow the Ked Paddah to destroy the research station debris.
[X][FRG] Assign TF 6, the Gaeni

[X][MISC] There are rumours of an independent research house rimward of Gammon, carefully hidden away. It should be investigated.
[X][MISC] Reports of a Honiani tramp moving through Arcadian space should be looked at.
[X][MISC] Continue to establish protective outposts in fringe Federation systems
[ ][MISC] Have retired Admiral Kahurangi start appealing for recruits for Starfleet and the member world fleets.
[ ][MISC] Continue to establish protective outposts in fringe Federation systems
[ ][MISC] Start a discreet program of tachyon tracking devices along the main routes between Arcadian star systems, like in Orion space.
[ ][LAIO] Focus on the central government - Just focus on improving overall relations
can we send the vulcan too help with the blowing up of stations while they limit themself to say scan`s or something???
[X][LAIO] Focus on the Advanced Laian Research Institute - They have worked with a number of mentats in the past, and may be able to help unknot some of their superscience traps
[ ][KED] Allow the Ked Paddah to destroy the research station debris.
[X][FRG] Assign TF 6, the Gaeni
[ ][MISC] The surprising advances of House Bene are concerning, and you should try to look into them.
[X][MISC] Have retired Admiral Kahurangi start appealing for recruits for Starfleet and the member world fleets.
[X][MISC] Linderley's team on Morshadd could be the nucleus of a useful asset if you can reinforce them.

Because bringing our most rational, controlled dudes to carefully dissect the exotic Licori technologies under controlled circumstances is our best chance to understand what these things do, what is required to make them operate, and (if applicable) how to stop them
That's a good point.

[X][KED] Have the Vulcan Survey Corps research cruiser head out to investigate (large chance of +rp, minute chance of catastrophic ka-boom)
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[X][LAIO] Focus on the Laian Exploration Council - They know the local systems well, and may know of any Arcadian outposts that have gone unnoticed
[X][KED] Have the Vulcan Survey Corps research cruiser head out to investigate (large chance of +rp, minute chance of catastrophic ka-boom)
[X][FRG] Assign TF 6, the Gaeni

[X][MISC] There are rumours of an independent research house rimward of Gammon, carefully hidden away. It should be investigated.
[X][MISC] Reports of a Honiani tramp moving through Arcadian space should be looked at.
[X][MISC] Continue to establish protective outposts in fringe Federation systems
[X][LAIO] Focus on the Advanced Laian Research Institute - They have worked with a number of mentats in the past, and may be able to help unknot some of their superscience traps
[X][KED] Have the Vulcan Survey Corps research cruiser head out to investigate (large chance of +rp, minute chance of catastrophic ka-boom)
[X][FRG] Assign TF 2, ka'Sharren's people

[X][MISC] The surprising advances of House Bene are concerning, and you should try to look into them.
[X][MISC] Have retired Admiral Kahurangi start appealing for recruits for Starfleet and the member world fleets.
[X][MISC] There are rumours of an independent research house rimward of Gammon, carefully hidden away. It should be investigated.

An early marker of the negotiations is the reopening of the Federation's embassy on Morshadd, which the local Romulan embassy has been caretaking in your absence. A set of Linderley's best people went with the FDS to reopen the embassy, hauling out the expected haul of bugging equipment, including an ingenious system of using a natural mould growing on ferns in the building to transmit information. That was now a great article of interest for researchers.

Ah, the Romulans. So predictable. And that mold is a nifty idea; hope the Tal Shiar doesn't mind us stealing it.
[X][LAIO] Focus on the Laian Exploration Council - They know the local systems well, and may know of any Arcadian outposts that have gone unnoticed

[X][KED] Allow the Ked Paddah to destroy the research station debris.

[X][FRG] Assign TF 6, the Gaeni

[X][MISC] The surprising advances of House Bene are concerning, and you should try to look into them.

[X][MISC] Linderley's team on Morshadd could be the nucleus of a useful asset if you can reinforce them.

[x][MISC] There are rumours of an independent research house rimward of Gammon, carefully hidden away. It should be investigated.

Reinforcing Linderley's team and looking into the Bene's advances seem like they might have synergy. And I would hate for the Arcadians to be ruled by a house that's probably just as crazy as Ixaria, except better at hiding it, or at least pulled into the Romulan Empire's orbit.
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[X][LAIO] Focus on the Laian Exploration Council - They know the local systems well, and may know of any Arcadian outposts that have gone unnoticed
[X][KED] Have the Vulcan Survey Corps research cruiser head out to investigate (large chance of +rp, minute chance of catastrophic ka-boom)

[X][FRG] Assign TF 6, the Gaeni

[X][MISC] There are rumours of an independent research house rimward of Gammon, carefully hidden away. It should be investigated.
[X][MISC] Reports of a Honiani tramp moving through Arcadian space should be looked at.
[X][MISC] Start a discreet program of tachyon tracking devices along the main routes between Arcadian star systems, like in Orion space.

Curious why a Honiani tramp here, sounds like a Arcadian cover.
Ah, the Romulans. So predictable. And that mold is a nifty idea; hope the Tal Shiar doesn't mind us stealing it.
It's not like they're the Dylaarians.
(Freakin' space RIAA.)
I'm honestly surprised we didn't tear it down and rebuild it
Presumably we're in a hurry. Once the initial paniced rush is over we'll take an hour and beam it all up to a freighter and put a replacement in it's place.
We'd probably leave the facade and landscaping in place though, so we'd have to go over those with a fine toothed comb.
That may be true as seen through the proper lens, but it's culturally critical for Starfleet and the Federation both to see Starfleet as not the military.

Mostly to keep people from thinking they are the military and using them as such. As N'Gir is trying to do.

Doing that leads to a Federation that's really bad at being a Federation and really good at being a hegemony pushing its primacy on its neighbours, which is something the Federation does not want.

And also means a Starfleet that very quickly stops functioning, because people in Starfleet aren't in it for the fighting, or the protecting.

They're in it for the exploring. And all these people are smart, educated people, including the many technologically and scientifically trained people who as part of their education are taught to be skeptical of any claim. If Starfleet lets go of its exploration first mandate for a defense/combat mandate first you're going to see a drop in personnel numbers and morale, fast.[/QUOTE]

because Military is a blasphemous word? you are saying the enlightened people of the federation are morons that buy onto labels? sorry, I don't buy that, if the light of knowledge is both prosperous and honest, the argument you just made can't be right
now, a jingoistic use of armed forces is one thing I'd see the Federation's citizenry object... specially in an offensive war without sufficient cause. I want to think they are smarter than that. that they are idealist that live in a real world and not caricatures.

Like I said, Starfleet has a primarily exploratory mandate, it is not the only one, far from it. it might be the most important one but to think it above any other... well, if so starfleet would only operate exploration ships and the needed infrastructure to supprt them. they don't do that, your argument is invalid and rather silly.
[X][MISC] Start a discreet program of tachyon tracking devices along the main routes between Arcadian star systems, like in Orion space.
[X][MISC] Continue to establish protective outposts in fringe Federation systems
[X][MISC] Have retired Admiral Kahurangi start appealing for recruits for Starfleet and the member world fleets.
[ ][MISC] There are rumours of an independent research house rimward of Gammon, carefully hidden away. It should be investigated.
[ ][MISC] The surprising advances of House Bene are concerning, and you should try to look into them.
[ ][MISC] Reports of a Honiani tramp moving through Arcadian space should be looked at.
[ ][MISC] Linderley's team on Morshadd could be the nucleus of a useful asset if you can reinforce them.

Way too many options that are tempting. But making sure no rogue mentats get through are the primary concern, as well as our personnel shortage. Of the remaining three, the ascenscion of one of the houses we didn't mind suggests outside help, but at the moment is the least concern of the list.
[X][LAIO] Focus on the Laian Exploration Council - They know the local systems well, and may know of any Arcadian outposts that have gone unnoticed

[X][KED] Have the Vulcan Survey Corps research cruiser head out to investigate (large chance of +rp, minute chance of catastrophic ka-boom)

[X][FRG] Assign TF 6, the Gaeni

[X][MISC] There are rumours of an independent research house rimward of Gammon, carefully hidden away. It should be investigated.
[X][MISC] Linderley's team on Morshadd could be the nucleus of a useful asset if you can reinforce them.
[x][MISC] Start a discreet program of tachyon tracking devices along the main routes between Arcadian star systems, like in Orion space.
[X][LAIO] Focus on the Advanced Laian Research Institute - They have worked with a number of mentats in the past, and may be able to help unknot some of their superscience traps
[X][KED] Have the Vulcan Survey Corps research cruiser head out to investigate (large chance of +rp, minute chance of catastrophic ka-boom)
[X][FRG] Assign TF 6, the Gaeni

[X][MISC] The surprising advances of House Bene are concerning, and you should try to look into them.
[X][MISC] There are rumours of an independent research house rimward of Gammon, carefully hidden away. It should be investigated.
[X][MISC] Linderley's team on Morshadd could be the nucleus of a useful asset if you can reinforce them.
I guess you would support building experimental nuclear plant next door to your house, then - after all, chance of it blowing up is low.
I would understand if we stood to get something unique out of it - but we don't, it's mere rp boost.
...those two things are completely different and you know it, don't be ridiculous.
because Military is a blasphemous word? you are saying the enlightened people of the federation are morons that buy onto labels? sorry, I don't buy that, if the light of knowledge is both prosperous and honest, the argument you just made can't be right
now, a jingoistic use of armed forces is one thing I'd see the Federation's citizenry object... specially in an offensive war without sufficient cause. I want to think they are smarter than that. that they are idealist that live in a real world and not caricatures.

Like I said, Starfleet has a primarily exploratory mandate, it is not the only one, far from it. it might be the most important one but to think it above any other... well, if so starfleet would only operate exploration ships and the needed infrastructure to supprt them. they don't do that, your argument is invalid and rather silly.

Words matter when describing something. Terms matter when describing something. Labels matter when describing something. The words you use shape the way you think.

Starfleet refuses to be termed a military because that would put the combatant role first. Starfleet refuses to accept and use the label of 'battlecruiser' for its explorer class vessels because that would put the combatant role first.

Starfleet wants to put the exploration role first and the combat role last so that when people speak of Starfleet they speak of daring and respectable explorers, not violent and destructive thugs. So that they speak of diplomats and scientists that want to talk and deal fairly, or to develop and test new theories and push the boundaries of knowledge further from ignorance.
[X][LAIO] Focus on the Laian Exploration Council - They know the local systems well, and may know of any Arcadian outposts that have gone unnoticed
[X][KED] Allow the Ked Paddah to destroy the research station debris.
[X][FRG] Assign TF 6, the Gaeni
[X][MISC] There are rumours of an independent research house rimward of Gammon, carefully hidden away. It should be investigated.
[X][MISC] Have retired Admiral Kahurangi start appealing for recruits for Starfleet and the member world fleets.
[X][MISC] Start a discreet program of tachyon tracking devices along the main routes between Arcadian star systems, like in Orion space.
New Orleans is on the to-do list, especially with the changes to how science works in combat making a science 2-3 general purpose frigate about as good combat wise as a miranda, even if it's twice as expensive.
You aren't making much sense there, because our Miranda are already science 2.

And the ships Oneiros is referring to are Centaurs anyway.
That said, I suspect that some time in the 2320s we are going to want a new 'generalist frigate' or 'combat frigate' design. It seems like Oneiros is trying to tweak the combat engine to the point where we can't just have a fleet without frigates entirely, the role is too important. And the much higher cruiser/explorer crew costs cause us serious problems, both in terms of building the fleet in the first place and in terms of the likelihood of heavy crew casualties.

How in bloody hell is 'chance to blow up a star system' equal to controlled circumstances?
What I mean is that we have physical control of the devices we're looking at. We don't have to try and deduce what the device does while the enemy is trying to shoot it at us. Moreover, the Vulcan scientists logically should be able to take precautions and install safety devices to further reduce the risks before doing anything major.
That said, I suspect that some time in the 2320s we are going to want a new 'generalist frigate' or 'combat frigate' design. It seems like Oneiros is trying to tweak the combat engine to the point where we can't just have a fleet without frigates entirely, the role is too important. And the much higher cruiser/explorer crew costs cause us serious problems, both in terms of building the fleet in the first place and in terms of the likelihood of heavy crew casualties.

What I mean is that we have physical control of the devices we're looking at. We don't have to try and deduce what the device does while the enemy is trying to shoot it at us. Moreover, the Vulcan scientists logically should be able to take precautions and install safety devices to further reduce the risks before doing anything major.
I did ask if there were any other benefits beyond RP and the answer was no.
[X][LAIO] Focus on the Laian Exploration Council - They know the local systems well, and may know of any Arcadian outposts that have gone unnoticed
[X][KED] Allow the Ked Paddah to destroy the research station debris.
[X][FRG] Assign TF 6, the Gaeni
[X][MISC] The surprising advances of House Bene are concerning, and you should try to look into them.
[X][MISC] Start a discreet program of tachyon tracking devices along the main routes between Arcadian star systems, like in Orion space.
[X][MISC] Linderley's team on Morshadd could be the nucleus of a useful asset if you can reinforce them.

I'd rather not poke something like that in an inhabited star system. Even if the chance is low, taking the chance at all shows a tremendous disregard for innocent lives. Our explorers go out there and experiment in uninhabited systems, they know the score.

Picking the tachyon tracking because the Romulans are almost certainly up to something.
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[X][LAIO] Focus on the Laian Exploration Council - They know the local systems well, and may know of any Arcadian outposts that have gone unnoticed

[X][KED] Allow the Ked Paddah to destroy the research station debris.

[X][FRG] Assign TF 6, the Gaeni

[X][MISC] The surprising advances of House Bene are concerning, and you should try to look into them.
[X][MISC] There are rumours of an independent research house rimward of Gammon, carefully hidden away. It should be investigated.
[ ][MISC] Linderley's team on Morshadd could be the nucleus of a useful asset if you can reinforce them.
[X][MISC] Start a discreet program of tachyon tracking devices along the main routes between Arcadian star systems, like in Orion space.
[ ][MISC] Have retired Admiral Kahurangi start appealing for recruits for Starfleet and the member world fleets.

So who wants to bet that this entire war was orchestrated by the Tal Shiar, who didn't expect us to finish it this quickly?
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