Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

Wait, seriously? We need to break through twice to hit the next stage?

EDIT: Oh, so it seems.

Well, fuck everything.
Wait, I thought that started next breakthrough, not the first one? Damn, that's going to make things tighter. Well it doesn't change my plans significantly.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Kshail on May 11, 2017 at 2:08 AM, finished with 282 posts and 32 votes.

  • [x] Plan The Zephyr Will Fly
    -[X] Two Red Stone, 1 Sable Light Pills, 1 Gushing Spring Pills, 1 Qi Foundation Pill, 1 Channel Cleansing Pill, 1 Qi Expansion Pill, 1 Clear Wind Pill, 1 White Hart Elixir, Meizhen's Tea
    -[X] Instructor Zhou Class (Locked-In)
    --[X] Warn Gui Xuilian and Han Jian that we've doing all the drugs next week, and will be worst company for the week.
    --[X] Cultivate Zephyr's Breath.
    -[X] Elder Su's Class (Locked-In)
    --[X] Open Heart Meridian.
    --[X] Ask her how one would go about earning the next scroll of the Argent series, or of Zephyr's Breath. Is there anything we can do to earn them?
    -[X] Go up to the vent to cultivate with Su Ling and Li Suyin
    --[X] Warn them that we're going to be doing all the drugs this week, and apologize for our lack of personality for the next little while.
    --[X] Forgotten Vales Melody
    -[X] Talk to Han Jian, he did mention wanting to do some training
    --[X] Sable Crescent Step
    -[X] Cultivate on your own
    --[X] Open Spine Meridian.
    --[X] (Meizhen's Tea) Zephyr's Breath
    [X]Overflow to physical first.
    [X] Plan do what we planned to do
    -[X] Overflow for all cultivation directed first into Physical, and once Physical fills up into Spiritual.
    -[X] Two Red Stone, 1 Sable Light Pills, 1 Gushing Spring Pills, 1 Qi Foundation Pill, 1 Channel Cleansing Pill, 1 Qi Expansion Pill, 1 Clear Wind Pill, 1 White Hart Elixir, Meizhen's Tea
    -[X] Instructor Zhou Class (Locked-In)
    --[x] Warn Gui Xuilian and Han Jian that we've doing all the drugs next week, and will be somewhat worst company for the week. Warn them if everything goes as planned we'll try to breakthrough to yellow next week, and silver the week after.
    --[X] Cultivate Zephyr's Breath.
    -[X] Elder Su's Class (Locked-In)
    --[X] Open Legs Spine
    -[X] Go up to the vent to cultivate with Su Ling and Li Suyin
    --[X] Warn them and Meizhen that we're going to be doing all the drugs this week, and apologize for our lack of personality for the next little while. Warn them if everything goes as planned we'll try to breakthrough to yellow next week, and silver the week after.
    --[X] Forgotten Vales Melody
    -[X] Talk to Han Jian, he did mention wanting to do some training
    --[X] Sable Crescent Step
    -[X] Cultivate on your own
    --[X] Open Heart Meridian.
    --[X] Open Arms Meridian.
    --[X] (Meizhen's Tea) Open Meridian Heart.
    [X] Plan All The Drugs
    -[X] Two Red Stone, 1 Sable Light Pills, 1 Gushing Spring Pills, 1 Qi Foundation Pill, 1 Channel Cleansing Pill, 1 Qi Expansion Pill, 1 Clear Wind Pill, 1 White Hart Elixir, Meizhen's Tea
    -[X] Instructor Zhou Class (Locked-In)
    --[X] Warn Gui Xuilian and Han Jian that we've doing all the drugs next week, and will be worst company for the week.
    --[X] Cultivate Physical.
    -[X] Elder Su's Class (Locked-In)
    --[X] Open Heart Meridian.
    --[X] Ask her how one would go about earning the next scrool of the Argent series, or of Zephyr's Breath.
    -[X] Go up to the vent to cultivate with Su Ling, Li Suyin, and Bai Meizhen
    --[X] Warn them that we're going to be doing all the drugs this week, and apologize for our lack of personality for the next little while.
    --[X] Forgotten Vale Melody
    -[X] Talk to Han Jian, he did mention wanting to do some training
    --[X] Sable Crescent Step
    --[X] Apologize for the earlier awkwardness
    -[X] Cultivate on your own
    --[X] Zephyr's Breath
    --[X] (Meizhen's Tea) Zephyr's Breath
    [x] Plan Thunderdome
    [x] Meizhen's Tea, Two Red Stones, White Hart Elixer.
    -[X] Go up to the vent to cultivate with Su Ling and Li Suyin
    -[x] Physical Cultivation
    -[x] Spiritual Cultivation
    [x] Tea
    -[x] spiritual
    -[X] Cultivate on your own
    -[x] Physical Breakthrough
    [X] Plan Pill Week - Arts and Meridians
    -[X] Friends - Tell them all we are going to be heavily cultivating
    -[X] Resources - 2 Red Spirit Stones, 1 Sable Light Pill, 1 Qi Foundation Pill, 1 Channel Cleansing Pill, 1 Qi Expansion Pill, 1 Clear Wind Pill, 1 White Heart Elixer, 1 Meizhen's Tea
    -[X] Elder Su's Class - Heart Meridian
    -[X] Try for training between Han Jian's group and yours again
    --[X] Forgotten Vale Melody
    -[X] Go up to the vent to cultivate with Su Ling and Li Suyin
    --[X] Sable Crescent Step
    --[X] Bring in Han Jian and his group
    -[X] Cultivate Art - Zephyr's Breath
    -[X] Cultivate Meridian - Spine
    -[X] Meizhen's Tea - Cultivate Meridian - Arm
Reaching the next stage of cultivation is a more difficult and involved process, one where talent is even more important than normal. Once the late stage is reached, to begin the process of breaking through one must fill the experience meter as normal. However, once the meter is full the user must take special actions to unlock the next stage of cultivation.

Firstly a full action slot must be assigned to the attempt, although later breakthroughs may take a much longer time and thus more slots. During this attempt one then rolls a 1d100. To succeed you must roll under a value equal to Talent times 10, 60 in Ling Qi's case. Rolling over the target number results in a loss of experience equal to the amount rolled over.

EX: Ling Qi makes the attempt and rolls a 71. She loses 11 experience from the cultivation type she is attempting to break through on. Obviously, you must then regain the experience before attempting again

However this is not the end, each stage of cultivation requires the person in question to succeed multiple times. Twice for the second stage, three for the next, etc. Failing on successive attempts does not negate previous ones, though the experience lost must still be regained before attempting it again.

To make it even more difficult, higher cultivation stages apply a stacking -10 penalty starting at the third stage, making it more and more difficult to breakthrough.

However, the target number can be improved through various means, such as cultivation art bonuses, medicines, and rare talismans.

Such is the importance of talent. Someone with a poor talent of two or three will have incredible difficulty making it beyond the first few stages of cultivation, and even those will only come with great hardship.
Pulled this up for easy access. Well it's not like the attempt goes to waste even then. Long as you pass one of them anyways.
Are there any plans for opening an arm meridian soon? Isn't that what we need for blatantly offensive arts? I would think having an open slot for something with a bit of extra punch to go through high armor enemies would be more useful than stacking more auras on in the near term.
Are there any plans for opening an arm meridian soon? Isn't that what we need for blatantly offensive arts? I would think having an open slot for something with a bit of extra punch to go through high armor enemies would be more useful than stacking more auras on in the near term.
Check the tally one of the plans has that.
Huh, that's weird. @Arkeus, your plan isn't displaying right in the tally, but I'm not finding a bracer issue this tiem.
Plan as is in post Plan as is in tally
[X] Plan The Zephyr Will Fly
-[X] Two Red Stone, 1 Sable Light Pills, 1 Gushing Spring Pills, 1 Qi Foundation Pill, 1 Channel Cleansing Pill, 1 Qi Expansion Pill, 1 Clear Wind Pill, 1 White Hart Elixir, Meizhen's Tea
-[X] Instructor Zhou Class (Locked-In)
--[X] Warn Gui Xuilian and Han Jian that we've doing all the drugs next week, and will be worst company for the week.
--[X] Cultivate Zephyr's Breath.
-[X] Elder Su's Class (Locked-In)
--[X] Open Heart Meridian
--[X] Ask her how one would go about earning the next scroll of the Argent series, or of Zephyr's Breath. Is there anything we can do to earn them?
-[X] Go up to the vent to cultivate with Su Ling and Li Suyin
--[X] Warn them that we're going to be doing all the drugs this week, and apologize for our lack of personality for the next little while.
--[X] Forgotten Vales Melody
-[X] Talk to Han Jian, he did mention wanting to do some training
--[X] Sable Crescent Step
-[X] Cultivate on your own
--[X] Open Heart Meridian.
--[X] Open Spine Meridian.
--[X] (Meizhen's Tea) Zephyr's Breath
[X]Overflow to physical first.
[x] Plan The Zephyr Will Fly
-[X] Two Red Stone, 1 Sable Light Pills, 1 Gushing Spring Pills, 1 Qi Foundation Pill, 1 Channel Cleansing Pill, 1 Qi Expansion Pill, 1 Clear Wind Pill, 1 White Hart Elixir, Meizhen's Tea
-[X] Instructor Zhou Class (Locked-In)
--[X] Warn Gui Xuilian and Han Jian that we've doing all the drugs next week, and will be worst company for the week.
--[X] Cultivate Zephyr's Breath.
-[X] Elder Su's Class (Locked-In)
--[X] Open Heart Meridian.
--[X] Ask her how one would go about earning the next scroll of the Argent series, or of Zephyr's Breath. Is there anything we can do to earn them?
-[X] Go up to the vent to cultivate with Su Ling and Li Suyin
--[X] Warn them that we're going to be doing all the drugs this week, and apologize for our lack of personality for the next little while.
--[X] Forgotten Vales Melody
-[X] Talk to Han Jian, he did mention wanting to do some training
--[X] Sable Crescent Step
-[X] Cultivate on your own
--[X] Open Spine Meridian.
--[X] (Meizhen's Tea) Zephyr's Breath
[X]Overflow to physical first.
Your second Open Heart Meridian is missing. I mean, you should change it for reasons discussed in the thread up to this point, your plan isn't displaying right and I don't know why.

Edit Looking at hight, the tally plan is two lines shorter, so you're missing something else as well.

Edit of the edit: or maybe one, and the padding makes it look like more? I'm not going to spend to much time one this.
Edit of the edited edit: Ooh, but it could ignore Duplicate lines. Try adding an exclamation mark to one of them or something. Or not, since you know we shouldn't be doing double heart unless it's using the extra tea granted option.
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Actually, let me rephrase that. I can double up Heart by putting one heart in Tea and one heart in general, but Zephyr depends on one Zephyr roll in tea, and one in general. It can't double up on heart. @Sirrocco, you want us to cultivate multiple heart Meridians this turn? Zypher either has to give up cultivating multiple Hearts, Multiple Zephyr's, or become much less effective, losing a qi proc and overflow.

I expect that Zephyr will change one heart to one leg. I'm okay with that. If you were cultivating leg rather than arm, I'd be a lot more willing to consider changing. I'm moderately pro-Heart. I'm strongly anti-Arm.
So, huh. I don't believe that cultivating two heart meridians in two separate actions will halves the rolls... but I can understand people's worry. I am going to tentatively switch to head as it was said the archive is pretty damn big, and I think Head meridians are really really good for sensory stuff, which will probably help for stealing/ambushes, which I think fits us nicely. What do people think? @yrsillar, does cultivating two heart meridians in two different actions halves rolls?

Second, I'm going to need more people to weight in on the "apologise to Han Jian's group" subvote. I am tempted by it, but I am seeing different peopel arguing against it too, and I don't want it to be a dealbreaker.

Third, @TheLastOne, Zephyr's breath currently has +11 from pills and +5 from training partners. This won't be every weeks. A 'normal' action would be 12dices, not 28, and would bring us something like 8 successes short on average. We'd actually need to train it 3 more times if we don't train it twice this turn.

Now, another advantage of Support/Exotic art is that they cost us -5 per level. That means we can get them much higher than other art more quickly.

I am not a fan of "Let's break through in both Silver and Yellow in the same turn." This is 4 actions dedicated to it, with something like 25% odds of success... Much better to take things slowler so we don't end up wasting that much time.

And, yeah, @Vanguard_D has it right. Zephyr's breath is the art from the archive Elder Su gave us (well, the pass for). Mastering it within 3 months might mean getting a one-time pass for level 2. Or at least I am hoping for that.
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I expect that Zephyr will change one heart to one leg. I'm okay with that. If you were cultivating leg rather than arm, I'd be a lot more willing to consider changing. I'm moderately pro-Heart. I'm strongly anti-Arm.

Wouldn't help, I would lose at least two voters who are for me because they're pro-arm.
[X] Plan The Zephyr Will Fly
Adhoc vote count started by Rhydarson on May 11, 2017 at 2:55 AM, finished with 295 posts and 34 votes.

  • [x] Plan The Zephyr Will Fly
    -[X] Two Red Stone, 1 Sable Light Pills, 1 Gushing Spring Pills, 1 Qi Foundation Pill, 1 Channel Cleansing Pill, 1 Qi Expansion Pill, 1 Clear Wind Pill, 1 White Hart Elixir, Meizhen's Tea
    -[X] Instructor Zhou Class (Locked-In)
    --[X] Warn Gui Xuilian and Han Jian that we've doing all the drugs next week, and will be worst company for the week.
    --[X] Cultivate Zephyr's Breath.
    -[X] Elder Su's Class (Locked-In)
    --[X] Open Heart Meridian.
    --[X] Ask her how one would go about earning the next scroll of the Argent series, or of Zephyr's Breath. Is there anything we can do to earn them?
    -[X] Go up to the vent to cultivate with Su Ling and Li Suyin
    --[X] Warn them that we're going to be doing all the drugs this week, and apologize for our lack of personality for the next little while.
    --[X] Forgotten Vales Melody
    -[X] Talk to Han Jian, he did mention wanting to do some training
    --[X] Sable Crescent Step
    -[X] Cultivate on your own
    --[X] Open Head Meridian.
    --[X] Open Spine Meridian.
    --[X] (Meizhen's Tea) Zephyr's Breath
    [X]Overflow to physical first.
    [X] Plan do what we planned to do
    -[X] Overflow for all cultivation directed first into Physical, and once Physical fills up into Spiritual.
    -[X] Two Red Stone, 1 Sable Light Pills, 1 Gushing Spring Pills, 1 Qi Foundation Pill, 1 Channel Cleansing Pill, 1 Qi Expansion Pill, 1 Clear Wind Pill, 1 White Hart Elixir, Meizhen's Tea
    -[X] Instructor Zhou Class (Locked-In)
    --[x] Warn Gui Xuilian and Han Jian that we've doing all the drugs next week, and will be somewhat worst company for the week. Warn them if everything goes as planned we'll try to breakthrough to yellow next week, and silver the week after.
    --[X] Cultivate Zephyr's Breath.
    -[X] Elder Su's Class (Locked-In)
    --[X] Open Legs Spine
    -[X] Go up to the vent to cultivate with Su Ling and Li Suyin
    --[X] Warn them and Meizhen that we're going to be doing all the drugs this week, and apologize for our lack of personality for the next little while. Warn them if everything goes as planned we'll try to breakthrough to yellow next week, and silver the week after.
    --[X] Forgotten Vales Melody
    -[X] Talk to Han Jian, he did mention wanting to do some training
    --[X] Sable Crescent Step
    -[X] Cultivate on your own
    --[X] Open Heart Meridian.
    --[X] Open Arms Meridian.
    --[X] (Meizhen's Tea) Open Meridian Heart.
    [X] Plan All The Drugs
    -[X] Two Red Stone, 1 Sable Light Pills, 1 Gushing Spring Pills, 1 Qi Foundation Pill, 1 Channel Cleansing Pill, 1 Qi Expansion Pill, 1 Clear Wind Pill, 1 White Hart Elixir, Meizhen's Tea
    -[X] Instructor Zhou Class (Locked-In)
    --[X] Warn Gui Xuilian and Han Jian that we've doing all the drugs next week, and will be worst company for the week.
    --[X] Cultivate Physical.
    -[X] Elder Su's Class (Locked-In)
    --[X] Open Heart Meridian.
    --[X] Ask her how one would go about earning the next scrool of the Argent series, or of Zephyr's Breath.
    -[X] Go up to the vent to cultivate with Su Ling, Li Suyin, and Bai Meizhen
    --[X] Warn them that we're going to be doing all the drugs this week, and apologize for our lack of personality for the next little while.
    --[X] Forgotten Vale Melody
    -[X] Talk to Han Jian, he did mention wanting to do some training
    --[X] Sable Crescent Step
    --[X] Apologize for the earlier awkwardness
    -[X] Cultivate on your own
    --[X] Zephyr's Breath
    --[X] (Meizhen's Tea) Zephyr's Breath
    [x] Plan Thunderdome
    [x] Meizhen's Tea, Two Red Stones, White Hart Elixer.
    -[X] Go up to the vent to cultivate with Su Ling and Li Suyin
    -[x] Physical Cultivation
    -[x] Spiritual Cultivation
    [x] Tea
    -[x] spiritual
    -[X] Cultivate on your own
    -[x] Physical Breakthrough
    [X] Plan Pill Week - Arts and Meridians
    -[X] Friends - Tell them all we are going to be heavily cultivating
    -[X] Resources - 2 Red Spirit Stones, 1 Sable Light Pill, 1 Qi Foundation Pill, 1 Channel Cleansing Pill, 1 Qi Expansion Pill, 1 Clear Wind Pill, 1 White Heart Elixer, 1 Meizhen's Tea
    -[X] Elder Su's Class - Heart Meridian
    -[X] Try for training between Han Jian's group and yours again
    --[X] Forgotten Vale Melody
    -[X] Go up to the vent to cultivate with Su Ling and Li Suyin
    --[X] Sable Crescent Step
    --[X] Bring in Han Jian and his group
    -[X] Cultivate Art - Zephyr's Breath
    -[X] Cultivate Meridian - Spine
    -[X] Meizhen's Tea - Cultivate Meridian - Arm
    -[X] Two Red Stone, 1 Sable Light Pills, 1 Gushing Spring Pills, 1 Qi Foundation Pill, 1 Channel Cleansing Pill, 1 Qi Expansion Pill, 1 Clear Wind Pill, 1 White Hart Elixir, Meizhen's Tea
    -[X] Instructor Zhou Class (Locked-In)
    --[X] Warn Gui Xuilian and Han Jian that we've doing all the drugs next week, and will be worst company for the week.
    --[X] Cultivate Zephyr's Breath.
    -[X] Elder Su's Class (Locked-In)
    --[X] Open Heart Meridian.
    --[X] Ask her how one would go about earning the next scroll of the Argent series, or of Zephyr's Breath. Is there anything we can do to earn them?
    -[X] Go up to the vent to cultivate with Su Ling and Li Suyin
    --[X] Warn them that we're going to be doing all the drugs this week, and apologize for our lack of personality for the next little while.
    --[X] Forgotten Vales Melody
    -[X] Talk to Han Jian, he did mention wanting to do some training
    --[X] Sable Crescent Step
    -[X] Cultivate on your own
    --[X] Open Spine Meridian.
    --[X] (Meizhen's Tea) Zephyr's Breath
    [X]Overflow to physical first.{/td}
@Arkeus - I think it's entirely reasonable to apologize to both. We dragged essentially all of our friends into it, and it was a lousy experience for all involved. I'd just thought it was more important to apologize to Han Jian's group. Still, it's true that our wilderness buddies deserve an apology too.

I will note something about this game. Social ability is limited. If you want to see what high social looks like in this world, watch Han Jian and Gu Xiulan double-team Fan Yu. They can eventually get him to agree to basically anything, and then get him to calm down about it afterwards. He knows it, he resents it a bit, but they can.

This is a couple of high-social characters who have specializations and particular advantages in manipulating Fan Yu, and even for them, two-on-one, it takes a bit of time and effort. Not only do we not have the social skills necessary to convince all of our friends to conveniently be friends with one another, the level of social skills necessary for that (ie, the sort of low-budget mind control you can get with very high diplomacy checks in D&D) doesn't exist in this world. Getting them to be friends with one another isn't going to happen - and part of apologizing is trying to salvage some of the damage we did by promising not to do it again.

Worth noting - the last turn was the result of a *successful* social check. We got the people to do the thing they didn't ant to do even though they didn't want to do it. At the end, though, we could only change how they acted, not what they wanted, and it cost us.
@Sirrocco I completely agree... But it seems like it is a dealbreaker for some other voters, so I'd like to have some input about this from them before committing.

Apart from that, are you against the switch from second Heart meridian to Head meridian I have edited in? Given the first floor apparently has 100+ techniques, it seems very likely we'll find one that suits ourself, and I think Head is very, very likely to have something that has synergy with our build.
I'll also say that I'm not totally sold on head arts if only because we get head effects from a bunch of our heart arts already, or could. FVM gives us the ability to see in the dark. Flowing Blood Art would give us the ability to sense people through their blood. I have a feeling that once we start stacking heart arts, we'll be doing pretty well for local battlefield awareness.

I'd think leg, if only because we know we'll want that at some point when SCS upgrades.

On the other hand, if what you want is a more long-ranged detection ability, then I suppose that Head is the way to go there. Is that what you're looking for?
Yeah, I'd say the level of success we got is probably good enough that there won't be any long term hard feelings as long as we don't push the envelope, but we should take the hint that you need to have a real slick tongue to make fire and water coexist.

Anyway, I'd actually be in favor of a Spine Meridian if we have a choice in the matter, I bet that SCS will later need one when we get into the real exotic manifestations.
On the other hand, if what you want is a more long-ranged detection ability, then I suppose that Head is the way to go there. Is that what you're looking for?
I was looking for either long range, making it easier later on to switch to bow maybe or magical type of sight so we can do things like notice places that are hidden by formation like Argent Vent, or even be able to counter formations of other disciples in order to steal their stuffs.
Anyway, I'd actually be in favor of a Spine Meridian if we have a choice in the matter, I bet that SCS will later need one when we get into the real exotic manifestations.
All current plans have Spine Meridian.
@Arkeus I have forgotten, what do head arts do again?
I'm actually not finding the quote anymore, so if someone else can find it it would be great, but it's iirc sense-heavy. I think it buff mental capacities and sensory capacities.
*shrug* You cant please all the voters and in this case apologizing for a social screw up is the right thing to do.
Fair enough. Tentatively adding this:
-[] Apologise to Su Ling and Li Suyin about pressuring them into training with the other group and make it obvious to Li Suyin our friendship is not conditional on her doing this.
-[] Apologise to Han Jian, Gu Xiulan and co about bringing up to the training people that clashed with the group's cohesiveness.

If there is better wording, do tell. If people don't agree, do tell.
While it's not my vote either way, I'm not pro-apologizing. Gu Xiulan had been asking to meet our other friends, pushed us a bit even, and we introduced them in about the easiest possible setting, and she immediately took the opportunity to take a swipe at them. If we apologize at that point, we're undermining ourselves.

Suyin and Su Ling both benefited, and I got the impression Su Ling was satisfied with what she got out of it. She didn't go in expecting to be liked and she wasn't, but she picked up some things she liked and refined her techniques a bit and seemed satisfied.

Only Suyin was both pressured, left feeling down about it, and having good cause for it. So she's the only one I would apologize to. Remember, apologies aren't free here, they come with at least a little social obligation. Lets not hand that our, please?
Very Good points about Gu Xiulan and Su Ling. Yeah, I'll switch to only apologising to Li Suyin.
I am for apologizing.
We really barely scrapped by here, and should apologize in both groups.

I am only glad we did not bring everyone together to the vents.

One quote about meridians, I am pretty sure there was another but I couldn't find it:

"She was able to join the other half of the class then, which instead of being focused on awakening was instead focused on achieving the opening of new meridians. Which left Ling Qi with a choice. She would need to decide what to work on first. According to the lessons she could choose either one of her limbs, her spine, or her heart to begin with. Meridians in the legs were primarily used for movement techniques. The arms were best for offensive techniques and energy projection. Spinal meridians were best used for techniques which enhanced or modified the self, and the heart meridians were best used for techniques which created various effects in a field around the user."

[X] Plan The Zephyr Will Fly
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